Honor Code Signatory
Signed 22 May 2019 |
43,787 contributions
| 1,070 thank-yous
3,508 connections
Communication Preferences:
I am interested in communicating with
anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests.
Here is my family tree.
I create a lot of Black heritage profiles in order to grow the Tree. If I manage one of your family member profiles, I would love to add you as the profile manager. Please message me.
My mother and uncle (her brother) started researching our family history, and since her passing, I have picked up the mantle, and am pursuing it! My goal is to leave something here on WikiTree, built on facts and good sources, that my grandchildren can rely on and enjoy!
The ancestor of most (if not all) Maupins in America is Gabriel Maupin who left France because of religious persecution, thus he is classified as a Huguenot.
A significant addition to that project is: 3G Grandma Rhoda (Holt) Maupin's Photo Album. I am honored to have inherited this late nineteenth century photo album and am working to identify as many of the photos as possible, and to integrate the contents into our genealogical understanding of her family and times. It may be found as part of the Maupin Name Study under the heading: Maupin Treasures.
A somewhat whimsical side project is to keep track of the number of Maupin cousins who married. It is more common than one would think!
As they are discovered, they are logged on this page of Maupin Cousins Who Married.
I have noticed that some of my distant DNA cousins are Black! I would love to find out how we are related! But, African-American genealogy can be especially challenging for many reasons. So, I am helping the US Black Heritage project add profiles of black Americans into WikiTree. Many of those I work on are members of my wife's family.
As a sub-project of the Black Heritage Project, I am working to complete the addition of all 100 Voices from Digital Harrisburg to WikiTree!
My father graduated from the Naval Academy Class of 1952, and I have started doing the genealogy for other members of his class. What an amazing group of guys!
↑https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Kingdom_(TV_series) see The Last Kingdom a British historical fiction TV series based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories. (Actually, the Uhtred of those stories is probably an earlier Uhtred whose genealogy has not been elucidated.)
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between McRorie-37 and his father, McRorie-38 showing 3,439 cM shared DNA across 85 segments; with a predicted relationship of Parent-Child, confidence: "extremely high." (Also, you can just look at us and tell.)
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match by sibling relationship to his sister showing 2607 cM shared DNA, predicting full sibling relationship with high confidence.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Bartley McRorie and CM (child of Wesley McCulloch), his 3rd cousin. Their most-recent common ancestors are John Morrison and Sarah Stewart, the 2x great grandparents of both Bartley McRorie and CM. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd - 3rd Cousin, based on sharing 126 cM across 8 segments. Bartley is the son of Chester McRorie who is the great grandson of the common ancestors John Morrison & Sarah Stewart.
Citation generated by DNA Confirmation app, version 3.00 (updated 19.Aug.2024) - McRorie-37 22:55, 23 August 2024 (UTC)
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Bartley's formal name
full middle name (D.)
e-mail address
birth location
images (3)
private siblings' names
private children's names (2)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Bartley McRorie's full information you must be on Bartley's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Bartley McRorie:
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 700 markers, haplogroup R-BY31271, FTDNA kit #960550
Bartley McRorie:
Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup H1-C16239T, FTDNA kit #960550
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Bartley:
100.00% 100.00%
Bartley McRorie:
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch LW5273315[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal BAR64abf178, Ancestry member bartley_mcrorie
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, FTDNA kit #960550
Thank you for participating in the January 2025 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create an amazing 6734 profiles. What a great start to the year! We will be at half a million profiles before we can blink.
All first-time participants in 2025 can add the 2025 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
Bartley McRorie created 28 new profiles during the January 2025 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for participating in the December 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 3795 profiles. We created a total of 50,162 profiles for the year through the challenge. We exceeded our 2024 goal of reaching 400k profiles and finished out the year with 455,869!
You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Thank you for participating in the November 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 4391 profiles. We hit our second goal for 2024 of reaching 450k profiles!
Bartley McRorie created 26 new profiles during the November 2024 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Thank you for participating in the April 2024 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 5226 profiles. We’re zeroing in on our goal of 400,000 profiles in 2024.
Bartley McRorie created 27 new profiles during the April 2024 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in with project members. Please review the following and respond to let us know that you are content with your current team or if you would like to be more involved.
The Project operates in a team structure. There are currently three participant PIP Teams -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.
There are currently three different Biography Teams - The Biography Team, the Abandoned Team, and the Popular Team.
You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team. The Biography Team works on profiles from their watchlist and other profiles that interest them. Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.
If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup. We use the WikiTree Discord server #profile-improvement channel for our project. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.
Thank you for participating in the December 2023 USBH Connecting Challenge and helping us create 6214 profiles. We created a total of 46,036 profiles for the year. We met our 2023 goal of 250k profiles and finished out the year with 168,195!
You can see your personal 2023 total and your all time 2021-2023 total on the 2023 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Bartley McRorie created 39 new profiles during the December 2023 US Black Heritage Project Connecting Challenge.
