When James Hardie Jenkins was born on July 22, 1822, in Laurieston, Stirlingshire, Scotland, his father, John, was 22 and his mother, Helen, was 27. He married Jeanett Laird and they had ten children together. He also had one son and one daughter with Marion Saunders.
In the 1861 census James (age 39) was in Whitburn, Linlithgowshire (West Lothian), Scotland.[1]
In the 1870 census James (age 47) was in Utah, Utah Territory, United States.[2][3]
In the 1880 census James (age 57) was the married head of household in Goshen, Utah, Utah Territory, United States.[4][5]
He died on February 13, 1891, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the age of 68, and was buried in Goshen, Utah.
↑ "Scotland Census, 1861," database, (FamilySearch Record: VBHX-CJL : accessed 13 July 2022), James Jenkins (39) in Whitburn, Linlithgowshire (West Lothian), Scotland; citing p. 10, PRO RG 9, The National Archives UK, Kew, Surrey; FHL microfilm 103,920.
James Jenkins M 39 Coal Miner Stirlingshire
Janet Jenkins F 40 Stirlingshire
John Jenkins M 17 Coal Miner Stirlingshire
Charles Jenkins M 15 Coal Miner Lanarkshire
Henry Jenkins M 2 Lanarkshire
Jane Jenkins F 13 Scholar Lanarkshire
Ellen Jenkins F 10 Scholar Stirlingshire
Janet Jenkins F 8
Elizabeth Jenkins F 0 Linlithgowshire (West Lothian)
↑ "United States Census, 1870," database with images, (FamilySearch Record: MNCB-HPS : accessed 13 July 2022) FamilySearch Image: S3HY-DZ4W-DD6 Image number 00446, James H Jenkins (47) head of household in Utah, Utah Territory, United States; citing Page: 11; Affiliate Publication Number: M593; Line: 29; FHL microfilm: 000553111; Record number: 16283;.
James H Jenkins M 47 Scotland
Jeanette Jenkins F 49 Scotland
John Jenkins M 26 Scotland
Charles Jenkins M 24 Scotland
Henry Jenkins M 10 Scotland
Elizabeth Jenkins F 8 Scotland
↑ 1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publication M593, 1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. [1]
↑ "United States Census, 1880," database with images, (FamilySearch Record: MNSL-XYW : accessed 13 July 2022) FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9YBR-VS Image number 00680, James Jenkins (57), married head of household in Goshen, Utah, Utah Territory, United States. Born in Scotland; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm
James Jenkins M 57 Married Head Farmer Scotland
Janet Jenkins F 59 Married Wife Keeping House Scotland
↑ Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. [2]
Marriage: "Scotland Marriages, 1561-1910," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XY7X-4Q4 : 10 February 2018), James Jenkins and Janet Laird, 01 Oct 1842; citing Polmont,Stirling,Scotland, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,041,955.
"Name: James Jenkins; Spouse's Name: Janet Laird; Event Date: 01 Oct 1842; Event Place: Polmont, Stirling, Scotland."
Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Births [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2001 [3]
Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Deaths [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2001. [4]
Heritage Consulting. The Millennium File. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Heritage Consulting. [5]
Registers of Officers and Enlisted Men Mustered into Federal Military or Naval Service during the Civil War. Series A0389 (6 volumes). New York (State). Bureau of Military Statistics. New York State Archives, Albany, New York. [6]
Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records, 1908-1949. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. [7]
Esshom, Frank Elwood. Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Co., 1913. page 960 [9]
Department of Health, Office of Vital Records and Statistics. Death Certificates, 1904-1961. Series 81448. Utah State Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah. [10]
Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1937. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. (Child - F. Annie) [11]
I, James Jenkins do give a history of my life as near as I recollect and also my birth on the testimony of my father and mother. I was born in Lauriestown in the Parish of Falkirk and Shire of Stirling in Scotland in the year 1822, July 22.
My Father's name Is John Jenkins and my mother is Helen Hardie. My Father is a collier or under ground worker. There was at times he left it and labored above the ground, but he mostly he rought at the coal trade. I did not stop much with my father and mother, but I was brought up with my grandfather and my aunt, this was my mother's father and sister. My grandmother died when I was a young child and they took me and brought me up till I was able to work. The name of my grandfather was Hendry Hardie and my aunts name is Susan Hardie.
The first place I went to work as near as I mind was at a brick field about 2 or 3 miles north of Lauriestown. I wroth two summers at this place. The second summer after being done with the carrying of brick, I engaged with a farmer about a mile below Lauriestown. He went under the name of Captain Duncan. I stayed with him about three months and I got one pound of a fee. I left him altho he wanted me to engage with him again and I engaged with one the name of James Hardie for one pound 10/ for six months. It was a inn about half way between Falkirk and Stirling. I do not mind the name of the inn but they had a farm. Also I did not stop my time out for one of the sons, even the one that feed me, he and I could not agree and he bate me. And one of the times that he give me a bating, I left them. My aunt Susan Hardie went and got the most of my fee from them. Although she had the same name of Hardie, they were not friends.
After I came home, I took very sore eyes and did not work any for about three months. While I was goin about, the servant of John Simpson, farmer in the ahas of earth, came up to Lauriestown and engaged me to his master. I went home to my place and I stoped with him about fifteen months. They were very good to me. While I was there, I hurded the rye and stumped the boiler bound shaves behan the strearers. I learned to cut hay with the servant man and many other things. Also while I was there I took a thought about being religious and would liked to have been beside some who would help me to follow it out. But it went away out my head again and I after that did many things that was unrighteous which I hope the Lord has forgiving me.
The next place I went to was a place called Bow-for-Nought about two or three miles east of Stirling close on the links of Forth. The name of my master was Thomas Asan. I stayed with him a year. I learned to hold pue thire and do many other things. I laft him and went to serve with Robert Simpson farmer in the ahas of earth brother to John Simpson and next farm I stoped with him half a year. This place was about six miles north from Lauriestown.
The next place I went to was with a farmer whose name Wnare Boyd about four miles south from Lauriestown. I stayed with him six months. He wanted me to engage with him again, but I left him and went home and stayed with my ant who was married by this time to a man the name of Alexander Gibb. I stayed with her a few weeks only. When with her I wrought with my father in a coal pit about two miles south of where we stayed, but my father removed to a place called Middlerigg close by the pit where we worked in and I went and stoped along with him. We was out along thire when the pit went done and we removed west to Gawyards, a place about a mil east of airdrie. We wrought thire about five months and then removed to Barleyside about three mils south of Falkirk. We wrough to the Carron Company. I stoped about one year when I got married to a young lass the name of Jenet Laird. Her father and mother was both dade. She resided in Stellhall about three mils south of Falkirk, so I went stoped thire along with her. She had a child shortly after we was married. It was a girle but was dade born and was buried in Falkirk in the old church yard. Also, in January the 17, 1844 she give birth to a boye and I caled him after my father, John Jenkins.
My father removed from Barleyside beside me. I laft thire after having stayed about three years and went weat to a place called Watstown. stoped thire about 10 weeks then removed to a place called Black Tongue. I stoped from 1 to 2 years,thire. While we was thire, Janet, my wife, had another child. I called him Charles L. Jenkins. It was in the year 1845 and 24 day of October he was born.
I then removed to a place called the Stand. I stayed there about 3 years. Janet had another child thire and I called her Jean Jenkins. It was in the year 1847 and 8 day of September she was born. It was in the New Mounthand Parish and Shire of Lanrick Scotland that Charles and Jesn was born. John and the girl that was dead born, it was in Falkirk Parish Shire of Stirling Scotland they were born. John received his name from the Rev. Mr Steel of Falkirk, one of the servants of satan who gives the mark of the beast. Charles received his hame from the Rev. Mr. Tumervile of Tirdre, another servant of satan and one who give the mark of the beast. But I rejoice now that I have received that mark removed from myself and all my household. I will now give a little knowledge concerning my embracing gospel.
I always thought when reading the scriptures that I would like to lived in the days of Jesus Christ and his apostles for I thought thire was some¬thing about them or that they had a power that the hired priest in this day had not. And when I grew to manhood, I did not attend the churches of the different sect very much. I rather inclined to stope at home on Sundays read fictitious story books. While I resided in the Stand, there was a good Brother of mine the name of John Henderson resided there also and we wrought both in one pit. He happened to be working next room to a man the name of Alexander Wilson and he was a Latter-Day Saint. He begin to teach John the doctrines which he held and told him to come up to Airdire to church and hear them John promised to do so and he came and told me and wanted me to go also, but I would not go at that time, so he went away himself. But he did not met with Alexander for he was rather behind the time promised, so he went into some other church.
Well I think it was on the Monday that John and I went into Airdire and we fell in with Alexander Wilson and his wife. We went in to a house and had a dram and a drink of porter. He told us about the doctrine which he held again. It was the first time that I heard them so I could say nothing against them. He tooke us away to his house and he had a good brother thire and he held the office of a teacher. His name was William Allan. He teached the doctrine unto us. I could say nothing against it but John said a little. But he had to give in. We was invited to come to church to hear them. They sang a hymn and then nelt down on thire knees and called on the Lord in prayer. I thought this way of worshiping God to be very strange as it was different than the rest of the churches which I had been in. The man who preached was Matthew Crothers and he did speak to the point. He spoke very slow, but he was very sure. I never in all my life heard such a powerful sermon. I could not resist the powerful truths which fell from his lips. I believed it as fast as he spoked it. Well, we went in the afternoon and they tooke the bread and wine in remembrance of Christ's death. After that an opportunity was granted then to bear testimony to the knowledge they had received since they had obeyed the gospel.
Well, a good number of them stood up and bore testimony that they knew it was the work of God they had engaged in and that it was true and a great deal more they testified of. Well, I thought they were all mini¬sters. They gathered and John says to me, "We must be here. They can preach the gospel and they are all well learned." Well, I positively thought they were servents of God and I had a liking towards them. Well, we went back on the next Sunday and heard them again. They teached us faith in the Lord, then repentance, then baptism by immersion for the re¬mission of sins and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. And if we would obey these laws, we would receive a knowledge from God whether we was doing right or wrong. Well, the next Sunday we went away to Borress to see a good brother we had there whose name was Charles Humelton. We begin to tell them that baptising little infants was not right and such a command was not in the Bible and if our wifes should have any more children, we would not have them baptised when they were young, but but when they came to the age of baptising, we would have them baptised by immersion. Well, there was on day while I was at my work when William Cellon and William Howson two oversmen came to see the place where I was working. And after speaking about different things, William Howson say to Mr Cellon. is a Alexander Wilson doing a great deal of good here? I don't know either says Mr. Cellon, but he has made good wages to. It is not that says William Howson. What is it then says Mr. Cellon. I say William Hawson he has converted James Jenkins here and John Henderson. I man is that the case says Mr. Cellon and there they commenced to call down the Latter-lay Sants. Biit I determined not to mind them for I knew I had been told the truth by the Saints.
We went to church next Sunday to hear them again and was well pleased with them. It was on the Monday following that we was in Airdre when we saw of the Latter-Day Saints. We will away and tell them to come and baptise us so we went and told them so they tooke a pice of money and throw it in air for heads or tails to see whether they would come out to the place where we stoped or that we would come in to them. But the lot fell on them to come out to our place so the night was set and Andrew Henderson Elder and Robert Brigton teacher that was their names, came out the set night and we went down to the Camren Glen and Elder Andrew Henderson baptised us in the burro so we came home to my house and a repart of bread and oil was put down before them to partake of and after that went home. This was done on the 5 day of May 1847, We sent to church Sunday which was the 9 day of May and we was confirmed: Elder Peter Moffet confirmed me by the laying on of hands and from that time foreward I have had great joy. My wife Janet Laird was born in Rinaird in the parish of Larber and Shire of Stirling in Scotland in the year 1821 January the 13 and she was baptised by Peter Moffet on the 27 day of May 1847 and confirmed on the 30th by James Wilson.
Sunday the 19 of December 1852, I was roused from my sleep about 5 o' clock in the morning by a brother the name of Hugh Wilson who told me that I was to come away with him for the Wife of his brother, Charles Wilson, had turned very bad, and they did not know rightly what was wrong with her, for she was making her arms fly in the air, scratching herself, and calling the Priesthood. After I had got myself dressed, I went along with him, calling at the house of brother McKinley as we went along where I got a little oil for I thought I would need it believing that a devil had entered her. Whenever that I entered the outer door, I heard her crying out "there Brother Jenkins, there brother Jenkins, he need not come here, he need not come here, he can do nothing, he can do nothing and then she went into a fit of laughing at me coming to cast hime out, As soon as she got her eyes upon me she cryed out. Ye can do nothing. Ye can do nothing here. Then she lifted up her hand and pointing her finger at me and went on with a laugh the like of it I never I thought her very face was lengthened. I took hold of her by the two arms and said quite calmly„ "Be Quiet,"
(Note- This is all we have of this Journal.)
Book 2
I James Jenkins being called and ordained to the office of a priest under the hands of Elder William Peterson at a prayer meeting in November on the 17th day of January, 1849, and I, James Jenkins, begin to write my labors in the Kingdom of God from that time.
I remember well the first time I was sent out to preach. It was on the 30th day of March 1849 that day being Saturday. Just after I came home from my days labour, I and Brother James Stephen was sent away to summer house to preach. When we went thire, we got a house and opened the meeting by song and prayer and I began to preach to the people that was gathered in the house. After I was done, Brother Stephen spoke a skhort time and we closed the meeting and came away home, the distance going and coming was about 4 miles.
