Bob Keniston Jr.
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Bob Keniston Jr.

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 20 Aug 2013 | 146,750 contributions | 6,625 thank-yous | 2,264 connections
Bob W. Keniston Jr.
Born 1940s.
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [private sister (1950s - unknown)], [private sister (1950s - unknown)], [private brother (1950s - unknown)] and
Descendants descendants
Father of , [private daughter (1970s - unknown)] and
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Bob Keniston private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 19 Aug 2013
This page has been accessed 23,055 times.
Massachusetts state seal
Bob Keniston Jr. is a part of Massachusetts history.
Join: Massachusetts Project
Discuss: massachusetts

Integrators_sources Integrators_resources



Bob Keniston Jr. competed with the Heavenly Hemlocks in the 2023 WikiGames.
English flag
Bob Keniston Jr. has English ancestors.
Bob Keniston Jr. has Irish ancestors.
Bob Keniston Jr. has French origins.
Portuguese Flag
Bob Keniston Jr. has Portuguese ancestors.
Union and Confederate Service badge
Descendant of Isaac Kennaston, Union Soldier.
Bob Keniston Jr. is a member of the Keniston Name Study Project.
Bob Keniston Jr. is related to US President John Adams. Here is the trail.
Fountain Pen
Bob has written and improved one hundred profiles for the Biography Builders Challenge.
This profile is part of the Keniston Name Study.
Bob Keniston Jr. competed in the 2023 WikiGames.
Bob Keniston Jr. participated with Massachusetts 600 during the 2018 Clean-a-Thon.
Magna Carta project logo
Challenge met! Bob participated in the 2019 Spring Clean-a-Thon!
Magna Carta project logo
Challenge met! Bob participated in the 2018 Spring Clean-a-Thon!
Magna Carta project logo
Challenge met! Bob participated in the 2018 Source-a-Thon!
Magna Carta project logo
Profile Improvement Voyager
Bob has completed the Profile Improvement Project's Voyage


Date: 1948
Place: Medford, Massachusetts[1]


Date: JUN 1966
Place: Fort Hunt HS, Alexandria, VA

Military Service

Bob Keniston Jr. is a Military Veteran.
Served in the United States Navy 1968-1975 attaining Petty Officer 2nd Class
Served during Cold War (Vietnam Era).
Military Service: U.S. Navy
Date: BET 1968 AND 1975


Occupation: Land Surveyor, COMED
Date: BET 1972 AND 2001


Husband: Robert William Keniston
Wife: Susan Francesca Marine
Child: Thomas Joseph Keniston
Child: Jennifer Lynn Morez
Child: Christopher Robert Keniston
Date: 1970

11th generation Descendant of Robert Harrington of Watertown



James Cutler - 10th Great-Grandfather
Henry Rolfe - 10th Great-Grandfather
Robert Harrington - 9th Great-Grandfather
Richard Cutter - 9th Great-Grandfather
John Cogswell - 9th Great-Grandfather
Richard Dodge - 9th Great-Grandfather
Isaac Stearns - 9th Great-Grandfather
Gregory Stone - 9th Great-Grandfather
John Page - 9th Great-Grandfather
John Winter - 9th Great-Grandfather
Francis Bowman - 8th Great-Grandfather
Thomas Laughton - 8th Great-Grandfather
William Locke - 8th Great-Grandfather
William Russell - 8th Great-Grandfather
Simon Tuttle - 8th Great-Grandfather

WikiTree Cousins

Cheryl Skordahl 11th cousin
Kathy Patterson 9th cousin 2 times removed
Phyllis Wright 10th cousin
Michelle Brooks 13th cousin 2 times removed
Janine Barber 11th cousin
Don Barney 9th cousin once removed
Abby Glann 13th cousin 2 times removed
Adrienne Cole 3rd cousin once removed
Jack Day 8th cousin once removed
Mags Gaulden 21st cousin
Keith Hathaway 10th cousin once removed
Diane Kenaston 6th cousin
Bobbie Hall 10th cousin once removed
Renee Malloy 7th cousins once removed
David Mason 9th cousin once removed
Emma McBeath 10th cousin 3 times removed
Becky Syphers 10th cousin once removed
Liz Shifflett 12th cousin
Brenda Orr 9th cousin
Bill Roberts 10th cousin
Vic Watt 12th cousin once removed
Chris Whitten 9th cousins once removed
Lydia Vierson 10th cousin
Eowyn Langholf 14th cousin once removed

