JAMES MCFEATERS was born about 1752 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. He was on the census in Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania, in Jun 1790 aged over 16 years. He was on the census in Dublin Township, Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania, in Jun 1800 aged over 40 years. He was on the census in Dublin Township, Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania, in Jun 1810 no older male in household-very peculiar. He was on the census in Tell Township, Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania, in Jun 1820 aged over 45 years.
In 1779 he was on the Tax Roll for Lack Twp, Cumberland Co, Pennsylvania with 2 horses and 2 head of cattle. Lack Twp was formed in 1754 as part of Cumberland Co, and includes the Tuscarora Valley.
In 1783 he was on the Tax Roll for Shirley Twp, Bedford Co, Pennsylvania. Shirley Twp was formed abt 1784 while part of Bedford Co. When Huntingdon Co. was formed in 1787 from Bedford Co, Shirley Twp, which borders Lack and Dublin Townships became part of Huntingdon Co. In 1788 he was on the Tax Roll for this Twp with 100 acres, 2 horses and 2 Cows. He warranted 100 acres in 1787 in Bedford Co, In 1786 and 1788 he was on the Militia Roll for Huntingdon Co. In 1791 he was living in the Tuscarora Valley and Supervisor for Dublin Twp, Huntingdon Co. In 1798 he was Overseer of the Poor for this Twp. In 1796 he warranted 215 acres and in 1808 92.77 acres in Huntingdon Co, In 1821 he was Supervisor for Tell Twp. Tell Twp was formed from a portion of Dublin Twp in 1810.6
From Sara Gredlers' web page: Listed on Militia Roll in 1786 & 1788 for Huntingdon County, PA. In 1791 he was living in Tuscarora Valley and was a Supervisor for Dublin Township, Huntingdon County, PA. In 1798 he was Overseer of the Poor for the same township. In 1796 he warranted 215 acres and in 1808 another 92.77 acres in Huntingdon County. In 1821 he was Supervisor for Tell Township, Huntingdon County.
He served in the 5th Company, Captain Andrew Farrier, 7th Battalion Cumberland County Militia on May 1, 1780 and May 1, 1781. He served a tour of active duty August 1, 1780.
He married (1) MARY ARMSTRONG, daughter of John Armstrong and Eleanor Wallace, about 1776 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. She was born about 1753 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. She died before 1803. He married MARTHA CAMPBELL after 1800 in Pennsylvania.
He wrote a will on 17 Mar 1828. James died aft 17 Mar 1828 in Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania. The will was probated in Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania, on 14 Jun 1828 when Martha renounced and Samuel McFeaters received Letters of Administration--probably because he was the only son still residing in Huntingdon Co. in 1828. James gave small bequests to ten children by name and to three grand-daughters: Margaret Patterson, Polly Patterson and Elizabeth Watson.
From: http://www.clawsonfamily.com/McFeaters.pdf
For more information about the brick wall for McFeaters-2 and the hypothesis his father is McFeaters-286 please see the McFeaters Name Study: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:McFeaters_Name_Study
Information below is from a manuscript of Mr. Harold McPheeters of Atlanta, GA. 1987 Indiana County. Historical Society and shared directly with Elizabeth Evans Mcfeaters, Evans-19656, as part of her family research which is in my possession McFeaters-9
The McPheeters are reported to have originally come to the Pennsylvania Colony from Londonderry County of Northern Ireland and settled around Chester and Lancaster Counties around 1726-1730. From there they moved down the Great Valley Road of the Shenandoah Valley into Virginia and North Carolina.
The ancestors of the McFeaters of Western Pennsylvania were apparently James McFeaters (McFeeters) of Tell Twp. of Huntingdon County, PA and his wife Martha. From early census and township records it is apparent that this James McFeaters (& various spellings) had located in Huntingdon County by 1790. We do not know where he came from or who his parents were, but it is most likely that he came from southeastern Pennsylvania because that was the typical migration pattern of the Scotch-Irish into thecentral portions of Pennsylvania. From Sara Gredlers' web page: Listed on Militia Roll in 1786 & 1788 for Huntingdon County, PA. In 1791 he was living in Tuscarora Valley and was a Supervisor for Dublin Township, Huntingdon County, PA. In 1798 he was Overseer of the Poor for the same township. In 1796 he warranted 215 acres and in 1808 another 92.77 acres in Huntingdon County. In 1821 he was Supervisor for Tell Township, Huntingdon County.
Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993; Wills, 1787-1908 ; Index to Wills and Letters of Administration, 1787-1918; Author: Huntingdon County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Last Will and Testament of James McFeaters
In the name of God, Amen, I, James M'Featers of Tell Township, Huntingdon County, and State of Pa being sick and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory and understanding (praised be God for it) and considering the certainty of and the uncertainty of the time thereof and to the end - I maybe better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall please god to call me hence do therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in the manner following, that is to say first and principally I commend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping for free pardon and remission of all my sins and to enjoy everlasting happiness in the heavenly kingdom through Jesus Christ my Saviour my body I committ to the earth at the descrition of my Executor herinafter names do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form as following that is to say first of all it is my will that my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid out of my personal property. Item first I give unto my beloved wife Martha McFeater my black mare that is now with foal with feed and fodder and summer pasture. I further give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Martha M'Featers one feather bed and bedding - house and kitchen furniture to be divided in two equal share the one half to be hers and the other to my son Samuel I further give an bequeath unto my beloved wife, Martha M'Featers comfortable food and rainments during her natural life to be given unto her out of the real estates and to have two rooms in the dwelling house we now live in during her life the back room on the first floor and the front room on the second floor and be provided with a sufficency of fire wood choped and laid on the hearth,
Item - I give a bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Campbell eight dollars to be paid to her one year after my death to be her full share of my estate real and personal. I give and bequeath to my dau Margaret Neely $8 to be paid to her to years after my death to be her full share of all my real and personal estate I give and bequeath to my son John McFeaters four dollars to be paid to him 3 years after my decease to be his share in full of all my real and personal estate I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Margaret Patterson, Polly Patterson and Elizabeth Watson $1 each to be paid to them four years after my decease I give an bequeath unto my son Robert M'Featers one bed and bedding and his maintenance in food and raiment to be from my real estates And further I bequeath unto my son Robert M'Featers all my body clothes with hats and shoes and it is my will that he should live with my son Samuel as long as he shall see cause to keep him and to give him good treatment and if him and Samuel cannot agree Samuel must find him in comfortable lodging boarding and clothing elsewhere and no man is to take him without the consent of my son Samuel. I give and bequeath unto my dau Eliner M'Connel one cow to be given unto her 2 years after my decease to be her full share of all my real and personal estate. I give and bequeath unto my son William $2 to be given unto him as his full share of all my real and personal estate. I give and bequeath unto my son James M'Featers one cow to be given him 2 years after my decease to be his share in full of all my real and personal estate I give and bequeath unto my dau Elizabeth Clark one cow which now has to be here share in full of my real and personal estate I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel m'Featers two of hourse hourse gear, plow, harrowes, one bed and bedding. I give and bequeath to my daughter Hannah McFeaters two cows to be given unto her one year after my decease and one steer to be give unto her in 6 mone one bed and beding and for such of my personal as is not devised after the payment of debts it is my will that it be for the use of son Samuel McFeaters and as for such Real Estate as I am in possession of I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel M'Featers the tract of land that I now own in the aforesaid township adjoining lands of John Blair, Esq, Robert McFarland, Noah Eldes [?] and others containing 92 acres and unto his heris and assigns forever. And I further give and bequeath unto my son Samuel and unto his hears and assigns forever one other tract of land situated in the aforesaid township containing 320 acres, being the same tract I now live on, which said tract is held by 2 warrants adjoining the lands of James Lawther, Jacob Gooshorn Widow Coulter Daniel Stony and Adam Boling and further it be my will that my son Samuel pay out of the lands that is hereby bequeath to him several legacies as they become due and I do hereby appoint my loving wife, Martha M'Featers and my son, Samuel M'Featers my executrix and executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. Declaring this to be my last Will and testament. In witness whereunto I set my hand and seal this 17th day of March, 1828
James M'Featers <seal>
Witnesses- John Gooshorn James Ford
This will was copied from the records in the Court House at Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania by James A. Weaver
Census: “1790 US Census: McFeters, James 1 male under 16; 1 male over 16 5 females”
“1800 US Census: McFeters, James 2 males under 5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male over 40 1 female under 5; 1 female 5-10; 2 females 10-15"
“1810 US Census: McFater, J. 2 males under 10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male 16-25 3 females under 10; 1 female 10-16; 1 female 25-45”
“1820 US Census McFeeters, James 1 male 10-16; 1 male 16-28; 1 male over 45 1 female 10-16; 1 female 16-28; 1 female over 45”
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
United States Federal Census Year: 1790; Census Place: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania; Series: M637; Roll: 8; Page: 119; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 0568148
Australian Connections: James is 18 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 24 degrees from Russell Crowe, 18 degrees from Howard Florey, 26 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 32 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 23 degrees from Barry Humphries, 21 degrees from Bert Jacka, 24 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 20 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 21 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 21 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 14 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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Categories: Pennsylvania Appalachians | Appalachia, Family Brick Walls | McFeaters Name Study | Cumberland County Militia, Pennsylvania Militia, American Revolution | NSDAR Patriot Ancestors