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Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Greta Moody

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 11 Oct 2017 | 16,208 contributions | 2,708 thank-yous | 993 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Hi! :) If we are related or share DNA, please leave me a comment or send me a message along with a link to our common ancestor's profile and specify relationship finder or DNA match. Thanks!

I'm on Discord: Greta#4479 is my username. Feel free to send me a friend request or say hi to me if you see me in one of the channels you're in.

If anyone has anything to share about my ancestors, please let me know. If you have found something out or know something about any of my ancestors, let me know. I like receiving things by mail.

Please note that I do check my email daily. On Saturdays and Sundays, I can only check it before I go to work or after I get home at night. I'm not able to be on WikiTree at all on Saturdays and Sundays.

Greta S. Moody
Born 1980s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1950s - unknown)] DNA confirmed and DNA confirmed
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Greta Moody private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 10 Oct 2017
This page has been accessed 10,577 times.



Greta was featured in a Meet Our Members Post on the WikiTree Blog!
This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
RootsTech Attendee: 2022
Greta Moody is a member of the Hodges Name Study Project.
Greta Moody was born in Tennessee.
Greta Moody is a Tennessean.
Project Logo
Greta was a valued member of the Greeters Project who has moved to Emeritus status.
Descendant of honored ancestors.
English flag
Greta Moody has English ancestors.
Welsh flag
Greta Moody has Welsh ancestors.
Greta Moody has Irish ancestors.
Scottish flag
Greta Moody has Scottish Ancestors.
Greta Moody has Finnish ancestors.
Greta Moody has French origins.
Greta Moody has Hungarian Roots.
Danish Roots
Greta Moody has Danish ancestors
Swedish Roots
Greta Moody has Swedish ancestors
Greta Moody has Slavic Roots.
Norwegian Roots
Greta Moody has Norwegian ancestors
Greta Moody has German Roots.
Greta Moody has Polish Roots.
Greta Moody has Italian Roots.

Hi! 😊 My name is Greta. I was born in Tennessee in the year of 1983. I'm a Pisces and an INFJ. I enjoy: knitting dishcloths, doing genealogy and related stuff, collecting coins, surfing the internet, coding, creating websites, playing all kinds of games, listening to music, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, blogging, science, psychology, tarot, astrology, birth charts, feminism, and making lists. I've always been told I'm weird and I proudly accept it. I have eclectic interests. Those are just a few of my many interests.

I've been doing genealogical research since the late 1990's, while I was in high school. My interest has increased more since my mom passed away in 2017. I have found out a lot more family tree information since she has been gone. Since finding more information out about my family tree, I have realized that I love history when I didn't use to as a child.

I love WikiTree, ancestry/genealogy, DNA, going to cemeteries to see where ancestors are buried, and ancient ancestry. I love finding cousins and ancestors especially on WikiTree and through DNA. My favorite genealogical related websites are: 23andMe, Ancestry, FamilySearch, FamilyTreeDNA, FindAGrave, GEDmatch, GeneticAffairs, Geni, MyHeritage, LivingDNA, YourDNAPortal, GenePlaza, DNAgenics, MyTrueAncestry, DNATribes, and of course WikiTree. I enjoy watching the "Genetic Detective" (CeCe Moore). I enjoy all kinds of genealogy blogs and topics related to genealogy such as: DNA, ancient ancestry, etc. I enjoy Geni and WikiTree related apps including: History Link, Ancestor Listmaker, Ancestors, and of course, I enjoy the relationship finders on Geni and WikiTree.

Discord Chat

I am on Discord and I'm on a few project channels. Feel free to say hi to me on there. Feel free to send me a friend request on there. My username on there is: Greta#4479


I have a genealogy blog that is new and located here: Its called, "Genealogically".


Project Coordinator: Membership Team for the US Southern Colonies Project

Project Coordinator: Germany Project

I am the Team Leader for the Tennessee Cemeteries Team in the Global Cemeteries Project.

I am in a lot of projects. I'm especially interested in Projects that have to do with my ancestors. I hope to be a Leader someday.

I am also in these projects: Global Cemeteries, Notables, Palatine Migration, United States: Tennessee, Virginia, Tree Huggers, Ambassadors, Accessibility, Finland, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Nordic, and Southern Pioneers. I'm a Greeter, Mentor, and Ranger. I do plan on joining a few more projects. Currently, I'm most active in the Greeters and Mentors Projects.

