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James Mulliken I (bef. 1610 - bef. 1667)

James Mulliken I aka Mullikin
Born before in Scotlandmap
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married 1658 in Calvert County, Province of Marylandmap
Descendants descendants
Died before at about age 57 in Calvert, Marylandmap
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Profile last modified | Created 27 Jul 2009
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1610 Birth and Parents

James Mullikins was born in Scotland about 1610 [1]

James Mullikin I, Planter, was born in Scotland [2]

Elizabeth Hopkins Baker has his birth later, between 1630-1640. [3]

1657 Immigration and Marriage to Mary

James Mullikin migrated from Scotland to Maryland prior to 1657. [4]

There is general consensus that James Mullikin arrived in Maryland before 1658 and married Mary Dammarell, widow of John, soon thereafter, but there are conflicting records regarding his arrival. See Research Notes.

He was in Calvert Co., MD by Oct 1657 as he was involved in Court case against Henry Coursey. [3]

Patrick and James Gunnel Mullikin patented land called "Mullikin's Green" in 1658. [3] However, Thomas Williams obtained land in Maryland in 1664 for transporting John Crossley, John River, William Thompson and James Mullikin. [3]

Thomas Williams in 1664 applied for land at the Annapolis Land Office for transporting James Mullikin. [4] This application suggests that Mullican served the standard seven year indenture to pay for his passage across the Atlantic.

He resided in Calvert County, MD on the Patuxent River, and at the "Levels Plantation." [4]

Thomas Williams in 1664 applied for land at the Annapolis Land Office for transporting James Mullikin. [4]

Before 8 October 1658 in Calvert County, Maryland, James Mullican married Mary Dammarell, widow of John Demmarell or Demall. [5]

Proceedings of the Provincial Court of Maryland

Microfilm Roll M2753-1658 to 1662
Court held at Patuxent
  • Page 34 on film-17 Feb 1657/1658-Reference is granted between James Mullekin plaintiff and Mr. Henry Coursey defendent until March next.
  • Page 35 on film-17 Feb 1657/1658-Mary Dammarell petitioned court for settlement of her husband estate, deceased.

About 1659 in Calvert County, he married Mary Weylett, b. 1630, England, d. 1673, Calvert County, Maryland (Age 43 years) [1]

He married prior to 1658 Mary Weylett widow of John Damarell/Demall/Darnall. [3]

1657 Mary Dammarelll Widow and Husband's Estate

Liber B,Page 405 on Microfilm-Whereas Mary Dammarell hath petitioned this court for some speedy course for her safety may be taken for the settlement of the Estate of her husband late deceased and to discharge herself from the sundry engagements wherewith the said Estate is burthoned, the court doth order that the said Mary Dammarell do cause the said Estate to be justly appraised and to bring in a just and true inventory thereof at the next court to be holden in March next and Mr. Richard Collett and Mr. George Gollding are hereby impowered and appointed to be the appraisers of the said Estate and to discharge themselves upon their oaths at the court aforesaid concerning the Estate so appraised. Provincial Court-Patuxent-Between 16 & 18 Feb 1657.

These things appraysed by us above mentioned this 18th March 1657 as wittnes our hands. John Halfhead George Gouldsmith

Debts due to John Dernall From Mr. Stockley-30+ Tob From George Newman-50 From Abdelon Martin-55 From Ismael Wright-two empty hogsheads Allso some hoopes, and headding att Ismael Wrights Some timber at Abdelon Martins Poynt(Point)

Mary the relict of John Dernell, brought this appraysmt and Inventory into the Court, desyring to be discharged from it. And allso tht the Creditor might take the Estate, of her deceased husband, and distributing it amongst them, might pay themselves soe far as it would amount. And Mr. Richard Preston cheife and greatest Credr(Creditor) came and declared in open court that he freely forgave the poor widow, what is due to himselfe from the deceased. And proclamation being made for the other Credes(Creditors) to enter and make their demands. Willm Berry one of the Credes demanded fowre hundred and seaventy pownds of Tob. out of sd Estate. And certaine coopers timber att Abdalon Martins poynt, belonging to the deceased is allowed him in satisfaction of his sayd demand. The other credes came into court, allso, and willingly forgave all their debts. And the relict is there uppon by order of this court discharged from all claimes and debts touching that her Estate.