When we came back to Newcraig, a concil meeting was held and it was proposed by Allan Sturt Adamson who came thire that day that we open Slamannan the next day and preach the gospel to the people. So after business was over, we went unto our homes to rest ourselves for next days labour. Next morning being the 1 of April we made ourselves ready and went to the church metting. After the metting was over and we had taken some food then we went away down to Slamannan to preach unto their people. A prest from Airdire who came to see me went along with us and his name was George F Moffet. He was placed on (miles on this page are 4) the north part. I was in the center. Brother Adamson was in the South parts of Slamannan and we give them a broadside with the truth of heaven and came away home leving them in state of astoinshment. The distance going and coming was about 2 miles. Next day in the afternoon, we went down to Slamannan again being the 2 day of April to preach to them and also to let them no that we would have a public patism in even water. Brother William Paterson was with us and took the place of Gorge Moffet for he was away home. Brother Adamson tooke his old place. I took my old place. Teacher Rober Patterson was along with me both times and (miles in this page are 2) bore his testimony.
After I was done, we invited the people to come and see the baptism, so we close our mettings and went to the water to attend unto the baptism, And a great deal of the people following us. We sang a hymn and Brother Adamson prayed and Brother Peterson baptised. Alexander and John Fuller in the name of the Father and of the Son and Holy Ghost. And then came out and Brother Adamson preached unto the people on the water ege, then we came away up to Newcraig, the distance going and coming was about 2 miles. After coming up, Brother Adamson and I went away with other four and I baptised them into the kingdom of God, see page 57 and pragraft 4 for (miles in this page are 2) there names. Now this was the beginning of my labours in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints after being called to preach.
It was on the Sunday following that Brother Robert Patterson and I was sent away down to a place called the Minds to preach to the people who resided thire. So when we came unto them, we asked a house to preach into, but they would not give us one so we preached before the dors unto them. Brother Patterson did bear his testimony unto them after I was done We was oposed by some of them after we was done, so we told them if they would hear us, we would come back on next Sunday. So this was on the 8 day of April, the distance going and coming would be about 2 miles.
Sunday came, it being the 15 day of April. After our church metting was over, teacher Brother Robert Patterson and I went back to them again, praying to the Lord on our way to bind up all the bad spirits that was in the place. So I preached unto them and had a good portion of the Spirit of God. Brother Paterson bore his testimony and we came away home. The distance going and coming was about 2 miles. We went back on Sunday 22 of April. We got a house this time. I preached to them again. Brother Patter¬son spoke a short time, then we came away home. The distance goin and coming was 2 miles (miles in this page are 6)
It was on the 29th day of April 1849 that Brother William and Robert Patterson and Brother James Low and myself and some of the brethren went down to Slamannan once more to preach unto the inhabitants of that place. I toke my old stance. Brother Low toke the North part and Brother Patter¬son stood at the south part and there we preached unto them the gospel for a short time. And then we came away home. The distance going an coming was 2 miles. Brother Robert Patterson stood by me and bore his testimony after I was done. It was also on the 6th of May 1849 that teacher Robert Patterson and myself went back again to the Mind Row and testified of truth which God has sent for the (miles in this page are 2) Salvation 'of man. And then we came away home going and coming to place was about 2 miles.
Next Sunday was the 13 of May. After our metting was over, Teacher Patterson and I went away to Barleyside to testify of the truth to them. We received a house to preach in for it was raining and we could not stand out to preach; so we comence in the house of Alexander Jenkins where there was some people met to here us. After I was done, Brother Patterson spoke a short time and then we came away home. The distance to that place and back again was about 2 miles. We went back again on the 20th of May and preach in the house of Robert Jenkins to the people (miles in this page are 4) that were gathered there, Brother Robert Patterson Testifying of the truth after I was done. And then we came away home. The distance was 2 miles. It was next Sunday 27 May that Brother teacher Ritchie and I went away to the Minds Row and I preached thire again and then came away from thire to Barleyside and I preached thire in the open air. Then I came away home. The distance we went was about 4 miles.
Brother Ritchie and I went back on the 3 of June to Barleyside and preached once more to the people thire and came away home. Distance going and coming was 2 miles. 0A the 10th of June, I and Brother (miles on this page are 8) Hendry Jenkins a teacher went away to Summer House and I preached in the open air to the people who dwelled in that place. It would be about 4 miles to that place and back again.
On the 24 day of June, Brother Stephens, an elder and I went to Barleyside and we preached and testified unto them that our garments was clear of thire blood for they had been well warned. From thire we went to Bentend and preached thire also and then went to Shieldhill and preached to the people thire and then went to the Minds and preached and testified that our garments was clear of thire blood. So we came away home. The distance we went was about 5 miles. (miles in this page are 9)
On Sunday the 5 day of August 1849, I and Brother Hendry Jenkins teacher went away to Benneyhill and I preached in the House of Mrs. Burts to a few people who gathered thire and then went to Newfield Dikes and preached to a good number of people thire. Likewise, we preached to a ex¬clent metting in the Burnrow and then closed and came away home. Four miles about the distance going and coming.
On Sunday the 12 day of August 1849, teacher Hendry Jenkins and myself went away to Benneyhill and preached in the house of Mrs Burtis to a few people thire and then went to Newfield Dikes. We went into the house of one Gorge Johnston (miles in this page are 4) who resided thire and asked his house to preach in, but Mrs. Johnston was against giving it, so we went out before the doors,opened our meeting and I asked the people. to come to the end of the rows where it was loud and they would hear me better for it was windy. A good number came and I testify of the truth to them and came away to the Burnrows and preached to the people there and then went home 4 miles back and forth.
On Sunday the 19 day of August 1849 Elder William Patterson and I went to Bennyhill. Brother Patterson preached to the people there then we went to Newfield Dikes. He also preached there then came home. Four miles was the distance going and coming, (Miles in this page are 8)
It was on Sunday 25 day of August 1849 that Elder William Patterson and Teacher Hendry Jenkins and myself went to Benneyhill and Newfield Dikes. Elder Patterson preached in the former place and I in the latter. Teacher Jenkins was with me while preaching. The distance going and coming was 4 miles. I and Henry Jenkins teacher went to Bonneyhill on the 2 day of September 1849 and I preached in the house of Mrs Burt to a number of people gathered there. Then we went to Newfield Dykes and I preached in a house there to a number of people. Then I came away home. The distance going and coming was 4 miles. I preached in the open air to a number of people there, then (miles in this page are 8) went to Newfield Dykes and preached in a house, then came away home. Traveled that day 4 miles.
On Sunday the 16 September 1849 I and Elder Patterson, teacher Jenkins and Teacher Ritchie went out to preach. Elder Patterson went to Benneyhill. I and the two teachers went to the Burnrow. I preached in the open air to the people thire then we went a short time thire in a house (miles in this page are 8) so we came away home. We traveled about 4 miles.
On Sunday the 30 Day of September 1849 Brother Ritchie and Henry Jenkins and myself went out to preach. I went to Bennayhill. The other two went to Newfield Dykes. I preached in the house of Mrs. Burt. Then after that I went to the Burnrow and preached in a house there, then came home. We traveled about 4 miles.
On Sunday the 7 October 1849 teacher Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins and James Webster and myself went away back to preach in the places we preached in the Sunday before: Bennayhill, Newfield Dykes, and the Burnrow and also the Sunday following. The 14 day of October we went back again and preached unto them. The distance we traveled was about 8 miles.
Sunday the 21 October 1849 I preached on Bennayhill (miles in this page are 16) in the house of James Hunter. Went to the Burnrow where I met priest Ritchie, teacher Jenkins. We preached in a house to a few then came away. Distance 4 miles.
October the 28 I preached in the house of Mrs. Burts, Bonnayhill. I also spoke a short time in Newfield Dykes. Brother Ritchie spoke a short time also.
November the 4 I preached in the house of John Korey, Newfield Dykes. After I was done Brother Ritchie bore his testimony and we left them. Miles 8.
November 11, 1849, I went to a place called the lodge and preached in the house of James Hunter to a good meeting. Teacher Jenkins was with me then we came home, promising to be back on the next Sunday. Miles 5
November 18, I went back to Lodge. Brother Ritchie was with me. We preached once (miles in this page are 17) more to a good number people in the house of James Hunter. Miles 5. Also on the 25 November I went back. Brother Burt member was with me. I preached to the people once more, but I was opposed by one the name of David Toad. First when he came in he was seated just close where I stood. He tryed to get me to stope, crying out blasphemy. Who could set and hear me. Running out, thinking I suppose to get all to hear me. He sat down taking a stealt look at me while my eyes was of him. After I was done, he arose (miles on this page are 5) and asked me if I would answer a few questions. While I seal no such charter as you, he wanted me to get into a discussion. I said I counted him far below my notice. He sead if I spoke by the spirit, he found very much fult with it. He went away after speaking some more noncines and I told the people I would come back on next Sunday if they would come an hear me. Some said they would. I came away home. Miles 5.
I went back to the lodge on the 9 December and preached to the people there, 5 I also went to Ironloss on the 7;6 December. Brother Ritchie was with me and we preached in an hour to a good meeting there for the first time. 4 We went back on the 23 December, 1849, and we had two meetings this time. 4 (Miles on this page are 18) These were the places that I preached in 1849, having preached a good many times in these places which we laft in going to other places. We sowed the seed well but received none for baptism. There was some good hearers but bad obeyers so they are not justified in the sight of God as yet. It was on the 6 day of January 1850 that we went back to Ironloss.
Brother Ritchie and Brother Jenkins went to Ironloss. I and two members went to Russel Row. The names of the members, John Jenkins and James Webster. I preached in the house of James Hunter to a good meeting. They appear to like the principles well. (4) On the 13 January 1850 I was ordained under the hands of Allen S. Adamson to the office of an Elder. Also to be President of the Branch Newcraig or Slamannan Branch. He went along with us this evening to Ironloss Rows to preach unto the people.
(Miles in this page are 6) We went to houses we preached in the Sunday before. Brother Adamson preached in my place this evening to a good number of people. While coming home, Brother Ritchie baptised one Robert Wilson. He was a. member before but was cut off. (4)
Also on the 20 we went back to them again. The two members that was with me on the 6 of January was with me this time. I had a sple1did meet¬ing and after I was done I conversed along time with some of them. They appear to be well pleased. I left a few pamphlets for some of them to read. The distance going and coming these three times was about 12 miles. February the 3 Priest Ritchie and I went back again to Ironloss. We both went to one row this time because most of the people was removed out of the other . We preached in the house of James Hunter again. (Miles in this page are 12).
The meeting that we had was not so large as some we had the times before but they paid great attention to what we said. We give them the same promise that we give before that is the gift of the Holy Ghost and the remission of sins after baptism. We left them to all appearance well pleased, promising to come back again, Distance 4 miles.
February 17 I went along with Brother-Ritchie to Russels Row and we preached once more to a number of people in the house of James Hunter. They received the truth well and I believe some good will be done among them. We left them promising to come back. Distance 4 miles.
March 3 I went to Russels Row. Teacher Hendry Jenkins was with me. We preached once more to them likewise. (4 ) March 10 I went back. Elder A.S. Adamson was with me. He preached (Miles in this page are 12) and I bore testimony to the truth of gospel. We had a good meeting and got a few names for to take the stay on the new plan. At the present time I think I will soon get some to obey. Distance of miles 4.
March 17 I went to Russels Row, preached once more to the people there. Brother Lawman a priest was with me. I called on them to come and be baptised. This is 9 or 10 times, we have preached to them and none have obeyed and they seem to like the truth well, too. 6 miles.
March 24 I went to Russels Row and preached unto a house full of people. They gave good attention unto what I did say. After I was done, I asked how they liked the doctrine. Some said they could say nothing against it yet would not (miles in this page are 8 ) obey it altho it was true. (4)
March 31, I went along with Brother Ritchie and we preached in Watts Row. This time in the house of Brother Walker. The house was full and they paid great attention and Brother Ritchie baptised two after the meeting was over, which cause us to rejoice.
April 7, I went to Russel Row. Teacher Jenkins was with me and I preached to a few. After we was alone, I went to Watts Row where Brother Ritchie was preaching. And after he was done, we had one for baptism out of Russels Row. This is the first in their row, while we was attending to the ordinance of baptism, one the name of Alexander Wilson came and opposed us, calling the Prophet Joseph Smith everything that was bad and brailing out that we was imposters. But we left him. He was so full of the devil, he was frothing at the mouth. Miles 4
April 14, I went to Watts Row and Brother A.S. Adamson preached a short time. Then he went to Hussies Row to preach and I took his place and preached and after we was all done, we had a sister for baptism.
April 21, I went back to Watts Row and preached again. Miles 4
April 28, I went to Black Braes and I preached to the saints thire as the former president was removed and I having received the presidency. I came along from there to Ironloss whire I met with Brother Ritchie. We had a wetting in Brother Layman's and preach to the same. The distance going and coming was 8.
May 5, I went to Ironloss and (Miles in this page are 20).Brother Ritchie was with me and we preached to the Saints and strangers who came in to hear us. This was after our meeting we had through the day. Miles 4
May 11, I visited Black Braes and preached to the saints there. Also on the 19 of May I visited them along with Brother Ritchie and I went back on May 26 and preached to them. After I was done, I had two to baptise.
June 2, I went back to them again and I confirmed the two I baptised the sabbath before. The distance of miles going and coming these times is about 32 miles.
June 23, I went along to Black Braes and preached to the saints. The reasion that I go to Black Braes is because I received the Presidence of the same.
