Noble Lyons
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Noble John Lyons (1864 - 1948)

Noble John "Nob" Lyons
Born in Blomidon, Nova Scotiamap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 26 Dec 1894 in Greenwood, Nova Scotiamap
Husband of — married 17 Aug 1910 in Kings County, Nova Scotiamap
Descendants descendants
Father of , , , , , [private daughter (1910s - unknown)] and [private daughter (1910s - 2010s)]
Died at age 84 in Glenholme, Nova Scotiamap
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Profile last modified | Created 26 Aug 2008
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The Noble Lyons family was Baptist. He was a farmer.

Rowena Spinney and Noble Lyons married in 1894 in Kings County.

Bertha E. Legge and Noble J. Lyons married in 1910 in Kings County. Two of Bertha's sisters married two of Noble's sons.

In 1901, the Canadian census has the Lyons family living in Kingsport, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.[1]

About 1 1/2 years before Noble's death, there was a fire at his home in Blomidon. He and his wife, Bertha, moved to Glenholm, Nova Scotia (near Truro;) to live with his daughter Eileen Rafuse and her family.

He died 15 Jun 1948[2] Nova Scotia Death Registration form indicates that Noble's ancestry was "Scotch."

Buried in Pereau Baptist Church Cemetery


  1. "Canada Census, 1901," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 27 April 2017), Noble Lyons, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada; citing p. 9, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa.
  2. "Nova Scotia Deaths, 1890-1955," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 April 2015), Noble John Lyons, 15 Jun 1948; citing Glenholm, Colchester, Nova Scotia, Canada, certificate 3531, Nova Scotia Archives, Halifax.

Memories: 1
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Although my maternal grandfather, Noble Lyons, died when I was very young; I treasured stories, which I heard from my family. As I recall, when "Nob," was around 17 years old, he was working alone, using a threshing machine. One of his hands was caught in the machine. He fashioned a tourniquet and drove his horse and wagon to Canning, NS; to the closest physician. Grampa lost his hand and, as I was told by my mother, his hair turned white shortly thereafter.

During my early infancy, he and my grandmother, Bertha Lyons, traveled to visit us in Providence, RI. He was in his early 80's and died in Nova Scotia within the next year. After that visit. I recall my mother telling me that there was a fire at my grandparents home in Blomidon and that they had moved to Glenholme,NS to live with their daughter, Eileen Rafuse, before Noble's death there in 1948. Marsha Auger Leesburg, FL

posted 15 Sep 2009 by Marsha (Ciaramello) Auger
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BLOMIDON (K.) The Micmac Indians called this place

"Glooscap's week." i. e., Glooscap's home.

The Indian name as given by Dr. Rand was "Owkogegechk," meaning "dogwood grove." The name "Blomidon" is said by most authorities to have been given the place by the Portuguese. The Indian name for the cape was "Plekteok" meaning a hand- spike. Navigators in old times used to call the cape "Blow-me- down."

posted by [Living Ciaramello]
Noble Lyons' farm flanked the road to Cape Blomidon, some of which can be seen in the bottom left hand corner of this 2004 photo. The house is to the right of the road, as you travel toward Blomidon. The barn stands across the street from the house. Apple orchards ran back toward the beach.
posted by [Living Ciaramello]

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