Page 69 on film-28 April 1658-Uppon the Petn(Petition) of James Mullekin plf(Plaintiff) agst Henry Coursey deft(defendent); the defts attorney John Coursey, not having notice or knowledge concerning this cause, desyres a respite till next Court which was graunted.

Page 84 on film-30 April 1658-John Odber aged 36 years or thereabouts, sworne 28th Aprill 1658 sayth that about October last was twelvemonth he this depon't heard Mr. Rich Harris condition and agree wth James Mullikin, that if hee the sd James would seate his plantation, wth some servants, tht hee the sd Harris would place wth him to helpe build and clear the sd plantation, the crop being finished hee the sd Mr. Harris did promise to give him three months worke with an able hand, for his winters worke, and futher hee cannot depose. Jurat Corae Ed: Scott

Page 98 on film-18 June 1658-Sub poena to the Sheriffe of the County of Calvert, to warne Thomas Brampson to be att the next Prov. Ct. to bee held 8 Sep next to testify his knowledge in a cause depending betwixt James Mullekin and Henry Coursey, Gentn (wch cause was respited the last Prov. Ct.) att the request of the sd Mullekin.

Page 150 on film-6 October 1658-James Mullekin served on Jury.

Page 151 on film-6 October 1658-Uppon the petn(petition) of the plf(plaintiff) for three months worke in clearing of ground wch being by the oath of Capt. John Odbur, it is thereuppon ordered tht the deft(defendent) satisfy the plf three months worke, with an able hand, according to his demmand, with one hund'd and thirty pownds of Tob. besides court charges.

Page 156 on film-6 October 1658-James Mullekin came into court and doth acquitt and release Mr. Henry Coursey from all orders of Court formerly had or obtwyned agst him the sd Coursey, Mr. Coursey paying the Court charges.

  • 1. Will; 18 Aug 1666; Patuxent River, Calvert County, Maryland.
  • 2. Probate; 16 Oct 1667; Calvert County, Maryland.
  • 3. Immigration; Bef 17 Feb 1657; Calvert County, Maryland.

Court held at St. Leonards in Calvert County

Page 65 & 66 on film-27 April 1658-An appraysmt uppon the Estate of John Demall made by John Holfehead and George Gouldsmith, as followeth.

  • By one bed tick of canuas and one poore rugge and bolster ticking and a payre of blanketts-180,
  • By one small chest and a box-180,
  • By one old coate, wascoate and drawers-020,
  • By some bookes, some old pewter, two woodden dishes, one anchor, a small runlett, some beads and a tub- 050,
  • By one old gowne and petticoate, an old wascoate and some other old raggs-150,
  • By one hatt-050,
  • By a case and some linnen-050,
  • By a bill due from Mr. Meese-150,
  • By a cannow-100,
  • Total=860

1658 James Mullikin husband of Mary, widow of John Damarell

Transcript Q-SR7345 Liber Qo,Folio 147-Page 202 on Microfilm-James Mullekin requesteth to have his warrant renewed for one hundred acres and futhur demands one hundred and fifty acres more in right of his wife the relict and administratrix of John Damarell(alias Demall) which was for the transportation of himself and fifty by assignment from John Felton. Warrant to lay out for James Mullekin two hundred and fifty acres. 8 Oct 1658. Return 8th April next.

1659 William Dorrington Transported Mary Weylett, now wife to James Mullikin

Transcript 4-SR7346 Liber R,Folio 67,Page 147 on Microfilm-William Dorrington demands land for the transportation of himself, Richard Bond, Margaret Reynolds, Leonard Voles and Mary Weylett now wife to James Mullikin. Assigned rights to Peter Johnson for the transportation of Bond, Reynolds and Voles. 24 Oct 1659. Patent Date 26 Oct 1659.