If anyone would like to join the Greeters Project, please click here. I recommend it.

Why so many projects? Any contributions, even if it's not daily and small, still helps the Projects and WikiTree. WikiTree is about collaboration. I love WikiTree so much!

I also run the Hodge/Hodges One Name Study.


If anyone has anything to share about my ancestors, please let me know. If you have found something out or know something about any of my ancestors, let me know. I love getting mail. If we share DNA or are related, You are always welcome to leave me a comment or send me a message. I love getting and seeing pictures of our ancestors so feel free to share them with me. I'll be glad to do the same for you. Please note that any comments, messages, etc. will get read on Saturdays and Sundays but won't be replied to unless it is very early of the morning and late at night on those days.

WikiTree Hours of Operation

Mondays-Fridays: I'm on Wikitree.

Saturdays and Sundays: I'm not on WikiTree. All comments, messages, Google Groups messages, etc. to me on Saturdays and Sundays will not be replied to unless it is very early of the morning and late at night on those days. My time zone is EST/EDT (Eastern Standard Time).

To The Anonymous IP Address

Thanks for thanking me a lot. I'm not sure who you are but I wish I could thank you back in return. That's why I'm posting this message. Thank you! :) Maybe one day you will let me know what WikiTree user you are.

Are We Related?

Are we related? Click the Moody-4306 pull-down menu (top right of this screen), and then click on "Relationship To Me" link to see if we are related. Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message if we're related.

WikiTree Ancestors and Cousins

Wikitree Ancestors and Cousins


Surnames I'm Researching In Alphabetical Order

Maternal and Paternal Haplogoups

Maternal mtDNA Haplogroup: U4c1

Paternal Y-DNA Haplogroup: R-FGC3222 (My dad took a DNA test.)

Hodge(s) Name Study

I have started up the Hodge/Hodges Name Study. If you are researching or have ancestors that are Hodge or Hodges, please join and add your name under the "Members" section of the study. Click the link below and read the whole page.

Hodges Name Study

Brick Walls

My Family Tree Brick Walls

Countries My Ancestors Are From

Countries My Ancestors Are From

Free Spaces

I plan on making some free spaces for more information on Ancestors, DNA Results, DNA Confirmations, Currently I'm..., Projects, Dad's DNA Results, Grandma's DNA Results, My Ancient DNA Results, GEDmatch Results, Ancestors and/or Cousins Appearing in Multiple Lines of My Ancestry, 52 Ancestors and Photos, To-Do List, Websites I Use for Ancestry, Ancestry Research, GeneticAffairs Results, Other Results, etc.


I want to say "Thank You" to Chris Whitten and the whole WikiTree Team for creating and running this great website. WikiTree is so much fun and I love WikiTree. I'm a "WikiTree-a-holic"!


  • First-hand information. Entered by Greta Moody at registration.
  • The Maternal relationship between Greta and her mother have been confirmed through an AncestryDNA test. Greta and R. Shropshire are second cousins through Greta's mother. Liv and Greta are 4th cousins through Greta's mother.
  • The Paternal relationship between Greta and her father have been confirmed through a daughter and father 23andMe DNA test.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Greta's formal name
  • full middle name (S.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
For access to Greta Moody's full information you must be on Greta's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Greta Moody: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup U4c1, FTDNA kit #AM19990, MitoYDNA ID T13709 [compare]
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Greta: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 168

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Login to post a comment.
I’ve not heard back from you regarding the Military and War Project check-in for 21 days. The leader will remove you from the project for now.

If you’d like to rejoin at any stage you would be most welcome to do so by answering the G2G sign-up post here

Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson

I sent you a check-in message a week ago about the Military and War Project to ask you about your continued involvement but have not yet heard back from you. Do you still want to be in the project? If I don’t hear from you by the same time next week I’ll assume that you’ve moved on to other things but you’re most welcome to re-join the project at any time.

Best wishes,

Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
Greetings from the Military and War Project. We are doing the six month check-in with members.. Have you been active in the last six months? Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
Hello Greta,

During the winter, the Nordic Project performed check-ins, sent as a private message from your profile. You are one of those members who has not replied, and this is a last chance to get in touch and let me know if you like to continue as member in the Nordic Project.