Notable Cousins

Nathan Hale American patriot 4th cousin 7 times removed
Varina Howell Davis (2nd wife of Jefferson Davis, President of the CSA) 13th cousin 4 times removed
Robert E. Lee West Point graduate 7th cousin 4 times removed
Ernest Hemingway American author 10th cousin
Charles Merrill 7th cousin 3 times removed, co-founder, with Edmund C. Lynch of Merrill Lynch & Company
Kevin Bacon American actor 12th cousin once removed
John Perry American actor, father of Matthew 9th cousin
Matthew Perry American actor 9th cousin once removed
David Ogden Stiers American actor 10th cousin once removed
John Francis Dodge Co-founder Dodge Motor Company 6th cousin 5 times removed
Brigham Young LDS Leader 6th cousin 5 times removed
John Steinbeck American author 6th cousin 3 times removed
Fay Wray Canadian-American actress 10th cousin

Presidential Cousins

John Adams 4th cousin 6 times removed
John Quincy Adams 5th cousin 5 times removed
William Henry Harrison 7th cousin 7 time removed
John Tyler 7th cousin 4 times removed
Franklin Pierce 5th cousin 6 times removed
Abraham Lincoln 7th cousin 4 times removed
Grover Cleveland 12th cousin 2 times removed
Benjamin Harrison 9th cousin 3 times removed
William Taft 9th cousins 3 times removed
Warren G. Harding 10th cousin 1 time removed
Calvin Coolidge 8th cousin 2 times removed
Franklin D. Roosevelt 9th cousin 2 times removed
Richard Nixon 9th cousin 1 time removed
George H. Bush 11th cousin
William Clinton 7th cousin 2 times removed
George W. Bush 11th cousin 1 time removed
Barack Obama 9th cousin 1 time removed


  1. Source: #S29
  2. Source: #S41
  • Birth Certificate
  • Marriage License
  • 1950 US Census


Thank you to Robert Keniston for creating WikiTree profile Keniston-44 through the import of D Keniston Desc 2013-08-22.ged on Aug 22, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Robert and others.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Bob's formal name
  • full middle name (W.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (3)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Bob Keniston's full information you must be on Bob's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Bob: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 387

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Hello Bob,

It has been a good while since the Magna Carta Project asked members to check-in. We are interested now in updating our membership list and making sure that it accurately reflects our current membership. We would greatly appreciate your timely response to the following questions:

1. Would you like to continue as a member of the Magna Carta Project?

2. Do you have any interest in taking a more active role in the project and, if so, what might you be interested in doing?

3. If your interests have changed and/or you no longer have time to participate in the project, would you like to remain a member of the google group and continue receiving updates about project activities?

If you do wish to continue as a project member, please either post a response to this message or send me a private email. If we do not hear from you by October 16th we will assume you are exploring different interests and no longer wish to be involved with the project.

with warmest regards,

Jen, Magna Carta Project co-leader

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
S-a-T bib


posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
edited by Bob Keniston Jr.
i give up - how'd you get the image links to work? the links sent to me go to "Page not found" ... 901.png
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
edited by Liz (Noland) Shifflett

I copied the link. In the comment on G2G, I selected image and pasted the link, then posted. Viola, bib is in. In the comments on my profile, I just pasted and posted. BTW, did you get the entire link? Awaiting your response. Bob

posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
the links in the email I received end after the bib number.png - they don't have the additional text that trails your bib images.

I forgot about the image icon for G2G posts - just tried it & that didn't work either.

Melanie Paul posted to the Team Virginia G2G answer that it's not just me - her bib #s past 844 don't work either.

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Dear Bob,

The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in with project members. Please review the following and respond to let us know that you are content with your current team or if you would like to be more involved.

The Project operates in a team structure. There are currently three participant PIP Teams -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.

There are currently three different Biography Teams - The Biography Team, the Abandoned Team, and the Popular Team.

You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team. The Biography Team works on profiles from their watchlist and other profiles that interest them. Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.

If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup. We use the WikiTree Discord server #profile-improvement channel for our project. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.

