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Susan McNamee

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 14 May 2017 | 72,302 contributions | 3,451 thank-yous | 616 connections
Susan M. McNamee
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of [private sister (1970s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 14 May 2017
This page has been accessed 12,202 times.



Susan McNamee competed with the Remarkable Redwoods in the 2024 WikiGames.
Susan McNamee participated with The Nor'Easters during the 2021 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 1675 suggestions.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2020 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 279 suggestions.
Susan McNamee is participating with Nor'Easters during the 2019 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 887 suggestions.
Susan McNamee participated with A Rose By Any Other Name during the 2018 Clean-a-Thon.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 220 connections.
Susan McNamee participated with The Nor'Easters during the 2021 Connect-a-Thon, and added 662 connections.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2020 Connect-a-Thon, and added 521 connections.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2019 Connect-a-Thon, and added 479 connections.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2021 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 154 previously unsourced profiles.
Susan McNamee participated with The Nor'Easters during the 2020 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 269 previously unsourced profiles.
Susan McNamee participated with Nor'Easters during the 2019 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 184 previously unsourced profiles.
Susan McNamee participated with Team Roses during the 2017 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 1009 previously unsourced profiles.
Susan McNamee has Irish ancestors.
Susan McNamee is a member of Project New York.

Susan Mary McNamee was born on 25 Dec 1967 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, daughter of Leo Francis McNamee Jr and Rosanna Mary (Walleston) Shepard.

Link to my Tree on Ancestry.[1]


Maternal relationship is confirmed with an AncestryDNA test match between Rosanna Walleston and Susan McNamee, Possible range: Parent, Child - immediate family member - Confidence: Extremely High Relationship: Mother based on sharing 3,479 centimorgans shared across 38 DNA segments

Earliest Known Ancestors

Y-DNA - Direct Male Line

Starting with the father of Susan McNamee:

  1. Leo McNamee b. 1943-01-07, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States [confident]
  2. Leo McNamee b. 1914-08-27, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA [uncertain]
  3. William McNamee b. 1889-04-10, Peabody, Essex, Massachusetts, USA [uncertain]
  4. William McNamee b. 1847-03-00, Coachford, Cork, Ireland [uncertain]
  5. William McNamee b. 1829-00-00, Coachford, Cork, Ireland [confident]

View the Y-DNA descendants of William McNamee.

mtDNA - Direct Female Line

Starting with the mother of Susan McNamee:

  1. Rosanna Walleston b. 1947-12-17, New York City, New York, United States DNA ✓
  2. Patricia Whalen b. 1925-06-10, Bronx, New York, United States [confident]
  3. Rosanna Timms b. 1883-06-11, Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA [uncertain]
  4. Sarah Drew b. 1857-04-00, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England [uncertain]
  5. Rosanna Hill b. 1838-00-00, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England [uncertain]
  6. Sarah Brumhall b. 1817-05-00, Staffordshire, England [uncertain]

View the mtDNA descendants of Sarah Brumhall.


  1. Ancestry Family Tree: #9532720

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Susan's formal name
  • full middle name (M.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • private siblings' names
For access to Susan McNamee's full information you must be on Susan's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Susan McNamee: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup X2c1a, FTDNA kit #B7027, MitoYDNA ID T13935 [compare]
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Susan:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Susan McNamee: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A094340 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member smc1225
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 124

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Thank you for participating in the 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create a total of 50,162 profiles for the year through the challenge. We exceeded our 2024 goal of reaching 400k profiles and finished out the year with 455,869!

You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.

We will continue the 1880 Census Project in 2025


Thank you so much for the information you located on my 2nd-great grandfather, John R. Daugherty, Sr.! My cousin and I are revived in our search to find new relatives of Mr. Daugherty and hopefully learn more details about his parents and grandparents, etc. The information you found has provided many clues and leads for us to follow.

I cannot say thank you enough as we have been bumbling along for many years and have only ??? and very little information to show for it.