Please answer this comment, and get in touch by sending me a private message. If we have not heard from you within a month you will be removed from the Nordic google group and your badge will be removed.

If you have not received any check-in emails, you might want to check that your email address for WikiTree is one you actually still use.

Thank you!

Missy Berryann Co-Leader, Nordic Project

posted by Missy Berryann
Hi Greta, looks like we are both descendants of

John Wheeler (bef.1591-abt.1670). I checked your link to Charlemagne Carolingian (abt.0748-0814). Turns out he is my 34th great grandfather. How do I put that link in my profile like you did?

posted by Byron Davis
Hi Byron. Yes, this relation is correct. Add the following sticker to your profile: Template:*Charlemagne descendant/nl*

Just remove the space before the "*'s" in Charlemagne and add brackets: {{ }}

posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
Just found out we are 15th cousins 3x removed. Not that close but I love learning about my ancestors and relatives.
Hello Kimberly. Can you explain how we are 15th cousins 3x removed? You're profile is private so I can't see how we are related.
posted by Greta Moody
Greta Moody and Kimberly (Shiflett) Carter are both descendants of Elizabeth (Vaughan) Whitney (1452-).

(I’m still learning because I was adopted when I was young and didn’t find my biological family until I was in my 30s)

Nice to meet you, cousin! I'm glad you were able to find your biological family. I wish you well in your research.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta,

I sent you a check-in message a week ago about the US Southern Colonies Project to ask you about your continued involvement but have not heard back from you. Do you still want to be in the project?

If I don’t hear from you by the same time next week I’ll assume that you’ve moved on to other things but you’re most welcome to re-join the project at any time.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes,

Mary, Membership Coordinator, US Southern Colonies Project

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Greta,

On behalf of the US Southern Colonies Project Leaders, I am doing a check-in with members to see if you were Active in the US_Southern_Colonies (US SoCOL) in the last two months? This is June, 2021, and time for a check-in of members for your activity..

I need to know this:

1) if you have been active in the last two months on work for US Southern Colonies. This might include Teams, Bio Builders, Quality Assurance, Sourcing, Profiles, Stickers for Southern Colonies, Categories for Southern Colonies, Managed Profiles, PPP profiles, Arborists, Data Doctors for Southern Colonies

2) Are you satisfied with the Team (s) you are currently working with?

Please respond here, if you are active for this year and if you do not need changes.

or you can post a message on my page here: .

(If you do not know which team you are on, then contact me for clarification)

Thanks for your help.

Mary Richardson ~ Project Coordinator, Membership

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi again,

I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago on behalf of the Germany Project and have not yet heard back from you. I hope you are well!

If I don’t hear back from you by the end of April, I will assume you no longer wish to be a member of the Germany Project and I’ll go ahead and remove you from our member roster. You are, of course, welcome to rejoin at any time via our G2G sign-up post.

Best wishes,

Traci ~ Germany Project co-leader

posted by Traci Thiessen
Hi Greta,

I haven't heard back from you to say whether you'd like to remain in the [Wales Project and which team(s) you would like to be on. I hope you are ok. I am going to go ahead and remove you from the project right now but if you'd like to rejoin in the future you would be most welcome to do so via the G2G sign up post. Please see our project page for membership requirements.

Many thanks,

Olivia :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
edited by Susie MacLeod

The Germany Project Leaders are doing their semi-annual check-in with all project members and we want to verify that you’re still interested in being a member of the Project. Please respond by private message and let me know.

Are you currently working with one of our Sub-projects or Teams? If not, take a look at our main Project page for a full list. We recently launched a new Profile Improvement Team and are seeking new team members. Let me know if you’re interested.

We really appreciate your contributions on WikiTree, and thank you for all your hard work. If you have any questions, please ask. We would also love to hear any feedback you may have for the project.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Traci ~ Germany Project co-leader

posted by Traci Thiessen
Hi Greta,

I left a message on your profile a week ago, checking in with you and seeing whether or not you’d like to continue in the Wales Project, and in your current team(s). I’ve not yet heard back from you, and I hope you are ok. If I don’t hear from you by this time next week, I’ll assume you’ve moved on to other things and will go ahead and remove you from the project for now but you would be most welcome to rejoin at any time.

Best wishes,

Olivia :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Hi Greta,

Thank you so much for all your contributions to WikiTree in the last six months, and especially to the Wales Project. It’s been wonderful to have you as part of the team as we work together to increase the quality and quantity of Welsh Profiles.