1664 Mullikins Orchard

On 18 Apr 1664 James patented 300 acres of land in Dorchester Co., MD called "Mullikin's Orchard". [3]

Transcript 8-SR 7350 Liber DD, folio 46 & 47, Page 37 & 38 on Microfilm-Patent issued to James Mullikin on 14 Aug 1665. Mullikin's Orchard-300 acres on the Transquaking River on the Eastern Shore.

Land Patent

Transcript 8-SR7350-Certificate of Survey Liber DD, Folio 45, Page 36 on Microfilm-

  • April 18, 1664-Laid out for James Mullikin of this province planter a parcell of land called Mullikins Orchard lying on the East side of Chesopeak Bay in the River Transquaking on the West side of said river beginning for bredth at a branch called Mullikins Branch running down the river from the said branch SSW one hundred and fifty perches to a marked pohiccory(hickory tree) standing neer the river side and running from the said pohiccory in the woods for length WNW three hundred and twenty perches bounded on the North with a line drawn NNE one hundred and fifty perches bounded on the East with a line drawn ESE from the former line for the length of three hundred and seventy perches till it intercepts a parrellell branch being the first bounds on the South of the said river containing and laid out for three hundred acres more or less to be holden of the mannor of Baltimore. George Richardson, Deputy Surveyor. Entered in ye Rent Roll.


14 August 1665

Transcript 8-SR7350-Patent Liber DD, Folio 46, Page 37 on Microfilm-
Cecilius and To All Persons to whom these presents shall come greeting in our Lord God ever lasting Know yee that we for and in consideration that James Mullikin of this province hath due unto him three hundred acres of land out of his warrant for five hundred acres formerly granted him as appears upon record and upon such conditions and termes are expressed in our conditions of plantation of our said province of Maryland under our greater seal at armes bearing date at London the second day of July in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty nine with such alleration as in them is made by our Declaration bearing date the two and twentieth day of September anno one thousand six hundred fifty eight and remaining upon record in our said province of Maryland
  • do hereby grant unto him the said James Mullikin a parcell of land called Mullikins Orchard lying on the East side of Chesopeak Bay in the River Transquaking on the West side of the said river from the said branch beginning for bredth at a branch called Mullikins Branch running down the river from the said branch SSW one hundred and fifty perches to a marked poohiccory(hickory tree) standing neer the river side and running from the said poohiccory into the woods for length WNW three hundred and twenty perches bounded on the North with a line drawn NNE one hundred and fifty perches bounded on the East with a line drawn ESE from the former line for the length of three hundred and twenty perches till it intersects a parallel drawn from the first branch being the bounds on the South of the said river conteying and now laid out for three hundred acres more or less together with all rights proffits and benefitts thereunto belonging (Royal Mines Excepted)
  • To have and to hold the same unto him the said James Mullikin his heirs and assigns forever to be holden of us and our heirs as of our mannor of Baltimore in free and common soceage by fealty only for all manner of services.
  • Yielding and repaying therefore yearly unto us or our heirs at our receipt at St. Maries at the two most usuall feasts in the year.
  • Viz at the feast of the Annuncation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St. Michaell the Arch Angell by equall portions the rent of six shillings sterling in gold or silver and for a tyme upon[Folio 47, Page 38 on Microfilm begins] every alienation of the said land or any part or parcell thereof one whole years rent in silver or gold or the full value thereof in such commodities as we or our heirs or such officer or officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to collect and receiver the same accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us or our heirs or such officer or officers as aforesaid provided that if the said James Mullikin his heirs and assigns shall not pay unto us or our heirs or such officer or officers as aforesaid the sume for a fine before such alienation and enter the said alienation and enter the said alienation upon record either in the Provincial Court or in the county court where the said land parcell of land lyeth within one month next after such alienation the said alienation shall br voyd and none effect.
  • Given at St. Marys under our great seal of our said Province of Maryland this fourteenth day of August in the four and thirtieth year of our dominion over said Province of Maryland Anno Domini one thousand six hundred sixty five. Witness our Dear Sonn and heir Charles Calvert Esq. our Lt. General of our said Province of Maryland. Rent=6 shillings.

