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Valdis Laurens

Family Member
Joined 19 Feb 2017 | 3 contributions | 2 thank-yous
Family Member Account Volunteer
Valdis Laurens
Born 1990s.
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
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Profile last modified | Created 19 Feb 2017
This page has been accessed 191 times.


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Comments: 3

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Valdis, do you speak any Russian or other languages? Would you check out our languages template and add it to your biography? For example you might add

{{ Languages | en | ru-3 }}

to the top of your biography if you speak English natively and advanced Russian, or you could use de-4 to specify near-native German or cs-1 for basic Czech, etc. It really helps to know who speaks all the different languages used on WikiTree!


posted by Karen Lowe

You are now a confirmed member of WikiTree! Thank you for volunteering.

Not sure how to start? Visit How to Use Wikitree for instructions.

Come join the fun while we discuss our Question of the Week: If you've taken a DNA test, has it revealed any surprises? You can also ask for help in the G2G forum.

Looking for some great ways to help out our collective effort? The Volunteers Needed page is the place to go!

Someone will check back with you in a couple of days to see how things are going. Meanwhile, enjoy getting to know WikiTree!

See you in the branches --


posted by [Living Lisher]
Hi Valdis,

Welcome to WikiTree! Our goal is one big tree. We all work as a team to make this happen.

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of ancestors to add or just a few, getting started is easy! Add your personal tags, family surnames or topics that might interest you with a short description below them. Tags are very important and will help you connect with others about people, projects, etc. Then click the volunteer button below, and that's all you need to do.

Once you volunteer, one of our Greeters will be happy to confirm your membership, and you’ll be on your way! I am looking forward to seeing you on Wiki Tree. I hope we have some tags in common.

Welcome to the family! We’re really glad you’re here.


posted by [Living Lisher]

L  >  Laurens  >  Valdis Laurens

Categories: En-4 | Ru | Lv | Lt-3 | Pl-2