Honor Code Signatory
Signed 3 May 2020 |
30,394 contributions
| 10,764 thank-yous
797 connections
Communication Preferences:
I am interested in communicating with
cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy.
My family tree is at <https://gw.geneanet.org/dml1958>.
For all ancestors/ persons I manage on WikiTree I have the mentioned sources digitized. If somebody with the the same ancestors would like to have a copy, please PM me and I send you a copy.
(DNA Confirmed)
Dieter is the son of Hannelore (Grabow) Hahn DNA confirmed
This makes Hannelore the mother of Dieter.
01 OCT 1984.
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland.
Note: Diplomverwaltungswirt.
Occupation: Polizeivollzugsbeamter des Bundes; retired on 31 March 2020
Surnames that I research in the order of frequency of occurrence in my ancestor list
Finnern (Often used name in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany); meaning unknown
Möller (Möller is the Low German form of "Müller" (Miller) and is one of the most common family names in Germany)
Kruse (Kruse is the Low German form of "Krause" and comes from the Middle Low German word krüs "lured")
Studt (Studt is a Low German form of "Stüde, Stüder" and comes from the Old German word stude = "perennial, bush")
Pump (The name Pump can have two meanings: 1. a person who operates a pump (pumper) 2. from pumping = borrow something)
Tegen (from the Old High German degan or Old Saxon thegan with the meaning "young warrior")
Römer (Roman, a common German surname. The name has different origins: a) the Rome pilgrim b) Merchants who traded with Rome c) seldom an origin from Rome).
Rickert (Rickert is the Low German form of "Richard". The name is composed of the Old High German word syllables "richi" = rich, powerful and "hard" = strong.)
Harm (In North German a short form for the given name Harmen for "Hermann" from Old High German heri = army and man = man)
Kaiser (From Middle High German keiser 'Kaiser', probably as an allusion to the proud, vain behavior of earlier namesakes)
Poggensee (The name is based on the place name Poggensee, which occurs twice in Schleswig-Holstein. It is derived from po = Slavic "am, bei" and kanitze = hawk forest; "po kense" thus means "Am Habichtswald" )
Biel (Biel is the Low German form of "Beil". From the Old High German "billi" = "battleaxe, sword, hatchet")
Bormann (Middle North German residential name "born" = "Brunnen", for someone who lives by a well)
Hildebrandt (Hildebrand is an old Germanic name, which is composed of the words hiltja or hild (Old High German or Old Saxon " fight") and brand (Old High German, Old Saxon "fire blight", but also "sword", metronym for "flaming sword"))
Tim (Diminutive form of the DIET names; from Gothic thiuda, Old High German diot, Middle High German diet = the people)
Appel (It is a patronymic of the German name Apel. The given name is a two stem short form to full forms with the first member in Old High German adal , Old Saxon *athali ' Noble' and the second member in Old High German beraht , Old Saxon berht 'bright, shining')
Petersen (It is a patronymic for the given name Peter. In its Latin form, the given name found Petrus, which in turn goes back to the Greek name Pétros (Greek pétra 'rock'))
Rohlfs (It is a patronymic of the German name Rolf. The given name is a two stem short form of full forms with the first member hruod in old high German, old Saxon *hrōth , *rōth fame and the second member wolf in old high German, old Saxon wulf ‘wulf ')
Lewerenz (It is a patronymic for the given name Laurenz. The original Latin name Laurentius is derived from the same Roman surname (Latin Laurentius 'the one from the city of Laurentum)) - there is a possible second meaning!
Lüth (meaning unknown)
These are the 20 most common surnames in my ancestor list.