I have you down as being on the Bio Builders Team. Is this right? How are things going? Do you have any questions? What can we do to support you? Would you like to change any of your teams? Do you want to continue in the Wales Project moving forwards?

I also see you aren’t in on the Discord server. You’d be very welcome to join us where we have live text and voice conversations which really helps with collaboration. Just let me know and I can send you an invitation.

I look forward to hearing back from you with all the above.

Thanks once again,

Olivia, Project Coordinator for Wales :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Greta - I regret to say that I've removed your project coodinator badge since we haven't heard from you in months. I pray you and your family are ok. We are worried about you. Please get in touch.

Sincerely, Liz co-leader, US Southern Colonies Project

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett

It’s time for a Project check-in!

Scotland Project Leaders check in with you at least once a year to see how you are doing. With the changes happening around the world, we understand that life is hectic right now.

What are you planning to work on for the Scotland Project this year? Are you happy with the team(s) you part of, or would you like to make some changes?

This time round, we’re also looking for feedback on the use of Google Group and Discord. Do you use one or both of these? If you don’t use either of them, what is the best way to ensure you receive Project communications? If you would like to join us on Google Group or Discord, let us know in your response.

posted by Amy (Crawford) Gilpin

Can I Join Discord chat for Germany. Here my Discord name and number CherokeeMadWoman # 9053 for some reason Google Groups won’t let me respond to my groups since new changes were made.


Hi Greta, I may have run into an old message from you. You already are listed on Province of North Carolina (1712-1776) Team. As I posted before, if you add a new person, please add their email address to the page where you are posting. (that is under the Privacy topic) There will come a time when I want to do a group email, and use that.

I had the primary managers originally and US Southern Colonies as a manager. Plus the page is privacy white. With that, even without being a manager you are able to edit/add. It is only when pvc Green when everyone needs to be listed.

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Greta,

You are Added to Province of US SoCOL project was a manager, so you should have been able to get in.. After Polling people, I am moving people all around, so please also add their email to Province of North Carolina (1712=1776) Team.


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary! :) Thanks! I will do.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta,

It's that time of the year again: check-in time! As England Project Leaders, we like to check in with you every six months or so to see how things are progressing. Back in May, we didn't ask for a response due to the rapid emergence of Covid-19 because we understood that people's lives were changing rapidly. While we are still living in a Covid world, we do need to hear back from you this time around.

First of all, how are you doing? What are you currently working on? Are you happy with the team(s) you're in, or would you like to change things up?

Secondly, we're looking for some feedback on the Google Group and our Discord server. Do you use either or both of these? If you don't use either, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve participation and collaboration, either generally or for you personally?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Amy, Joan & Lizzie.

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Amy (Joan and Lizzie too)! :) I'm happy with what I'm working on. I use both of those. I'm not active on them as I've been busy lately.
posted by Greta Moody
Hello Greta, my whole life I have been trying to find out about my mother's true genealogy through many avenues to no avail, who she is remains some what of a secret mystery. Hopefully through this wiki tree I may find out more about her. Thank you.
posted by Zulema Garcis
edited by Zulema Garcis
Hi Zulema! :) Welcome to WikiTree! I hope you will find out more about your mother. Good luck!
posted by Greta Moody

Thanks for asking about Hicks, Jackson and Walker.

My Jackson starts with Rebecca Jane (Jackson) Corliss (1864-1944), my Grt-grandma's mother. They go from Nebraska, back through Iowa, Indiana & Virginia.

Hicks and Walker are in the descendants of my 5th-Grt-grandma, Nancy Ann (Fletcher) Halsey (1791-1872). My tree was heavily lop-sided on her first husband's side, Cornelius Lake, and nothing for her other three husbands. William Walker was her 3rd husband and they had four children in Ohio, a daughter married a Hicks. Following those lines has been really interesting, many profiles already connected on FamilySearch. I have been working on Nancy Ann's descendants during COVID because my other projects that require library resources are stalled.

posted by Steve Lake
Hi Steve! I checked my relationship to your relatives and there's no relationship. Thanks for telling me about those lines.
posted by Greta Moody
HI Greta,

A fellow tried to come in the back door, found Province of Carolina Team. He wants to join SoCOL. I messaged him the g2g link. Will you be on the look out for him Thanks


posted by Mary Richardson
edited by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary! :) Thanks for letting me know and thanks for posting the G2G link on his profile for the US Southern Colonies Project.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta, I know you're the the new kid on the block, but I'm doing the Appreciation Team six month check in. Can you check out our team Task List and add your name on a task?

