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Wawrzyniec Kowalski (1865)

Wawrzyniec Kowalski
Born in Kozarzewek, Konin County, Wielkopolskie, Polandmap
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married 26 Jan 1890 in Kawnice, Polandmap
Descendants descendants
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 27 Jan 2009
This page has been accessed 518 times.


Wawrzyniec Kowalski was born on 5 August 1865 in Kozarzewek, Konin County, Wielkopolskie, Poland, son of Franciszek Kowalski (*1839) and Antonina Kabalak (*1844).[1]

Wawrzyniec (24) married Agnieszka Kryrowicz (19) (born on 17 January 1871 in Pępocin, Słupca, Wielkopolskie, Poland; daughter of Kazimierz Kryrowicz and Marianna Grzelak) on 26 January 1890 in Kawnice, Poland.

Their known children were:

  1. Franciszek Kowalski (unknown – 2 July 1940)
  2. Stanisława (Kowalska) Bartczak
  3. Henryk Kowalski
  4. Józef Kowalski
  5. Antony Kowalski
  6. Kornel Kowalski (13 August 1891 – 22 September 1944)
  7. Marta Kowalska (10 June 1901 – 29 May 1986)
  8. Marianna (Kowalska) Łopacińska (15 May 1905 – 28 February 1984)
  9. Helena Kowalska (1906 – unknown)

In 1910, Wawrzyniec was living in Cuyahoga, Ohio. [2]

The Government Archives in Poznan found that in the files of the Archive Book that there is an original certificate that reads the following:
It occurred in the Town of Kazimierz on the fifth day of August, 1865 at about 3 PM came Fanciszek Kowalski, citizen of Kozarzewek, 26 years old in the company of Stanislaw Jozwiak Goscin who is 44 years old and Szcepan Brzezinski who is 42 years old, and citizens of Kozarzewek. They provided notice of a baby, male, born in Kozarzewek on August 3, 1865 at 4 pm from his wife, Antonina Kubalak who was 21 years old. The baby was named on his Christening Day, Wawrzniec, and his godparents are Stanslaw Jozwiak and Joanna Wozniak. Everyone is Catholic. This certificate was read and understood to be true by the witnesses. It is signed us because those present can’t write.
Signed by Father Proboszcz

He passed away.


  1. Kozarzewek – Act 89; a birth certificate in Kazimierz Biskup in the year 1865, page 35
  2. "United States Census, 1910"
  • 1910 United States Census, database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 December 2020), Wawrzyniec Kowalski in household of Joseph Slowikowski, Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 257, sheet 18A, family 330, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1172; FHL microfilm 1,375,185

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