Son of
[private father (1890s - 1950s)]
and [private mother (1880s - 1980s)]
Brother of
[private sister (1920s - unknown)] and [private brother (1920s - 2000s)]
Husband of
[private wife (1920s - 2000s)]
Father of
[private son (1940s - unknown)], [private son (1940s - unknown)], [private daughter (1950s - unknown)] and [private daughter (1950s - unknown)]
at age 91
in Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
Note: immig. via New Orleans[ Cofounded Texas Iron & Metal 801 Hill then Jensen with his father Grochow (Warsaw Gubernia) 40 km from Kiev and outside Warsaw Possibly Wielishew or Yablonna. Ship took 4 weeks arriving early or late Dec. Father came 10 1/2 months earlier. Turned 3 aboard ship.[12]
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File: N:\MaxData\FamilyPictures\Heffler Tiras Wasserman Moore Family\199908 Moore, Abe.jpg
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File: N:\MaxData\FamilyPictures\Heffler Tiras Wasserman Moore Family\Moore, Abe Isaac 20030201.jpg
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File: N:\MaxData\FamilyPictures\Heffler Tiras Wasserman Moore Family\Moore, Abe Isaac.jpg
Place: US, TX, Harris, Houston (2304 St. Emanuel)[17]
Date: bef 16 DEC 1923
Place: Europe, Poland, Mazowieckie Gubernia, Warszawa District, Warszawa (115 Grochowske)[18]
WikiTree profile Moore-6996 created through the import of fulltree.GED on Jan 4, 2012 by Max Heffler Heffler. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Max Heffler and others.
Source: S103 Title: Heffler, Max Gerald Abbreviation: Heffler, Max Gerald Italicized: Y
↑ Source: #S567 Page: 10 Quality or Certainty of Data: 2
↑ Source: #S1779 Page: 6 Quality or Certainty of Data: 2
↑ Source: #S561 Page: T905_96 Quality or Certainty of Data: 2
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