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Bonnie (McFeaters) U

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 5 Jul 2017 | 45,018 contributions | 1,798 thank-yous | 5,120 connections
Bonnie J. U formerly McFeaters
Ancestors ancestors
Mother of
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Profile last modified | Created 13 Jun 2017
This page has been accessed 5,851 times.



This profile is part of the McFeaters Name Study.
Bonnie (McFeaters) U was born in Pennsylvania.
Bonnie (McFeaters) U is a member of the Appalachia Project (Northern Appalachia Team).

The McFeaters family has been living in Pennsylvania for eleven generations--I am the 9th generation.

My interest in genealogy came from listening to my paternal grandmother (Evans) recollecting generations of history about her and my McFeaters grandfather's family which were told to me as a young girl.

My grandmother was 70 years old when we started seriously researching our family history. She could not drive a car but she could drive a horse and buggy!

As soon as I got my driver's license, I started to chauffeur her to areas where old homesteads and family cemeteries were located across SW Pennsylvania. We spent many days traveling in my old Volks Wagen Bug, cleaning headstones and documenting locations--keep in mind, this was long before computers and the internet! On occasion, we would find some one who was an "old timer" and he/she would remember my grandmother and reminisce with us for hours.

I was hooked and knew my grandmother chose me to be the family historian and pass on the information to future generations.

Recently, I started a McFeaters Surname Project, please join me in researching this name! And I also have a OPS. Indiana, Pennsylvania One Place Study which is currently a work-in-progress which you can view if you are interested in learning more about my and Jimmy Stewart's (actor) hometown.

Six Generations of Surnames

Evans | Cresswell | Hileman | Moorehead | Geesey | Findley | Dorney | Graham | Hahn | Campbell | Clapper | Sanderson | McCormick | Sprankle | Stewart | Stephens | Garber | Anderson | Lewis | Etter | Clapper | Buzzard | Fabb | Dill |Sidwell | Young | Null | Darney | Amsbaugh | Arbuckle


Brazosky | Samndaszki | Mosurik | Hirshko | Szendrei | Moszurak

On my maternal side, it is not very easy to research. My grandfather came to the United States in the early 1900's from Vinne, Michalovce, Slovensko--which is current day Slovakia. My gradmother was a Brazosky and her family came to the United States from Nalepkovo, Gelnica, Kosieky, Slovensko about one generation before my grandfather. Most of the imigrants from my family first settled in the Renovo/Snow Shoe areas of Pennsylvania and then moved on to Indiana County, Pennsylvania.

The ancestor information for Scotland, Ireland and Magna Carta are provided below with the understanding that there may be some relationships that are uncertain in the data base.

Scotland, Monarchs Ancestors

20th GGF Robert (Bruce) Bruce King Robert Ist of Scots (1274 - 1329) Bruce-129
25th GGF Alexander (Dunkeld) King of Scots (1198 - 1249) Dunkeld-4
25th GGF David (Dunkeld) King of Scots (bef. 1085 - 1153) Dunkeld-68
24th GGF Donald (Dunkeld) King of Scots (abt. 1033 - abt. 1099) Dunkeld-58
25th GGF Duncan (Dunkeld) King of Scots (abt. 1010 - 1040) Dunkeld-8
26th GGM Eadgith (Dunkeld) of Scotland (abt. 1079 - 1118) [Dunkeld-79]
26th GGF Malcolm (Dunkeld) King of Scots (abt. 1031 - 1093) [Dunkeld-77]
27th GGM Mary (Dunkeld) Countess of Boulogne and Lens [Dunkeld-43]
23rd GGF William (Dunkeld) King of Scots (abt. 1143 - abt. 1214) [Dunkeld-2]
32nd GGF Cináed (MacAlpin) King of the Picts (abt. 810 - 858) [MacAlpin-11]
31st GGF Constantine (MacAlpin) King of the Picts (abt. 836 - abt. 876) [MacAlpin-33]
27th GGF Mael Coluim (MacAlpin) King of Scots (954 - abt. 1034) MacAlpin-34
15th GGF James (Stewart) King of Scots (1430 - aft. 1460) Stewart-1166
15th GGF James (Stewart) King of Scots (1451 - 1488) Stewart-2316
16th GGF James (Stewart) King of Scots (1394 - 1437) Steward-419
14th GGF James (Stewart) King of Scots (1473 - 1513). Stewart-588
17th GGF John (Stewart) King of Scots (1337 - 1406). Stewart-972
1st Cousin, 14 times removed Mary (Stewart) Queen of Scots (1542 - 1587). Stewart-6849
18th GGF Robert (Stewart) King of Scots (1316 - 1390). Stewart-1001
26th GGM Margaret (Wessex) Queen of Scots (abt. 1045 - abt. 1093) Wessex-26

