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Judith (Labrie) Srom

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 30 Oct 2019 | 101,834 contributions | 3,282 thank-yous | 3,906 connections
Judith A. Srom formerly Labrie aka Lawson
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of [private brother (1950s - unknown)], [private brother (1950s - unknown)], [private sister (1960s - unknown)], [private brother (1960s - unknown)], [private brother (1960s - unknown)] and [private sister (1960s - unknown)]
Mother of [private son (1970s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Judith Srom private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 29 Oct 2019
This page has been accessed 6,018 times.


Judith (Labrie) Srom has completed Level 2 of the Trans-Canada Orphan Trail.

Judith (Labrie) Srom has French origins.
Acadian Flag
Judith (Labrie) Srom is a descendant of an Acadian
English flag
Judith (Labrie) Srom has English ancestors.
Judith (Labrie) Srom has Irish ancestors.

The majority of my roots originate in France then on to Acadia or Canada, New France. I have 29 known Acadian First Families as direct ancestors. Through my paternal great-grandmother I also have direct ancestors from England and Ireland.

I am now hooked on genealogy and was so happy to find WikiTree where I can see how every one of us come together.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Judith Labrie at registration.

I am the family tree editor for my parents who have both done the Ancestry DNA Test. Their most recent (JUL 2024) Ancestry DNA regions update is as follows: Dad has 3 ancestral regions, 81% France, 12% Germanic Europe and 7% Ireland. Mom has 3 ancestral regions, 97% France, 2% Spain, 1% Norway and was fluent in French.

The WikiTree Ancestor Explorer, shows I have 108 unique ancestors and 69 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations who meet the Filles du Roi list criteria. This list includes Filles à marier.

Recently, the new version (2024) to the WikiTree Ancestor Explorer, shows I have 171 unique ancestors 257 duplicate ancestors (additional lines of descent from a unique ancestor) within 20 generations who meet the Acadian list criteria".

The following are some of my Acadian direct ancestors: Paternal;


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To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted List:

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Judith's formal name
  • full middle name (A.)
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  • exact birthdate
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  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Judith Srom's full information you must be on Judith's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Judith (Labrie) Srom: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup J1b1a1, FTDNA kit #MK86881
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Judith:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Judith (Labrie) Srom: Family Tree DNA Family Finder, FTDNA kit #MK86881
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 37

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Thank-you for researching records for Rosalie Beauregard, nice of you to take time. Still confusing with the records I have.

The census from Uxbridge, Sutton, Masschusetts year was 1860 not 1859,. Shows Rosalie Sosvill was born in 1799.

posted by G (Rochette) Keefe
Hello Judith, I Rosalie Beauregard b. 1799 in Champlain, Clinton, New York her parents: Alexander Beauregard and Rosalie Dumas.

I think there are two families with same names. I have Rosalie Beauregard birth record on I also saw that information on a Rosalie Beauregard baptized in 1806 not sure if it's the same Rosalie Beauregard on my tree.

posted by G (Rochette) Keefe
Please private message me with any other questions.
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Hello Judith, I found Francis Sosville age 69,in the1859 . census for Uxbridge, Sutton, Massachusetts also Rosalie age 60. Moses 25, Joseph Sosville age 16, my 2nd great-grandfather. Possible two different families?
posted by G (Rochette) Keefe
Hello Judith, Thank-you for adding research to Alexis LNAB Jared (Jerret de Beauregard) Jaret dit Beauregard and Suzanne Fontain CLN

I'm still researching Francois (Frank) Sasseville changed to Sosvill, Sosville b late 1790's he married Rosalie Beauregard b.1799, Champlain, New York d.1891 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Have not found their marriage record or his death record. Last town record re: his residence was Oxford , Massachusetts. I'm wondering if they were married in Canada. Still unsure who his parents were. I saw only one record for Francoise Sasseville but not sure if he is Rosalie Beauregards' husband. They were living in Vermont ca 1833, their daughter was born there. They were living in Holden Massachusetts 1844 when Joseph Sasseville ,Sosvill, Sosville was born. Headstone in Notre Dame cemetery in Worcester, Massachusetts lists the name Sosville, Rosalie's married name. But...the name Sasseville appears on some smaller headstones. Confusing when the French Canadians changed the name to sound American fit in.

posted by G (Rochette) Keefe
Hello G,

Please pm me with any additional questions regarding said family and I'll help as best I can.

posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Hi Judith,

Thank you for your additions to the profiles I've been adding. I aim to be as thorough as possible and learn along the way.

