Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs; the first woman to serve in the position.
Merrick, the former chief of Pimicikamak Cree Nation (also known as Cross Lake) in northern Manitoba, was elected as grand chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs in October 2022, becoming the first woman to lead the advocacy group in its nearly 35-year history. She was re-elected to the post in July 2024.[1]
Catherine Ann McKay, known by her traditional Cree name "Kameekosit Ispokanee Iskwew," was born on May 31, 1961, in Cross Lake, the English designation for the Pimicikamak Cree Nation, located in northern Manitoba. She was the adoptive daughter of Hazel and Thomas Spence. Her mother was a nurse, while her father was a carpenter.[2]
The Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Cathy Merrick, was selected to lie in state at the legislative building in Manitoba. The former chief of protocol of the province describes this as a rare honour.[3]
See also:
M > McKay | M > Merrick > Catherine Ann (McKay) Merrick
Categories: Cree | First Peoples Canada, Needs Research | Canada, Notables | Notables