Ancestors Research Statistics for my children
Under construction
Ancestors Research Statistics for my children
Generation Number
Relation to Catharina + Christopher Lewerenz
Total # of possible ancestors
# reduced due to pedigree collapse
# of identified Ancestors
% of identified Ancestors
# on WikiTree
# still to find
Proband (Proband)
2 (1)
2 (1)
2 (1)
100 %
2 (1)
Eltern (Parents)
100 %
Großeltern (Grandparents)
100 %
Urgroßeltern (Great grandparents)
87,5 %
Alteltern (2nd great grandparents)
81,25 %
Altgroßeltern (3rd great grandparents)
80 %
Alturgroßeltern (4th great grandparents)
77,19 %
Obereltern (5th great grandparents)
74,52 %
Obergroßeltern (6th great grandparents)
71,15 %
Oberurgroßeltern (7th great grandparents)
56,14 %
Stammeltern (8th great grandparents)
27,21 %
Stammgroßeltern (9th great grandparents)
9,05 %
Stammurgroßeltern (10th great grandparents)
2,69 %
Ahneneltern (11th great grandparents)
1,09 %
The resesearch statistics with the brick walls and the pedigree collapses you find here:
First-hand information. Entered by Dieter Lewerenz at registration.
Birth Certificate of Dieter Martin Lewerenz, Registration No. 132/1958, Registration Office Bad Segeberg, Kreis Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, personal copy in private files
Marriage Certificate of Dieter Martin Lewerenz, Registration No. 12/1987, Registration Office Leezen, Kreis Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, personal copy in private files
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Dieter Lewerenz and Hannelore (Grabow) Hahn, his mother (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Mother, based on sharing 3449 cM across 27 segments.
Here you can find a German-English glossary for genealogical terms which I have written. It will be expanded step by step and primarily serves English-speaking users of WikiTree to better understand German terms in old German documents such as church records, wills, civil registers etc. Suggestions for improvements and wishes for specific terms are welcome. The glossary contains about 1000 German terms:
On this page I present the genealogical symbols and characters I use on WikiTree and in correspondence. The prerequisite for me is that they are unique and can be easily displayed with a computer keyboard:
This page is intended to give an overview of German names and German naming law and, as a consequence, explain how to enter them into the appropriate fields on WikiTree. It is avaible in a German and English version:
German territorial structure in the course of history
On this page I try to show the territorial structure of Germany throughout history with the corresponding flags and coats of arms. You find the pages here:
For access to Dieter Lewerenz's full information you must be on Dieter's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Dieter:
You sent me a message suggesting I needed assistance creating and editing profiles. I sent you a response and I've heard nothing in response. Are you still of the view I need assistance or are you satisfied with my response?
Hi Dieter , Yes please , I would love to be part of the Germany Project . I am struggling with finding my mother's side of my family . I could use some help and advice , please .
Hallo Dieter, ich bin ein Neuling und verstehe folgendes nicht: mein eigenes Profil ist ein Wirrwarr von Privacy Keys, mal grün, mal rot, mal gelb... ich habe den Reiter "Privacy" sowohl für mich, als auch für alle meine Einträge auf gelb stehen: "Private with Public Biography and Family Tree". Dennoch sind bei mir und meiner Schwester bunt gemischte Punkte (unlogisch). Ich möchte gerne, dass alles - was ich eintrage - sichtbar ist, aber keiner bei mir etwas verändern kann (also nicht grün). Gibt es da einen Trick???
This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Hi Deiter, I have another question: How do I sign myself after complementing a profile? I’v been just saying my name and Tree Hugger after. Is there a more correct way to do it? Thanks,Lula Tuttle Sinnott
Hi Deiter, Lula Tuttle Sinnott here. I would like to belong to the floater group which ,actually I have been doing for some time. Hopefully I can continue to do that. Am sorry to be late getting back to you.....a little health issue. Happy day to you....or night. Lula Tuttle Sinnott
Hi! I had posted information to Jelena Eckstädt's profile, but she has informed me that I should have posted to yours. So here's the gist of what I had posted:
... if a profile is managed by the Germany Project, it needs to display the project box. See the German Roots table here for profiles that don't (or which have the project box but aren't managed by the project, but there aren't any of those to fix this week).
I've been working on these in the past, but I'm trying to reduce my "WikiTree time", so I won't be looking at these in the future. As PC for Managed Profiles of the Germany Project, please check weekly for new problems (it's fairly easy to maintain, but took me a couple of months earlier this year to clear them).
