Kevin Ireland
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Kevin Ireland

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 23 Sep 2015 | 18,739 contributions | 350 thank-yous | 3,541 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
My specialty is genetic genealogy, especially Y-DNA and AncestryDNA testing. While I will help anyone at no charge, I may not have time to assist unless we share a common ancestor.
Kevin M. Ireland
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [private brother (1960s - unknown)], and [half]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Kevin Ireland private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 23 Sep 2015
This page has been accessed 2,906 times.



Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added 179 connections.
Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 216 connections.
This profile is part of the Ireland Name Study.
This profile is part of the McCool Name Study.
Kevin Ireland is a member of the Ireland Name Study Project.
Kevin Ireland is a member of the McCool Name Study Project.
Kevin Ireland is a member of the Sollenberger Name Study Project.
Kevin Ireland is a member of the Hodges Name Study Project.

I was born in Boston in the early 1960s to an Ireland-surname father and Lewis mother; my father is living as of March 2023. I grew up in Michigan and have lived in Atlanta, GA since about 1984.

I've been a very active genealogy researcher since about 2015. My special focus is using AncestryDNA and Y-DNA tests to support or exclude conclusions made using traditional genealogy research.

DNA and Confirmation

Paternal line: Big Y-700 test

Kevin's Big Y-700 test results are available in FTDNA kit# B103907. As of Mar 2023, he's one of the three Ireland-surname tested men in the world in an R1a subclade, all of whom match. His current haplogroup is R-BY169453, a subclade of R-Z284, R-L448, and R-CTS4179. His direct paternal line is believed to descend from Vikings who colonized Scotland, Ireland, and Northern England.

One of his Y-DNA matches has tested at Y-500; they have a GD of 3 at Y-111. His final match is Y-25; all three men match at GD 0 at that level. All three men trace their lines back to the greater-Belfast area in the mid-1700s, but the exact relationship between them is unknown. Each of the three lines are well-supported individually by AncestryDNA tests.

These Y-DNA tests don't confirm individual ancestors, because we haven't found the connection between the three lines. However, the tests DO appear to confirm the Ireland-surname on each of the three lines back to Ulster in the 1700s.

Paternal lines: AncestryDNA tests

Kevin, Kevin's father, 3 aunts, and many of his father's first, second, third, and fourth cousins have all taken AncestryDNA tests. Results support all of our known relationships.

  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Kevin Ireland and G Ireland, his father (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Parent, based on sharing 3455 cM across 27 segments.

Father: Kevin and his father, Ireland-1573, match on AncestryDNA with 3455cM, confirming their relationship.

Paternal grandparents: Kevin's father, Ireland-1573, and Kevin's aunt, Ireland-3468, match on AncestryDNA with 2898cM, confirming that they are full-siblings. This confirms that Harry Ireland and Clarease (Nichols) Ireland are Kevin's paternal grandparents.

Paternal grandfather's parents: Kevin's father, Ireland-1573, and his father's Ireland first-cousin, Ireland-3515, match on AncestryDNA at 760cM, confirming that they are full first-cousins. This confirms the relationship of Kevin to two of his great-grandparents, William Matthewson Ireland (1875-1959) and Eva May (Wright) Ireland (1879-1934)

Paternal grandmother's parents: Kevin's father, Ireland-1573, and his father's Nichols first-cousin, Bowers-7436, match on AncestryDNA at 937cM, confirming that they are full first-cousins. This confirms the relationship of Kevin to two of his great-grandparents, Clinton Wakefield Nichols (1885-1964) and Grace Annis (Gwartney) Nichols (1889-1983).

Maternal line: Big Y-700 test

Kevin's Lewis first cousin's Big Y-700 test is FTDNA kit# 890293. As of October 2020, his terminal haplogroup is I-L1272, a subclade of I-M223. He has a total of six Y-DNA matches (one Y-25, four Y-37, and one Y-111); all carry the Lewis surname. His Y-111 match has a GD of 7. The link between the men is not known, so while this confirms an unbroken Lewis line since at least the 1500s, it doesn't confirm our specific ancestors yet.

I-L1272 is considered to be an old line. We hope to have at least one of his matches upgrade their test to narrow down where the Lewis lines split.

