Mama Kiki Lajeunesse
Honor Code SignatorySigned 22 Nov 2016 | 39,758 contributions | 890 thank-yous | 2,341 connections
"We are part of a great chain, a chain that hangs suspended across vast spans of time and links us to all those who have come before and those who follow after. Individual links of the chain may perish- indeed must perish - but the chain itself is ever-renewing and will survive. People die, whole families might become extinct- but the human family goes on and on, everyone connected through the heritage of blood." - paraphrased from Isaac Asimov, The Positronic Man
My family is Québécois from the area of Québec City. The beginnings of our DNA quest was to identify the genetic origins of two adoptees in our family tree. Both sides of my family tree have now been confirmed by DNA at the level of my greatgrandparents. Our family is on Wikitree, FtDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry and GedMatch.
Digital Afterlife Instructions:
This is my permission that upon my demise, first any of my family, then secondly Emma McBeth (McBeth-165), thirdly the WikiTree staff, to manage the profiles where I act as PM in any way they see fit, as long as this is in line with the Honour Code and preserves the privacy of living people. Lajeunesse-65, 27 Nov 2020.
Australian Connections: Mama Kiki is 23 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 22 degrees from Russell Crowe, 21 degrees from Howard Florey, 28 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 34 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 25 degrees from Barry Humphries, 23 degrees from Albert Jacka, 30 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 20 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 23 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 22 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 16 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
L > Lajeunesse > Mama Kiki Lajeunesse
Thanks again Kevin
My interest in the profile for Perley Greenleaf came from wanting to honor the original profile creator, Ann Thomas. Ann had created beautiful profiles with great detail and photos before passing away in 2014, I adopted several of her profiles and continued filling in details. She had created the profile for your grandfather, with the DOD in 1980, from her personal recollection. My contribution has been in support of her original information.
Christine (BTW Susan was the cousin who commented on here last)
j'espère que vous parlez français. J'ai vu que vous avez Jean Baptiste Morin de St-Charles, C'est mon grand-père. Je suis le fils de Lionel. Serait-il possible de me permettre de modifier grand-père et grand-mère ? Merci à l'avance Clément Morin
Vous êtes le bienvenu de modifier vos grands-parents. D'ailleurs, Emilie Gagnon n'a pas de "profile manager" (gérant de profile) et je vous encourage de prendre ce rôle pour les deux. Si vous me donnez votre addresse couriel, je vous ferai parvenir une demande par couriel qui vous permettras de vous joindre au "trusted list" de Jean Baptiste Morin et par après je vous nommerai profile manager.
J'ai aussi modifié Jean Baptiste Morin et Emilie Gagnon comme parents de Lionel Morin.
edited by Theresa Beach Marie-Lynn Roy You can get lots of information from the Adoption Angels Project Page here:
Thank you for your participation in October’s 2020 Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.
Keep up the great work!
Pippin Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Thanks for all the work you accomplished during our Connect-A-Thon 2020. It is amazing how many more profiles were created and added to our Shared Tree. You have every right to be pleased with your efforts!
Kind regards,
Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
I see that we are 8th cousins, once removed....I always love to find new people and see if the connections become closer as more people are added to the tree. I love your bio!!
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