All but one of the profiles in the list have been corrected & I had posted a comment on the remaining one, which as a project-managed profile should have shown up as an e-mail to the Google Group for the project account (if you don't recall seeing it, check Kaufmann-713).
I'm posting to your profile in hopes that the project will continue to monitor its project status (here), as I do not intend to continue doing so (mainly because I'm not a member of the project).
it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.
If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.
In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.
Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.
Danke Dieter for all your hard work on Germany and the Wars. You have a wonderful profile. As my daughters are half-German and half-English, I find your work particularly interesting. I have more of Oma and Opa's family to add to the tree when I have time: Bork and Hoffmann, as well as Freerksen if you are interested. Jackie
This week through Thursday 23 June, the WikiTree Challenge is building out the tree of sci-fi/fantasy author Lois McMaster Bujold. We would be thrilled to have some help from the Germany Project on a couple of branches of Lois' family tree - do you know of anyone who might have some time to pitch in? We have this immigrant Nicholas Hetrick:
Greetings from the Military and War Project. We are doing the six month check-in with members.. Have you been active in the last six months? Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project
Hi Dieter! Thank you for joining the Germany Genies for the April Connect-a-Thon. As a team, we created 5,602 new profiles, coming in 4th place overall and 1st place by normalized (average) score! We couldn't have done it without you! Best regards, Traci
I just wanted to give high praise to Dieter for some help he's been giving me in translating some old handwritten German baptism and marriage records of the late 1700's/early 1800's from a Lutheran church here in Nova Scotia for some of my ancestors. He never ceases to amaze me how he can decipher many of the words that to me just look like ink splotches!
(Zion Lutheran Church in Lunenburg is celebrating their 250th anniversary this year - oldest active Lutheran congregation in Canada.)
First, thank you so much for your Sütterlinschrift assistance in G2G this month! Because of your help, I found more resources online and was able to learn much more to decipher church records on my own. Honestly it feels amazing to be able to look at very old German handwriting and understand so much of it!
I'm writing for a different reason today. I am very grateful for your work on German territorial structure in the course of history! I have created a new page for the village/municipality of Schale, Westfalen, from which I have some ancestors (the ones in those church records you helped with). Would you be willing to review this page and let me know if any corrections are needed? (Also your thoughts on the mixed German/English formatting - can it be improved?)
In particular, I am uncertain about the period starting when Grafschaft Tecklenburg became part of Königreich Preußen in 1707 until Kreis Tecklenburg was established in Provinz Westfalen in 1816. What was the status of Tecklenburg between those years? Did it still exist as an administrative entity (district, province, other) or was it eliminated entirely and Schale would have been part of the larger entity directly?
Schale's Wikipedia page states that it was an independent municipality (selbständige Gemeinde) during the French occupations 1811-1816, which makes me think it wasn't independent from 1707-1811 but Wikipedia is limited and doesn't include these details. Is there a better online source I could use? I know a little German and am fluent in Google Translate. ;)
I am hoping to create a one place page for Tecklenburg, so your answers will be helpful to me in getting those details correct as well.
Thanks again for all you do, and I hope to hear from you! :)
Hallo und Grüße vom andren Ende des größen Atlantiks. Ich bin seit 20+ Jahren Student der deutschen Sprache, und ich hatte absolut keine Ahnung, daß es so viele Weisen gab, „Großeltern“ zu sagen.
könnten Sie mir bei einem meiner Vorfahren einen Schritt weiter helfen? Wie die von https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Schultens-2. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich auf deutsche Quellen zugreifen kann. Viele meiner Verwandten stammen aus der Grenzregion Groningen, Drenthe und Niedersachsen.
Danke für die Hilfe,
Hallo Dieter,
zou jij mij een stapje verder kunnen helpen met een van mijn voorouders? Zoals die van https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Schultens-2. Ik heb geen flauw idee hoe ik toegang tot eventuele Duitse bronnen kan krijgen. Vele van mijn familieleden komen uit de grensstreek Groningen, Drenthe en Neder Saksen.
erst einmal tausend Dank für alles, was du hier gibst. Von dir, deiner Zeit, deinem Wissen, deinen Ressourcen. Standing Ovations!!!