Irish History, High Kings of Ireland Ancestors

22nd GGF Edward (Brus) de Brus (1276 - 1318). Brus-97
48th GGF Conn Cétchathach Ceadcatha (? - 0157). Ceadcatha-1
43rd GGF Muireadach Tireach Fiacha (abt. 280 - abt. 326). Fiacha-1
48th GGF Colla da Crioch Forchrith (290). Forchrith-1
28th GGF Dermot mac Máel na mBó (Leinster) mac Donnchad (abt. 1005 - 1072). Leinster-60
45th GGF Cairpre (Liffeachaire) Lifechair (230 - 284). Liffeachaire-1
35th GGF Niall Caille "High King of Ireland" mac Aedh Born about 0791 in Ulster, Ireland Mac_Aedh-3
38th GGF Máel Coba mac Áedo (abt. 560 - abt. 615). Mac_Áedo-5
33rd GGF
Niall Mac Aedo (abt. 845 - abt. 919) Mac Aedo-2
39th GGF Áed mac Ainmuire (abt. 530 - abt. 596). mac Aubnyure-1
46th GGF Cormac Ulfada MacArt (abt. 195 - abt. 266. MacArt-1
29th GGF Brian Bóruma mac Cennetig (abt. 940 - 1014). Mac Cennetig-10
43rd GGF Diarmat mac Cerbaill (abt. 500 - abt. 565) Mac_Cerbaill-2
45th GGF Cóelbad mac Columb (abt. 285 - 357). Mac_Columb-1
47th GGF Art Óenfher mac Cuinn (abt. 152 - 195) Mac_Cuinn-1
43rd GGF Áed Sláine mac Diarmato (abt. 540 - 604). Mac_Diarmato-2
35th GGF Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill (733 - 797). Mac_Domnaill-5
39th GGF Áed Uaridnach mac Domnaill (abt. 530 - 607). Mac_Domnaill-11
44th GGF Niall Noígíallach mac Eochaid (abt. 360 - 452). Mac_Eochaid-15
48th GGF Cathair Mór mac Feideilmid (abt. 90 - abt. 122). Mac_Feideilmid-1
37th GGF Niall Condail Macfergal (718 - 778) Macfergal-1
44th GGF Criomhthan mac Fiach (abt. 400). Mac_Fiach-2
36th GGF Fergaile mac Máele Dúin (abt. 665 - 722) Mac Máele Dúin-3
33rd GGF Máel Sechnaill mac Máele Ruanaid (abt. 785 - 862). Mac Máele Ruanaid-1
34th GGF Flann Sinna mac Máel Sechnaill (abt. 840 - 916) Mac Máel Sechnaill-2
40th GGF Domnall Ilchegach Mac Muirchertaig (abt. 500 - 566) Mac_Muirchertaig-4
42nd GGF Eochaid Mugmedón mac Muireadach (abt. 325 - abt. 365). Mac_Muireadach-1
41st GGF Muirchertach mac Muiredaig (abt. 455 - abt. 534). Mac_Muiredaig-4
40th GGF Baetán Bríge Mac Muiredaig Mac Erca (abt. 530 - 572) Mac_Muiredaig_Mac_Erca-1
36th GGF Domhnall mac Murchada (abt. 690 - 763). Mac_Murchada-13
34th GGF Áedh Findliath mac Niall (abt. 820 - 879) Mac_Niall-2
40th GGF Ainmuire mac Sétnai (abt. 515 - 569). Mac Sétnai-1
54th GGF Conaire Cóem (Mogha) Conaire Mac Mogha Laine (abt. 98 - abt. 192). Mogha-1
36th GGF Áed Oirdnide (Niall) mac Néill (abt. 750 - 819). Niall-3
29th GGF Donnchad (O'Brien) O'Briain (aft. 981 - abt. 1064). O'Brien-688
27th GGF Turlough (O'Brien) Toirdelbach Ua Briain (abt. 1009 - 1086). O'Brien-373
49th GGF Felim Rachtmar (abt. 80 - 119). Rachtmar-3
44th GGF Fiacha Srabhteine (abt. 255 - abt. 306). Srabhteine-3
50th GGF Tuathal (Teachtmar) Techtmar (abt. 56 - 106). Teachtmar-2
31st GGF Domhnall ua Néill (abt. 935 - 980) ua Néill-1