Maternal line: AncestryDNA tests

Kevin's mother, uncle, and many of his mother's first, second, third, and fourth cousins have all taken AncestryDNA tests. Results support all of our known relationships - including Lewis back to the mid-1700s.

  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Kevin Ireland and Carolyn (Lewis) Kordt, his mother (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Parent, based on sharing 3438 cM across 32 segments.

Maternal grandparents: Kevin's mother, Lewis-26465, and Kevin's uncle, Lewis-42454, match on AncestryDNA with 2345cM, confirming that they are full-siblings. This confirms that Gilbert Lewis Sr and Margie (Hevenor) Lewis are Kevin's maternal grandparents.

Maternal grandfather's parents: Kevin's mother, Lewis-26465, and his mother's Lewis first-cousin, Bergquist-171, match on AncestryDNA at 1021cM, confirming that they are full first-cousins. This confirms the relationship of Kevin to two of his great-grandparents, Archibald Heber Lewis (1870-1955) and Bessie Hastings (Williams) Lewis (1870-1928).

Maternal grandmother's parents: Kevin's mother, Lewis-26465, and his mother's Hevenor first-cousin, Klein-6076, match on AncestryDNA at 902cM, confirming that they are full first-cousins. This confirms the relationship of Kevin to two of his great-grandparents, Winfield Scott Hevenor (1875-1972) and Lillian Fredericka (Reineck) Hevenor (1874-1959).

Maternal line: mtDNA

Kevin's maternal second cousin, who strongly matches all of our extended family on AncestryDNA, has taken an mtDNA test. Although we track our common direct maternal line back about 8 generations, there are no known other testers within a genealogical period. Therefore, these results neither support nor disprove our current understanding of our family line.

AncestryDNA Studies

AncestryDNA Matches Among Siblings

This study analyzes the amount of DNA (and matches) shared by several small sets of siblings.

Active Research Projects - Paternal Line

I'm probably working on too many things at once, but here are some of them.

Ireland Surname Study

Unfortunately, WikiTree directs the tag Ireland to country information and provides no way to tag the Ireland surname. I'm technically the leader of the WikiTree Ireland surname one-name study but without a way to direct people to it I've invested very little time outside of my own line.

McCool Name Study

Wright, Wilson, Hodges, and Allied Families through Hart Co KY

Descendants of Thomas Hodges and Susannah Bomar

Although we don't know the parents of my ancestor Elizabeth (Hodges) Wright (abt.1825-1870), we believe she is the granddaughter of Thomas and Susannah. The goal of this project is to identify the connection.

Active Research Projects - Maternal Line

Lewis Name Study - Y Haplogroup I-L1272

We had great results from a Big Y-700 test from my Lewis maternal first cousin. He had multiple matches all with Lewis-surname men. It appears that we descend from a Lewis line that lived in southeast England in the 1500s.

Kevin's Free Spaces on WikiTree

Note that many of these are under construction; some are duplicative.

To Do List

I keep track of a variety of genealogy tasks on my To Do List.

Semi-Private Database Information

Genealogy Database Details


I have access to extensive written genealogies on my mother's side:

1) A Lewis Genealogy: the record of 12 generations of the Lewis direct lineage from John Lewis I of Bossenden-in-Blean, Kent, England

2) The ancestors and descendants of Ebenezer and Martha Porter Williams of Painesville, OH

I also have very well-researched genealogies on my father's side:

1) Descendants of Robert Ireland, born in Belfast in 1765.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Kevin's formal name
  • full middle name (M.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
  • private siblings' names
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Kevin Ireland's full information you must be on Kevin's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
  • Kevin Ireland: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 700 markers, haplogroup R-BY169453, FTDNA kit #B103907
Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Kevin Ireland: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup H16a1
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Kevin: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 25

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Hi Kevin. Do you have information regarding the Carl Ritzmann family of Witt Co., ILL? Thanks.
posted by Matt Boisen
Matt, Carl is my father's third cousin. My family matches on AncestryDNA to living descendants of two of his siblings. Please private message me with details of what you're trying to find.
posted by Kevin Ireland

Thank you for participating in the July Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3291 profiles added! That's 114 more than in April. We couldn't have done it without you.