Ich hab in dem Interview mit dir gelesen, dass du im Raum Jerxheim recherchierst. Frage: Hast du einen Tip für Quellen? Ich habe einen Batzen Familie aus Jerxheim, die darauf wartet, auf solide Quellen gestellt zu werden. Ausser einem Microfilm bei familysearch (1808-1813) finde ich allerdings nirgendwo records. Der war schon ein guter Anfang, aber stelle ich mich zu dumm an oder ist online wirklich derzeit nichts weiter aus evangelischen Quellen verfügbar? Ich bin zwar nicht bei Archion , aber soweit ich sehe, ist dort auch noch nichts.
Ich wär für jeden Tip dankbar.
On behalf of the G2G Integrators Project Leaders, we are doing a first of the year check-in with members. Please let us know if you are still active.
If you are active, please let us know in which ways you most enjoy contributing to the project. All of us would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.
Please reply as we look forward to hearing from you soon.
David, Pip and Dorothy ~ G2G Integrators Project Leaders and PC
Hi Dieter. I just wanted to say thank you for all your work on my Drechsel line in the WikiTree Challenge this week. Germany records are particularly difficult for me, and I'm very grateful. This line is difficult. Thank you again.
Hi, I think you mentioned finding a way to have a free-space profile go full-width, with no sidebar. Can you share that? I want a table to get the full width. Thanks! Jane
I had tried it and accordingly asked a question about it in G2G some time ago, but I found all the suggestions made not optimal and therefore I left it at the normal version. The suggestions were too complicated for me or did not meet my expectations.
Thanks for participating with the Germany Genies during this weekend's Connect-a-Thon. It was a lot of fun working together to expand our shared tree. Your hard work is appreciated and I hope you'll join our team again!
Hey Dieter. I was walking through graveyards a week ago documenting headstones and I found two stones with Lewerenz on them. I instantly thought of you.
yes a lot of my ancestrors migrated to the USA, especcially in the time between 1850 and 1890. Some I found, but for some I am still searching. Most of my ancestors moved to Illinois or other states near the Great Lakes.
Hallo Steven, I am still looking at least for one brother of my great great grandfather wo emigrated the the USA. His sister I found in Wisconsin and his brother in Illionois. The name of the missing Lewerenz was Johann Hinrich Lewerenz; he was called Hans and was born 1854 in Oering, Kreis Segeberg. He married in 1880 Margaretha Wrage in Sülfeld and emigrated in 1885. If the names are Margaretha/Margret or Hans it will definately interesting for me.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSDP-F9PF-5?cc=3015626. He believes that the record says that although John was baptized in 1833, he was born the previous year, in 1832, in Altenburg. I can't read German. Could you please tell me what the record says about John? I'd love to know. Also, i'm new to using WikiTree. If this is an inappropriate request or if there is a better forum for me to make this request I apologize. Thank you. -Dallan
this way is ok.
I have only one problem I cannot see the image. I can use the link, but only see an empty page. On ancestry is only an index avaible.
Could you please make a download or a screenshot from the image and put it on the concerning profile as image. Then I can read it and help you.
Please give me a short info when the image is avaible.
Nr.: 50.
Taufname des Kindes: Gottlieb
Tauf- und Zuname, auch Stand des Vaters: Christoph Quaas, Nachbar und Einwohner in Heuckendorf
Tauf- und vorheriger Geschlechtsname der Mutter: Elisabeth, geborene Gentsch aus Heukendorf
Tag und Stunde der Geburt: Der 25. fünf und zwanzigste Juli, Abends um 11 eilf Uhr
Tag und Stunde der Taufe, wo sie geschehen und wer sie verrichtet: Den 28. acht und zwanzigsten Juli in der Kirche, durch den Herrn Pastor Dietrich
Namen der Pathen:
1. Johann Gentsch, Nachbar und Einwohner in Waltersdorf
2. Johann Meissner, Nachbar und Einwohner in Lobas
3. Frau Justine Meissner, des Einwohners Michael Meissner in Gorma Eheweib
Dieter, I am so glad you were able to join Team Roses for this year's Clean A Thon. It is always a pleasure to work with you. With your help, we were able to clean up over 30,000 data suggestions, which is amazing! I hope you'll join us in July for the Connect A Thon. Emma :-)
I'm watching last night's challenge video now. Every week, it seems like you're the behind-the-scenes MVP. You are contributing so much! The challenge would be completely different if you weren't part of it. Thank you for all you are doing.