Hi Bartley, we are 10th cousins. We share the same 9th great grandmother,Elizabeth (Minor) Winn. We also have 303 more common ancestors. My name is Jimmy Lewis, I will be 70 years old on April 5th 2024. I am married to a wonderful lady named Debbie. We live at Mountain Rest, S.C. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. With warmest regards, your cousin, Jimmy
Hi Cousin. I appreciate the "Thank you's" regarding the Via profiles. This led me to check the connection finder. Turns out we are 7th cousins once removed.
Jerry Owens and Bartley McRorie are both descendants of Margaret (Via) Maupin (1701-1789).
Thank you for being part of the Charming Chestnuts team this weekend. Leon Tuck was the #1 Olympian, and our team won a bronze medal, a silver medal, and a gold medal, and achieved first place overall! Great job, and great fun working with you, too!
~ Star
I'm a descendant of 15 Magna Carta Barons and related to 7 of the others. That's crazy! Even more craziness: King John was my 24th great grandfather! 😳
Hi! I ran the Relationship Finder for me & Benjamin Maupin-681 (we're cousins, but no Maupin's in my trail to the common ancestor). I married into the Shifflett name, so I ran Donnie - no relationship at all (but his tree isn't developed - I keep hoping one of his kids will take an interest. I did do one branck, to Merry Shiflett... He's not related to Maupin-681 either.)
Bartley, do you think the profile of Jeremie (aka Jeremiah) Dumas, or that of his son by the same name, is that of a Huguenot immigrant? His name is on the approved Huguenot List.
Welcome to the Connectors Project! Be sure to check out the Connectors project page to see some of what we do, our To-Do lists which have folks who need connected to our Global Tree, and please add the connectors tag to your G2G feed. We've also got a great sub-project, Connectors Chat, where we talk about what we're working on and where we'd like to help out. If you're new to making connections and want some simplified connections to work on, look at our Connecting Buddies page. Thanks for joining us!
Thank you for having a big heart ? and adopting the Orphaned Profiles. This After Adopting Orphans help page explains the special attention those profiles need.
Let me know if you have any questions on how to find and record sources, merge duplicates, clean up gedcom biographies or interpret the Suggestions report. I'm here to help!
Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.
Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or special event. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.
Let me know if you have trouble finding projects which fit your focus. Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.
Acadian heritage connections:
Bartley is
19 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 19 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 14 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 19 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 18 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 16 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 19 degrees from Anne Murray, 20 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 18 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 17 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 18 degrees from Marie Travers and 18 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
All first-time participants in 2025 can add the 2025 participant sticker to their profile. Connecting Challenge Stickers
You can see your personal 2024 challenge total and your all time 2021-2024 total on the 2024 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
We will continue the 1880 Census Project in 2025
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in with project members. Please review the following and respond to let us know that you are content with your current team or if you would like to be more involved.
The Project operates in a team structure. There are currently three participant PIP Teams -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.
There are currently three different Biography Teams - The Biography Team, the Abandoned Team, and the Popular Team.
You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team. The Biography Team works on profiles from their watchlist and other profiles that interest them. Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.
If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup. We use the WikiTree Discord server #profile-improvement channel for our project. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.
Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project
Here's to great profiles!
All the best,
You can see your personal 2023 total and your all time 2021-2023 total on the 2023 tab here: our tracking spreadsheet.
Jerry Owens and Bartley McRorie are both descendants of Margaret (Via) Maupin (1701-1789).
Cheers, Jerry
edited by Jerry Owens
Thank you for being part of the Charming Chestnuts team this weekend. Leon Tuck was the #1 Olympian, and our team won a bronze medal, a silver medal, and a gold medal, and achieved first place overall! Great job, and great fun working with you, too! ~ Star
edited by Emma (McBeth) MacBeath M.Ed MSM
Thank you for joining our first ever Connecting Challenge and helping us create 2729 profiles by adding 30!
You can add the participation sticker to your profile if you’d like. Connecting Challenge Stickers
Thank you for joining the March challenge.
edited by Emma (McBeth) MacBeath M.Ed MSM
Cheers, Liz
Here's the link to the team chat: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/903504/team-missouri-source-a-thon-2019-chat
Cheers, Liz
If you're interested in joining the project, you're eligible for Affiliate membership now - see details at our G2G join post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/829631/magna-carta-project-badged-affiliate-memberships-available
The project has tailored the Descendant Sticker for folks to use on their profiles - see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Magna_Carta_Stickers#sticker
Cheers, Liz
Thank you for having a big heart ? and adopting the Orphaned Profiles. This After Adopting Orphans help page explains the special attention those profiles need.
Let me know if you have any questions on how to find and record sources, merge duplicates, clean up gedcom biographies or interpret the Suggestions report. I'm here to help!
Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor
Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!
Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, working within the projects which coordinate them is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.
Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus, whether time period, location, or special event. Read the goals and tasks of the project and join if it is a good fit.
Let me know if you have trouble finding projects which fit your focus. Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.
Natalie ~ Pre-1700 Greeter