June 30, I went to Black Braes (Mils in this page axe 36) and we established an emigrating fund for the purpose of helping the Saints to gather to the land of Zion. I left and went to Watts Row and preached to the saints there and encouraged them to go forward in the Kingdom of God. Since they had made covenant with him and not to be afraid of the signs of the time for it was a prof that thire redemption wgs nigh and if they were faithful when tryed of the Lord that they would be bless with great bless-ings from him. The distance I went these two times was about 16 miles.
July 7, this day I went to Black Braes and I preached to the Saints, Then I went to Aronloss and I preached to the saints there also. I would travel about 8 mils going thire and back again, July 14, 1 and Brother Walter Ritchie went to Black Braes and we preached to the (Mils in this page are 24 mils ) saints of God and after we was done we went to preach unto the world. I took my stand with brother John Johnston teacher by my side in the open air opposite the Row called Easter Shieldhill and I preached to a number who came out to hear me. I left them promising to them that I or some of my Brethern would be back on next Sunday. Brother Ritchie and John Johnston took their stand in a place called Crosshall or Ha and preached to the people thire. We then journed west about a mil and I took another stand along with Brother John¬ston in a place called Easter Shieldhill. There was a number gathered to hear me. After I was done, one of their company said that doctrine did not meet his views and I would not get him to obey that delusion for the blood of Christ clensed us from all sin without baptism. He allowed bap¬tism was a duty but not essential to man's salvation so he went away. I told them that I would show them the principles which we held and if they considered them worth obeying they could do so. Brother Ritchie took his second stand in a place called Summerhouse and preached to the people thire so we came away home traveling about 8 miles this day.
July 20, this day I went to Black Breas. Priest Walter Ritchie went with me after preaching to the saints we held a council meeting in which we cut off two individuals from the church for immoral conduct and neglect of duty. Also we council to have a fast day on the Sunday coming for to pray the (Miles in this page are 8) Lord for to roll on his work in this part of the country and also to give his servants stranth to go and labor with all thire might in preaching the gospel to the people round about. After being done counciling, we went out to preach to the world. Deacon Johnson was with me this time. We took the same stand that I took the Sunday before at Easter Shielhill. When we commenced to sing, some of the saved sort would open thire doors and when they saw what we were they shut thire doors and go in again. Now this was done frequent but at last they were compelled to come out and hear me. After I was done, we sold two or three stars at a penny a piece. We then went westward to take up our' other places. We met up to Brother Ritchie and Priest Thomson who was with him. They preached in Crossha but he had not such a large meeting as the Sunday before. But after they were done, they went into the houses and presented the stars for sale to them and sold five of them. Some alowed they had as much books as they could read already and they were just goin to keep thire good old path. Well we went on to Wester Shielhill, Brother Johnston and I went into the house of Alexander Brown while the others went on to preach in Summerhouse. I had some conversation with him on the gospel and presented him with a star for sale. We then went out and I begin to preach, but the wind was high and thire was not many hearing me. But I felt a good portion of the spirit of God and felt as if those who heard me was receiving the truth. We sold two more stars.I then parted with Br Johnston and I went to summer House to where Br Ritchie was and we came home. We traveled this day about 8 miles.
July the 28. This day I preached to the saints in Newcraig for the first time this same weeks past. I had to go to Black Braes in the evening about six o'clock. I went and opened Ba lryside for the first time this summer, Br, John Bavrige teacher was with me. I preached to a good number who came out to here me. After I was done, I asked some of them how they liked the doctrine. They said they could say nothing against. I had some reasoning with them on (mile is this page are 8) the gospel coming to earth again, but thire minds was very dark. We left them and came home. It is about a mil to that place and back again.
August 4, This morning was very wet and I was later in going to Black Braes than usual. After being done preaching to the saints thire, I went another time to Ester Shiel to preach. I had Deacon Johnston with me. I had a good turn out and after I was done, I had a good deal of reasoning with them about the falling away from the gospel and the angel bring it back again. Brother Johnston sold three stars to some of them so we left and came to Summerhouse and I preached thire. I also blessed Br Lindsay's child. Then I came home. I traveled about 8 miles. (Mils in this page are 9).
August 12 This day I preached in New Craig to the Saints and went in the evening about six o'clock to Barleyside and preached to a good number of people. Deacon David Adamson was with me and he sold 3 stars. The distance to that place and back was about 1 mil.
August 18. This day after I was done meeting with the saints, I went to Baxlyside to preach. Priest John Lawment and Deacon David Adam¬son was with me. The evening was wet and winded, We went into the house of Robert Jenkins. I asked his house to preach in and he did give us the privilege of it. So I sent the brethren through the place to tell the people to come in and hear us. There was not many but I preached a short time and Brother Lawment spoke a while. We left them (Mils in this page are 1). after selling some stars. It is about a mile to that place and back again.
August 25, This day I went to Black Braes and after preaching to the saints I went and Deacon Johnston to Ester Shieldhill to* preach. This afternoon was winded and thire was different showers of rain. I went into the house of one Forles and I asked his house to preach in and I got it. I sent Deacon Johnston to tell the people to come in and hear me. There was a few came in and I preached about an hour to them. We sold 3 stars and one gait and came away. I traveled about 8 mils.
September 1. This day I went to Black Breas and after being done preaching we held a council meeting and we cut two from the church, after which Deacon Johnston and I went to Ester Shieldhill to tell them once more what they should do to (Mils in this page are 9) please God. This was a good day but a little winded so I stood before the doors and preached to those who gather round me. After I was done, a man the name of Archery Webster cried out I would need to bring a dictionary to explane the Book of Mormon, which proved to me he was one of those that peter speaks about in the second Epistle 2 chapter and 12 verse, but these as natural brute beasts made to be Ken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption." Deacon Johnston sold 2 or 3 stars and we went on to Wester Shieldhill and preached before the peoples doors, but it appears they are feared of being saved for some of them stood far back and others did not come out. The Lord will reward them for neglance. I traveled about 8 mils this day.
September 8, This day I was preaching in New Craig and thire was a good turn out of the sons and daughters of God. We had not much preaching to the people of the world for Priest Lawmont was not well and could not fill his preaching places. Also Priest Ritchie could not get his places attended. The only place filled was Barleyside and I preached into it my¬self. Deacon Adamson was with me and we preached before thire house doors, then left them. It is about a mil to that place and back again.
September 15, This Sunday I did preach in Barlyside once more and Deacon Adamson did stand by me while I preached unto them. This is (mils in this page are 3) about five month we have preached the gospel to them, part of the time in 1849 and part in 1850. That is once each Sunday in that time. And we have reasoned with them and spoken to them in plaines, they have read some of our pamphlets and they have bought a few of our stars.
And for all they have read and heard, not one of them has obeyed the message sent of God in these last days and I can say my garments are clear of thine blood for ,I Have preached in thire houses and before thire doors and they have not received me in obeying the message I was sent to them with, so I leave them and let the Lord do with them as it seemeth him good. To that place and back again is about one mil. (mils in this page is 1.)
September 22. This day Allan Adamson and I went to Black Braes and we preached to the saints and after that went to Ester Shielhill. A.S. Adamson preached unto them and did let them know that they were a wicked people and that they had rejected the gospel. I bear my testimony to the truth of heaven sent in these last days for the salvation of all who dos obeyed it. We went to Crossha and he preached thire also. We then went West Shielhill and did preach thire and then to Summerhouse and we preached to the people there. In all these places they are a slothful people and they would rather obey the message of one sent to tell them to assemble to¬gether that they might drink strong drink than come and hear a servant of God and obey him. They care as little about a man sent of God to tell them how to get saved and pay as little attention to him as the Sodemites did to Lot, so we leave them and let the Lord burn them if he pleases and when the flames come and the mighty judgements of God come it will put them in mind of the warnings they received concerning these things before they come upon them. We traveled about 8 miles.
October 13. This day we had Br. A.S. Adamson in New Craig and he preached unto the saints here and we felt ourselves greatly edifyed by him.
October 20. I went to Falkirk for the stars but they had not come so we went South to Black Broas, /Teacher Hendry Jenkins was with me. After being done with preaching we had a council metting and cut two from the church. We traveled about 12 mils.
It was sometime early in March 1851 that I left New Craig after having presided over that branch about 14 months and previous to this 14 months when I held the office of priest. I had charge of the branch for some months after Elder Paterson went out travel who was president of the same branch before I received it. Also I had the presidence of Black Bracs branch for about 6 month before I left New Craig to go to England for that was where I went after I left that place. It was about the begining of 1851 previous to coming away from New Craig I tooke a thought to try to get away to America and my wife give me her consent to go and she promised to stay till I would send money for her and the family. So I asked counsel of those above me if I would go in the maner and they give me concent, So I got one pound and sent it away to Liverpool to Br. Richards to secure a birth in a ship for New Orleans. I got the promise of other 3 or 4 pounds to take me away but some failed in thire promise and others could not get it to give me, Although I run late and soon trying to raise the money yet it appeared it was not wisdom for me to get away at that time. The Lord knows best what is good for us and all things work together for good to tham that fear him. Shortly after I was disappointed in getting away to America I thought I would go to England. So I left my wife and family in New Craig and toke the train at Polmont station for Edenburgh and then to Leith and I went on board the steam boat Brittinia to sail for New Castle upon Tyne. I left home on Saturday morning and I landed in New Castle on Sunday Morning about 7 or 8 o'clock. I was very sick when I was on the sea and the most of the day. After I landed I fell in with three men who were shoemakers to trend. They were Scotishmen but had been some years in England. So I asked them if thire was any Latter-Day Saints in New Castle and they told me thire was and I asked them to show me thire place of wor¬ship, which they did. And very glad I was for I did not know where to go. I went into the morning sermon and I enquired out the President whose name was Robert Gilles, a Scotishman too. He toke me to his house and give me meat and sope and water to wash myself and I went to the church in the afternoon and he give me directions to go to a Br. in Camperdown about 5 mils from his dwelling. So I went and found out the Br. whose name was Marten Teasdale. He give me lodgens and found work for me next day, so I went to my work but I was not able to do much for I was unwell the week previous to coming away and sea sickness made me very weak for about 8 days after I landed. It would be about 5 weeks after I landed when I got my wife and family up beside me and very sick both her and 4 of the children was when on the sea. After I landed in England for some weeks, I was grieved and dull in spirits for I thought I had grieved-the spirit of God in coming away from New Craig. My reason for thinking so is this. John Nismeth kept a store and I got a few shillings into his debt. Our work was not very good and he would get all our money on pay day and if the pit did not go very well for want of tread they stoped the store and would give us no food. They held the key of our bellies and opined and loked when they pleased. There was one time we sent up for some things when my wife was bad. She having a child and they would not give us nothing: They had plenty themselves and after getting all our money they just give us things when they pleased and when a man that had a large family got a few shillings in thire debt there was not getting out of it for a man that was able to go to Falkirk with his money could get as much for 16 shillings as we would get from the store for one pound. So this sort of tyranny 'I hated so I was a little in thire debt when I left them. That was one thing that grieved me, but when I get it in my power I will pay them.
It was on the 15 of June that a branch was organized in Camperdown and I received the presidence of the same. Thire was the members in the branch and it was I think the 22 when Elder Wm. Paterson came to this place from Scotland and very proud I was when I saw thim for he was just needed to help me to warn the people round about Camperdown and it came to pass on the 7 August 1851 that Br. Paterson went along with me to a place called Seghill to preach the gospel to the people so we take our stand opposite the flate. I opened the meeting and we sung a paraphrase and the people gathered round us so I began to preach and when I was done a large meeting had gathered and still increasing. Br. Paterson began and preached after I was done. Those who was long a coming heard the truth as well as those who came first. After Br. Paterson was done I told them we would preach in the new square and wish there company so we went and I spoke first and then Br. Paterson. This meeting was not so large on to it being diner time, but we had good attention from both of the meetings. We told them we would be back next Sunday as we left them and traveled 4 miles that day.
My Brother Robert Jenkins on the 16 day of April, it being Monday, was afflicted with a pain in his side which made him cry for more than an hour. He cried for Elder Wm Paterson to come to him, but he was away to Falkirk. I being alone with him and thire was no officer to attend to the ordince. When we was coming home we was informed by a brother and we went strat on to my father's house where he was. When we came in, we shut the door and Brother Paterson and all united in prayer. He was still crying with the pain. When Brother Patterson was done praying, he anointed his side with oil in the name of Jesus Christ and we laid hands on him and the pain left him. We came out and went into my house, but in al short time got word that the pain was back again. We went in and anointed him and re¬buked the pain. When we was done, the pain left him and came back no more. I was eye wittness along with William Paterson of that manefestation of the power of God.
Hendry Jenkins was born 28 February 1859 in Shetts and Shotts Parish, Scotland, and was blest by Elder Carnie in Croft Heard Branch on 24 April 1859.
James Jenkins I was born in Lauriestown in the Parish of Falkirk and Shire of Sterling in Scotland on the 22 July 1822. I was baptised in Ardire.
My wife Janet Laird was born in Kinaird in the Parish of Larber, Shire of Sterling in the year 1821, 13 January in Scotland.
My son John Jenkins was born in Shielhill in the parish of Polmont and Shire of Sterling in 1844 on 17 January. He was blessed by Elder William Paterson on the 16 September 1849, Scotland.
My son Charles L. Jenkins was born in Black Tongue in the Parish of New Monkland and Shire Lamrick in the year 1845 October 14. He was blessed by W. Paterson, September 16, year 1849, both blessed in New Craig Branch, Scotland.