Dieter, I am blown away by all the work you did on my German lines as part of this past week's WikiTree Challenge! Your generosity in donating your time and expertise is not only greatly valued by me, but it will also be appreciated for many generations to come. I cannot thank you enough for contributing to one of the most exciting genealogical events I've ever participated in. Thank you, Thank YOU, THANK YOU! Hugs!
Thank you thank you thank you :) You have been a world of help and I appreciate everything you are doing. My German ancestors have been a brick wall for years and I can't wait to learn more. Kulla, Romer Rominski, Kotzschmar, Biernot, Gosch, Glasser
Hey Dieter. I don't know if you would have much access to information from Southern Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz), but I am getting stuck with finding info on my great-grandparents Johann Sauer and Louise Huber, who resided in the Oggersheim-Ludwigshafen am Rhein area (b. c. 1910-d. c 1985-1990). They still have a living daughter, Erika who lives there. I haven't had much luck getting my mother/aunt to help out. Can you look into recent deaths (obits from last 20-30 years) and maybe identify a Friedhof that they are buried in?
Update: Well I created a space page for Uelzen (Kreis), Niedersachsen, and I admit that I was a little hasty in getting it out there. The more I keep looking at it and in comparison with other Landkreis in Niedersachsen on Wikitree that I realize that I should retitle it to Landkreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen. That would be the more correct form, yes?
I did it. I made a new page for Space:Landkreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen and this is where we will make our edits. Still currently fleshing out the links for the political structure but you can still view what I've done so far. The other page, well, I'm hoping someone can delete it.
I read in G2G that you live in Kreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen and was hoping for assistance regarding genealogy in the Uelzen area, granted I understand if this request is unwarranted if it interferes with your time or ability. I am specifically interested in Röbbel, Bad Bevensen, where my ancestors of the Ripke family resided (Hof Nr. 3) and still do to this day! A lot of the Ripke line is fleshed out to 1603 though it gets vague after that, and mainly I'm looking for members of offshooting branches that married into them (i.e. STOLTE, SCHULZ, BURMESTER (which I've found is all over), GROSSMEYER (GRASMEYER), WARFER, KOOSEN, and LUDEMANN (should have umlaut U). In addition I have been following leads all over the Kreis in the villages of Höver (Weste), Hohenbostel, Emmendorf, Nievelitz, and Bohlsen to name a few. I am particularly stumped by the surname GAUSE in Hohenbostel. It disappears on my end at 1850 and reappears in that village again around 1750. If you have any recommendations on where to look for information, I gladly accept them.
Pre-1700 ancestors can be shared by many descendants, so collaboration is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.
The Germany Project may fit your research focus. If not, use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find other possibilities. Review the project page to learn about resources and guidelines as well as how to collaborate with the project members.
Have questions? Let me know by using the "reply" link under my comments or by clicking my name to visit my profile. From there you can leave a comment or send a private message.
This is a courtesy e-mail to see how things are going. Are you enjoying WikiTree so far?
One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that I found very helpful. (If you decide to upload another GEDCOM file,) I hope that you will too. Have the tips in the New Member How-Tos been helpful? Most of us still have some questions after reviewing them.
Please do let me know if you have any questions about how WikiTree works, no matter how small. My rule of thumb when I started was to search for an answer for five minutes, then reach out to my Greeters, and then resume searching. I might have found the answer before they got back with me but they sometimes offered a different way of doing the same thing which was easier.
