Ola Lidén
Honor Code SignatorySigned 23 Nov 2018 | 48,693 contributions | 99 thank-yous | 3,158 connections
I´m building on a tree, I don't write som much about the profiles (except for may nearest ancestors), so if you have more information about my profiles, or want to make them more pleasant to read, please do that.
Please don' hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I do like contact's with other genealogists.
Name: Ola Göte Thure Lidén.
Born 23 NOV 1959.
Baptized 31 Jan 1960 At the family home in Eslöv.
Olas dop. |
Hanaskog. |
This week's featured connections are New York architects: Ola is 22 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 33 degrees from David Childs, 34 degrees from Frank Gehry, 20 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 24 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 38 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 20 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 31 degrees from I. M. Pei, 22 degrees from John Roebling, 19 degrees from Stanford White, 22 degrees from Frank Wright and 30 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Categories: Eslöv (M) | Kviinge (L) | Östhammar (AB) | Öregrund (C) | Färlöv (L) | Ängelholm (L) | Grevie (L) | Västra Karup (L)
Det står inget om en anledning, varför är du säker på att han inte är son?
edited by Antonia (Widenstedt) Reuvers
Thank you for adding your DNA Test to your profile on WikiTree. Getting Started with DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.
DNA at WikiTree provides a visual way for you to find others who have tested and have the potential of having common ancestors. It normally takes 24 hours from adding a test, or adding a new ancestor, or ancestor’s descendant, for WikiTree to display your name and test results on your ancestors and their descendants’ profiles for potential cousins to compare results with.
Have fun! Mindy ~ WikiTree Volunteer Greeter
Tusen tack :)
Antonia, 7de kusin
Thank you for self-certifying for the Pre-1700 badge! Participation in a Pre-1700 Project is strongly encouraged for those wishing to edit Pre-1700 profiles. Collaboration is essential because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants.
It looks like Sweden Poject would be a good fit with the tag you entered. Adding the tag Sweden will help you get updates about activity for that project.
Do you have any questions? Let me know. I'm happy to help! :-)
David ~ Pre-1700 Greeter
Tack för att du kom med oss! Jag hoppas att du njuter av vår sida och vårt samhälle. Jag ville bara kolla in och se hur saker och ting går. Har sidorna Ny medlem Instruktioner varit till hjälp eller lämnat dig med frågor?
Det är kul att få dig ombord. Njut av din tid här, och lycka till att växa på dina grenar. Om du behöver hjälp, klicka bara på mitt namn så överförs du till min profil där du kan skicka ett meddelande eller skicka ett privat meddelande till mig.
Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor
Thanks for joining us! I hope you're enjoying our site and our community. I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Have the New Member How-To pages been helpful or left you with questions?
It's great to have you on board. Enjoy your time here, and good luck growing your branches. If you need help just click on my name you'll be transferred to my profile where you can post a message or send me a private message.
Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor
I am happy to congratulate you for becoming a full member of the WikiTree community! To help save you time, energy and frustration, please start with our New Member How-To pages.
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Welcome to the WikiTree family! Please ask if you have any questions as I am always happy to help.
Cindy ~ WikiTree Greeter
PS If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile page.