Magna Carta Surety Barons Ancestors

21st Great Grandaughter of John (Clavering) FitzRobert (bef.1191-bef.1241) |
23rd Great Grandaughter of Richard (Clare) de Clare (abt.1153-bef.1217) |
23rd Great Grandaughter of Hugh (Bigod) le Bigod (abt.1185-bef.1225) |
24th Great Grandaughter of Gilbert (Clare) de Clare (abt.1180-1230) |
24th Great Grandaughter of Roger Bigod (abt.1144-bef.1221) |
24th Great Grandaughter of Saher (Quincy) de Quincy (abt.1165-1219) |
24th Great Grandaughter of Robert de Vere (aft.1164-bef.1221) |
26th Great Grandaughter of [Malet-18] [1]|
27th Great Grandaughter of Hugh (Bigod) le Bigod (abt.1185-bef.1225) |


First-hand information. Entered by B McFeaters.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Bonnie's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • e-mail address
  • birth location
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Bonnie U's full information you must be on Bonnie's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Bonnie: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 9

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Thanks for joining Appalachia Roots Thon Teams, Roots and Researchers, on the Connect-A-Thon. Our Team finished in 1st place by connecting over 13,000 Profiles!
Connected 178 Profiles on the Appalachia Roots Team for the January 2025 (XIII) Connect-a-Thon

That is an amazing job!! Check out the Scoreboard.

We couldn't do it without you. We have awesome team members! - Can't wait to do it again at the Connect-A-Thon in April 2025!

Appalachia Roots Thon Teams Captains, Erin, Mark, Tabor, and Sandy

Sticker code for your personal profile can be found here

Please check the url for John Heilman that you added recently -

I have corrected the 1776 sticker to 1776 Project requirements but the source???

doesn't seem to work -

posted by Beryl Meehan

I may need your help with this one. I have checked several places on the web and cannot find John Heilman's name (my 4th GGF) listed anywhere for the 1st Battalion, Cumberland County Militia. I may not be looking in the right place. However, I did find a DAR record (A054235) which states he was:

Bill, the profile manager on his page is my 3rd cousin and his research is impeccable so I am at a lost about this. I have found a reference to the 1st Battalion on Find-A-Grave, but his gravestone just states Revolutionary War Veteran.

Any advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated. And, thank you! Best, Bonnie

posted by Bonnie (McFeaters) U

Acadian heritage connections: Bonnie is 19 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 21 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 22 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 22 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 20 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 22 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 22 degrees from Anne Murray, 21 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 21 degrees from Marie Travers and 20 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.