Much of this is possible, but not sourced. The only sources on this profile are family trees. More documentation is needed for a pre-1700 profile.
Grace seems to have been a native (Micmac) woman whom John married after arriving in New England. Similarly, Tituba, the famous native `slave`during the Salem witch trials, was referred to as `Tituba Indian`. [3] indicates "Grace was born in 1584, in Village Miq-Maq, Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation, Acadie, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada. " Source not cited, and included here for reference only.
the Find a Grave memorial says she was the wife of the Chief. If this is true, there should be some documentation about that relationship. How did the chief give his wife away?
Is there any evidence as to how she arrived in England where the son Launcelot was born? Launcelot lived in England quite a while, enough to be married. It would be unusual for an indigenous person to travel to England in those days. The marriage record on the son does not name his parents.
I worked extensively on the Membertou family using the baptism record of Henry and his family. There was no daughter named Grace, either a child of Henry or a grandchild. However if she had left to be married in England in 1608 or earlier (based on the birth of a son in England in Oct 1609, she would not have been at the baptism of the rest of her family in 1610. Yet there was a son of Henry who was not at the baptism and he was named and noted in Wikipedia.(Bourque-573 14:45, 1 November 2021 (UTC))
Perhaps records of some of their other children will document her marriage to John Granger, and her Mi'kmaq heritage. Is there a 1640 death record in England as the Find A Grave text says? The facts above says she died in Nova Scotia.
Source: S9 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Italicized: Y Paranthetical: YAncestry Family Tree Ancestry Family Tree: #162362171
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Mi Kmaq-7 and Membertou-16 appear to represent the same person because: Same name Grace. Mi_Maq-7 is closest spelling to tribe name of Mi'kmaq. To be really correct it should be changed to proper spelling before the merge.
Indienne is a french spelling used for natives, as is Amerindienne. Not her name or nickname. membertou is the name given to family members at their baptism, so could be a current last name.
Birth location for Membertou profile is incorrect as Acadia did not exist at that time. The only source for that profile is an Ancestry family tree which is not sufficient documentation for a pre-1700 profile. The Mi_Kmaq-7 profile also lacks sources but gives more research documentation. Please read the Research Notes about the possibilities but unconfirmed connection to the family.
Micmac-3 and Mi Kmaq-7 appear to represent the same person because: Same name, birth and death estimates are same era. Married to man of same name. Both need sources. Use Mi Kmaq-7 which is closest spelling to tribe name.
Micmac-4 and Micmac-3 appear to represent the same person because: The whole connection has got into a picklle, with mother and daughter supposedly dying the same year and both marrying John Granger, the daughter allegedly marrying a John Granger who was born 20 years after she died. The two Graces and the two Johns both need to be merged and then detached from the Laurence who died in Shillington in 1688 and who didn't go to America.
Grace is my 7th paternal great grandmother! My dad always knew from oral history that there was Indian connection to him. I have found more than one connection to him! Also, unbeknownst to my mom, she also had a similar connection; to Radegonde. Of course, all of this has not been proven yet. I keep searching on many other sites, and still no one has the facts nor the documentation. Hopefully, we will solve these mysteries soon. In any case, I know that there is Indian DNA within me, at least 2%.
According to the Relationship Finder and the list of DNA Matches, this is quite possibly my 8th Great-Grandmother on my Paternal Side. I would Love to be able to Confirm this at is would clear up a lot of confusion within my Family.
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
Grace is
21 degrees from Prince Nelson, 16 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 17 degrees from Garth Brooks, 26 degrees from Chubby Checker, 23 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 18 degrees from Dusty Hill, 27 degrees from Whitney Houston, 20 degrees from Mick Jagger, 19 degrees from Paul McCartney, 18 degrees from Tom Petty, 18 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 17 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Indienne is a french spelling used for natives, as is Amerindienne. Not her name or nickname. membertou is the name given to family members at their baptism, so could be a current last name.
Birth location for Membertou profile is incorrect as Acadia did not exist at that time. The only source for that profile is an Ancestry family tree which is not sufficient documentation for a pre-1700 profile. The Mi_Kmaq-7 profile also lacks sources but gives more research documentation. Please read the Research Notes about the possibilities but unconfirmed connection to the family.