Cyril Alexander was born 23 December 1890 in Kingston, Jamaica (British West Indies), as an English subject.[1] He immigrated to the US on 23 August 1902, and was naturalized in Baltimore, Maryland during 1922.[2][3] At that time he was already married to Mary [Moseley],[2][4] (b. est. 1892 Virginia).[5] She was the daughter of Eliza Mosley (b. est. 1875 Virginia, widow in 1920), and the sister of Clara Mosley (b. est. 1894 Virginia).[5]
Cyril had already filled out a WWI draft card, a few years before, in 1917.[1] It states that he was supporting his mother, wife and two children, in addition to giving his name, date and location of birth, English citizenship and physical description.[1] Cyril had a slim build of medium height, dark eyes and black hair.[1]
In 1921 he was part of the ship crew on the Weat Apaum, working as the cook. The ship appears to have departed from Baltimore and made a stop at Liverpool, Lancashire, England in late June of that year.[6]
Cyril was killed in 1942 while serving in the US Merchant Marine. His ship, the Oakmar, was torpedoed by the German submarine U-71. [7]
U.S. Merchant Marine Mariner's Medal
U.S. Merchant Marine World War II Victory Medal
one Cyril Alexander Ogle (b. 17 Aug 1887 Kingston, Jamaica), was the son of Cecilia Gabbin. A man named William Ogle was present for the birth and signed the certificate.[8] -- poss. same person, but could be relative or older sibling [who perhaps died young]...
↑ 2.02.1
Petition for Naturalization of Cyril Ogle National Archives Identifier: 59811735. Series: Petitions for Naturalization, 1903 - 1972 Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685 - 2009. U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. ca. 1952-10/1994. US National Archives. Web.
Petition for Naturalization of Cyril Alexander Ogle. National Archives Identifier: 59811737. Series: Petitions for Naturalization, 1903 - 1972; Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685 - 2009. U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. ca. 1952-10/1994. US National Archives. Web.
Mary in entry for Cyril Alexander Ogle, 1922; from "Naturalization Petitions of the US District Court for the District of Maryland, 1906-1930,"; citing NARA microfilm M1640 (DC: NARA, n.d.), roll 22.