Susan Mellor
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Susan Mellor

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 29 Jan 2020 | 2,231 contributions | 34 thank-yous | 302 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Susan J. Mellor
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1930s - unknown)]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Susan Mellor private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 12 Jan 2020
This page has been accessed 653 times.


England Orphan Team
Susan Mellor has completed the England Project's Post 1700 Orphan Trail I.
English flag
Susan Mellor has English ancestors.
Susan Mellor participated with Mighty Oaks during the 2021 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 1120 suggestions.
Susan Mellor participated with The Mighty Oaks during the 2021 Connect-a-Thon.

Bio: to come


  • First-hand information. Entered by Susan Mellor at registration.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Susan's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
For access to Susan Mellor's full information you must be on Susan's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Susan: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 29

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Hi Susan

We all did a great job last weekend, thank you, for a job well done, we hope you had fun. The total for the event was 100,934 profiles created and sourced to build the tree. Mighty Oaks teams contributed 9,592. Thank you for working with us, to improve the worldwide tree. See you for the next Thon on Apr 11-14: Connect-a-Thon XIV see

Joan, Janet and Maddy

Hi Susan

Welcome to England's Mighty Oaks Team once again. Thanks for signing up, we appreciate you joining us for the January 2025 Connect A Thon (CAT}

Please check out the page and the links, Mighty_Oaks

Questions please ask.

We hope you had a Merry Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year

Joan, Janet, and Maddy, Co-Team Captains

Hello Susan,

Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2024! Together, we have made a significant difference to the quality of the One Big Tree, as we strive towards making English profiles the best that they can be.

I'd like to share our end-of-year 2024 Newsletter. You can read it here: We hope you enjoy reading about our many project achievements and ongoing developments.

On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, I wish you all the best for a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2025!

Ian, England Project Leader

posted by I. Speed
Hi Ian:

Thank you for your note and the newsletter link. I didn’t do much work on my tree for most of 2024, but I’m getting back into it. For 2025 I aim to focus on a slew of Bratley profiles that I adopted (some time ago) - they are gedcom imports and need a lot of cleaning up! All the best for 2025! Susan

posted by Susan Mellor
Hi Susan,

I sent you a message a while ago as part of the England Project's annual check-in with project members. I haven't heard back from you. I hope you are well.

If you could send me a quick message to confirm whether you are still interested in the project and wish to remain an active member, that would be great. We ask all project members to reply to our annual check-in as a requirement of membership.

Thank you again for your contributions towards the England Project's goals!

Joan, on behalf of the England Project leadership

Hi Joan…

My apologies! I have been away quite a bit in the past couple of months and the genealogy has been rather on the back burner. I am still interested in the project, but I have to admit I rather burned myself out on a couple of the” Thons” and need to get back to a more balanced approach to my profile work. I aim to focus back on the research in the fall when I’m back inside more. Thank you for checking in… Susan

posted by Susan Mellor
Thanks for getting back to me Susan. Its OK to take a break, Just do what you can when you are ready.

Thanks for your work on WikiTree.

Regards Joan

Hi Susan,

Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.

The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.

Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?

Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.

Many thanks!

Joan, on behalf of the England Project leadership

Hi Susan,

Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!

I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!

On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!

Best wishes,

Joan, England Project Leader

Dear susan,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.

Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?

Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!

Kind regards,

Joan, England Project Leader

Hello Joan:

Always nice to hear from the team - thank you. I have added enough to my tree to start to be able see more connections, especially during the two Connect-a-thons I've worked on, which is encouraging. At the beginning it was rather daunting to build enough profiles to connect to the global tree! I still have not joined a specific team, beyond the County teams... while genealogy is definitely one of my interests, it does take something of a back seat during the summer when I'm away quite a lot and the weather draws me away from the computer. But, there will be rainy days so I won't disappear entirely. I also aim to do OT2 sometime this year - as my own research is starting to get back into that territory. Regards, Susan

posted by Susan Mellor
Thanks for getting back to me Susan.

I am glad that all is well, and that you are making good progress with your family. Thanks for all you do on WikiTree.