Hope to see you in October for the Source-a-Thon!

Dorothy and Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak

Thanks for again joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the July 2024 Connect-a-Thon! We start on Friday, July 19th, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, July 22, at 8 a.m. Eastern.

Our team page is here:

Chat page on G2G: A link to the tracker for this thon will also be posted there as soon as it's available.

Participation instructions are here:

Schedule for the video hangouts during the Thon:

The Southern Super Sweepers Discord channel:

Dorothy & Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers Team

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak


Registration for the July 2024 Connect-a-Thon is open until midnight (EDT) July 17.

We'd love to have you join the Southern Super Sweepers again! To register, go to the link above and comment under the answer for the Southern Super Sweepers (usually on the second page of the post)

Dorothy and Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak

Thank you for participating in the April Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3177 profiles added! That's 473 more than in January. We couldn't have done it without you.

You can choose either of these stickers to put on your profile:

Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon.
Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added ### connections.

Hope to see you in July!

Dorothy and Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak

Leslie, Thanks for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon! We start on Friday, April 12, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, April 15, at 8 a.m. Eastern.

Participation instructions are here:

Our team page is here:

Our G2G chat post:

The Southern Super Sweepers Discord channel:

A link to the points tracker for this thon will also be posted on the team page, the chat page, and our discord channel as soon as it's active.

Schedule for the video hangouts during the Thon:

Share a connecting selfie here:


Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon.
Kevin Ireland participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added number connections.

See you there! Nan, Co-Captain, Southern Super Sweepers

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak

Just a reminder, Connect-a-Thon registration closes midnight EDT, Wednesday, April 10. We'd love to have you back with the Southern Super Sweepers!

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Hi, Kevin! We'd love to have you join the Southern Super Sweepers again for the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon. This Connect-a-Thon runs from Friday, January 19 at 8 a.m. EST, through Monday, January 22, at 8 a.m. EST.

The registration post on G2G is here: Comment on the answer for Southern Super Sweepers. Registration closes at midnight, EST, Wednesday January 17.

Hope to see you there! Nan, Co-Captain

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Thanks, Nan. I'm already number 6 on the Jan 2024 Southern Super Sweepers team roster.
posted by Kevin Ireland
edited by Kevin Ireland
I am related to a John A. and a James R. McCool.My grandfather was Edward Lee McCool and his father was James R. McCool , his mother was Mary E. McAdams and she was a Cherokee Indian. Would love to see any photos of my ancestors if there are any.
posted by Barbara McCool
I am searching for information on a John McCool born abt. 1765 and died between 1840 and 1850. I was told he and his brothers whom I don't know the names of , came from Ireland to America prior to the American Revolution. One of his children was Benjamin McCool (this ismy great great great grandfather) I was told he died in Richmond, TN. I would love to see a picture of him if possible. My email is : [email address removed] Thank you for any help.
posted by Barbara McCool
Hi Barbara, we have many John and Benjamin McCools. You may be talking about John B McCool (c1763-c1850). He had a son Benjamin (c1805 TN-c1870 Robertson Co TN). We think Benjamin married a woman named Margaret (1802 NC-?) and that their children included James A McCool, John A McCool, Archibald E McCool, Sarah McCool, David McCool, and perhaps Bettie McCool (all born in TN). Does this sound like your family?

Who are your McCool-line/descendant grandparents? If you can comment or message me with their full names and as much as you know/guess about their birth/death dates/places, I probably have detailed information about your line of descent.


posted by Kevin Ireland
Thank you for adding information to the profile of Allen Wright after merging a duplicate profile and working on his biography. It is wonderful to share information and have multiple sources to review. I appreciate the notes you made about his name. Likewise, I am only aware of records using the name, Allen Wright.

Best Wishes.

posted by Allen Brown
Thanks, Allen. Your WikiTree work (and work on other platforms) has been very helpful.
posted by Kevin Ireland

Thanks for your contributions to the Johnson Name Study. Feel free to use our template. I also have a Johnson brick wall. It is like finding a piece of hay in a haystack!

