Thank you for the information. I knew he died at a young age from lighting while playing golf but did not know that he played in the 1904 Olympics as a golfer. Thank you I will have to call my kids to let them know. They loved there Grand father so this will be news they didn't have.
Hi E! Are you interested in participating in this year's Spring Clean-a-thon on April 23? We would appreciate all the help we can get even if you only have a moment to clear a few errors. If you are interested you can sign up on the following link, let them know you want to be on Team Nordic Noir, formerly Spic-n-Span Scandinavians:
Dotter till Göran Fex, född 1942 i Lund, son till Anders Fex, född 1916 i Lund, son Till Johan William Fex född 1887 i Lerhamn, son till Anders Hansson Fex född 1851, son till Hans Jönsson Fex född 1813. Jag har mitt stora släktträd på ancestry. Det fick tyvärr inte plats här. Hur är vi släkt?
Hej! Har du något belägg för att Klas Pontus Arnoldson (Arnoldson-3) skulle ha bara "Klas" som tilltalsnamn? Överallt annars jag ser står han som Klas Pontus eller K. P. Det är du som ändrade hans "first name" från Claes Pontus till bara Claes i en redigering 2018 (och flyttade "Pontus" till middle-name-fältet), så det är därför jag undrar.
Jag har ingen aning om vad han kallades i familjen, men klart verkar han kallas hela namnet lika mycket som offentlig person i alla fall. Jag tycker att preferred name borde vara "Klas Pontus" (och inget middle name, förstås!).
Congratulations on making more than 1,000 contributions to WikiTree for the Month of May. We all appreciate your efforts to make our Shared Tree the best it can be. Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!
Would you please remove the category for Sweden Research Assistance from your profile.
We are trying to redirect all calls for Research Assistance to the G2G forum, which is more sustainable over time than having people contact single individuals.
Just a friendly reminder that voting for the WikiTreer Awards 2018 is open. If you havent already voted, click here to vote now. Voting closes at 11:59PM GMT on Sunday, 28th January. The exciting awards show will be live cast on Saturday, February 10th, 8PM GMT. Hope you can join us as we celebrate all the incredible contributions made this year.
Great work! I read that there were two Swedish prime-ministers in the family De Geer and also one Dutch. I will add this Dirk Jan de Geer in a while, I will try to connect Elias Trip who was married to a De Geer (and traded with Sweden as well). The tree so far:
I was pleased to find the De Geer family in Sweden. I created the profile for Jan Jacob de Geer who was born in Finspång. Can we try to connect the Dutch branch with the Swedes?
Jag har sett att du har arbetat mycket på min familj med familjenamnet Fex på sistone. Är vi släkt och i så fall hur? Hälsningar, Åsa Fex Svenningsen
Dotter till Göran Fex, född 1942 i Lund, son till Anders Fex, född 1916 i Lund, son Till Johan William Fex född 1887 i Lerhamn, son till Anders Hansson Fex född 1851, son till Hans Jönsson Fex född 1813. Jag har mitt stora släktträd på ancestry. Det fick tyvärr inte plats här. Hur är vi släkt?
Jag har ingen aning om vad han kallades i familjen, men klart verkar han kallas hela namnet lika mycket som offentlig person i alla fall. Jag tycker att preferred name borde vara "Klas Pontus" (och inget middle name, förstås!).
Congratulations on making more than 1,000 contributions to WikiTree for the Month of May. We all appreciate your efforts to make our Shared Tree the best it can be. Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!
Pip Sheppard
WikiTree Appreciation Team
Our space page is where you will find the lists of errors we will be working on.
Please leave a note in our G2G chat to let us know what you are working on.
We will be scanning images and documents for 72 hours 11.-14. January 2019.
See Spic-n-Span Scandinavians - Scan-a-Thon for more information.
Juha Soini Team captain
Source-a-Thon is a joint effort to reduce the amount of unsourced profiles on WikiTree.
The event will be held 8 AM (ET) September 28 - 8 AM (ET) October 1. (That would be 15.00 in Finland and 14.00 in the other Scandinavian countries.)
If you would like to help us, please answer this G2G thread Have you registered for the source-a-thon yet? indicating you would like to join Spic-n-Span Scandinavians. More information on Spic-n-Span Scandinavians - Source-a-Thon
Jag är co-leader for Spic-n-Span Scandinavians och ville bara ge dig länken till chat-tråden i G2G om du har några frågor eller bara vill säga hej.
We are trying to redirect all calls for Research Assistance to the G2G forum, which is more sustainable over time than having people contact single individuals.
Just a friendly reminder that voting for the WikiTreer Awards 2018 is open. If you havent already voted, click here to vote now. Voting closes at 11:59PM GMT on Sunday, 28th January. The exciting awards show will be live cast on Saturday, February 10th, 8PM GMT. Hope you can join us as we celebrate all the incredible contributions made this year.
Susie :-)
I was pleased to find the De Geer family in Sweden. I created the profile for Jan Jacob de Geer who was born in Finspång. Can we try to connect the Dutch branch with the Swedes?