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Ephraim Kimball (1805 - 1832)

Ephraim Kimball
Born in Canaan, Mainemap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 1831 in intentions at Skowhegan, Mainemap
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 27 in Bloomfield, Mainemap [uncertain]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Julie Novak private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 19 Jun 2008
This page has been accessed 1,142 times.


Buried at Southside Cemetery, Skowhegan, Somerset, Maine.[1]

The following is from Genealogy of the Descendants of John White of Wenham and Lancaster, Massachusetts: 1638-1900 [2]:

Pg. 487:

John Kimball6 (15093), b. in Fitchburg, Mass., Feb.17, 1775; m. Beulah, dau. of Joseph and Mary ---Sawyer. He went to Bloomfield, Me., when young, where he was a farmer and carpenter, also deacon in the church. He d. in Sept., 1862. Children:
15107. Mary Kimball, 7
15108. John Kimball, 7
15109. Ephraim Kimball, 7
15110. Joseph Kimball, 7
15111. Peter Kimball, 7
15112. Abel Kimball, 7
15113. Eliza Kimball, 7
15114. Hanna Kimball, 7

Pg 490:

Ephraim Kimball 7 (15109, b. in Canaan, Me., ----; m. ----.
15170. Martha E. Kimball. 8

Research Notes

"The information I have on Ephraim Kimball is based on a trip my parents made to Deer Isle Maine for research. This was WAY before the age of Google and the internet!" -- Becky (Nally) Syphers


  1. Find-a-Grave. Presumably, this is our Ephraim Kimball. The grave marker is barely legible.
  2. North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
  • 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Hiram, Oxford, Maine; Page: 180; NARA Roll: M33_37; Image: 107
  • Find A Grave: Memorial #139463996
  • Marriage Publishment: "Maine Marriages, 1771-1907"
    citing Digital film/folder number: 007596896; FHL microfilm: 12063; Record number: 180; Packet letter: A
    FamilySearch Record: F4D8-25Z (accessed 22 September 2023)
    "Town and vital records, 1815-1891"
    Catalog: Town and vital records, 1815-1891 Town and vital records, 1815-1854
    Film number: 007596896 > image 237 of 441
    State of Maine. "Skowhegan Vital Records. 1794-1883", Filmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah at Skowhegan, Maine 26 September 1953.
    FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-99NZ-RDYC (accessed 22 September 2023)
    1831 Publishments -- This certifies that the intention of marriage between Mr Ephraim Kimball of Bloomfield and Miss Maria G. Winez of Deer Isle has been entered with me fourteen days prior to date and published in said Bloomfield as the law directs. -- Bloomfield May 13 1831 -- Attest Abner Coburn, Town Clerk. -- Attached to Familysearch profile by Thomas Nally.
See Also:
  • Online Tree: FamilySearch Person: K882-N5H

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Great news! Ephraim Kimball's tombstone is now on Findagrave.

posted by Karen Aikins

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Ephraim is 19 degrees from Prince Nelson, 17 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 18 degrees from Garth Brooks, 26 degrees from Chubby Checker, 22 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 19 degrees from Dusty Hill, 26 degrees from Whitney Houston, 20 degrees from Mick Jagger, 18 degrees from Paul McCartney, 17 degrees from Tom Petty, 19 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 19 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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Categories: Southside Cemetery, Skowhegan, Maine