Please let me know if I can help in any way.


posted by Paula J
Hi Kevin! :) Thanks for joining the Hodge(s) Name Study! We share a DNA match on one of my GEDmatch kits. I'm going to PM you more info about this and on your comments to the Hodge(s) Name Study page and my free space Hodges in Grainger County, Tennessee. It will probably be a long email and I apologize in advance.


posted by Greta Moody
Thanks for showing Scotland as one of your interests. If you haven’t yet done so, please join the Scotland project via the G-2-G topic. I hope you get a great deal of pleasure collaborating with colleagues in this great project. If you have any questions or wish any advice either send me a private message or email me.
Hi Kevin

Thanks  for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz

As Pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects coordinating them is essential. Please ensure there is a location and that the location data matches dates of profiles, avoid abbreviations, add citations & links for sources to support the data, please review these pages   Reliable Pre-1700 Sources  and   Help Sources   for Pre-1700

The United States Project and its subprojects for each state, would be of interest. Adding the tag UNITED_STATES will connect you  Follow this link for  your tags

Explore Pre-1700 Projects list to find one that fits your research focus.

Questions ask Here  To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.     

Janet~Pre-1700 Greeter

PS Links not working, click them in your comment box on your profile page

Hi Kevin,

I see that you have had your DNA tested, congratulations! Getting Started with DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.

To be able to add names, you will need to upgrade. You can do this from your Upgrade page. Just answer the five questions, e.g. who you want to communicate with, if others can see your family tree, what surnames, locations, or topics interest you, etc, and click on the green box that says "Upgrade”.

Upgrading just means you will work on your ancestors to help us achieve our goal of joining all individual family trees into one global family tree.

I hope this helps! To contact me, log in to WikiTree and go to your profile. Use the ‘Reply’ link below my comment to be sure that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment on my profile page.

Take care

Cheryl ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that others found very helpful. I hope that you will too.


Thank you for signing the Honor code. Collabaration, accurate information and good sources are the basis for a great WikiTree.



How are you? I'm Shirley, a WikiTree Mentor. Hope you're enjoying our site.

How To Use WikiTree is a good starting point, and the Help Index is an important place to find out how to do most tasks.

If you have pre-1700's ancestors to add please read our Pre-1700 profiles info. Do you have Royal Ancestors? Rather than create duplicate profiles for them, please contact the EuroAristo Project to discuss connecting your family line to their profiles.

And I'm here to help too, just ask!

Shirley ~ WikiTree Mentor

Glad you Volunteered!

You are now a member of WikiTree! Please help us build one Collaborative Global Family Tree, which means only one profile per person. It's important that no duplicates are created and profiles are properly sourced- if you have pre-1700's ancestors to add please read our Pre-1700 profiles info.

To help you get started, view this introductory WikiTree video.

For a list of Member benefits, see Community Members page.

We also have Mentors who will be glad to answer questions.


posted by Marie (Maggard) Allen
I'm researching quite a few family lines and have over 1,000 detailed records, most of which I've been able to independently confirm with census and other factual sites.

I agree with the WikiTree mission and 9 rules.

posted by Kevin Ireland
Hello Kevin,

Welcome as a guest to WikiTree! We're growing a worldwide family tree, striving for ONE collaborative profile per person.

To Start: 1. Our Honour Code is a very important part of why our community is such a friendly place to grow your family tree so please take some time to read it.

2. Feel free to ask a Question at our G2G Forum. Our help pages, menu top right - have very useful information.

Want to join us? Click the volunteer Button and leave a message here on your profile saying that you would like to contribute. - 

Happy Hunting,


posted by Jess Wallace

This week's featured connections have Italian roots: Kevin is 18 degrees from Frank Sinatra, 25 degrees from Pasquale Aleardi, 22 degrees from Lucrezia Borgia, 18 degrees from Frank Russell Capra, 21 degrees from Stefano Casiraghi, 27 degrees from Guy Lombardo, 26 degrees from Sofia Loren, 17 degrees from Guglielmo Marconi, 25 degrees from Pope Urban VIII Barberini, 17 degrees from Umberto di Savoia, 16 degrees from Martin Scorsese and 18 degrees from Rudolph Valentino on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

I  >  Ireland  >  Kevin Ireland

Categories: Y-DNA Haplogroup R-BY169453 | Ireland Name Study | McCool Name Study