If you don't see what you're working on, let me know and we can add it. Thanks! Emma

Hi Emma! :) I just added my name to a task.
posted by Greta Moody
awesome, thanks for doing that!
You're welcome, I didn't realize that I didn't do that when I joined the Project.
posted by Greta Moody
Thought I would tell you I made a separate email Folder for you, so I do not lose that list of Military ancestors of yours again.


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary! :) Thanks for letting me know. Just email me when you get to them. I have other ancestors that would qualify too but I'm not the profile manager of those.
posted by Greta Moody
Greta we can still work on the the other ancestors whether you are the PM or not.. Unless they are pvc Red.

and there is another way to do it also.. Later........


posted by Mary Richardson
You don't have to work on the others unless you want to but if you want to, just send me an email.
posted by Greta Moody
Wow! We are 8th Cousins!!! Cool!
posted by Darlene Bissonnette
edited by Darlene Bissonnette
Hi cousin Darlene! :) Nice to meet you! We are cousins through James Wheeler.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta ! We are 7th cousins once removed . .. your Dixon my Osborne family.
posted by Loretta Morrison
Hi cousin Loretta! :) Nice to meet you! We are related through John Hash Sr. through my Dixon/Osborne line.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta! I see we are 8th cousins through my dad's side. He's a Ward, but we connect through Valentine Martin 1700's. Nice to meet another cousin. :)
posted by Shan (Ward) Dawson
Hi cousin Shan! :) Its nice to meet you. I can't see our relationship because your profile private. Can you tell me which lines on my side lead up to Valentine Martin and can you give me a link to Valentine's profile? Thanks!


posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
Good Morning Cousin. I'm hoping this is what you were asking for. Valentine Martin is through your Moody line (Lucy Martin Amos)
posted by Shan (Ward) Dawson
edited by Shan (Ward) Dawson
Good afternoon here! Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thank you! :)
posted by Greta Moody
Thank you for your kind mail, you are always so sweet to me and everyone else,you deserve all the recognition you can get you area treasure for me and wikitree
Aww thanks, Susan! That's so sweet. You're a gem to me and to WikiTree. ❤
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta,

Would you be interested in being a project coordinator for the Germany project?

Kylie :-)

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie! :) Yes, I'm interested in being a Project Coordinator for the Germany Project. I sent you a PM. Check your spam/bulk mail too. Sometimes my emails end up there.


posted by Greta Moody
Thank you sweet Greta you deserve it You are a treasure for wikitree
You're a treasure for WikiTree too, Susan. You're always friendly, sweet, and kind to all. Thanks for liking some of my answers in the G2G.
posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
Hi! We are 11th cousins once removed through my father’s paternal line.
Hi Veronica! :) Our common ancestor is John (Browne) Brown. This relationship is through my dad and paternal grandmother's line. Nice to meet you!
posted by Greta Moody
Thank you sweet Greta you always say the nicest thing you certainly deserve the bad
Thanks, Susan! :) Thank you again for my 2nd Generous Genealogist Badge!

You deserve an award for your generosity. ❤

posted by Greta Moody

I have already done the Spanish American war sticker for Please check private email for explanation.


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary! :) Thanks for doing that.
posted by Greta Moody
Wow thank you Greta for your sweet mail, that was kind of you.

I was wondering with all the project and work on G2G you did not have all the badge. Because you really are a treasure I am fine thank you hope you are too and please stay safe

Thanks Susan! :) I wasn't able to be active on the g2g and on WikiTree like I had been for a couple of months but as of now, I'm back to being active on WikiTree. You stay safe too.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta, Thanks for your congratulations:) Love your stickers, here's our match:

Greta and Patty are 10th cousins

Greta Moody and Patty (Luker) LaPlante are both descendants of John Armistead.

posted by Patty (Luker) LaPlante
Hi 10th cousin, Patty! :) You're welcome for the congratulations on the g2g thread. Thanks, I'm gonna be adding more stickers and updating my profile again soon. I don't remember being a descendant of John Armistead before. His profile is interesting to read.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta,

We're sad to inform you that the Black Sheep Project is being dissolved. All BSP's subprojects will be moved in pieces under the Notables Project as categories and perhaps as Teams, depending on interest. Witch Trials will become a subproject of Notables.