1665 Mullikins Greene

On 14 Aug 1665 he patented 200 acres of land in Dorchester Co., MD called "Mullikin's Green" [3]

Liber DD, folio 47 & 48, Page 38 & 39 on Microfilm-Patent issued to James Mullikin on 14 Aug 1665. Mullikin's Greene-200 acres on the Transquaking River on the Eastern Shore.


Transcript 8-SR7350-Certificate of Survey Liber DD, Folio 47, Page 38 on Microfilm-Laid out another parcell of land, for the aforesaid Mullikin lying on the East side of Chesopeak Bay in Transquaking River aforesaid the Western Branch of the said river called by the name of Mullikins Greene beginning for breadth at a marked oak standing by a marsh and running down the said river SW by E one hundred perches to another bounded tree standing by the river side and running from said tree into the woods for length NW by W three hundred and twenty perches bounded on the North with a line drawn NE and by E from the end of the former line one hundred perches bounded on the East with a line drawn SE and by S till it intersepts a parrellell from the first bounded tree bounded on the South with the said river containing and now laid out for two hundred acres more or less to br holden of the mannor of Baltimore. George Richardson, Deputy Surveyor

14 August 1665

Transcript 8-SR7350-Patent Liber DD, Folio 47, Page 38 on Microfilm

Cecilius and To All Persons to whom these presents shall come greeting in our Lord God everlasting.
  • Know yee that wee for and in consideration that James Mullikin of this Province hath due unto him two hundred acres of land within this Province being the remainder of a warrant for five hundred acres formerly granted him as appears upon record and upon such conditions and termes as are expected in our conditions of[Folio 48, Page 38 on Microfilm begins] plantation of our Province of Maryland under our greater seal at armes bearing date at London the second day July in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty nine with such alteration as in them is made by our declaration bearing date the two and twentyeth day of September anno one thousand six hundred fifty eight and remaining upon record in our said Province of Maryland
  • doe hereby grant unto him the said James Mullikin a parcell of land(called Mullikins Green) lying on the East side of Chesopeak Bay in Transquaking River the[Page 39 on Microfilm begins] Western branch of the said river beginning for breadth at a marked oake standing by a marsh and running down the river SW and by S one hundred perches to another bounded tree standing by the river side and running from the said tree NE by N from the end of the former line into the woods for length NW and by W three hundred and twenty perches bounded on the North with line drawn NE by N from the end of the former line one hundred perches bounded on the East with a line drawn SE and by S till it intersepts a parrellell from the first bounded tree on the South with the said river containing and laid out for two hundred acres more or less.
  • Together with all rights proffits bennefits thereunto belonging(Royal Mines Excepted). To have and to hold the same unto the said James Mullikin his heirs and assigns forever to be holden of us and our heirs of our mannor of Baltimore in free and common soccage by palty only for all manner of services yielding and paying therefore yearly unto us or our heirs at our receipt at St. Maries at the two most usuall feasts in the year Viz At the feast of the annuncation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St. Michaell the Arch Angell by even and equall portions the rent of four shillings sterlin silver or gold and for a tyme upon every alienation of the said land or any part or parcell thereof one whole years rent in silver or gold or the full value thereof in such commodities as wee our heirs or such officer or officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us or our heirs or such officer or officers or as aforesaid
  • provided that if the said James Mullikin his heirs or assignes shall not pay unto us or our heirs or such such officer or officers as aforesaid the said sume for a tyme before such alienation and enter the said alienation upon record either in the Provincial Court or in the county court where the said parcell of land lyeth within one month next after such alienation the said alienation shall be voyd and none effect.
  • Given at St. Maries under our great seal of our said Province of Maryland this fourteenth day of August in the [Folio 49 begins] four and thirtieth year of our dominion over our said Province of Maryland anno domini one thousand six hundred and sixty five.
  • Witness our dear Son and heir Charles Calvert Esq. our LT. General of our said Province of Maryland. Rent=4 shillings.