Regards Joan

Hi Susan,

Thank you for joining the Mighty Oaks for the Connect-a-Thon. The 65 members who joined our teams were awesome. Our two teams added 12,905 profiles over the weekend. The Branches Team came second and the Roots Team came forth in the overall scores. Both teams were also in the top ten in the normalised scores. I hope you enjoyed it and will be joining us in April when we do it all over again.

Joan, Maddy, Janet & Fran.

Dear Susan,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

I'd also like to share our annual Newsletter with you. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading a bit about what has gone on in 2022 and what our Project has achieved.

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members every 6 months just to make sure everything is going well. There's no need to reply to this message unless you have something you'd like to let us know about (e.g. if you would like to change your team choices or provide other feedback). We will be in touch with you again in the middle of next year when we do our annual check-in with project members.

On behalf of all the Leaders, I wish you a peaceful and productive 2023.

Best wishes,

Joan, England Project Leader

Hi Susan

We all did a great job this weekend, thank you for participating. The grand total for the event was 57,577 profiles sourced. The Mighty Oaks contributed 7,693 of those.

See: on tracking to open up your contribution list so you can review your work and possibly some tidying up.

Thanks again for this weekend, we look forward to working with you again.

Joan, Janet, Maddy and Fran

posted by Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN
edited by Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN
Hi Susan,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals over the past year. Every English profile we improve helps!

The England Project Leaders are currently doing our six-monthly check-in with all project members.

Are you happy with your current project team choices? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

Many thanks! Maddy, England Project Leader

posted by Maddy Hardman
Hi Susan

Well, the Connect A Thon was fun, we hope you enjoyed yourself and have fully recovered. Thank you for joining us The combined score of 13,284 - is 113 more than the last CAT so well done. The total overall figure was 85,839 profiles connected.

Check your personal figures here - (gives you a target for next event)

We are a bit late with out thanks, but we appreciate all your help and we look forward to working with you again.

Joan and Maddy.

Hi Susan,

I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the goals of the England Project during the past six months. We've achieved a huge amount during this period and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.

As the England Project Leaders, we are completing our six monthly check-in with all project members.

Are you happy to stay in your current project team(s)? Which team(s) are you most active in? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

Also, do you have any feedback on what the project is doing well and anything we could do better in the future?

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks!

Nic, England Project Leader

posted by Nic Donnelly
Hi Nic:

Congratulations on your new position! I am still mostly working on getting my basic family profiles into shape… slowly working my way back across the board, and learning more as I go. I did participate in the Clean-a-Thon, which was interesting, but I still haven’t contributed much else to the county teams to date. I do plan to be more helpful to the community, but it is taking me longer than I thought to get my family profiles done to a certain point, as there are some tricky challenges in the research - and I’m finding multiple siblings as I move back in time which I haven’t even started on! I am getting more comfortable on Discord, etc., but admit I work on genealogy rather more intermittently than some of you, depending on the weather and other interests. Likely I will also take on OT2 sometime fairly soon, as I will be needing to add to my knowledge base of earlier resources. Regards, Susan

posted by Susan Mellor

Hi Susan

Thank you for joining the Mighty Oaks for the Clean-A-Thon and congratulations on your work during the CAT what an amazing result for the Mighty Oaks we added 32,841 . Altogether the teams fixed a grand total of 233,558 profiles suggestions. We hope you had fun while cleaning the tree.

See you later in the year for the Connect-A-Thon

Janet & Joan

Co-Leaders for the Mighty Oaks

Hi Susan,

It's that time of the year again: check-in time! As England Project Leaders, we like to check in with you every six months or so to see how things are progressing. Back in May, we didn't ask for a response due to the rapid emergence of Covid-19 because we understood that people's lives were changing rapidly. While we are still living in a Covid world, we do need to hear back from you this time around.

First of all, how are you doing? What are you currently working on? Are you happy with the team(s) you're in, or would you like to change things up?

Secondly, we're looking for some feedback on the Google Group and our Discord server. Do you use either or both of these? If you don't use either, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve participation and collaboration, either generally or for you personally?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Amy, Joan & Lizzie.