James Jenkins: I was baptised into the Ardire Branch on the 5 day of May 1847 by Andrew Henderson, He was an Elder. I was confirmed on the 9 day of May by Elder Peter Moffat 1847.
My wife Janet Laird was baptised into the Ardire Branch on the 27 of May 1847, confirmed on the 30 of May by Elder James Wilson. She was baptised by Peter Moffat. I was ordained to the office of a Deacon in Ardire Branch under the hands of Matthew Cruthers president of the branch on the 1847. I was ordained to the office of a teacher in Ardire Branch under the hands of William Hetherington, one of the Seventys on the 26 of March 1848 in Glasgow Conference. I was ordained to the office of Priest in the New Craig Branch under the hands of Elder William Paterson on the 17 day of January 1849. I was ordained to the office of Elder in the New Craig branch under the hands of Elder Allan Sturt Adamson on the 13 January 1850. I received the offices of Priest and Elder in the Edinburgh Conference.
My daughter Jean Jenkins was born in the stand in New Mounkland Parish in Shire of Lamrick in 1847 September 8. Blessed by William Paterson on the 16 September in New Craig, Scotland.
My son James Jenkins was born in New Craig in 1849 and 14 of May, Parish of Slamannan, shire of Sterling and blessed by W. Paterson 27 May in the New Craig Branch, Scotland.
My daughter Helen H. Jenkins was born in Cornfield, Falkirk Parish, Shire of Sterling, Scotland in 1851, the 10 day of January and blessed in New Craig on the 31 of February by John 0. Angus.
My son John Jenkins was confirmed by myself on the 27 January 1852.
He was baptised in Bedlington Branch 19 January 1852 by myself in Bedlington Parish North Thumberland.
My daughter Janet Jenkins was born in Bedlington, February 7, 1853, county of North Thumberland, England, and was blesst in Bedlington Branch 13 February 1853 by Elder James Leivel, Baptised in Crofthead 9 April 1862 by J. Baxter. Confirmed 13 April 1862 by James McBride.
My son Charles L. Jenkins was baptised in the Falkirk Branch on the 10 day of May by Priest Robert Lawmont and Confirmed on the 18 May 1854 by Elder Lyon.
Deaths: My son James Jenkins died on the 21 of March 1853 about 11 o'clock and was buried on the 24 March about 5 o'clock at night in Bed¬ington Church of England Church yard. His death was caused by burning on the 19th. After he rose from his bed he went down stairs with some more of his brethern. He had sat down by the fire and a cinder had fall¬ing on his night gown and put it on fire. He with the rest soon give the alarm. His mother soon came to his assistance but that devouring element had done its work. It was the cause of his death.
I baptised James Henderson and Jenet Wright and Jean Jenkins into the Croft Head Branch on the 16 March 1857, Witnesses Elder John Henderson.
James Hardie Jenkins, my son was born in Shotts and Shotts Parish, Lanarkshire on the 24 day of January 1855 and was blest in Croft Head Branch by Elder George Law on the 18 February 1855, Scotland.
My daughter Jean Jenkins was baptised by myself on the 16 March 1856, in Croft Head Branch, Parish of With Burn and county of Linlithgow, I confirmed her on the 23 March 1856. My daughter Margaret Jenkins was born 4 Dec. 1856 in Shotts and Works, Lanarkshire Scotland and was blest by Elder John Henderson in the Shotts Branch 11 Jan. 1857. James Hardie Jenkins died on the 5 Nov. 1858.
This is a record of all the brethern and sisters which I have Baptised into the Kingdom of God. I James Jenkins holding the office of Priest did baptise William Webster and Robert Jenkins on the 28 Day of January 1849 in the New Craig or Slamannan Branch. Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins did witness the same.
I also Baptised Peter Burt on the 3 day of March 1849 in the New Craig Branch. John Jenkins and William Jenkins can testify to the same.
I also baptised Ann Burt and John Cambel and James Webster on the 5 day of March 1849 in New Craig. Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins being thire present.
I baptised Jean Brown and Rell Revrige and Mar Fuller and Henry Full in New Craig on the 2 of April 1849. Allan Adamson was presant who holds the office of Elder. I baptised Alex Burt in New Craig Branch on the 18 day of July 1849.
I baptised Helen Burt in New Craig Branch on the 9 day of June 1849. Teacher Hendry Jenkins and William Jenkins a member did see me do so. I baptised Mary Walker in New Craig Branch on the 24 day of October 1849 witness to the same Priest Walter Ritchie and G. Brown. I baptised Mary Walker into the New Craig Branch. I baptised Elizabeth Fru into the New Craig Branch. I baptised Robert Watson into the New Craig Branch. May 26 I baptised Andrew Airable and Robert Mcloude in the Black Brace Branch, witness to the same was John Johnston teacher and John Johnston Deacon 1850. September 9 I baptised in New Craig Branch Helen Graham Wilson, witness to the same was teacher John Bravage and Robert Wilson member 1850. I baptised David Duncan in Camperdown Branch July 6, 1850, witness Elder Paterson. I baptised into the Camperdown Branch Elisbeth Duncan on the 13 of October 1851, witness Elder Hendry Anderson and Priest Charles Wilson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch George Noble on the 27 Dec. 1851, witness Elder W. Paterson and Priest R. Hodespith. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Mary Noble and Marion Anderson on the 5 January 1852, witness Elders W. Paterson and H. Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch George Archable on the 11 of January k852, witness Elders Paterson and Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Isable Archable and Margaret Smith and my son John Jenkins on the 19 January 1852, witness Elders Paterson and Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Thomas Smith on the 21 January 1852, witness Anderson and Hodspith. I baptised in the Bedlington Branch Jane Sowell and Isable Gladson on 22 January 1852, witness Elders Lewell, Paterson, Anderson.
I baptised James Archbold in Bedlington Branch on 27 Jan. 1852. I baptised Joseph Archbold in the Bedlington Branch 27 January 1852. I baptised Elisbeth Archbold into the Bedlington Branch on 19 Feb. 1852, witness Hendry Anderson and George Archbold. Thomas Archbold was baptised by me 17 March 1852, witness Paterson and Anderson. I baptised Thomas Thomson 17 March 1852, witness Paterson and Anderson. I baptised Dick Archbald into the Bedlington Branch 17 March 1852, witness Pateron and And¬erson.
I baptised Robert Scot into the Bedlington Branch the 9 April 1852, witness Jahston and Henry Jenkins, Priest and Teacher.
Book 3
My last book being full, I begin to write my labors in this one. The number of mils that I traveled for to preach the gospel when I was in New Craig was 290.
It was on the Sabbath the 14 that we went back again to Sighill, but this day was raining and although it was wet, we had a good meeting. A chair was given us to stand upon so as the people might hear us better. We just preached in one place this day as it was wet. We told them we could not come next Sunday for we had to meet in Conference at New Castle, but we could come the Sunday after that. We left them traveling about 4 miles this day.
Next Sunday being 27 I went to the Conference to represent the Camperdoon Branch which I was presiding over. A good number of presiding Elders from different Branches in the Conference along with Br Higbe President of the Conference was all met together for to settle business and take in the representation of the different branches. My branch con¬sisted of 1 Elder, 1 Priest and 13 members, baptised 2 received total 15. (Mils in this page are 4).
We all came away home about 5 o'clock at night for the most of the Brethrn of Camperdown was with me. I would travel about 10 mils this day.
Next Sunday was the 7 of September and according to promise, I went back to Sighill, Br Patterson accompanying me. Half last 10 o'clock was the announcement in a few bills we put up in the place, so agreeable to that hour, we toke our stand at our old place oppiced the flat tope row. Priest Wilsen got the loan of the Chairs once more and I mounted and begin to preached to a large number of people who in general give good attention. After I was done Br Paterson toke the chair and spoke some time and they and the people still give thire attention. We once more held out the promises of God to them; that is, they would receive remission of thire sins if baptised by one of us having authority. Also the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands and a knowledge would (Mils in this page are 10) be given unto them from God after obedience to these principles with a single heart to the glory of God. The distance to and from Sidhill is 4 mils.
Next Sunday was the 14 aril we both went back to Sighill to give them another heavenly warning. This was the 4 Sunday. We took our stand at the flate tope row. Br Patterson took the Chair and preached to a large meeting. After he was done, I stood up and testified to the truth also I told them we would preach at one o'clock in the New Square. So we walked about until the time then we begin to sing a-hymn and the people gathered round us so I begin and preached to them. Elder Paterson did the same after I was done. The people were very attentive in these two meetings. We went away down to a long row called Black Town and I opined it for the first time, followed by Br Paterson. As we was coming away, I heard a man saying that no man was able to get a yount what we had been saying. To and from that place was 5 mils.
On Sunday the 21 of September, we went to Sighill and I preached to a good number of people. Br Paterson also spoke a short time after I was done. I had 9 stars with me and offered them for sale and the people came so fast for them that we could sold as many more if we had had them. So I sent Br Duncan to Camperdown for another dozen. Thire was a man the name of Hugh Brown toke us into his house and give us diner and then went with us to Black Town. We opened our meeting at the usual place about the center of the row. A large meeting gathered and I began and layed down the principles of the everlasting gospel to them. I had good attention. Br Paterson followed me in speaking and while he was speaking a man said he was wrong. Br Paterson stoped and said if he would just have the common desince to wait till he was done, he would answer as many question to him as he pleased.
Br Duncan had come with 12 stars and we sold them all in a minute or two. We traveled 5 mils.
We both went back on the 28 September and after we was done preach¬ing at the flat toped row, a man the name of Parkens opposed me, but I did not contend with him for he was very unreasonable, so I went into the house of Hugh Brown for he had come out for us. He give us our dinner and then went down to Black Town with us. We had a large meeting and the people payed good attention. Thire was a man asked us a few questions and all the people came round to hear. We answered the questions and he seemed pleased with the answers. We left and came home. Traveled 5 miles. Miles in this page. are 10.
We went in October the 5 and preached at the Flat Tope row and sold 9 stars. We came home for Br Higbe had come to see the branch. Traveled 4 miles.
Next Sunday was the 12 of Oct and according appointment we went back to Sighill and preached at the Flat toped row and also at Black Town. We had good meetings and Hugh Brown would have us to take dinner. He and another young man came on the road home with us about a mile. We preached the gospel to them and they told us they would think another week on what we had said. We traveled 5 miles.
We went back on the 19 October and we both preached to a large meeting at the Flat Top Row after we was done a man the name of William Tholaway stood up and said he was a bitter enemy to us. Then told the people that our doctrines was all an aburdity from top to bottom. He told many more lies and also he would deliver a lecture at 2 o'clock against us. After he was (miles 5) through, I stood up and told the people that we would preach at Black Town at the same hour. So they said they would hear us first. So he said he would begin at 4 o'clock. At the time appointed, there was a large crowd of people and he spoke till he was quite exhausted. I believe for fear that we would say anything after he was done. The most of the lecture was taken from John Bowes Book, a pamphlet well knowen, to be wrote by the spirit of the evil one. But it pleased those who was of the same spirit. Br Paterson stood up after he was done and spoke a short time showing the people a few lies that he told also stating that the Bible was the best book to prove our doctrine by and not the lying stories that was wrote by the hands of wicked men and telling the people that we was willing to meat any man on the doctrine which we held the Bible being the standard of evidance. Also saying that we would reply to his lecture next Sunday. Tholaway stood up and said he would meet us in discussion so a comatee was appointed and the subject to be discussed brought on with writing rules to keep each to the standard the Bible for evidance to prove the subject. We would travel 5 miles.
Sunday came being the 26 and according to appointment we went back to Sighill and ther was a very large meeting. Br Paterson replyed to the most of Tholaway's lecture. I spoke a while after he was done. Tholaway stood up and read a few more stories out of the Bowes Book also stating to the people that we would not sell our books. I stood up and offered the Book of Mormon and Covenants for sale, but no man would buy them. Altho Tholaway said if we would bring (Miles 5 ) then the people would bay them. But in this he made himself a Tier like in all other things that he stated. The meeting got into great confusion and I believe we would have done well to have come away when we first done speaking. (Travel 4 miles)
I wrote to Br Higbee about the discussion and to write to Br Curmichal to come and discuss but he sent me word that Br Gillise would come and the night was fixed for to met Saturday the 1 November. The people met in Mr Barises large room for which he charged 10/ and one penny was taken for admission to depay this expence. The room was said to hold 5 hundred and it was crowded ful. A circumstance was taken place previous to the opining of the meeting which give our mind much trouble. It was this the train that Br (miles 4 ) Gillies was in was half and hour behind her time and the people that he was not coming and they started rubbing with their feet for the opining of the meeting which caused the minds of the saints to be concerned. But the time arrived when the news came that the train was behind her time and had detained Br Gilles and those who were with him from being at the hour appointed to meet our appointment. Baptism was-the subject to be discussed and Mr Tholaway was as far from proving baptism not to be by immersion as the East is from the West. So it will be easy understood what kind of a job he made of it, but the spirit which was in him and those who was against us pufed him up that he had gained the victory but honest hearted people saw the truth and although they did not come forth and obey it, yet they saw the unreasonable arguments that Tholaway brought forth to comdemn truth, The meeting broke up and we went into another room and payed the landlord and divided that which was left over of which we give Br Gillis 2/6 and Br Higby the rest. I think there was about 12/ all to gather.
On Sunday we went to Sighill, Br Higbe and Br Gilles went with us. Br Gillis preached Br Higbe bore his testimony that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that he was well acquainted with him and he was a good man. Tholaway opposed us once more, but we left them and came away. The number of miles I traveled Saturday and Sunday would be 8 miles.