1666 Will, Death and Estate

James made his will in August 1666 and it was probated on 16 Oct 1667. He left everything to his wife and children. He signed his will with an "X".[6]

In his will he stated he was James Mullikin of Patuxen River Planter in county of Calvert. Mary Mullikn of Patuxent River in Calvert Co., MD widow of James Mullikin made her will on 20 Oct 1667. She left all land on Transquaking River on the Eastern Shore of Province to her son James Mullikin. To her son, John Darnaal the 200 acres taken up by his father, John Darnaal, on Transquaking. She also mentioned daughters, Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin. [3]


Mullikins will was dated 18 August 1666 and probated on 16 October 1667. [4]

Mulliken, James, Calvert Co., 18th Aug., 1666; 16th Oct., 1667.

  • To wife Mary and chil. (unnamed) estate, real and personal.
  • Test: Wm. Murrah, Benj. Granger. 1. 299.[1]

Will of James Mullikin, Made 18 August 1666, proved 16 October 1667[7]

  • August the eighteenth one thousand six hundred sixty and six.
  • In the name of God Amen,
  • I James Mullikin of Patuxent River Planter in the county of Calvert being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Allmighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make constitute ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these presents all and every Testament and Testament Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or by writeing and this to be taken only for my Last Will and Testament and none other and first being penitent and sorry from the bottome of my heart for my sins most humbly desiring forgiveness I give and committ my soule unto Allmighty My Savior and Redeemer in whom and by the meritts of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveness of all my sins and that my soule with my body at the generall day of resurrection shall rise again with joy and through the meritts of Christs death and passion to possess and inheritt the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his elect and chosen and my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my executors hereafter named to appoint.
  • And now for the settling of my temporall estate and such goods and chattels and debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me I do order and dispose the same in manner and forme following that is to say

*First I give and bequeath all my lands and all that I have unto Mary Mullikin my wife and all my children and none other shall have to do with anything therein She only paying my debts. </i>

  • The marke of James (M) Mullikin Seale.
  • Witness my hand: The Marke of William A. Murrick, Benjamin Granger


James Mullikin died on 16 October 1667 in Calvert County, Maryland, aged around 57 years. [1][2]

He died between 18 Aug 1666 and 16 Oct 1667 in Calvert Co., MD [3]


Warrant issued to Misters Thomas Sprigg, ____, Richard Spooner, Guy White, & George Beckwith Appraisers. Another Warrant issued to ye said Spooner, White, & Beckwith to Appraise.

Inventory Return ____.
  • Imprimis- one woman servant for two years=1500
  • four cowes and their calves att six hundred pounds of lot ___=2400
  • Item-two heifers=2000
  • Item-one yearling bull=0250
  • Six about nine months old=0600
  • Thirteen piggs about three months old=0300
  • One feather bed and furniture=1300
  • One dress cubbard=0400
  • One round table=0050
  • Six small boxes=0030
  • One warming Pann=0050
  • One long table and forine=0200
  • One couch and grooming chairs=0250
  • Three old chairs=0030
  • One looking glass=0040
  • Foure milke trayes, foure outter lottes with other odd things=0200
  • One old feather bed, one florked(?) and furniture=1000
  • One small chest, one giant trunk, two small trunks=0200
  • One small box, one pair of____=0200
  • Six Pewter dishes, one small ____ ____=0200
  • Six Pewter Plates, Six Corringers=0100
  • Two Cowton bottles, one Cowton Sandlepack=0140
  • Three Iron Potts, one ____ ____=0500
  • One Small ____ ____ Pott=0050
  • One old ____=0050
  • Total=12040
  • This is a True and Perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattels belonging to James Mullikin of late deceased as they were brought to our sights. Witness our hands this seven and twentyeth of November one thousand six hundred sixty and seven.
  • Geo. Beckwith, Guy White [2]

1666 Testimentary Deed of Widow, Mary Mullikin

Testimentary Deed of Mary Mullikin. [8]

