Philippus Janse van Rensburg
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Philippus Rudolf Janse van Rensburg (1846 - 1922)

Philippus Rudolf Janse van Rensburg
Born in Riversdal, Cape Colonymap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 7 Jun 1867 in Ficksburg, Oranje Vrijstaat [South Africa]map
Husband of — married 4 Oct 1888 in Ladybrand, Oranje Vrijstaat [South Africa]map
Husband of — married 30 Mar 1908 in Lindley, Orange Free State, South Africamap
Descendants descendants
Died at age 76 in Lindley, Orange Free State, South Africamap
Problems/Questions Profile managers: Willa Truter private message [send private message] and Henlo du Preez private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 6 May 2012
This page has been accessed 672 times.
Image Soldiers Anglo Boer War
Philippus Janse van Rensburg was part of the Anglo Boer War (1899 -1902)
Join: Anglo Boer War-Anglo Boere Oorlog 1899-1902 Project
South African Flag
Philippus Janse van Rensburg is genealogies verbind aan Suid Afrika /is genealogically connected to South Africa



Philippus Janse van Rensburg ... [1]

Events in Philippus Rudolf's life: 1846 Birth Apr 20 1846 1846 Age <1 Baptism Riversdale, South Africa July 12 1846 1867 Age 21 Marriage to: Cornelia Susanna Janse van Rensburg (born de Melander) June 7 1867 1868 Age 22 Birth of son: Barend Daniel Janse van Rensburg Apr 27 1868 1869 Age 22 Birth of son: Hermanus Izak Johannes Janse van Rensburg Jan 19 1869 1871 Age 25 Birth of daughter: Catharina Elizabeth Janse van Rensburg Sep 30 1871 1873 Age 27 Birth of daughter: Jacoba Elizabeth Potgieter (born Janse van Rensburg) Lindley, South Africa Nov 5 1873 1875 Age 29 Birth of daughter: Cornelia Susanna Janse van Rensburg Aug 19 1875 1877 Age 31 Birth of son: Philippus Rudolf Janse van Rensburg Nov 14 1877 1878 Age 32 Death of son: Barend Daniel Janse van Rensburg Dec 17 1878 1880 Age 33 Birth of daughter: Barbara Christina Janse van Rensburg Jan 12 1880 1881 Age 35 Birth of son: Barend Daniel Janse van Rensburg Dec 2 1881 1883 Age 37 Death of daughter: Cornelia Susanna Janse van Rensburg July 19 1883 1885 Age 38 Birth of daughter: Cornelia Susanna de Wet (born Janse van Rensburg) South Africa Mar 21 1885 1888 Age 42 Birth of son: Izak de Melander Janse van Rensburg May 14 1888 His mother died giving birth to him 1888 Age 42 Death of wife: Cornelia Susanna Janse van Rensburg (born de Melander) May 14 1888 1888 Age 42 Marriage to: Johanna Catharina Maria Janse van Rensburg (born Smit) Oct 4 1888 1890 Age 44 Death of daughter: Barbara Christina Janse van Rensburg Aug 6 1890 1891 Age 45 Marriage of daughter: Jacoba Elizabeth Potgieter (born Janse van Rensburg) to Gerhardus Daniel "Gert" Potgieter Lindley, South Africa May 5 1891 1901 Age 55 Birth of daughter: Lina Gertruida Janse van Rensburg Oct 1 1901 1907 Age ‎~61‏ Marriage of daughter: Cornelia Susanna de Wet (born Janse van Rensburg) to Hermanus Gerhardus de Wet Lindley, South Africa 1907 1907 Age 61 Death of wife: Johanna Catharina Maria Janse van Rensburg (born Smit) Nov 19 1907 1908 Age 61 Marriage to: Maria Magdalena Janse van Rensburg (born Brink) Mar 30 1908 Birth of daughter: Unknown Janse van Rensburg Residence Van Dijks Kraal Lindley 1909 Age 62 Birth of son: Johannes Jacobus Janse van Rensburg Apr 2 1909 1918 Age 72 Death of daughter: Jacoba Elizabeth Potgieter (born Janse van Rensburg) Petrus Steyn, South Africa Dec 18 1918 1922 Age 76 Death Aug 21 1922

POW Record

Age 56
Where Captured KROONSTAD
When Captured 1902/01/11
Country Indië
Ship (To) Onbekend
Ship (Back)
POW Number 28381


Wife:Cornelia Susanna De Mulander [2]


Philippus Rudolph Janse van Rensburg [2]


  1. Entered by Willa Truter, May 6, 2012
  2. 2.0 2.1 Added by Jo Fourie, 19 May 2017

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Janse van Rensburg-1024 and Janse van Rensburg-49 appear to represent the same person because: Same Details
posted by Norman Johnson
Merge of Janse van Rensburg-1024 and Janse van Rensburg-49 Completed
posted by Norman Johnson
Warnings in WikiTree: Error 931 ProjectBox Without Project Account

Would you be so kind as to add the Anglo Boer War management to this profile or if you would prefer not to then remove the Project box from the Bios as it is causing an error in WikiTree

This is how you can add the Project Profile as manager: 1.Click the Privacy tab on these South African profiles. 2. In the Add to Trusted List section, enter: [email address removed] and press Add this Person 3. To add the Anglo Boer War Project as manager: In the Trusted List section, press Add as Manager. Thanks in advance

Please add [email address removed] to the trusted list
posted by Norman Johnson
Janse van Rensburg-1024 and Janse van Rensburg-49 are not ready to be merged because: Names repeat in families - I think we need to be very sure before we actually merge - what actual documents is available on profile 1024 to be compared with what I have for profil 49? There is similarities, but then I have a lot of profiles that the names and even wife names are the same .. but then the kids are different, the parents are different .. so I truly think before we simply merge we have to make sure.
Janse van Rensburg-1024 and Janse van Rensburg-49 appear to represent the same person because: Appear to have same wife.
posted by Jo Fourie

Acadian heritage connections: Philippus is 26 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 23 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 21 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 23 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 20 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 23 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 23 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 23 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 20 degrees from Mary Travers and 23 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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Categories: Anglo Boer War-Anglo Boere Oorlog 1899-1902 | Bhim Tal Camp, India