You can reach me by using the reply link for this comment or send a private message from my profile by clicking my name. See you in the branches,
Debi ~ WikiGreeter
P.S. Did you discover that the tags on your profile are clickable links to a page of other people who have that tag? They also control the information which is included in the activity reports which you receive from WikiTree. You can add more, up to 20 total, or delete some if you are receiving irrelevant information.
Welcome to the Germany Project. Please read the Germany project page add GERMANY to your list of followed tags, and can you please send me a private message with your email address so i can add you to our Google Group. The group is where our project communicates.
Thanks for joining, I look forward to working with you.
Thanks for volunteering! I am pleased to confirm and welcome you to the WikiTree family, your contributions will go a long way to joining the world together.
I would suggest starting with the New Member How-To pages, they will save you a lot of time and frustration. Don't be afraid to ask questions in our G2G forum and get involved as much or as little as works for you. Be sure to check out the tabs at the very top right hand side of your profile, there is lots to discover!
I am here to answer any question you have, no matter how trivial you may think it is. There is no such thing as a silly question. Please add as much information as you can, it all helps to turn a “name” back into a person. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do!
Happy tree climbing
Rhonda ~ WikiTree Greeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.
This is just a note to say hello and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.
To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
John ~ WikiTree Greeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile page.
Acadian heritage connections:
Dieter is
29 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 30 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 29 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 29 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 27 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 29 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 29 degrees from Anne Murray, 30 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 28 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 29 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 27 degrees from Marie Travers and 29 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
You sent me a message suggesting I needed assistance creating and editing profiles. I sent you a response and I've heard nothing in response. Are you still of the view I need assistance or are you satisfied with my response?
please answer this post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1572006/would-you-like-to-join-the-germany-project to join the Germany Project.
This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War
edited by Dieter Lewerenz
All but one of the profiles in the list have been corrected & I had posted a comment on the remaining one, which as a project-managed profile should have shown up as an e-mail to the Google Group for the project account (if you don't recall seeing it, check Kaufmann-713).
I'm posting to your profile in hopes that the project will continue to monitor its project status (here), as I do not intend to continue doing so (mainly because I'm not a member of the project).
Cheers, Liz
Nice to be awarded and be recognized for something I enjoy and love
it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.
If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.
In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.
Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.
Kind regards from Black Forest
Danke fur ihren antworten vor Herr Wiborg. Vielen grussen aus Florida, Ralph Geer
edited by Traci Thiessen
This week through Thursday 23 June, the WikiTree Challenge is building out the tree of sci-fi/fantasy author Lois McMaster Bujold. We would be thrilled to have some help from the Germany Project on a couple of branches of Lois' family tree - do you know of anyone who might have some time to pitch in? We have this immigrant Nicholas Hetrick:
Guillaume Albasini has made great progress on these Rheinland-Pfalz families:
Best regards,
Karen Lowe, WikiTree Challenge team captain
I posted the question in the Germany Project chat. Hope somebody have the time to step in. Dieter
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project
I am still active. regards Dieter
(Zion Lutheran Church in Lunenburg is celebrating their 250th anniversary this year - oldest active Lutheran congregation in Canada.)
First, thank you so much for your Sütterlinschrift assistance in G2G this month! Because of your help, I found more resources online and was able to learn much more to decipher church records on my own. Honestly it feels amazing to be able to look at very old German handwriting and understand so much of it!
I'm writing for a different reason today. I am very grateful for your work on German territorial structure in the course of history! I have created a new page for the village/municipality of Schale, Westfalen, from which I have some ancestors (the ones in those church records you helped with). Would you be willing to review this page and let me know if any corrections are needed? (Also your thoughts on the mixed German/English formatting - can it be improved?)
In particular, I am uncertain about the period starting when Grafschaft Tecklenburg became part of Königreich Preußen in 1707 until Kreis Tecklenburg was established in Provinz Westfalen in 1816. What was the status of Tecklenburg between those years? Did it still exist as an administrative entity (district, province, other) or was it eliminated entirely and Schale would have been part of the larger entity directly?