Our work began to get dull and we was obliged to remove from Camper¬down. Our temporal circumstances was not very good for we was not making much money. Altho we arose in the morning at 3 o'clock and was not home till 3 or 4 at night. Yet we did not make much. We would have about 3 miles to travel to our work and back to our place so our spirits was sunk at the long hours, little money and the pit working few days. So we re¬moved on the 14 of November to No Olivers New Row Bedington, Br Paterson and I was both in one house only he stoped up stairs and I down stairs. After we removed to his place, we went back to Sighill 3 times. One of the times we did not preach for the day was wet and the weather was be¬ginning to turn cold and the people was few in number that came to hear us. We also went to Camperdown and preached in the place where the Saints met. The number of miles going and coming these 3 times would be about 42. We would preach 14 or 15 times besides the discussion and the most of these times in tow places. We baptised 3 in Sighill and if they keep faithful it will prove a blessing unto them. A conference was held in New Castle shortly after I removed to Bedlington and I laid before Br Higbe that a good number of the saints had went to stop in Bedlington. Also thire was some thire that belonged to other branches, about 14 in number and we was inclined for a branch to be organized. It was proposed and carried that the saints in Bedlington be organized into a branch and I was called to be President. The Sunday after Conference, we met in the house of Br Charles Wilson at the high end of Bedlington and laid before the Saints the the proposition at Conference which they hailed with joy. We established a poor fund and imigration fund also a conference fund. Thire was many more propositions for the benefit of the branch and all was agreed to by the Saints. We continued our meetings and strangers began to flock to them to hear the truth. Thire was some who did not come with the desire to hear the truth but we preached
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Book 1
I, James Jenkins do give a history of my life as near as I recollect and also my birth on the testimony of my father and mother. I was born in Lauriestown in the Parish of Falkirk and Shire of Stirling in Scotland in the year 1822, July 22.
My Father's name Is John Jenkins and my mother is Helen Hardie. My Father is a collier or under ground worker. There was at times he left it and labored above the ground, but he mostly he rought at the coal trade. I did not stop much with my father and mother, but I was brought up with my grandfather and my aunt, this was my mother's father and sister. My grandmother died when I was a young child and they took me and brought me up till I was able to work. The name of my grandfather was Hendry Hardie and my aunts name is Susan Hardie.
The first place I went to work as near as I mind was at a brick field about 2 or 3 miles north of Lauriestown. I wroth two summers at this place. The second summer after being done with the carrying of brick, I engaged with a farmer about a mile below Lauriestown. He went under the name of Captain Duncan. I stayed with him about three months and I got one pound of a fee. I left him altho he wanted me to engage with him again and I engaged with one the name of James Hardie for one pound 10/ for six months. It was a inn about half way between Falkirk and Stirling. I do not mind the name of the inn but they had a farm. Also I did not stop my time out for one of the sons, even the one that feed me, he and I could not agree and he bate me. And one of the times that he give me a bating, I left them. My aunt Susan Hardie went and got the most of my fee from them. Although she had the same name of Hardie, they were not friends.
After I came home, I took very sore eyes and did not work any for about three months. While I was goin about, the servant of John Simpson, farmer in the ahas of earth, came up to Lauriestown and engaged me to his master. I went home to my place and I stoped with him about fifteen months. They were very good to me. While I was there, I hurded the rye and stumped the boiler bound shaves behan the strearers. I learned to cut hay with the servant man and many other things. Also while I was there I took a thought about being religious and would liked to have been beside some who would help me to follow it out. But it went away out my head again and I after that did many things that was unrighteous which I hope the Lord has forgiving me.
The next place I went to was a place called Bow-for-Nought about two or three miles east of Stirling close on the links of Forth. The name of my master was Thomas Asan. I stayed with him a year. I learned to hold pue thire and do many other things. I laft him and went to serve with Robert Simpson farmer in the ahas of earth brother to John Simpson and next farm I stoped with him half a year. This place was about six miles north from Lauriestown.
The next place I went to was with a farmer whose name Wnare Boyd about four miles south from Lauriestown. I stayed with him six months. He wanted me to engage with him again, but I left him and went home and stayed with my ant who was married by this time to a man the name of Alexander Gibb. I stayed with her a few weeks only. When with her I wrought with my father in a coal pit about two miles south of where we stayed, but my father removed to a place called Middlerigg close by the pit where we worked in and I went and stoped along with him. We was out along thire when the pit went done and we removed west to Gawyards, a place about a mil east of airdrie. We wrought thire about five months and then removed to Barleyside about three mils south of Falkirk. We wrough to the Carron Company. I stoped about one year when I got married to a young lass the name of Jenet Laird. Her father and mother was both dade. She resided in Stellhall about three mils south of Falkirk, so I went stoped thire along with her. She had a child shortly after we was married. It was a girle but was dade born and was buried in Falkirk in the old church yard. Also, in January the 17, 1844 she give birth to a boye and I caled him after my father, John Jenkins.
My father removed from Barleyside beside me. I laft thire after having stayed about three years and went weat to a place called Watstown. stoped thire about 10 weeks then removed to a place called Black Tongue. I stoped from 1 to 2 years,thire. While we was thire, Janet, my wife, had another child. I called him Charles L. Jenkins. It was in the year 1845 and 24 day of October he was born.
I then removed to a place called the Stand. I stayed there about 3 years. Janet had another child thire and I called her Jean Jenkins. It was in the year 1847 and 8 day of September she was born. It was in the New Mounthand Parish and Shire of Lanrick Scotland that Charles and Jesn was born. John and the girl that was dead born, it was in Falkirk Parish Shire of Stirling Scotland they were born. John received his name from the Rev. Mr Steel of Falkirk, one of the servants of satan who gives the mark of the beast. Charles received his hame from the Rev. Mr. Tumervile of Tirdre, another servant of satan and one who give the mark of the beast. But I rejoice now that I have received that mark removed from myself and all my household. I will now give a little knowledge concerning my embracing gospel.
I always thought when reading the scriptures that I would like to lived in the days of Jesus Christ and his apostles for I thought thire was some¬thing about them or that they had a power that the hired priest in this day had not. And when I grew to manhood, I did not attend the churches of the different sect very much. I rather inclined to stope at home on Sundays read fictitious story books. While I resided in the Stand, there was a good Brother of mine the name of John Henderson resided there also and we wrought both in one pit. He happened to be working next room to a man the name of Alexander Wilson and he was a Latter-Day Saint. He begin to teach John the doctrines which he held and told him to come up to Airdire to church and hear them John promised to do so and he came and told me and wanted me to go also, but I would not go at that time, so he went away himself. But he did not met with Alexander for he was rather behind the time promised, so he went into some other church.
Well I think it was on the Monday that John and I went into Airdire and we fell in with Alexander Wilson and his wife. We went in to a house and had a dram and a drink of porter. He told us about the doctrine which he held again. It was the first time that I heard them so I could say nothing against them. He tooke us away to his house and he had a good brother thire and he held the office of a teacher. His name was William Allan. He teached the doctrine unto us. I could say nothing against it but John said a little. But he had to give in. We was invited to come to church to hear them. They sang a hymn and then nelt down on thire knees and called on the Lord in prayer. I thought this way of worshiping God to be very strange as it was different than the rest of the churches which I had been in. The man who preached was Matthew Crothers and he did speak to the point. He spoke very slow, but he was very sure. I never in all my life heard such a powerful sermon. I could not resist the powerful truths which fell from his lips. I believed it as fast as he spoked it. Well, we went in the afternoon and they tooke the bread and wine in remembrance of Christ's death. After that an opportunity was granted then to bear testimony to the knowledge they had received since they had obeyed the gospel.
Well, a good number of them stood up and bore testimony that they knew it was the work of God they had engaged in and that it was true and a great deal more they testified of. Well, I thought they were all mini¬sters. They gathered and John says to me, "We must be here. They can preach the gospel and they are all well learned." Well, I positively thought they were servents of God and I had a liking towards them. Well, we went back on the next Sunday and heard them again. They teached us faith in the Lord, then repentance, then baptism by immersion for the re¬mission of sins and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. And if we would obey these laws, we would receive a knowledge from God whether we was doing right or wrong. Well, the next Sunday we went away to Borress to see a good brother we had there whose name was Charles Humelton. We begin to tell them that baptising little infants was not right and such a command was not in the Bible and if our wifes should have any more children, we would not have them baptised when they were young, but but when they came to the age of baptising, we would have them baptised by immersion. Well, there was on day while I was at my work when William Cellon and William Howson two oversmen came to see the place where I was working. And after speaking about different things, William Howson say to Mr Cellon. is a Alexander Wilson doing a great deal of good here? I don't know either says Mr. Cellon, but he has made good wages to. It is not that says William Howson. What is it then says Mr. Cellon. I say William Hawson he has converted James Jenkins here and John Henderson. I man is that the case says Mr. Cellon and there they commenced to call down the Latter-lay Sants. Biit I determined not to mind them for I knew I had been told the truth by the Saints.
We went to church next Sunday to hear them again and was well pleased with them. It was on the Monday following that we was in Airdre when we saw of the Latter-Day Saints. We will away and tell them to come and baptise us so we went and told them so they tooke a pice of money and throw it in air for heads or tails to see whether they would come out to the place where we stoped or that we would come in to them. But the lot fell on them to come out to our place so the night was set and Andrew Henderson Elder and Robert Brigton teacher that was their names, came out the set night and we went down to the Camren Glen and Elder Andrew Henderson baptised us in the burro so we came home to my house and a repart of bread and oil was put down before them to partake of and after that went home. This was done on the 5 day of May 1847, We sent to church Sunday which was the 9 day of May and we was confirmed: Elder Peter Moffet confirmed me by the laying on of hands and from that time foreward I have had great joy. My wife Janet Laird was born in Rinaird in the parish of Larber and Shire of Stirling in Scotland in the year 1821 January the 13 and she was baptised by Peter Moffet on the 27 day of May 1847 and confirmed on the 30th by James Wilson.
Sunday the 19 of December 1852, I was roused from my sleep about 5 o' clock in the morning by a brother the name of Hugh Wilson who told me that I was to come away with him for the Wife of his brother, Charles Wilson, had turned very bad, and they did not know rightly what was wrong with her, for she was making her arms fly in the air, scratching herself, and calling the Priesthood. After I had got myself dressed, I went along with him, calling at the house of brother McKinley as we went along where I got a little oil for I thought I would need it believing that a devil had entered her. Whenever that I entered the outer door, I heard her crying out "there Brother Jenkins, there brother Jenkins, he need not come here, he need not come here, he can do nothing, he can do nothing and then she went into a fit of laughing at me coming to cast hime out, As soon as she got her eyes upon me she cryed out. Ye can do nothing. Ye can do nothing here. Then she lifted up her hand and pointing her finger at me and went on with a laugh the like of it I never I thought her very face was lengthened. I took hold of her by the two arms and said quite calmly„ "Be Quiet,"
(Note- This is all we have of this Journal.)
I James Jenkins being called and ordained to the office of a priest under the hands of Elder William Peterson at a prayer meeting in November on the 17th day of January, 1849, and I, James Jenkins, begin to write my labors in the Kingdom of God from that time.
I remember well the first time I was sent out to preach. It was on the 30th day of March 1849 that day being Saturday. Just after I came home from my days labour, I and Brother James Stephen was sent away to summer house to preach. When we went thire, we got a house and opened the meeting by song and prayer and I began to preach to the people that was gathered in the house. After I was done, Brother Stephen spoke a skhort time and we closed the meeting and came away home, the distance going and coming was about 4 miles.
When we came back to Newcraig, a concil meeting was held and it was proposed by Allan Sturt Adamson who came thire that day that we open Slamannan the next day and preach the gospel to the people. So after business was over, we went unto our homes to rest ourselves for next days labour. Next morning being the 1 of April we made ourselves ready and went to the church metting. After the metting was over and we had taken some food then we went away down to Slamannan to preach unto their people. A prest from Airdire who came to see me went along with us and his name was George F Moffet. He was placed on (miles on this page are 4) the north part. I was in the center. Brother Adamson was in the South parts of Slamannan and we give them a broadside with the truth of heaven and came away home leving them in state of astoinshment. The distance going and coming was about 2 miles. Next day in the afternoon, we went down to Slamannan again being the 2 day of April to preach to them and also to let them no that we would have a public patism in even water. Brother William Paterson was with us and took the place of Gorge Moffet for he was away home. Brother Adamson tooke his old place. I took my old place. Teacher Rober Patterson was along with me both times and (miles in this page are 2) bore his testimony.
After I was done, we invited the people to come and see the baptism, so we close our mettings and went to the water to attend unto the baptism, And a great deal of the people following us. We sang a hymn and Brother Adamson prayed and Brother Peterson baptised. Alexander and John Fuller in the name of the Father and of the Son and Holy Ghost. And then came out and Brother Adamson preached unto the people on the water ege, then we came away up to Newcraig, the distance going and coming was about 2 miles. After coming up, Brother Adamson and I went away with other four and I baptised them into the kingdom of God, see page 57 and pragraft 4 for (miles in this page are 2) there names. Now this was the beginning of my labours in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints after being called to preach.
It was on the Sunday following that Brother Robert Patterson and I was sent away down to a place called the Minds to preach to the people who resided thire. So when we came unto them, we asked a house to preach into, but they would not give us one so we preached before the dors unto them. Brother Patterson did bear his testimony unto them after I was done We was oposed by some of them after we was done, so we told them if they would hear us, we would come back on next Sunday. So this was on the 8 day of April, the distance going and coming would be about 2 miles.