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Amy (et al):

Lovely surprise to hear from you, and things are going quite well thank you! I finished OT1 a few weeks ago - it took a while, given my disinclination to spend a lot of time at the computer over the summer months, but was a very helpful training ground. I have joined a couple of county teams but did warn the leaders that I would like to use my new knowledge to get some good profiles for my own relatives, at least for a little while. Once I've whipped some of those into shape I will happily aim to give more time to the needs of the teams. (I'm planning on early-retirement in mid-December, so will have more time to give!) I think the Google Group is fine - I glance through the "overview" email and sometimes read further if interested in the information/interaction. The sheer volume of questions/answers and voting on answers in the G2G is mind-boggling, but given the size of the community I'm amazed it is managed by all of you volunteer managers as well as it is! I look at Discord, but haven't used it much - mostly because I have been a bit shy to ask questions before trying to find answers in the wiki help pages. There is so much information it can be overwhelming, but I'm slowly figuring some things out. I also need to learn some of the jargon & shorthand references - some are obvious to a newbie, some not so much! That said, I haven't posted much in either - not completely sure where to ask which questions, but I have hit one particular brick wall (if using the term correctly) that I can't seem to get past with my Gr-grandmother's parents, so I will be reaching out for assistance soon. Hope that helps - and that you are all keeping well... Let me know if you need more clarification. Regards, Susan

posted by Susan Mellor
Hi Susan,

I'm glad to hear that you found the OT helpful! I definitely understand wanting to prioritise your own profiles. Discord can definitely be overwhelming, so just sort of "lurking" in and around the chat is completely fine :) Any and all important messages will be relayed to the Google Group. We do have a research assistance channel in the server, however, if you'd like to try there in looking to break down your brick wall. If you know which county they're likely to be located, it couldn't hurt to contact that county team either.

Feel free to reach out if there's anything else you need in the future, Regards, Amy

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Susan,

This is a courtesy e-mail to see how things are going. Are you enjoying WikiTree so far?

Have the tips in the New Member How-Tos been helpful? Most of us still have some questions after reviewing them, so don't hesitate to let me know.

I'm here to help with issues and questions about how WikiTree works. You can reply to this comment or send me a private message.

Debi ~ WikiGreeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.

P.P.S. Did you discover that the tags on your profile are clickable links to a page of other people who have that tag? You can add more, up to 20 total.

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Thanks for the note, Debi. I haven't spent too much time here as yet, but it is starting to make sense, and I Will be reading more of the How-Tos! I may be in touch as questions arise...
posted by Susan Mellor
Please do get in touch if questions arise, Susan, even if you think the question is silly.

See you in the branches,


PS We have a research tool that makes finding reliable sources easier. I use it all the time and it helps me remember different places to check. To give it a try, go to the Family Tree & Tools tab; select Genealogy Research, scroll down near the bottom of that list, and select Research with RootsSearch (use your WikiTree email & password). There are over 20 websites to access from there. You can read more about the tool in the RootsSearch FAQ.

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Welcome Susan

I am pleased to confirm and welcome you to the WikiTree family, your contributions will go a long way to joining the world together.

I would suggest starting with the New Member How-To pages, they will save you a lot of time and frustration.

I am here to answer any question you have, no matter how trivial you may think it is. There is no such thing as a silly question. Please add as much information as you can, it all helps to turn a “name” back into a person. I hope you enjoy the site

Happy tree climbing

Karen ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.


This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.

To contact me, click the link to my name, then send a private message or post a comment on my profile page.

Karen ~ WikiTree Greeter

P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section of your profile

Thanks Karen - just finding my way around!


posted by Susan Mellor

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Susan is 27 degrees from Prince Nelson, 22 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 22 degrees from Garth Brooks, 32 degrees from Chubby Checker, 30 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 26 degrees from Dusty Hill, 34 degrees from Whitney Houston, 24 degrees from Mick Jagger, 22 degrees from Paul McCartney, 24 degrees from Tom Petty, 25 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 26 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.