Schale's Wikipedia page states that it was an independent municipality (selbständige Gemeinde) during the French occupations 1811-1816, which makes me think it wasn't independent from 1707-1811 but Wikipedia is limited and doesn't include these details. Is there a better online source I could use? I know a little German and am fluent in Google Translate. ;)
I am hoping to create a one place page for Tecklenburg, so your answers will be helpful to me in getting those details correct as well.
Thanks again for all you do, and I hope to hear from you! :)
edited by Cheryl Hammond
könnten Sie mir bei einem meiner Vorfahren einen Schritt weiter helfen? Wie die von https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Schultens-2. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich auf deutsche Quellen zugreifen kann. Viele meiner Verwandten stammen aus der Grenzregion Groningen, Drenthe und Niedersachsen.
Danke für die Hilfe, Roelof.
Hallo Dieter,
zou jij mij een stapje verder kunnen helpen met een van mijn voorouders? Zoals die van https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Schultens-2. Ik heb geen flauw idee hoe ik toegang tot eventuele Duitse bronnen kan krijgen. Vele van mijn familieleden komen uit de grensstreek Groningen, Drenthe en Neder Saksen.
Al vast bedankt voor de hulp,
erst einmal tausend Dank für alles, was du hier gibst. Von dir, deiner Zeit, deinem Wissen, deinen Ressourcen. Standing Ovations!!! Ich hab in dem Interview mit dir gelesen, dass du im Raum Jerxheim recherchierst. Frage: Hast du einen Tip für Quellen? Ich habe einen Batzen Familie aus Jerxheim, die darauf wartet, auf solide Quellen gestellt zu werden. Ausser einem Microfilm bei familysearch (1808-1813) finde ich allerdings nirgendwo records. Der war schon ein guter Anfang, aber stelle ich mich zu dumm an oder ist online wirklich derzeit nichts weiter aus evangelischen Quellen verfügbar? Ich bin zwar nicht bei Archion , aber soweit ich sehe, ist dort auch noch nichts. Ich wär für jeden Tip dankbar.
On behalf of the G2G Integrators Project Leaders, we are doing a first of the year check-in with members. Please let us know if you are still active.
If you are active, please let us know in which ways you most enjoy contributing to the project. All of us would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.
Please reply as we look forward to hearing from you soon.
David, Pip and Dorothy ~ G2G Integrators Project Leaders and PC
I had tried it and accordingly asked a question about it in G2G some time ago, but I found all the suggestions made not optimal and therefore I left it at the normal version. The suggestions were too complicated for me or did not meet my expectations.
Here is the post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1189139/width-of-a-free-space-page
welcome to the team!
Thanks for participating with the Germany Genies during this weekend's Connect-a-Thon. It was a lot of fun working together to expand our shared tree. Your hard work is appreciated and I hope you'll join our team again!
Warm regards, Traci
we were a good team and had a great result with such a few members.
yes a lot of my ancestrors migrated to the USA, especcially in the time between 1850 and 1890. Some I found, but for some I am still searching. Most of my ancestors moved to Illinois or other states near the Great Lakes.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSDP-F9PF-5?cc=3015626. He believes that the record says that although John was baptized in 1833, he was born the previous year, in 1832, in Altenburg. I can't read German. Could you please tell me what the record says about John? I'd love to know. Also, i'm new to using WikiTree. If this is an inappropriate request or if there is a better forum for me to make this request I apologize. Thank you. -Dallan
this way is ok. I have only one problem I cannot see the image. I can use the link, but only see an empty page. On ancestry is only an index avaible. Could you please make a download or a screenshot from the image and put it on the concerning profile as image. Then I can read it and help you. Please give me a short info when the image is avaible. Dieter
Im Jahre 1833
Nr.: 50. Taufname des Kindes: Gottlieb Tauf- und Zuname, auch Stand des Vaters: Christoph Quaas, Nachbar und Einwohner in Heuckendorf Tauf- und vorheriger Geschlechtsname der Mutter: Elisabeth, geborene Gentsch aus Heukendorf Tag und Stunde der Geburt: Der 25. fünf und zwanzigste Juli, Abends um 11 eilf Uhr Tag und Stunde der Taufe, wo sie geschehen und wer sie verrichtet: Den 28. acht und zwanzigsten Juli in der Kirche, durch den Herrn Pastor Dietrich Namen der Pathen: 1. Johann Gentsch, Nachbar und Einwohner in Waltersdorf 2. Johann Meissner, Nachbar und Einwohner in Lobas 3. Frau Justine Meissner, des Einwohners Michael Meissner in Gorma Eheweib
I'm watching last night's challenge video now. Every week, it seems like you're the behind-the-scenes MVP. You are contributing so much! The challenge would be completely different if you weren't part of it. Thank you for all you are doing.