Sunday came, it being the 15 day of April. After our church metting was over, teacher Brother Robert Patterson and I went back to them again, praying to the Lord on our way to bind up all the bad spirits that was in the place. So I preached unto them and had a good portion of the Spirit of God. Brother Paterson bore his testimony and we came away home. The distance going and coming was about 2 miles. We went back on Sunday 22 of April. We got a house this time. I preached to them again. Brother Patter¬son spoke a short time, then we came away home. The distance goin and coming was 2 miles (miles in this page are 6)
It was on the 29th day of April 1849 that Brother William and Robert Patterson and Brother James Low and myself and some of the brethren went down to Slamannan once more to preach unto the inhabitants of that place. I toke my old stance. Brother Low toke the North part and Brother Patter¬son stood at the south part and there we preached unto them the gospel for a short time. And then we came away home. The distance going an coming was 2 miles. Brother Robert Patterson stood by me and bore his testimony after I was done. It was also on the 6th of May 1849 that teacher Robert Patterson and myself went back again to the Mind Row and testified of truth which God has sent for the (miles in this page are 2) Salvation 'of man. And then we came away home going and coming to place was about 2 miles.
Next Sunday was the 13 of May. After our metting was over, Teacher Patterson and I went away to Barleyside to testify of the truth to them. We received a house to preach in for it was raining and we could not stand out to preach; so we comence in the house of Alexander Jenkins where there was some people met to here us. After I was done, Brother Patterson spoke a short time and then we came away home. The distance to that place and back again was about 2 miles. We went back again on the 20th of May and preach in the house of Robert Jenkins to the people (miles in this page are 4) that were gathered there, Brother Robert Patterson Testifying of the truth after I was done. And then we came away home. The distance was 2 miles. It was next Sunday 27 May that Brother teacher Ritchie and I went away to the Minds Row and I preached thire again and then came away from thire to Barleyside and I preached thire in the open air. Then I came away home. The distance we went was about 4 miles.
Brother Ritchie and I went back on the 3 of June to Barleyside and preached once more to the people thire and came away home. Distance going and coming was 2 miles. 0A the 10th of June, I and Brother (miles on this page are 8) Hendry Jenkins a teacher went away to Summer House and I preached in the open air to the people who dwelled in that place. It would be about 4 miles to that place and back again.
On the 24 day of June, Brother Stephens, an elder and I went to Barleyside and we preached and testified unto them that our garments was clear of thire blood for they had been well warned. From thire we went to Bentend and preached thire also and then went to Shieldhill and preached to the people thire and then went to the Minds and preached and testified that our garments was clear of thire blood. So we came away home. The distance we went was about 5 miles. (miles in this page are 9)
On Sunday the 5 day of August 1849, I and Brother Hendry Jenkins teacher went away to Benneyhill and I preached in the House of Mrs. Burts to a few people who gathered thire and then went to Newfield Dikes and preached to a good number of people thire. Likewise, we preached to a ex¬clent metting in the Burnrow and then closed and came away home. Four miles about the distance going and coming.
On Sunday the 12 day of August 1849, teacher Hendry Jenkins and myself went away to Benneyhill and preached in the house of Mrs Burtis to a few people thire and then went to Newfield Dikes. We went into the house of one Gorge Johnston (miles in this page are 4) who resided thire and asked his house to preach in, but Mrs. Johnston was against giving it, so we went out before the doors,opened our meeting and I asked the people. to come to the end of the rows where it was loud and they would hear me better for it was windy. A good number came and I testify of the truth to them and came away to the Burnrows and preached to the people there and then went home 4 miles back and forth.
On Sunday the 19 day of August 1849 Elder William Patterson and I went to Bennyhill. Brother Patterson preached to the people there then we went to Newfield Dikes. He also preached there then came home. Four miles was the distance going and coming, (Miles in this page are 8)
It was on Sunday 25 day of August 1849 that Elder William Patterson and Teacher Hendry Jenkins and myself went to Benneyhill and Newfield Dikes. Elder Patterson preached in the former place and I in the latter. Teacher Jenkins was with me while preaching. The distance going and coming was 4 miles. I and Henry Jenkins teacher went to Bonneyhill on the 2 day of September 1849 and I preached in the house of Mrs Burt to a number of people gathered there. Then we went to Newfield Dykes and I preached in a house there to a number of people. Then I came away home. The distance going and coming was 4 miles. I preached in the open air to a number of people there, then (miles in this page are 8) went to Newfield Dykes and preached in a house, then came away home. Traveled that day 4 miles.
On Sunday the 16 September 1849 I and Elder Patterson, teacher Jenkins and Teacher Ritchie went out to preach. Elder Patterson went to Benneyhill. I and the two teachers went to the Burnrow. I preached in the open air to the people thire then we went a short time thire in a house (miles in this page are 8) so we came away home. We traveled about 4 miles.
On Sunday the 30 Day of September 1849 Brother Ritchie and Henry Jenkins and myself went out to preach. I went to Bennayhill. The other two went to Newfield Dykes. I preached in the house of Mrs. Burt. Then after that I went to the Burnrow and preached in a house there, then came home. We traveled about 4 miles.
On Sunday the 7 October 1849 teacher Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins and James Webster and myself went away back to preach in the places we preached in the Sunday before: Bennayhill, Newfield Dykes, and the Burnrow and also the Sunday following. The 14 day of October we went back again and preached unto them. The distance we traveled was about 8 miles.
Sunday the 21 October 1849 I preached on Bennayhill (miles in this page are 16) in the house of James Hunter. Went to the Burnrow where I met priest Ritchie, teacher Jenkins. We preached in a house to a few then came away. Distance 4 miles.
October the 28 I preached in the house of Mrs. Burts, Bonnayhill. I also spoke a short time in Newfield Dykes. Brother Ritchie spoke a short time also.
November the 4 I preached in the house of John Korey, Newfield Dykes. After I was done Brother Ritchie bore his testimony and we left them. Miles 8.
November 11, 1849, I went to a place called the lodge and preached in the house of James Hunter to a good meeting. Teacher Jenkins was with me then we came home, promising to be back on the next Sunday. Miles 5
November 18, I went back to Lodge. Brother Ritchie was with me. We preached once (miles in this page are 17) more to a good number people in the house of James Hunter. Miles 5. Also on the 25 November I went back. Brother Burt member was with me. I preached to the people once more, but I was opposed by one the name of David Toad. First when he came in he was seated just close where I stood. He tryed to get me to stope, crying out blasphemy. Who could set and hear me. Running out, thinking I suppose to get all to hear me. He sat down taking a stealt look at me while my eyes was of him. After I was done, he arose (miles on this page are 5) and asked me if I would answer a few questions. While I seal no such charter as you, he wanted me to get into a discussion. I said I counted him far below my notice. He sead if I spoke by the spirit, he found very much fult with it. He went away after speaking some more noncines and I told the people I would come back on next Sunday if they would come an hear me. Some said they would. I came away home. Miles 5.
I went back to the lodge on the 9 December and preached to the people there, 5 I also went to Ironloss on the 7;6 December. Brother Ritchie was with me and we preached in an hour to a good meeting there for the first time. 4 We went back on the 23 December, 1849, and we had two meetings this time. 4 (Miles on this page are 18) These were the places that I preached in 1849, having preached a good many times in these places which we laft in going to other places. We sowed the seed well but received none for baptism. There was some good hearers but bad obeyers so they are not justified in the sight of God as yet. It was on the 6 day of January 1850 that we went back to Ironloss.
Brother Ritchie and Brother Jenkins went to Ironloss. I and two members went to Russel Row. The names of the members, John Jenkins and James Webster. I preached in the house of James Hunter to a good meeting. They appear to like the principles well. (4) On the 13 January 1850 I was ordained under the hands of Allen S. Adamson to the office of an Elder. Also to be President of the Branch Newcraig or Slamannan Branch. He went along with us this evening to Ironloss Rows to preach unto the people.
(Miles in this page are 6) We went to houses we preached in the Sunday before. Brother Adamson preached in my place this evening to a good number of people. While coming home, Brother Ritchie baptised one Robert Wilson. He was a. member before but was cut off. (4)
Also on the 20 we went back to them again. The two members that was with me on the 6 of January was with me this time. I had a sple1did meet¬ing and after I was done I conversed along time with some of them. They appear to be well pleased. I left a few pamphlets for some of them to read. The distance going and coming these three times was about 12 miles. February the 3 Priest Ritchie and I went back again to Ironloss. We both went to one row this time because most of the people was removed out of the other . We preached in the house of James Hunter again. (Miles in this page are 12).
The meeting that we had was not so large as some we had the times before but they paid great attention to what we said. We give them the same promise that we give before that is the gift of the Holy Ghost and the remission of sins after baptism. We left them to all appearance well pleased, promising to come back again, Distance 4 miles.
February 17 I went along with Brother-Ritchie to Russels Row and we preached once more to a number of people in the house of James Hunter. They received the truth well and I believe some good will be done among them. We left them promising to come back. Distance 4 miles.
March 3 I went to Russels Row. Teacher Hendry Jenkins was with me. We preached once more to them likewise. (4 ) March 10 I went back. Elder A.S. Adamson was with me. He preached (Miles in this page are 12) and I bore testimony to the truth of gospel. We had a good meeting and got a few names for to take the stay on the new plan. At the present time I think I will soon get some to obey. Distance of miles 4.
March 17 I went to Russels Row, preached once more to the people there. Brother Lawman a priest was with me. I called on them to come and be baptised. This is 9 or 10 times, we have preached to them and none have obeyed and they seem to like the truth well, too. 6 miles.
March 24 I went to Russels Row and preached unto a house full of people. They gave good attention unto what I did say. After I was done, I asked how they liked the doctrine. Some said they could say nothing against it yet would not (miles in this page are 8 ) obey it altho it was true. (4)
March 31, I went along with Brother Ritchie and we preached in Watts Row. This time in the house of Brother Walker. The house was full and they paid great attention and Brother Ritchie baptised two after the meeting was over, which cause us to rejoice.
April 7, I went to Russel Row. Teacher Jenkins was with me and I preached to a few. After we was alone, I went to Watts Row where Brother Ritchie was preaching. And after he was done, we had one for baptism out of Russels Row. This is the first in their row, while we was attending to the ordinance of baptism, one the name of Alexander Wilson came and opposed us, calling the Prophet Joseph Smith everything that was bad and brailing out that we was imposters. But we left him. He was so full of the devil, he was frothing at the mouth. Miles 4
April 14, I went to Watts Row and Brother A.S. Adamson preached a short time. Then he went to Hussies Row to preach and I took his place and preached and after we was all done, we had a sister for baptism.
April 21, I went back to Watts Row and preached again. Miles 4
April 28, I went to Black Braes and I preached to the saints thire as the former president was removed and I having received the presidency. I came along from there to Ironloss whire I met with Brother Ritchie. We had a wetting in Brother Layman's and preach to the same. The distance going and coming was 8.
May 5, I went to Ironloss and (Miles in this page are 20).Brother Ritchie was with me and we preached to the Saints and strangers who came in to hear us. This was after our meeting we had through the day. Miles 4
May 11, I visited Black Braes and preached to the saints there. Also on the 19 of May I visited them along with Brother Ritchie and I went back on May 26 and preached to them. After I was done, I had two to baptise.
June 2, I went back to them again and I confirmed the two I baptised the sabbath before. The distance of miles going and coming these times is about 32 miles.
June 23, I went along to Black Braes and preached to the saints. The reasion that I go to Black Braes is because I received the Presidence of the same.
June 30, I went to Black Braes (Mils in this page axe 36) and we established an emigrating fund for the purpose of helping the Saints to gather to the land of Zion. I left and went to Watts Row and preached to the saints there and encouraged them to go forward in the Kingdom of God. Since they had made covenant with him and not to be afraid of the signs of the time for it was a prof that thire redemption wgs nigh and if they were faithful when tryed of the Lord that they would be bless with great bless-ings from him. The distance I went these two times was about 16 miles.
July 7, this day I went to Black Braes and I preached to the Saints, Then I went to Aronloss and I preached to the saints there also. I would travel about 8 mils going thire and back again, July 14, 1 and Brother Walter Ritchie went to Black Braes and we preached to the (Mils in this page are 24 mils ) saints of God and after we was done we went to preach unto the world. I took my stand with brother John Johnston teacher by my side in the open air opposite the Row called Easter Shieldhill and I preached to a number who came out to hear me. I left them promising to them that I or some of my Brethern would be back on next Sunday. Brother Ritchie and John Johnston took their stand in a place called Crosshall or Ha and preached to the people thire. We then journed west about a mil and I took another stand along with Brother John¬ston in a place called Easter Shieldhill. There was a number gathered to hear me. After I was done, one of their company said that doctrine did not meet his views and I would not get him to obey that delusion for the blood of Christ clensed us from all sin without baptism. He allowed bap¬tism was a duty but not essential to man's salvation so he went away. I told them that I would show them the principles which we held and if they considered them worth obeying they could do so. Brother Ritchie took his second stand in a place called Summerhouse and preached to the people thire so we came away home traveling about 8 miles this day.
