The biography for S Mendez is empty. What can you add?
First-hand information. Entered by S Mendez at registration.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Sophia's formal name
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
For access to Sophia Mendez's full information you must be on Sophia's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Sophia:
100.00% 100.00%
Sophia Mendez:
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch GZ6726347[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal SOP6f2d555c, FTDNA kit #485716
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I want to help! Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page or send me a private message. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Cindy ~ WikiTree Messenger
PS To find reliable sources for your profiles, go to this link. RootsSearch. There are 24 different websites available and most are free. Give it a try!
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Start with the New Member How-To Pages - they are really useful as you add profiles and learn your way around:
Let me know if you require assistance. I am happy to help. After adding my own family and ancestors I have found many cousins and distant ancestors here on WikiTree.
Thanks for joining us! Im David, a WikiTree Mentor. Hope you're enjoying our site.
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I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Do you have any questions I can answer?
Thank you, David ~ WikiTree Mentor
You've been a member of WikiTree for about a week now so I thought I would check in to see how it's going. Have the How-Tos been helpful or left you with questions?
I want to help! Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page or send me a private message. Sometimes links don't work in emails. If that's happened to you, check the public comments on your profile. The links will work from there.
Cindy ~ WikiTree Messenger
PS To find reliable sources for your profiles, go to this link. RootsSearch. There are 24 different websites available and most are free. Give it a try!
Start with the New Member How-To Pages - they are really useful as you add profiles and learn your way around:
Let me know if you require assistance. I am happy to help. After adding my own family and ancestors I have found many cousins and distant ancestors here on WikiTree.
Gilly~ WikiTree Greeter
Just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about WikiTree.
You can contact me by clicking the link to my name, then sending a private message or posting a comment on my profile page.
Carole ~ WikiTree Greeter