We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.


Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules

I’m in for another year. I’ll stay with the Biography Team on the Biography Team. Seems like the most logical since I host the Biobuilders Challenge. Bob

posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
Hi Bob,

Good to hear from you and we're glad that you're going to stay with us.

All the best,


posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Hi Bob!

Thanks for your contributions to Puritan Great Migration (PGM) project profiles.

Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members periodically to find out about their continued interest in the project. Would you please respond by February 5, 2024, to let us know about your interest:

  1. Would you like to continue as a PGM project team member?;
  2. Do you have any suggestions for PGM Project priorities in the next year (optional)?;
  3. Do you have interest in taking a more active role within the PGM project, and if so, what you might be interested in doing (optional)?

Please respond to this comment on your profile, or if you'd like, send a private message to either Bobbie (Madison) Hall or S (Hill) Willson.

Thanks for all you do for PGM and WikiTree!


Bobbie and Sharon, Co-Leaders, Puritan Great Migration Project

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall

I definitely want to continue as a team member of PGM. Bob

posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
I expected no less, thanks for the quick response and for all your help on WT & PGM.


posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Thanks for checking in, Bob. I will mark you ACTIVE. Mary
posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Bob

This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Bob

It's time for a One Name Studies Project check-in!

Could you please advise me which One Name Studies you're still actively coordinating, i.e. maintaining the main study page and associated research pages, and replying to queries/comments from members.

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. I look forward to hearing from you!

If I don’t receive your response within the next three weeks, I’ll assume that your interests have changed or you are no longer able to coordinate any One Name Studies, and you'll be removed from the project.


Jacqueline Baxter, ONS Project Co-Leader

posted by Jacqueline Baxter
Bob, Great being on the team for July's Connect a Thon . Just noticed we are 17 cousins 3 times removed! Have a great week.
Carole and Bob are 17th cousins twice removed.
posted by Carole Taylor
Hello Bob,

On behalf of the G2G Integrators Project Leaders, we are doing a six-month check-in with members. Please let us know if you are still active. If you are active, please let us know in which ways you most enjoy contributing to the project.

All of us at WikiTree would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

David and Pip ~ G2G Integrators Project Leaders

posted by David Selman
HI Bob,

Greetings from the Military and War Project. We are doing the six month check-in with members.. Have you been active in the last six months? Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson

I have been active during the last 6 months, and will continue to do so. I have enough profiles in my watchlist with military service to keep me busy for quite awhile. Bob

posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
Thanks for replying to the Check in. Good luck on all of your military service profiles.


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Bob,

It's time for a 1776 Project check-in! Please respond within the next two weeks to let me know if you want to continue as a member of the project. We'd like to know:

  • If you are on the right team or if you'd like to make a change. It's a requirement that every 1776 Project member is a part of one of the project's teams, so if you're not assigned to a team, let us know which team you'd like to join.
  • What you think the project is doing well, and what changes you'd like to see us make?

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within two weeks, we will assume you are no longer interested in participating in the 1776 Project, and your badge will be removed. If you wish to reapply for membership later, we will be happy to have you back.

Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Betty - 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
Dear Bob,

The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing its first annual check-in with our project members. Please review the following and let us know if you are content where we have placed you or would like to be more involved.

We are in the process of transitioning to a team structure. There will be three participant PIP Teams to start -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.

You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team Level 1, working on profiles from your own watchlist, from projects in which you are involved, and whatever else you find. Biography Teams Levels 2 and 3 will work on designated profiles for notables (Level 3) and everyday people (Level 2). Please let us know if you would like to help with a higher-level Bio Team or one of the other Teams.

You joined the Project before the Voyage started in late 2018. We would like to invite you to consider a "fast track" Voyage, especially if you would like to work at a higher level on the Biography Team. If you’re interested, choose a profile from your own watchlist that you have completed to the best of your ability and compare it to the Voyage Biography Standards. If your profile is at Level 2 or better, include a link to the profile in your response to this check-in for a “fast track” review.

We would also like to invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. If you request to join our GoogleGroup, please be sure to include your Wiki ID. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.

We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project and WikiTree. The Project’s mission is to:

Make profiles beautiful! We clean up messy biography sections and sources, and try to set standards for attractive, useful, and well-written biographies, starting with those we manage.