To all Christian People to whome this present writing shall Come

  • I Mary Mullikin of Petuxent river in Calvert County in the Province of Maryland Widdw and Relict of James Mullikin late of the sd place decd
  • Send Greeting, know yee that I the said Mary Mullikin as well for and in Consideracon of the naturall love good will & affeccons which I have and beare towards my dear Children James, Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin wth my sonn John Demaall, as also for divers Other good Causes and Consideracons me at this present especially moving have given and granted and by these prsents doe give and Confirme unto
  • my said sonn James Mullikin all that parcell of land lying and being in Trasquaking river on the Easterne shore of this province Containing by Estimacon three hundred acres or thereabouts, wth all priviledges rights proffitts & benefitts thereunto belonging. The said James to have and to hould the said land wth Other the prmisses att the age of One and twenty yeares, if I live soe long, Otherwise the same to occupy possess and Enjoy att the age of Eighteen yeares and from thence forward to him and his heires for Ever.
  • I doe also by these prsents give grant & Confirme unto my said sonn John Demaall all that parcell of land lying and being in the said river of Trasquaking Containing two hundred acres more or less and taken up by vertue of his father John Demaall my former husbands rights of land, wth all rights priviledges proffitts and benifitts thereunto belonging, The said John to have and to hould the said land wth other the prmisses att the age of One and twenty yeares If I live soe long, Otherwise the same to Occupy possess and enjoy att the age of Eighteen yeares and from that time forward to him and his heires for ever.
  • And for the Seat of land I now live upon in Petuxent river aforesaid I wholely & solely reserve and keep the said plantacon wth all howses Edifices buildings Orchards and Gardens whatsoever thereunto belonging for my owne proper use and behoofe and for noe other use nor benifitt whatsoever, resurving and keeping the said Plantacon wth Other the premisses above menconed from all Claimes whatsoever that shall be made to the same or any the prmisses by any of my Children, or any person that I shall hereafter marry or make a husband of, quietly and peaceably to enjoy the same to my owne use and benifitt untill my decease and to be given or bequeathed to what person or persons soever whome I shall like of or think fitt.
  • Except I shall dispose of the same Otherwise in my life, I doe allsoe by these prsents Give Grant and Confirme unto my three Children (vizt) James Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin Six Cowes which I now possess with all the female Encrease that they shall bring untill my said Children shall arrive att theire severall and respective ages then to be equally divided amongst them, that is to say, my sonn James to enjoy his part at Eighteen yeares of age, That is if I live not till hee shall arrive att the said age Otherwise not to enjoy the same untill hee be of the age of One and twenty yeares as aforesaid, my Daughters Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin to enjoy their and either of their partes of the said Six Cowes and theire female Encrease when they and either of them shall arrive att the age of Sixteen yeares, that is if I shall dye before they arrive to the said age of sixteen yeares, Otherwise their said Severall partes to be wholely att my disposall
  • and if either of my said three Children James Mary or Elizabeth Mullikin, shall dye before they shall arrive att theire or either of theire respective and severall ages before menconed, then his her or theire part or partes of the said Cattle to goe unto the survivor or survivors.
  • Lastly I doe hereby give grant and Confirme unto all my said Fowre Children the remaindr of all and singuler my Goods howsehould stuff Apparell Utensils Brass Pewter Bedding and all other my substance whatsoever that is or may be Called moveables quick and dead of what kinde nature quality or Condicon soever the same are or be and in wt place or places soever the same be shall or may be found as well in my owne Custody or possession as in the possession hands power and Custody of any other person or persons wtsoever.
  • The said James Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin and John Demaall to have possess and Enjoy all and singular the said Goods and all other the aforesaid prmisses after my decease and not before then equally to be divided amongst my said Fowre Children, but if either of them shall dye before my decease, then the survivors to enjoy his her or theire part or partes soe deceased.
  • In wittnes whereof I the said Mary Mullikin have to these prsents sett my hand and seale this 28th day of Octobr in the 36th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius over this province of Maryland Annoq Domini 1667 Mary Mullikin (sealed)
  • Before the signing and sealing hereof was enterlined in the 32th line the word (other) and in the 60th line these words (the remainder of)
  • Signed Sealed and delivered in the Prsence of Us the marke of James (W) Williams John Blomfeild Daniel Jenifer Edwd Savage