July 20, this day I went to Black Breas. Priest Walter Ritchie went with me after preaching to the saints we held a council meeting in which we cut off two individuals from the church for immoral conduct and neglect of duty. Also we council to have a fast day on the Sunday coming for to pray the (Miles in this page are 8) Lord for to roll on his work in this part of the country and also to give his servants stranth to go and labor with all thire might in preaching the gospel to the people round about. After being done counciling, we went out to preach to the world. Deacon Johnson was with me this time. We took the same stand that I took the Sunday before at Easter Shielhill. When we commenced to sing, some of the saved sort would open thire doors and when they saw what we were they shut thire doors and go in again. Now this was done frequent but at last they were compelled to come out and hear me. After I was done, we sold two or three stars at a penny a piece. We then went westward to take up our' other places. We met up to Brother Ritchie and Priest Thomson who was with him. They preached in Crossha but he had not such a large meeting as the Sunday before. But after they were done, they went into the houses and presented the stars for sale to them and sold five of them. Some alowed they had as much books as they could read already and they were just goin to keep thire good old path. Well we went on to Wester Shielhill, Brother Johnston and I went into the house of Alexander Brown while the others went on to preach in Summerhouse. I had some conversation with him on the gospel and presented him with a star for sale. We then went out and I begin to preach, but the wind was high and thire was not many hearing me. But I felt a good portion of the spirit of God and felt as if those who heard me was receiving the truth. We sold two more stars.I then parted with Br Johnston and I went to summer House to where Br Ritchie was and we came home. We traveled this day about 8 miles.
July the 28. This day I preached to the saints in Newcraig for the first time this same weeks past. I had to go to Black Braes in the evening about six o'clock. I went and opened Ba lryside for the first time this summer, Br, John Bavrige teacher was with me. I preached to a good number who came out to here me. After I was done, I asked some of them how they liked the doctrine. They said they could say nothing against. I had some reasoning with them on (mile is this page are 8) the gospel coming to earth again, but thire minds was very dark. We left them and came home. It is about a mil to that place and back again.
August 4, This morning was very wet and I was later in going to Black Braes than usual. After being done preaching to the saints thire, I went another time to Ester Shiel to preach. I had Deacon Johnston with me. I had a good turn out and after I was done, I had a good deal of reasoning with them about the falling away from the gospel and the angel bring it back again. Brother Johnston sold three stars to some of them so we left and came to Summerhouse and I preached thire. I also blessed Br Lindsay's child. Then I came home. I traveled about 8 miles. (Mils in this page are 9).
August 12 This day I preached in New Craig to the Saints and went in the evening about six o'clock to Barleyside and preached to a good number of people. Deacon David Adamson was with me and he sold 3 stars. The distance to that place and back was about 1 mil.
August 18. This day after I was done meeting with the saints, I went to Baxlyside to preach. Priest John Lawment and Deacon David Adam¬son was with me. The evening was wet and winded, We went into the house of Robert Jenkins. I asked his house to preach in and he did give us the privilege of it. So I sent the brethren through the place to tell the people to come in and hear us. There was not many but I preached a short time and Brother Lawment spoke a while. We left them (Mils in this page are 1). after selling some stars. It is about a mile to that place and back again.
August 25, This day I went to Black Braes and after preaching to the saints I went and Deacon Johnston to Ester Shieldhill to* preach. This afternoon was winded and thire was different showers of rain. I went into the house of one Forles and I asked his house to preach in and I got it. I sent Deacon Johnston to tell the people to come in and hear me. There was a few came in and I preached about an hour to them. We sold 3 stars and one gait and came away. I traveled about 8 mils.
September 1. This day I went to Black Breas and after being done preaching we held a council meeting and we cut two from the church, after which Deacon Johnston and I went to Ester Shieldhill to tell them once more what they should do to (Mils in this page are 9) please God. This was a good day but a little winded so I stood before the doors and preached to those who gather round me. After I was done, a man the name of Archery Webster cried out I would need to bring a dictionary to explane the Book of Mormon, which proved to me he was one of those that peter speaks about in the second Epistle 2 chapter and 12 verse, but these as natural brute beasts made to be Ken and destroyed speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption." Deacon Johnston sold 2 or 3 stars and we went on to Wester Shieldhill and preached before the peoples doors, but it appears they are feared of being saved for some of them stood far back and others did not come out. The Lord will reward them for neglance. I traveled about 8 mils this day.
September 8, This day I was preaching in New Craig and thire was a good turn out of the sons and daughters of God. We had not much preaching to the people of the world for Priest Lawmont was not well and could not fill his preaching places. Also Priest Ritchie could not get his places attended. The only place filled was Barleyside and I preached into it my¬self. Deacon Adamson was with me and we preached before thire house doors, then left them. It is about a mil to that place and back again.
September 15, This Sunday I did preach in Barlyside once more and Deacon Adamson did stand by me while I preached unto them. This is (mils in this page are 3) about five month we have preached the gospel to them, part of the time in 1849 and part in 1850. That is once each Sunday in that time. And we have reasoned with them and spoken to them in plaines, they have read some of our pamphlets and they have bought a few of our stars.
And for all they have read and heard, not one of them has obeyed the message sent of God in these last days and I can say my garments are clear of thine blood for ,I Have preached in thire houses and before thire doors and they have not received me in obeying the message I was sent to them with, so I leave them and let the Lord do with them as it seemeth him good. To that place and back again is about one mil. (mils in this page is 1.)
September 22. This day Allan Adamson and I went to Black Braes and we preached to the saints and after that went to Ester Shielhill. A.S. Adamson preached unto them and did let them know that they were a wicked people and that they had rejected the gospel. I bear my testimony to the truth of heaven sent in these last days for the salvation of all who dos obeyed it. We went to Crossha and he preached thire also. We then went West Shielhill and did preach thire and then to Summerhouse and we preached to the people there. In all these places they are a slothful people and they would rather obey the message of one sent to tell them to assemble to¬gether that they might drink strong drink than come and hear a servant of God and obey him. They care as little about a man sent of God to tell them how to get saved and pay as little attention to him as the Sodemites did to Lot, so we leave them and let the Lord burn them if he pleases and when the flames come and the mighty judgements of God come it will put them in mind of the warnings they received concerning these things before they come upon them. We traveled about 8 miles.
October 13. This day we had Br. A.S. Adamson in New Craig and he preached unto the saints here and we felt ourselves greatly edifyed by him.
October 20. I went to Falkirk for the stars but they had not come so we went South to Black Broas, /Teacher Hendry Jenkins was with me. After being done with preaching we had a council metting and cut two from the church. We traveled about 12 mils.
It was sometime early in March 1851 that I left New Craig after having presided over that branch about 14 months and previous to this 14 months when I held the office of priest. I had charge of the branch for some months after Elder Paterson went out travel who was president of the same branch before I received it. Also I had the presidence of Black Bracs branch for about 6 month before I left New Craig to go to England for that was where I went after I left that place. It was about the begining of 1851 previous to coming away from New Craig I tooke a thought to try to get away to America and my wife give me her consent to go and she promised to stay till I would send money for her and the family. So I asked counsel of those above me if I would go in the maner and they give me concent, So I got one pound and sent it away to Liverpool to Br. Richards to secure a birth in a ship for New Orleans. I got the promise of other 3 or 4 pounds to take me away but some failed in thire promise and others could not get it to give me, Although I run late and soon trying to raise the money yet it appeared it was not wisdom for me to get away at that time. The Lord knows best what is good for us and all things work together for good to tham that fear him. Shortly after I was disappointed in getting away to America I thought I would go to England. So I left my wife and family in New Craig and toke the train at Polmont station for Edenburgh and then to Leith and I went on board the steam boat Brittinia to sail for New Castle upon Tyne. I left home on Saturday morning and I landed in New Castle on Sunday Morning about 7 or 8 o'clock. I was very sick when I was on the sea and the most of the day. After I landed I fell in with three men who were shoemakers to trend. They were Scotishmen but had been some years in England. So I asked them if thire was any Latter-Day Saints in New Castle and they told me thire was and I asked them to show me thire place of wor¬ship, which they did. And very glad I was for I did not know where to go. I went into the morning sermon and I enquired out the President whose name was Robert Gilles, a Scotishman too. He toke me to his house and give me meat and sope and water to wash myself and I went to the church in the afternoon and he give me directions to go to a Br. in Camperdown about 5 mils from his dwelling. So I went and found out the Br. whose name was Marten Teasdale. He give me lodgens and found work for me next day, so I went to my work but I was not able to do much for I was unwell the week previous to coming away and sea sickness made me very weak for about 8 days after I landed. It would be about 5 weeks after I landed when I got my wife and family up beside me and very sick both her and 4 of the children was when on the sea. After I landed in England for some weeks, I was grieved and dull in spirits for I thought I had grieved-the spirit of God in coming away from New Craig. My reason for thinking so is this. John Nismeth kept a store and I got a few shillings into his debt. Our work was not very good and he would get all our money on pay day and if the pit did not go very well for want of tread they stoped the store and would give us no food. They held the key of our bellies and opined and loked when they pleased. There was one time we sent up for some things when my wife was bad. She having a child and they would not give us nothing: They had plenty themselves and after getting all our money they just give us things when they pleased and when a man that had a large family got a few shillings in thire debt there was not getting out of it for a man that was able to go to Falkirk with his money could get as much for 16 shillings as we would get from the store for one pound. So this sort of tyranny 'I hated so I was a little in thire debt when I left them. That was one thing that grieved me, but when I get it in my power I will pay them.
It was on the 15 of June that a branch was organized in Camperdown and I received the presidence of the same. Thire was the members in the branch and it was I think the 22 when Elder Wm. Paterson came to this place from Scotland and very proud I was when I saw thim for he was just needed to help me to warn the people round about Camperdown and it came to pass on the 7 August 1851 that Br. Paterson went along with me to a place called Seghill to preach the gospel to the people so we take our stand opposite the flate. I opened the meeting and we sung a paraphrase and the people gathered round us so I began to preach and when I was done a large meeting had gathered and still increasing. Br. Paterson began and preached after I was done. Those who was long a coming heard the truth as well as those who came first. After Br. Paterson was done I told them we would preach in the new square and wish there company so we went and I spoke first and then Br. Paterson. This meeting was not so large on to it being diner time, but we had good attention from both of the meetings. We told them we would be back next Sunday as we left them and traveled 4 miles that day.
HEALINGS BY GOD'S POWER My Brother Robert Jenkins on the 16 day of April, it being Monday, was afflicted with a pain in his side which made him cry for more than an hour. He cried for Elder Wm Paterson to come to him, but he was away to Falkirk. I being alone with him and thire was no officer to attend to the ordince. When we was coming home we was informed by a brother and we went strat on to my father's house where he was. When we came in, we shut the door and Brother Paterson and all united in prayer. He was still crying with the pain. When Brother Patterson was done praying, he anointed his side with oil in the name of Jesus Christ and we laid hands on him and the pain left him. We came out and went into my house, but in al short time got word that the pain was back again. We went in and anointed him and re¬buked the pain. When we was done, the pain left him and came back no more. I was eye wittness along with William Paterson of that manefestation of the power of God.
Hendry Jenkins was born 28 February 1859 in Shetts and Shotts Parish, Scotland, and was blest by Elder Carnie in Croft Heard Branch on 24 April 1859.
James Jenkins I was born in Lauriestown in the Parish of Falkirk and Shire of Sterling in Scotland on the 22 July 1822. I was baptised in Ardire.
My wife Janet Laird was born in Kinaird in the Parish of Larber, Shire of Sterling in the year 1821, 13 January in Scotland.
My son John Jenkins was born in Shielhill in the parish of Polmont and Shire of Sterling in 1844 on 17 January. He was blessed by Elder William Paterson on the 16 September 1849, Scotland.
My son Charles L. Jenkins was born in Black Tongue in the Parish of New Monkland and Shire Lamrick in the year 1845 October 14. He was blessed by W. Paterson, September 16, year 1849, both blessed in New Craig Branch, Scotland.
James Jenkins: I was baptised into the Ardire Branch on the 5 day of May 1847 by Andrew Henderson, He was an Elder. I was confirmed on the 9 day of May by Elder Peter Moffat 1847.
My wife Janet Laird was baptised into the Ardire Branch on the 27 of May 1847, confirmed on the 30 of May by Elder James Wilson. She was baptised by Peter Moffat. I was ordained to the office of a Deacon in Ardire Branch under the hands of Matthew Cruthers president of the branch on the 1847. I was ordained to the office of a teacher in Ardire Branch under the hands of William Hetherington, one of the Seventys on the 26 of March 1848 in Glasgow Conference. I was ordained to the office of Priest in the New Craig Branch under the hands of Elder William Paterson on the 17 day of January 1849. I was ordained to the office of Elder in the New Craig branch under the hands of Elder Allan Sturt Adamson on the 13 January 1850. I received the offices of Priest and Elder in the Edinburgh Conference.
My daughter Jean Jenkins was born in the stand in New Mounkland Parish in Shire of Lamrick in 1847 September 8. Blessed by William Paterson on the 16 September in New Craig, Scotland.
My son James Jenkins was born in New Craig in 1849 and 14 of May, Parish of Slamannan, shire of Sterling and blessed by W. Paterson 27 May in the New Craig Branch, Scotland.
My daughter Helen H. Jenkins was born in Cornfield, Falkirk Parish, Shire of Sterling, Scotland in 1851, the 10 day of January and blessed in New Craig on the 31 of February by John 0. Angus.
My son John Jenkins was confirmed by myself on the 27 January 1852.
He was baptised in Bedlington Branch 19 January 1852 by myself in Bedlington Parish North Thumberland.