Your BSP project member badge will soon be removed. If you'd like to join the Notables project, please let one of us know and we'll get you a Notables badge.

Please email either of us if you have any questions and if you'd like to join the Notables project.

Thanks, Susan McNamee & Traci Thiessen ~co-leaders, Black Sheep Project

posted by Traci Thiessen
Hi Traci and Susan! :) Thanks for the message. I hate to here that the Project is being dissolved. I'm interested in the Notables badge.
posted by Greta Moody
I just added the Notables Project member badge to your profile. Make sure to add Notables to the G2G tags you follow.

Thanks, Traci

posted by Traci Thiessen
Thanks Traci! :) I will be sure to add it to the tags follow.
posted by Greta Moody

As a member of the Scotland Project, we'd love to have you join the Twisted Thistles in the upcoming Connect-a-thon the weekend of July 17 - July 20. If you'd like to join us and help to develop our ever-expanding Scottish tree, please register on the G2G post here and be sure to mention you'd like to be on the Twisted Thistles team for Scotland.

We also have our team Chat page posted here.

Hope to see you there!
Bobbie & Sarah
Twisted Thistles Co-captains
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Hi Greta *Grin*

One of our mentors created a tutorial for the GEDCOMpare process that others found very helpful. I hope that you will too.

If you have any questions about how WikiTree works, let us know by using the "reply" link under our comments, or by clicking our names to visit our profiles. From there, you can leave a comment, or send a private message.

Azure ~~ WikiTree Greeter  :)

posted by Azure Robinson
edited by Azure Robinson
Hi Azure! :) Thanks for the reminder. I finally went through all matches in my GEDcom a few hours ago. That was a lot of work.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta. I saw that you thanked me for upgrading my account.

I noticed on your profile your extensive experience with DNA. I have one question and a comment. I have mtDNA and Y DNA from LivingDNA. Both are associated with brickwalls (the Y likely busted by autosomal matches). On GEDmatch, I recorded my mtDNA and Y DNA summaries in my profile. On my ancestry and myheritage trees, I add screenshots of my LivingDNA details to appropriate maternal and paternal ancestors, but those images don't survive gedcom imports. What is the best way on Wikitree to document my mt and Y DNA?

The comment is that on GEDmatch I added two more autosomal DNA kits generated by merging my Ancestry and LivingDNA kits using the program DNAkitstudio. This added significantly more snps (likely due to LivingDNA being an oddball) and slightly increased match cms. I'm not sure if any database other than GEDmatch would recognize those. The two matching methods (position and only common) produced virtually the same results.

posted by Jim Ward
edited by Jim Ward
Hi Jim! In response to your DNA question: Go here: and add the mtDNA and yDNA using the drop down menu "Add Test".

You can only add the tests if they are your own DNA test (unless you are managing a deceased family members DNA).

As for your LivingDNA kit, you can use "other yDNA" if your companies aren't listed. As we don't take raw DNA there is no concern about it being recognized.

posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta ~ In answer to your question in G2G, the Hungary project is a "sub-project" under the new Project protocols at WikiTree. The badge for it will be the "Europe" badge but we do have our own Project member sticker.

If you want to add the Hungary Project Member sticker to your profile, here is how to do it (-:

Have a good summer researching your ancestors. If you need help with Hungary records and locations, let me know.


posted by Maggie N.
Hi Maggie! Thank you for the info!
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Greta: Thank you for completing this merge: A merge of Celina Lamoureux (Laborssiere-2) and Celina Lamoureux (Laborssiere-1) was just completed by Greta Moody.

Best wishes, Jim LaBossiere

posted by Jim LaBossiere
Hi Jim! :) You're welcome, anytime.
posted by Greta Moody
Thanks for merging William Gaylard (Gaylard-148) and William Gaylard (Gaylard-56) Greta. Much appreciated
posted by Rich Moss
Hi Rich! You're welcome. I enjoy merging profiles. :)
posted by Greta Moody
I will remember that Greta :)

Cheers, Rich

posted by Rich Moss
Hi Greta,

Your England Leaders are completing the six monthly check in with all team members. Thank you for all your work on English Profiles and in particular your work on the Orphan Trail Team.