We know you’re working on profiles *smile* We would like to hear about successes you’ve had toward the Project’s goals. We would also appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or privately via private message to either of us.


Debi Hoag and Robin Shaules Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Hi Bob, I am your 11th cousin on the Tuttle side.

I’m wondering if you are related to David Edward Keniston(Kenison) 1736-1852 Kennison-73 family from New Hampshire. He is my husband’s 5th ggf.

posted by Susan Ellen Smith
Hi Bob,

It’s time for our annual Ireland Project check-in! Please respond within the next two weeks to let me know:

  • If you are happy with the team you’re on or if you’d like to make a change. It is now required that all members with an Ireland project badge work on at least one of the project’s team(s), so if you’ve not yet signed up please do so in your reply to this check-in.
  • What you think the project is doing well, and what (if any) changes you would like to see us make? Are there any teams you would like to become more active in?
  • Would you be interested in helping to work on an Ireland Project newsletter?
  • Please give us some feedback on the use of google group and discord. Do you use one or both of these? If you don’t use either of them, what is the best way for us to ensure you receive project communications? If you would like to join us on either one, Just let us know in your response and we will get you signed up.

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within two weeks, we will assume you are no longer interested in participating in the Ireland Project, and your badge will be removed. If you wish to reapply for membership later, we will be happy to have you back. Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Sincerely, Jen Hutton, on behalf of the Ireland Project

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Hi, a couple of weeks ago I sent out a check-in for the US Civil War Project, this is just a quick reminder to let me know if you intend to remain in the Project. Hope to hear from you soon. I'll assume your not interested if I don't hear back from you by the end of February. Thank you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader

posted by Pam Kreutzer

If you're a member of the Google Group,* then you've heard that the Magna Carta Project has retired the Gateway Guardian initiative. Would you delete or replace your Gateway Guardian sticker please?

WikiTree has two relatively new stickers - Template:Relationship_Sticker and Template:Connection Sticker - that you might want to use if you're related to or connected to the Gateway. There's also the Template:Descendant sticker that you can use. To see tailored coding for these stickers (e.g., with the Magna Carta Project logo), please see Space: Magna Carta Stickers#sticker.

Thanks! Liz

* If you're not and would like to be, please send a request to!forum/wikitreemagnacarta (be sure to include your WikiTree ID; the Google Group is no longer "Project members only", but it is restricted to WikiTree members).

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hi Bob, I just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done to improve the US Civil War Between the States Project. I'm doing a check-in with all project members and wanted to verify that you're still interested in being a member of the project. Also, any suggestions for the Project would be welcome. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hello, Bob!

On behalf of the G2G Integrators Project Leaders, we are doing a first of the year check-in with members. Please let us know if you are still active.

If you are active, please let us know in which ways you most enjoy contributing to the project. All of us would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.

Please reply as we look forward to hearing from you soon.

David, Pip and Dorothy ~ G2G Integrators Project Leaders and PC

posted by Pip Sheppard

Thank you for your 26 contributions to the November Sourcerers Challenge! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Bob reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the October 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thanks for sourcing, Bob

posted by Bill Feidt
edited by Bill Feidt
Hi Bob!

Thanks for contributing to Puritan Great Migration profiles over the last six months. Every little bit helps, so please keep those edits coming!

Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members twice per year and it's that time again. Please respond within the next two weeks to let me know:

  1. If you'd like to continue as a PGM project team member
  1. If you're happy with the team you're on (Research and/or Profile Improvement) or if you'd like to make a change
  2. Optionally, what you like since the reboot back in May or what you think could be improved. This could be something about Discord, or Google Groups, or managed profile spreadsheets, or challenge participation or really anything. If you like everything the way it is, you can let me know that too :)

If you'd like to tell me about a particular project or family you're working on, I'd love to hear about that as well.

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks!

Brad Stauf, PGM membership coordinator

posted by Brad Stauf
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Bob Keniston Jr. reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the September 2021 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Thanks for sourcing, Bob!

posted by Bill Feidt
Thanks for sourcing, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Bob Keniston Jr. reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the August 2021 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag

I am checking in on behalf of the 1776 Project to announce the new project membership requirements and to verify that you are still interested in being a member of the project. All project members are being asked to join one of the project teams and also to make at least one project contribution every 6 months. We are also asking all project members to join the project's Google Group for project communications.