My daughter Janet Jenkins was born in Bedlington, February 7, 1853, county of North Thumberland, England, and was blesst in Bedlington Branch 13 February 1853 by Elder James Leivel, Baptised in Crofthead 9 April 1862 by J. Baxter. Confirmed 13 April 1862 by James McBride.
My son Charles L. Jenkins was baptised in the Falkirk Branch on the 10 day of May by Priest Robert Lawmont and Confirmed on the 18 May 1854 by Elder Lyon.
Deaths: My son James Jenkins died on the 21 of March 1853 about 11 o'clock and was buried on the 24 March about 5 o'clock at night in Bed¬ington Church of England Church yard. His death was caused by burning on the 19th. After he rose from his bed he went down stairs with some more of his brethern. He had sat down by the fire and a cinder had fall¬ing on his night gown and put it on fire. He with the rest soon give the alarm. His mother soon came to his assistance but that devouring element had done its work. It was the cause of his death.
I baptised James Henderson and Jenet Wright and Jean Jenkins into the Croft Head Branch on the 16 March 1857, Witnesses Elder John Henderson.
James Hardie Jenkins, my son was born in Shotts and Shotts Parish, Lanarkshire on the 24 day of January 1855 and was blest in Croft Head Branch by Elder George Law on the 18 February 1855, Scotland.
My daughter Jean Jenkins was baptised by myself on the 16 March 1856, in Croft Head Branch, Parish of With Burn and county of Linlithgow, I confirmed her on the 23 March 1856. My daughter Margaret Jenkins was born 4 Dec. 1856 in Shotts and Works, Lanarkshire Scotland and was blest by Elder John Henderson in the Shotts Branch 11 Jan. 1857. James Hardie Jenkins died on the 5 Nov. 1858.
This is a record of all the brethern and sisters which I have Baptised into the Kingdom of God. I James Jenkins holding the office of Priest did baptise William Webster and Robert Jenkins on the 28 Day of January 1849 in the New Craig or Slamannan Branch. Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins did witness the same.
I also Baptised Peter Burt on the 3 day of March 1849 in the New Craig Branch. John Jenkins and William Jenkins can testify to the same.
I also baptised Ann Burt and John Cambel and James Webster on the 5 day of March 1849 in New Craig. Hendry Jenkins and John Jenkins being thire present.
I baptised Jean Brown and Rell Revrige and Mar Fuller and Henry Full in New Craig on the 2 of April 1849. Allan Adamson was presant who holds the office of Elder. I baptised Alex Burt in New Craig Branch on the 18 day of July 1849.
I baptised Helen Burt in New Craig Branch on the 9 day of June 1849. Teacher Hendry Jenkins and William Jenkins a member did see me do so. I baptised Mary Walker in New Craig Branch on the 24 day of October 1849 witness to the same Priest Walter Ritchie and G. Brown. I baptised Mary Walker into the New Craig Branch. I baptised Elizabeth Fru into the New Craig Branch. I baptised Robert Watson into the New Craig Branch. May 26 I baptised Andrew Airable and Robert Mcloude in the Black Brace Branch, witness to the same was John Johnston teacher and John Johnston Deacon 1850. September 9 I baptised in New Craig Branch Helen Graham Wilson, witness to the same was teacher John Bravage and Robert Wilson member 1850. I baptised David Duncan in Camperdown Branch July 6, 1850, witness Elder Paterson. I baptised into the Camperdown Branch Elisbeth Duncan on the 13 of October 1851, witness Elder Hendry Anderson and Priest Charles Wilson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch George Noble on the 27 Dec. 1851, witness Elder W. Paterson and Priest R. Hodespith. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Mary Noble and Marion Anderson on the 5 January 1852, witness Elders W. Paterson and H. Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch George Archable on the 11 of January k852, witness Elders Paterson and Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Isable Archable and Margaret Smith and my son John Jenkins on the 19 January 1852, witness Elders Paterson and Anderson. I baptised into the Bedlington Branch Thomas Smith on the 21 January 1852, witness Anderson and Hodspith. I baptised in the Bedlington Branch Jane Sowell and Isable Gladson on 22 January 1852, witness Elders Lewell, Paterson, Anderson.
I baptised James Archbold in Bedlington Branch on 27 Jan. 1852. I baptised Joseph Archbold in the Bedlington Branch 27 January 1852. I baptised Elisbeth Archbold into the Bedlington Branch on 19 Feb. 1852, witness Hendry Anderson and George Archbold. Thomas Archbold was baptised by me 17 March 1852, witness Paterson and Anderson. I baptised Thomas Thomson 17 March 1852, witness Paterson and Anderson. I baptised Dick Archbald into the Bedlington Branch 17 March 1852, witness Pateron and And¬erson.
I baptised Robert Scot into the Bedlington Branch the 9 April 1852, witness Jahston and Henry Jenkins, Priest and Teacher.
My last book being full, I begin to write my labors in this one. The number of mils that I traveled for to preach the gospel when I was in New Craig was 290.
It was on the Sabbath the 14 that we went back again to Sighill, but this day was raining and although it was wet, we had a good meeting. A chair was given us to stand upon so as the people might hear us better. We just preached in one place this day as it was wet. We told them we could not come next Sunday for we had to meet in Conference at New Castle, but we could come the Sunday after that. We left them traveling about 4 miles this day.
Next Sunday being 27 I went to the Conference to represent the Camperdoon Branch which I was presiding over. A good number of presiding Elders from different Branches in the Conference along with Br Higbe President of the Conference was all met together for to settle business and take in the representation of the different branches. My branch con¬sisted of 1 Elder, 1 Priest and 13 members, baptised 2 received total 15. (Mils in this page are 4).
We all came away home about 5 o'clock at night for the most of the Brethrn of Camperdown was with me. I would travel about 10 mils this day.
Next Sunday was the 7 of September and according to promise, I went back to Sighill, Br Patterson accompanying me. Half last 10 o'clock was the announcement in a few bills we put up in the place, so agreeable to that hour, we toke our stand at our old place oppiced the flat tope row. Priest Wilsen got the loan of the Chairs once more and I mounted and begin to preached to a large number of people who in general give good attention. After I was done Br Paterson toke the chair and spoke some time and they and the people still give thire attention. We once more held out the promises of God to them; that is, they would receive remission of thire sins if baptised by one of us having authority. Also the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands and a knowledge would (Mils in this page are 10) be given unto them from God after obedience to these principles with a single heart to the glory of God. The distance to and from Sidhill is 4 mils.
Next Sunday was the 14 aril we both went back to Sighill to give them another heavenly warning. This was the 4 Sunday. We took our stand at the flate tope row. Br Patterson took the Chair and preached to a large meeting. After he was done, I stood up and testified to the truth also I told them we would preach at one o'clock in the New Square. So we walked about until the time then we begin to sing a-hymn and the people gathered round us so I begin and preached to them. Elder Paterson did the same after I was done. The people were very attentive in these two meetings. We went away down to a long row called Black Town and I opined it for the first time, followed by Br Paterson. As we was coming away, I heard a man saying that no man was able to get a yount what we had been saying. To and from that place was 5 mils.
On Sunday the 21 of September, we went to Sighill and I preached to a good number of people. Br Paterson also spoke a short time after I was done. I had 9 stars with me and offered them for sale and the people came so fast for them that we could sold as many more if we had had them. So I sent Br Duncan to Camperdown for another dozen. Thire was a man the name of Hugh Brown toke us into his house and give us diner and then went with us to Black Town. We opened our meeting at the usual place about the center of the row. A large meeting gathered and I began and layed down the principles of the everlasting gospel to them. I had good attention. Br Paterson followed me in speaking and while he was speaking a man said he was wrong. Br Paterson stoped and said if he would just have the common desince to wait till he was done, he would answer as many question to him as he pleased.
Br Duncan had come with 12 stars and we sold them all in a minute or two. We traveled 5 mils.
We both went back on the 28 September and after we was done preach¬ing at the flat toped row, a man the name of Parkens opposed me, but I did not contend with him for he was very unreasonable, so I went into the house of Hugh Brown for he had come out for us. He give us our dinner and then went down to Black Town with us. We had a large meeting and the people payed good attention. Thire was a man asked us a few questions and all the people came round to hear. We answered the questions and he seemed pleased with the answers. We left and came home. Traveled 5 miles. Miles in this page. are 10.
We went in October the 5 and preached at the Flat Tope row and sold 9 stars. We came home for Br Higbe had come to see the branch. Traveled 4 miles.
Next Sunday was the 12 of Oct and according appointment we went back to Sighill and preached at the Flat toped row and also at Black Town. We had good meetings and Hugh Brown would have us to take dinner. He and another young man came on the road home with us about a mile. We preached the gospel to them and they told us they would think another week on what we had said. We traveled 5 miles.
We went back on the 19 October and we both preached to a large meeting at the Flat Top Row after we was done a man the name of William Tholaway stood up and said he was a bitter enemy to us. Then told the people that our doctrines was all an aburdity from top to bottom. He told many more lies and also he would deliver a lecture at 2 o'clock against us. After he was (miles 5) through, I stood up and told the people that we would preach at Black Town at the same hour. So they said they would hear us first. So he said he would begin at 4 o'clock. At the time appointed, there was a large crowd of people and he spoke till he was quite exhausted. I believe for fear that we would say anything after he was done. The most of the lecture was taken from John Bowes Book, a pamphlet well knowen, to be wrote by the spirit of the evil one. But it pleased those who was of the same spirit. Br Paterson stood up after he was done and spoke a short time showing the people a few lies that he told also stating that the Bible was the best book to prove our doctrine by and not the lying stories that was wrote by the hands of wicked men and telling the people that we was willing to meat any man on the doctrine which we held the Bible being the standard of evidance. Also saying that we would reply to his lecture next Sunday. Tholaway stood up and said he would meet us in discussion so a comatee was appointed and the subject to be discussed brought on with writing rules to keep each to the standard the Bible for evidance to prove the subject. We would travel 5 miles.
Sunday came being the 26 and according to appointment we went back to Sighill and ther was a very large meeting. Br Paterson replyed to the most of Tholaway's lecture. I spoke a while after he was done. Tholaway stood up and read a few more stories out of the Bowes Book also stating to the people that we would not sell our books. I stood up and offered the Book of Mormon and Covenants for sale, but no man would buy them. Altho Tholaway said if we would bring (Miles 5 ) then the people would bay them. But in this he made himself a Tier like in all other things that he stated. The meeting got into great confusion and I believe we would have done well to have come away when we first done speaking. (Travel 4 miles)
I wrote to Br Higbee about the discussion and to write to Br Curmichal to come and discuss but he sent me word that Br Gillise would come and the night was fixed for to met Saturday the 1 November. The people met in Mr Barises large room for which he charged 10/ and one penny was taken for admission to depay this expence. The room was said to hold 5 hundred and it was crowded ful. A circumstance was taken place previous to the opining of the meeting which give our mind much trouble. It was this the train that Br (miles 4 ) Gillies was in was half and hour behind her time and the people that he was not coming and they started rubbing with their feet for the opining of the meeting which caused the minds of the saints to be concerned. But the time arrived when the news came that the train was behind her time and had detained Br Gilles and those who were with him from being at the hour appointed to meet our appointment. Baptism was-the subject to be discussed and Mr Tholaway was as far from proving baptism not to be by immersion as the East is from the West. So it will be easy understood what kind of a job he made of it, but the spirit which was in him and those who was against us pufed him up that he had gained the victory but honest hearted people saw the truth and although they did not come forth and obey it, yet they saw the unreasonable arguments that Tholaway brought forth to comdemn truth, The meeting broke up and we went into another room and payed the landlord and divided that which was left over of which we give Br Gillis 2/6 and Br Higby the rest. I think there was about 12/ all to gather.
On Sunday we went to Sighill, Br Higbe and Br Gilles went with us. Br Gillis preached Br Higbe bore his testimony that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that he was well acquainted with him and he was a good man. Tholaway opposed us once more, but we left them and came away. The number of miles I traveled Saturday and Sunday would be 8 miles.
Our work began to get dull and we was obliged to remove from Camper¬down. Our temporal circumstances was not very good for we was not making much money. Altho we arose in the morning at 3 o'clock and was not home till 3 or 4 at night. Yet we did not make much. We would have about 3 miles to travel to our work and back to our place so our spirits was sunk at the long hours, little money and the pit working few days. So we re¬moved on the 14 of November to No Olivers New Row Bedington, Br Paterson and I was both in one house only he stoped up stairs and I down stairs. After we removed to his place, we went back to Sighill 3 times. One of the times we did not preach for the day was wet and the weather was be¬ginning to turn cold and the people was few in number that came to hear us. We also went to Camperdown and preached in the place where the Saints met. The number of miles going and coming these 3 times would be about 42. We would preach 14 or 15 times besides the discussion and the most of these times in tow places. We baptised 3 in Sighill and if they keep faithful it will prove a blessing unto them. A conference was held in New Castle shortly after I removed to Bedlington and I laid before Br Higbe that a good number of the saints had went to stop in Bedlington. Also thire was some thire that belonged to other branches, about 14 in number and we was inclined for a branch to be organized. It was proposed and carried that the saints in Bedlington be organized into a branch and I was called to be President. The Sunday after Conference, we met in the house of Br Charles Wilson at the high end of Bedlington and laid before the Saints the the proposition at Conference which they hailed with joy. We established a poor fund and imigration fund also a conference fund. Thire was many more propositions for the benefit of the branch and all was agreed to by the Saints. We continued our meetings and strangers began to flock to them to hear the truth. Thire was some who did not come with the desire to hear the truth but we preached