1667 Deeds of Gift

On 28 October 1667 Mary Mullikin, widow of James, conveyed property:

  • Deed of Gift; 28 Oct 1667; Patuxent River, Calvert County, Maryland. Mary gave 300 Acres of land on the Transquaking River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to her son James Mullikin and 200 Acres of land on the Transquaking River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to John Demall her son by her deceased husband John Demall. Mary also gave six cows and the female increase to her three children viz James, Mary, and Elizabeth Mullikin. [5]

2. Assignment of Land Patent; 28 Oct 1667; Calvert County, Maryland. Assignment of" Mullikin's Greene" Land Patent containing 200 Acres to John Demall. Entered on record 28 Oct 1667. [5]

3. Assignment of Land Patent; 28 Oct 1667; Calvert County, Maryland. Assignment of "Mullikin's Orchard" Land Patent containing 300 Acres to James Mullikin on 28 Oct 1667. Entered on record on 28 Oct 1667. [5]

1668 Remarriage of Widow, Mary Mullican to James Williams

Transcript 12-SR7354 Liber HH,Page 360 on Microfilm-Know all men by these presents that I Mary Mullican the wife of the deceased James Mullican do here assign the full right and title of headrights and warrant granted to Henry Ferrill unto Francis Gunby with the consent of James Williams my now living husband as witness our hands this 10th of July MDCLXVIII(1668). Signed by Mary Williams and James Williams(W=his mark).


The children of James Mullikin and his wife Mary Dammerell were:

  1. James Mullikin II was born about 1663 in Calvert County, Maryland 2,3 and died before 22 May 1718 in Prince Georges County, Maryland 4. [5] Named in Mary Mullican's will. James Mullikin, b. 1661, Calvert County, Maryland, d. 22 May 1718, Prince George's County, Maryland - Inventory (Age 57 years)[1] James Mulliken, born 1662, Prince George's County (county was created 1694). James Mullikin b ca prior to 1663 ?Calvert Co., MD d bef 22 May 1718 Prince George's Co., MD m ca Jane Prather. [9]
  2. Mary Mullikin was born before 16 Oct 1667 in Calvert County, Maryland. [5] Named in Mary Mullican's will. Mary, by her previous husband, John Demall or Demarall, had a son John Demall who is also named in her will. Mary Mullikin, born Oct 16, 1667 in Calvert County, Maryland. Mary Mullikin [9]
  3. Elizabeth Mullikin was born before 16 Oct 1667 in Calvert County, Maryland. Elizabeth married Richard Hartrup. [5] Named in Mary Mullican's will. Elizabeth Mullikin, b. Abt 1662, Calvert County, Maryland [1] Elizabeth Mullikin, born Oct 16, 1667 in Calvert County, Maryland. Elizabeth Mullikin m Richard Hartrup. [9]

Research Notes

1726 Sister Elizabeth married Richard Hartrup

Prince George's Land Records 1726-1730 - Liber M, Page 222

  • Enrolled at request of William Cooke 18 Jul 1727:
  • John Demall, age ca 70, made oath that Arthur Ludford sold 100 acres of 500 acres called Wood's Joy adjoining land of Henry Pope; formerly in Calvert County, to James William and his son James; James dying without bequest the 100 acres went to Richard Hartrup, s/o Richard Hartrup by his wife Elizabeth, who was sister to James Mullikin, dec'd, father of James Mullikin; James Mullikin, dec'd, and Elizabeth were the children of James Mullikin by his wife Mary; 24 Mar 1726

1658 Surveys

Taylors, Joy, 500 Acres; Certificate Developer/Owner: Preston, Richard 1658 Patent Record AB and H, p. 325 0 0 MSA S 1583-1546 [10]

Taylors, Joy, 500 Acres; Patent Developer/Owner: Gunnell, James and Patrick Mullikin 1658 Patent Record Q, p. 214 0 0 MSA S 1583-1547[11]

Was James Mullikin transported or did he transport others?

