Locke, John Goodwin, The Munroe Genealogy, (James Munroe and Company, Boston and Cambridge, 1853)(Free e-book. Available at Google Play)
Thank you to Robert Keniston for creating WikiTree profile Munroe-192 through the import of Clara Harrington - Anc - 2013-11-03.ged on Nov 3, 2013. Click to the Changes page for the details of edits by Robert and others.
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Daniel:
Monroe-13 and Munroe-165 appear to represent the same person because: Dates match. Correct spelling of last name is Munroe. See History of the Town of Lexington, Vol. II.
Born in '25 connections:
Daniel is
15 degrees from Arthur Guinness, 20 degrees from Tommaso d'Aquino, 15 degrees from Juana Aragón, 19 degrees from Jean Martin Charcot, 16 degrees from Johan de Witt, 28 degrees from B. B. King, 13 degrees from Angela Lansbury, 17 degrees from William Little, 17 degrees from Oliver Plunkett, 12 degrees from Joseph-Noël Ritchot, 20 degrees from Catherine Spence and 15 degrees from Wallace Yonamine
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