Renee (McHugh) Duddridge
Honor Code SignatorySigned 19 Nov 2023 | 312 contributions | 6 thank-yous | 851 connections
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Immaculate Conception Church, Certificate of Baptism (Original embossed) Certifies Renee Anne McHugh is child of James McHugh and Yvette Mondor. Renee born 28th day of April 1952 at Winnipeg, was baptised on the 27th day of May 1952 by the Rev James H. Fitzgerald, Sponsors Maurice Mondor, Laura (Mondor) signed May 28 1952 by James H. Fitzgerald, Pastor. This is an original document. It is in possession of Renee.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, St. Ignatius Church 255 Stafford Street, Certificate of Marriage Allan Lewis Duddridge and Renee Anne McHugh (Original Embossed) were united in Matrimony on the 11th day of October 1975 Witnesses Norbert Lemermeyer, Jamie McHugh Issued, Signed and dated October 11, 1975 by Officiating Priest R. J. MacDougall, S.J. This is an original document. It is in possession of Renee.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, University of Manitoba The University of Manitoba on the recommendation of the Senate has conferred on Renee Anne McHugh who has completed the prescribed course of study and has passed the required examinations the Degree of Bachelor of Interior Design, May 28,1975, (Dean's Honour Roll). President Ernest Sirluck, Chancellor R. S. Bowles, Chairman, Board of Governors Peter A. Cairn.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan The University of Saskatchewan certify that Renee Anne Duddridge having fulfilled all the requirements was admitted by the Senate of this University to the Degree of Bachelor of Education, May 23, 1991, (Granted at Convention this twenty-third day of May With Distinction). Chancellor E.K. Turner, President J W George Ivany, Dean of Education M P. Scharf, Secretary I. Maclean. The original is in Renee's possession.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan The officers of the University of Saskatchewan certify that Renee Anne Duddridge having fulfilled all the requirements was admitted by the Council of this University to the degree of Master of Education, May 22, 1997. Granted at Convocation this twenty-second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. Chancellor W L McKercher, President J W George Ivany, Dean R. Gary Kachanoski, Secretary I. Maclean. The original is in Renee's possession.
2 Periodicals Décormag A Canadian Magazine Nov 1982, page143 to No 22 to April 1983 No. 27 page 20. In Décormag, as Regional Co-editor Renee (McHugh) Duddridge and friend Doris Hasell wrote a column called "decor data" about interior design and arts in Saskatchewan. The magazine was published 11 times per year.
Interior Designers of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Renee (McHugh) Duddridge was 1975-1978 member of the professional association called Interior Designers of Manitoba, now Professional Interior Designers of Manitoba.
1974 to 1977 Renee (McHugh) Duddridge employed by LM Architectural Group (formerly Libling Michener and Associates) and Manitoba Public Works (designs included completion of interior space planning and interior design of Portage La Prairie Provincial Office Building).
1977-1978 Manitoba Data Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Completion of interior space planning and design of Manitoba Data Services in Winnipeg.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Registered Member of Interior Designers of Saskatchewan (IDS) 1979 to 1987. 1979 Renee Duddridge employed as registered Saskatchewan Interior Designer by Benson Rourke Design in Saskatoon, SK.
1979 Duddridge Interior Design Inc. incorporated. Renee Duddridge started an interior space planning and design company and partnered with interior designer Sandra Sasaki of Winnipeg, MB. 1982 Design Canada Award of Merit presented to The Wall Street Medical Building Limited, Saskatoon, SK for Interior Design: Duddridge Sasaki Design Inc. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan of Wall Street Medical, Partner in Charge: Renee Anne Duddridge BID, IDC, IDS. Sponsored by the National Design Council, signed by Ginette Gadoury, Chairman and Charles Lapointe Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism). Presented in Montreal to Renee. Renee has original.
1983-1989 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan College of Home Economics. Contracted with Renee Duddridge as Housing and Design part-time lab assistant. January to April1985 Sessional Lecturer Contract in Housing and Design with Renee Duddridge.
1984 Interior Designers of Canada. Renee Duddridge served as president. 1985 Renee and Allan's daughter was born in Saskatoon. 1986 Renee Duddridge served as Past President of the Interior Designers of Canada.
The City of Saskatoon Heritage Awards awarded to Duddridge Interior Design for restoration and renovation designs: 1987 Renovation of Barrister House, Saskatoon, SK. 1989 Renovation of University Drive residence, Saskatoon, SK Feb 1,2006 Heritage Award for Restoration: Exterior-Public Commercial 512 10th Street E, Saskatoon to Renee Duddridge, Issued by Mayor Donald J. Atchison and City Clerk Janice Mann. Framed and sealed award in Renee's possession.
1991 Renee began teaching career as one of the first Saskatchewan Public Schools Industrial arts females to teach woods and drafting.
[1] We the duly authorized officers of the University of Saskatchewan hereby certify that Renee Anne Duddridge having fulfilled all the requirements, was admitted by the Senate of this University to the degree of Bachelor of Education , Granted at Convention this twenty-third day of May. With Distinction. Chancellor E.K. Turner, President J W George Ivany, Dean of Education M P. Scharf, Secretary I. Maclean. The original is in Renee's possession.
May 22, 1997 University of Saskatchewan We the duly authorized officers of the University of Saskatchewan herby certify that Renee Anne Duddridge having fulfilled all the requirements, was admitted by the Council of this University to the degree of Master of Education. Granted at Convocation this twenty-second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. Chancellor W L McKercher, President J W George Ivany, Dean R. Gary Kachanoski, Secretary I. Maclean. The original is in Renee's possession.
Jan 2014 Renee retired the Saskatoon Public Schools (Evan Hardy (Woods, Housing & Design, and Art. Bedford Road Collegiate (Woods, Art) and Nutana Collegiate Institute (art) after 22 years of teaching.
Renee wrote a story "A Mysterious Death on the Family Homestead", published January 1, 2023 Demeter Press, in an anthology titled "Don't tell: family secrets" / [edited by] Donna McCart Sharkey and Arleen Paré, eds. Identifiers: Canadiana 20220443831|ISBN 97817772584240 (softcover). The anthology is for sale at McNally Robinson in Saskatoon, at Back Door Gallery SK (owned by Renee ) and at Demeter Press. The story is about her great-uncle's death on July 15, 1977. He was brother to her paternal grandmother. Paternal great-grandparents from Norwegian and Swedish ancestors) <reference> homesteaded land in Springfield, Roseau County, Minnesota for 14 years. They received a land grant on October 8 1901 signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. After 14 years the family included 2 children moved to Lac Dubonnet, Manitoba.
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Acadian heritage connections: Renee is 18 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 14 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 15 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 16 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 13 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 15 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 16 degrees from Anne Murray, 17 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 15 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 12 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 15 degrees from Marie Travers and 16 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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