Skordas reports James Mullikin transported in 1660 (Liber 7, folio 498) but notes that hje married widow o Jno Dumaull prior to 1658. [12]

1658 James Mullikin warrant for land for Transporting others

Transcript 6-SR7348 Liber AA,Folio 503,Page 296 on Microfilm

Came James Mullikin and enters these five rights following:
  • Elizabeth Hollis,
  • Lawrence Hyop,
  • William Beale,
  • Phillip Cockley,
  • John Turner.
Came the said James Mullikin and desires his warrant for 250 acres of land dated 8 October 1658, return 8th April next. Ensueing right be renewed with the addition of the above mentioned rights, in all 500 acres. Warrant issued for 500 acres, dated 16th April 1664, return 16th day of October next.

1660 Thomas Williams Transported James Mullikin

1664 is year of claim, 1660 is year they "came over".

Transcript 7-SR7349 Liber CC,Folio 544,Page 498 on Microfilm

Came Thomas Williams and demands land for the transportation of
  • John Cropley,
  • John River,
  • William Thompson,
  • Thomas Smith,
  • Robert Brown,
  • John Elder,
  • James Mullikin,
  • Thomas Weeds,
  • John Harvey,
  • Thomas Shipsy,
  • William Shipp,
  • William Eding, brough,
all come over in the year one thousand six hundred and sixty. Warrant for six hundred acres dated twelfth January one thousand six hundred sixty four. Return twelfth next. Jan xii 1664.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Mike Marshall. Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties James Mullikin Sourced from Early Families of Southern Maryland, Volume: 7. Accessed 7 January 2019 jhd
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Harvey M. Mullikin. Descendants of James Mullikin I of Maryland First Generation Accessed 1/7/2019 jhd
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Elizabeth Hopkins Baker. Mullikins of Maryland, By the author, State College, Pennsylvania, 1932, pages 1-4. Cited by D. Mitchell Jones. Lineage of Mullican Family Accessed 2 August 2020 jhd
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Across the Years in Prince George's County, pages 552 and 636. Cited by Mike Marshall.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Source of this material is unclear
  6. Jane Baldwin, Compiler. The Maryland Calender of Wills, Vol 1, p 41, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1968. In Eight Volumes. Cited by D. Mitchell Jones. Lineage of Mullican Family Accessed 2 August 2020 jhd
    • James Mullikin, Calvert County Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland,
    • Will made 18 August 1666 and Proved 16 October 1667.) Prerogative Court-Calvert County Wills-Liber 1,Folio 299. Cited by Harvey Mullikin.
  7. Arch. of MD, v. 57, p.216). Calvert Co. Archives of Maryland, Volume 57, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667. Page 215
  8. 9.0 9.1 9.2 D. Mitchell Jones. Lineage of Mullican Family Accessed 2 August 2020 jhd
  9. Calvert County Circuit Court Land Surveys and Condominium Plats. Cited by Mike Marshall
  10. Calvert County Circuit Court Land Surveys and Condominium Plats. Cited by Mike Marshall
  11. Gust Skordas. Early Settlers of Maryland Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company 1968. An index of an index to names of immigrants compiled from records of land patents, 1633-1680, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland. (This book may be borrowed for one hour from the Internet Archive.) page 328

See also:

  • F. Moran, Mullican. [1]
  • "History of the families Millingas and Millanges of Saxony and Normandy, comprising genealogies and biographies of their posterity surnamed Milliken, Millikin, Millikan, Millican, Milligan, Mulliken and Mullikin, A. D. 800-A. D. 1907; containing names of thirty thousand persons, with copious notes on intermarried and collateral families, and abstracts of early land grants, wills, and other documents .." by Ridlon, G. T. (Gideon Tibbetts), 1841- cn Published 1907 [2]
  • Topics Milliken family (Hugh Milliken, fl. 1681), Millikin family (John Milliken, 1664?-1749), Millikan family, genealogy


  • This person was created through the import of mcdougle 2010-06-30.ged on 01 July 2010.
  • WikiTree profile Mullican-5 created through the import of Kuehn Family File.ged on Oct 26, 2011 by Timothy Kuehn.

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