May I clarify something? According to the Dit name guidelines, should Hippolite (Messier) Messier dit St-François' CLN be just "Messier"? His baptism record doesn't include "dit St-François," and I haven't found evidence of him using it as an adult. Danielle's G2G comment here supports this, suggesting the dit name shouldn’t be a part of the CLN if this is the case.

I don’t have access to the sources you added from genealogiequebec. Could they show his use of the dit name? Or have I misunderstood all together, and these guidelines apply only to profiles under the Quebecois project? I have many similar profiles to add, so I want to ensure I'm doing so correctly.

I appreciate your time and help. If it’s better to discuss this on G2G or via email, please let me know. Thank you!

posted by Courtney Pratte
Hello cousin,

The dit name guidelines are referencing LNAB as far as I understand.

Hippolyte is a 1st cousin of mine 6x's removed and you will find that dit St-François is used often for this family. Just go back to his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., as well as siblings.

posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Thanks for the info! He is my 4th Great Grandfather. It sounds like this might be a broader issue worth discussing with the community. I’ll move this to G2G for further clarification, especially since I have other similar profiles to add and want to ensure I'm consistent with the guidelines.

I appreciate your help and will include your insights in the discussion. Thanks again!

posted by Courtney Pratte
Hi Judith,I have to say you do remarkable work extremely well .😊
posted by Bob Bergeron
Thank you for the compliment, cousin.😊
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Greetings, Judith!

Thank you for your corrections on Levesque-146 - I am often quite lost when it comes to French Canadian/Arcadian profiles, especially since I don't speak or read French. I hope that I can consider you a resource as I build these lines? _bon_ something ;-)

posted by Loretta Buckner
Hi Loretta, I'll be happy to help as best I can.
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
I was asking where the list of surnames list originated: did you make it or was it generated somewhere ?
posted by Barry Walser
I added the surname list of my Acadian direct ancestors to my bio, if that's what your asking about.
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
hey cousin one i was looking at which one can u help plz the one i comment on thanks cousin
posted by Coutu (Coutu) Perras
It looks like we are 8th cousins😇
Hi cousin, Thanks for the comment, I see we have 125 common ancestors.
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Judith, I just got your message. I must haven't seen the request or I may have inadvertently erased it. Could you send it again on let me know what the name of the Labrie relative is. Sorry for the delay.
Hi Stephanie, Thanks for the reply, the TL request is for, sent to you on the 22nd.

I'm confused as to were Labrie fits into your tree? We are 14th cousins twice removed, both descendants of John St John (bef.1495-1558).

posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
This particular profile you're referring to is my husband's 5 great grandmother.
Just saw your comment regarding Lévesque-1537, my apologies. I was trying to update the sources to Evidence Explained format - making sure we include the acte # in the Genealogie Quebec citation, and in reviewing current information, preferably that the citation includes "Institut généalogique Drouin" as well, given that it is licensed content. As for the place error corrections, I apologize if errors were made, and am focusing more on US are data corrections. I hope that made sense.

I removed the other citations as they did not cite any specific record , though I've learned better to just post a request for a clearer citation reference. Thanks.

posted by Lauren Millerd
edited by Lauren Millerd
It is wrong to remove source citations on a profile that you do not manage without contacting the pm explaining your concern and waiting for their response. The sources are listed correctly for the mentioned profile, as long as you are a member of Institut Généalogique Drouin (subscription required). If you were a member all you would have to do is click the IGD mentioned and it would show you the actual record. Did you even read the following source reference before you removed it: Actes d'état civil et registres d'église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1997 - Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection: Institut Généalogique Drouin IGD (membership) Can't be a more clearer citation reference when the actual IGD is included!!!!
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Judith, something was wrong with your trusted list request. Please try again.