Please inform me if I forgot some to orphan.
https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Thompson-41797_Executioners_in_Schwabia Thanks again and congratulations!
Congrats on the Super Star Badge!
edited by Steven Greenwood
I read in G2G that you live in Kreis Uelzen, Niedersachsen and was hoping for assistance regarding genealogy in the Uelzen area, granted I understand if this request is unwarranted if it interferes with your time or ability. I am specifically interested in Röbbel, Bad Bevensen, where my ancestors of the Ripke family resided (Hof Nr. 3) and still do to this day! A lot of the Ripke line is fleshed out to 1603 though it gets vague after that, and mainly I'm looking for members of offshooting branches that married into them (i.e. STOLTE, SCHULZ, BURMESTER (which I've found is all over), GROSSMEYER (GRASMEYER), WARFER, KOOSEN, and LUDEMANN (should have umlaut U). In addition I have been following leads all over the Kreis in the villages of Höver (Weste), Hohenbostel, Emmendorf, Nievelitz, and Bohlsen to name a few. I am particularly stumped by the surname GAUSE in Hohenbostel. It disappears on my end at 1850 and reappears in that village again around 1750. If you have any recommendations on where to look for information, I gladly accept them.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!
Pre-1700 ancestors can be shared by many descendants, so collaboration is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.
The Germany Project may fit your research focus. If not, use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find other possibilities. Review the project page to learn about resources and guidelines as well as how to collaborate with the project members.
Have questions? Let me know by using the "reply" link under my comments or by clicking my name to visit my profile. From there you can leave a comment or send a private message.
Karen ~ Pre-1700 Greeter
This is a courtesy e-mail to see how things are going. Are you enjoying WikiTree so far?
One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that I found very helpful. (If you decide to upload another GEDCOM file,) I hope that you will too. Have the tips in the New Member How-Tos been helpful? Most of us still have some questions after reviewing them.
Please do let me know if you have any questions about how WikiTree works, no matter how small. My rule of thumb when I started was to search for an answer for five minutes, then reach out to my Greeters, and then resume searching. I might have found the answer before they got back with me but they sometimes offered a different way of doing the same thing which was easier.
You can reach me by using the reply link for this comment or send a private message from my profile by clicking my name. See you in the branches,
Debi ~ WikiGreeter
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Welcome to the Germany Project. Please read the Germany project page add GERMANY to your list of followed tags, and can you please send me a private message with your email address so i can add you to our Google Group. The group is where our project communicates.
Thanks for joining, I look forward to working with you.
Kylie Haese ~ Germany Project Leader
Thanks for volunteering! I am pleased to confirm and welcome you to the WikiTree family, your contributions will go a long way to joining the world together.
I would suggest starting with the New Member How-To pages, they will save you a lot of time and frustration. Don't be afraid to ask questions in our G2G forum and get involved as much or as little as works for you. Be sure to check out the tabs at the very top right hand side of your profile, there is lots to discover!
I am here to answer any question you have, no matter how trivial you may think it is. There is no such thing as a silly question. Please add as much information as you can, it all helps to turn a “name” back into a person. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do!
Happy tree climbing
Rhonda ~ WikiTree Greeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.
This is just a note to say hello and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.
To contact me, be sure to use the "reply" link for this comment so that I will be notified. You can also click my name to send a private message, or post a comment, on my profile page.
John ~ WikiTree Greeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile page.