Thank you so much for sharing your skills!

posted by Cheryl Porter
Thank you for participating in the September 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 4660 profiles.

All first-time participants in 2024 can add the 2024 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers

Hello Susan,

Once again it is time for our annual Ireland Project check-in.

1. Would you like to continue as a member of the project?

2. Do you have any suggestions for project priorities in the next year?

3. Do you have any interest in taking a more active role in the project and, if so, what might you be interested in doing?

A response to the check-in is one of the project’s few requirements for all members. Please either post a reply below or send me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume your interests have changed and you no longer have time to participate in the project.

Thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree and to the Ireland Project.

Gach beannacht,

Jen, Ireland Project co-leader

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Hi Susan,

You are on the Remarkable Redwoods team and in "Heat III". What does Heat I mean? Your game time starts at 8am EDT/Midnight UTC/10pm AEST and runs for 10 hours each. We will not know which team takes home the Gold Medal until the end of the games.

The Remarkable Redwoods will communicate via discord only as that was decided when you signed up. Please feel free to leave a discord post anytime you have a question.

Thanks for participating!

Kathy, Team Captain

posted by Kathy (Urbach) Nava
This weekend's schedule:
Friday, August 23 - Sourcing Slalom
Saturday, August 24 - Date Diving

Sourcing Slalom: The goal of this event is to remove profiles from the Unsourced Profiles category or profiles already present on WikiTree and unsourced. They cannot be new profiles that you create. For the purposes of this event, unsourced means there are no sources listed at all. Add the source(s) according to our Sources guide. Make sure you have the Sourcer Extension added to your browswer to make sourcing super easy! Any questions about the Sourcing Slalom?

Date Diving: Pick from one of these lonesome categories on WikiTree+ (don't forget to click "find suggestions" to generate the report) that need dates added. Dates can be usually be found on sources. If you can not find a date for a profile, please leave a Research Note saying so. A sample report to find Undated Profiles. If you would like a report for a specific location (State or Country), please let me know.

posted by Kathy (Urbach) Nava
Hi - I must be missing something since McIlwain-162 has one source, which is a reference to a GRONI death record from 1932, which is not accessible to the public without purchasing the certificate - are there marriage records you are referring to with different religions noted (i.e. for their marriage)? If so it would be great if you could add the source. The father of McElwain-223 is McElwane-2, who is a farmer and flax scutcher and not a labourer, so again I might be missing something - but it would be much appreciated if any proof of them being different people could be added to the respective profiles. Thanks, Jason
posted by Jason Cottrell
I purchased the marriage record from GRONI. I uploaded the image from the marriage record on the page for McIlwain-162.

I see that on the Census, the father of McElwain-223 is listed as a farmer. However, on the birth records on Irish Genealogy, he was listed as a labourer.

This is the link to the image of the marriage record which lists both McIlwain-162 and his father as farmers. McIlwain-162.jpg

posted by Susan McNamee
Fantastic, thank you so much - a thousand apologies if I missed the cert when looking! I identified James' birth registration and the family in the 1911 census and added those sources also.
posted by Jason Cottrell
No worries! I'm so glad you were able to find his birth information and 1911 Census information. That's excellent!
posted by Susan McNamee
Hi Susan - can you let me know the basis for "Susan McNamee rejected a match of McIlwain-162 and McElwain-223" just so I can add it to my profile - thanks!
posted by Jason Cottrell
Hi Jason - I based it on the occupation of the father listed on the marriage record and the birth record. McIlwain-162 lists his father as a farmer. McElwain-223 lists his father as labourer. They were also married in the Presbyterian Church (McIlwain-162) and the 1911 Census on McElwain-223 lists them as being Roman Catholic. If you don't agree with this, I can defintely set them back up as an unmerged match and note both profiles with this information. Thanks!
posted by Susan McNamee

Acadian heritage connections: Susan is 24 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 20 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 21 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 22 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 17 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 20 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 22 degrees from Anne Langstroth, 22 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 18 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 17 degrees from Mary Travers and 20 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.