Rick Draper (Draper-310)

posted by Richard Draper
Hi Rick, It must be that another pm for the profile has already accepted it because I don't see your name in my requests. Thanks!
posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
I'm almost surprised that the family names of Robichaud, Allain, Breau, are not represented in your tree. Many of the family names you have in my own tree as well. Richard, Dugas, Bourg, Trahan, Landry, Leblanc, Petitpas, Melancon, Hebert, Aucoin ,Brun, Cormier....and more...
posted by Yvon Robichaud
Hi Yvon,

FYI, I found is my 1st cousin 8 x's removed, both descendants of my 8th gg.

I'm sure the other family names are there if I keep searching.:-)

Can you tell me how we are related?

posted by Judith (Labrie) Srom
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Let me know if I missed any of your requests (...just a bit behind).
posted by Sunny (Trimbee) Clark
Hi Judith,

Welcome to the family tree. I appreciate everyones' contributions, corrections, and comments. We are lucky to have each other double-checking all the entries as we bring our ancestors to life.


posted by Jane Schaefer
Hi Judith,

Thank you for your message. I received your message and will be working on merging soon. I’m new to wiki-tree so there is a learning curve, but I will be attending to it soon.

Best, Mark

posted by Mark Warhall
hi cousin

added you to TL on some where I could, and made you manager of one that was an aunt for me only. 😊


posted by Danielle Liard
Hi Judith,

Thanks for having a big heart and adopting the Orphaned Profiles. This After Adopting Orphans FAQ explains the special attention adopted profiles will sometimes need.

Let me know if you have any questions on how to find and record sources, merge duplicates, clean up gedcom biographies, and interpret the Suggestions report. I'm here to help!


posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Judith, I see you are adding some pre-1700 profiles and that you have also taken the quiz and got the badge.

So you understand It is especially important to add reliable sources for these profiles and preferrably coordinate with a project?

Here you can find a list of projects available;

These are some links you can read about pre-1700 profiles and sources;

If you wish you can also revisit the pre-1700 certification quiz;

posted by Maggie Andersson
Hi Judith

As you have been a member of WikiTree for a few weeks now I thought I would check in to see how you are getting on with the site.

Has the How-to been helpful or left you with any questions?

I am here to help with any problems or queries you may have. Just click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page or send me a private message.

Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.

Karen ~ WikiTree Messenger

Hi Judith,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.

Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or special event. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.

Let me know if you have trouble finding projects which fit your focus. Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.

Butch ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by Butch Smith
Welcome! We are so happy to have you here in the WikiTree community! I am pleased to confirm you as a full member, and welcome you to the WikiTree family, your contributions will go a long way to joining the world together.

Now, as a confirmed full member, you can add your family to our shared tree. Please start with our New Member How-To pages. They will save you time and energy as you add profiles.

You mentioned that you are new to genealogy. No problem! Every genealogist is a beginner at some point. Take your time, keep track of sources, and ask questions. Check here for tips.

See you in the branches, Andrea Pack, WikiTree Greeter P.S. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile as the links will work from there. Please ask if you have any questions as I am always happy to help!

posted by Andrea (Stawski) Pack

This is just a note to say hello and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree. To contact me, click the link to my name, then send a private message or post a comment on my profile page. Astrid ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If you did not receive a notice to confirm your email, check your spam folder or use this link to request a new one If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.

Acadian heritage connections: Judith is 18 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 11 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 12 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 14 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 15 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 12 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 13 degrees from Anne Murray, 14 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 14 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 12 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 13 degrees from Mary Travers and 13 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

L  >  Labrie  |  S  >  Srom  >  Judith (Labrie) Srom

Categories: Fall River, Massachusetts