These are unprecedented and difficult times, and we understand as Project Leaders that your situation may have changed somewhat in the last few months. What we are all able to/ wish to contribute on Wikitree has changed. Please let me know if you are happy to continue with the Orphan Trail. Thank you again on behalf of all the Project Leaders for everything you do.


Hi Lizzie! :) Yes, I'm happy to continue with the Orphan Trail.
posted by Greta Moody
Hi Gretta,

As you will have seen, we have been doing some restructuring in the Wales Project and are now organising ourselves into different teams. Please have a look at the new project pages, and let me know which team(s) you would like to be in.

Please can you also send me your e-mail address? I can then make sure you are introduced to your Team Leaders, are in the Google Group, and receive an invitation to join our Discord server.

Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Wales Project that you respond to these check-ins.

Many thanks,

Susie, Wales Project Co-Leader

posted by Susie MacLeod
Hi Susie! I'd like to join the Bio-Builders Team.
posted by Greta Moody
Hello. I would like to learn more about this and building on to my family tree.


posted by Donna Bates
Hi Donna! I suggest looking through the help index.
posted by Greta Moody
As Geo Robinson said in the last comment. "Thank you for your welcoming e-mail. I am still at a complete loss on how to use the Wiki Tree site." I see he made that comment 5 months ago and hope I don't have to wait 5 months to find our how to sign the honor code and contribute information to wikihtree.
posted by JC Copeland
Hi JC! You're now a member of WikiTree.
posted by Greta Moody

The Global Cemeteries Project is currently undergoing our member check-in and wanted to verify that you are still active and interested in being a member of the project. Are you currently assigned to or working with one of our Cemetery Teams? If not, is there a particular Team or area you are interested in participating with? I would be delighted to help you get setup in one or more of our collaborative teams!

We use Google Groups for internal project collaboration, so if you are not yet setup for access feel free to submit a join request and we will get that approved as quick as possible. We also ask that members check their follwed tags to make sure you are following the correct project tag (CEMETERIES) so you don't miss any disucssions in G2G.

Last, but not least, we would like to thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree and let you konw that any ideas or suggestions for improvement you may have for the Global Cemeteries Project would greatly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing form you soon!

Steve ~Global Cemeteries Project Leader

posted by Steven Harris
Hi Steve! Yes, I am still wanting to be part of the project.
posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
Thanks for checking in with us, and thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree!
posted by Steven Harris
You're welcome and thanks for your contributions too. You do a lot more on WikiTree than I do.
posted by Greta Moody
Thank you for unlocking my mother's profile, Blanch Lansdown-12. I now have her connected to her mother and father and can little by little add her brothers, uncles and my own brothers, family is heavy on male children.

Lena (Hitchcock) Dukes.

posted by Lena (Hitchcock) Dukes
Hi Lena! :) You're welcome anytime.
posted by Greta Moody
If anyone shares DNA with me from: 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, GEDmatch, etc. Please let me know. If you know our common ancestor, that's a plus. Thanks!
posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
Hi Greta was posting my fathers Mom & her father only to realize they already exist. Menke 261 & Menke 241. I'm stuck in how you merge. you are so different that Family Search. My Tree is on there already.

Please Help when you have time Thanks Dorothy Zar

posted by Dorothy Zar
Hi Dorothy! If you go to the bottom of the two profiles, you will see a section "Matches and Merges". Click on the link "initiate a merge" on the profile with a lower wiki ID number.

That will take you to the page where you have your ID as ID1, then add the other ID in ID2, then click on merge, and that will merge them together.

I hope this helps, any problems, please let me know.

posted by Greta Moody

This week's featured connections are Continental Congress participants: Greta is 13 degrees from Samuel Adams, 17 degrees from Silas Deane, 16 degrees from Eliphalet Dyer, 16 degrees from Ben Franklin, 17 degrees from Mary Goddard, 14 degrees from Benjamin Harrison, 15 degrees from Stephen Hopkins, 14 degrees from Edmund Pendleton, 15 degrees from Peyton Randolph, 16 degrees from George Read, 13 degrees from John Walker and 17 degrees from Artemas Ward on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.