If you are interested in remaining with the Project, please reply to this comment or send me a message, request to join the Google Group, and let us know what team you would like to participate on.

We really appreciate your contributions on WikiTree, and thank you for all your hard work. If you have any questions, please ask. We would also love to hear any feedback you may have for the project.

If we don't hear back from you we will assume that you no longer wish to participate in the project and if so, you could rejoin at any time as is convenient for you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

SJ - 1776 Project Leader

posted by SJ Baty
Thanks, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Bob Keniston Jr. reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the July 2021 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thanks for Sourcing in June, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone for 50 sourced profiles
Bob Keniston Jr. reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the June 2021 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Bob reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the May 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thanks! Great job!

posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi Bob! England Project referred some profiles to US Southern Colonies Project that it thought we might want to manage (they didn't) and, if not, could remove PPP. One is a post-PGM Mass. profile:

Let me know if you'd like me to remove PPP (I'll leave whether/which project might be a good fit as manager, if that's what would be best, to you :D).

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett

Leave the PPP on Robert’s profile, and add Massachusetts Project as a PM. The bio indicates Robert was a person of note, and a prominent individual in Roxbury. Thanks, Bob

posted by Bob Keniston Jr.
Done. Thanks Bob!

Your comment must be at least 30 characters long.

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Thanks, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Bob reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the April 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Bob,

Could you please add Massachusetts Project as a manager to Asahel Porter (abt.1752-1775). I've put the badge on him already. Thanks!

posted by Chip White Jr.
Thanks for sourcing, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Bob reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the March 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thank you, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Bob reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the February 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Bob reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the January 2021 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thank you, Bob!

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thanks for all the sourcing you did this year, Bob!
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Bob reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the December 2020 Sourcerers' Challenge
Sourcerers' Challenge Yearly Milestone Summary
Bob earned 1 Blue and 3 Red Milestone Owls while participating in the 2020 Monthly Sourcerers' Challenges
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Bob reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the November 2020 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thanks! Great job!

posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone
Bob reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the October 2020 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thanks! Great job!

posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Bob reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the September 2020 Sourcerers' Challenge

Thanks! Great job!

posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi, Bob

The Ambassadors project has been reorganizing and is looking for those who have a membership at a genealogical society, to help in spreading the word about WikiTree.

We're working on ways to improve how WikiTree connects and interacts with genealogical and local history societies. This is the kind of thing we want to do:

  • Liaise with societies: set up your local society with a free-space page and some WikiTree materials as part of a package.
  • Use social media to promote what societies are offering on WikiTree.
  • Encourage bloggers to blog about societies and the resources available to them on WikiTree.

Are you interested in participating in some way? Do you have some ideas to share?

Azure Rae ~ co-Leader of Ambassadors Project

posted by Azure Robinson
You're welcome, Bob. Nice to be on Massachusett's team in the 2019 source-a-thon.
Thanks for chairing Team Massachusetts. I enjoyed participating in the Source-a-Thon and I learned a lot.
posted by Karen (Mauger) Gunn
Thank you, Bob, for every one of your more than one thousand contributions to our Shared Tree during the month of September. The Appreciation Team honors you for all of your efforts.

Pippin Sheppard

WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Bob, the Massachusetts Project affiliation seems to have been removed (I think?) from Benjamin Thompson & Loammi Baldwin, and their Massachusetts Project boxes have thus been demoted to Stickers. Can you re-add Massachusetts Project as a manager (if that's the problem)?

Thanks, Chip.

posted by Chip White Jr.
Bob, every one of your more than 1000 contributions for the month of August 2009 adds to the improvement of our Shared Tree. Thanks so much for all of your efforts.

Pippin Sheppard

WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Thanks for your help!!!!
posted by Robin Lee

This week's featured connections are New York architects: Bob is 17 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 23 degrees from David Childs, 29 degrees from Frank Gehry, 17 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 17 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 33 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 18 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 29 degrees from I. M. Pei, 18 degrees from John Roebling, 19 degrees from Stanford White, 19 degrees from Frank Wright and 24 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.