Per was born in March 1875[1] at the home of his maternal grandparents Nils and Anna in Härlöv[2], his mother Hanna Nilsdotter was still unmarried but her father Nils had given permission for the marriage between his daughter Hanna Nilsdotter and Ola Olsson, who had acknowledged himself as Per's father. The parents married about two months after Per's birth. His father Ola Olsson was a sort of farmhand (statare), which meant that they moved often, almost every winter to a new place of work. Between 1875 and 1877 the young family lived at Härlöv No 7 in Norra Åsum[3], where Per's younger brother Nils was born.
In 1877 the family moves to Charlottenborg No 2-3[4], in 1878 they move to Åsumtorp No 1[5], now father Ola is a (husman), they live in a house of their own. Here Nils dies and later Per's younger siblings Anna and Nils are born[6]. A few years later in 1893, the family moves to Röalycke in Färlöv[7], father Ola works as a farm labourer, here another son, Jakob Oskar was born. The following year the family lives in Bjärlöv No 17 [8], Färlöv and another year later they move back to Norra Åsum and Hovby No 12 [9]. Here father Ola is a tenant farmer and another sibling of Per is born, Gerda.
Per moves away from his parents in 1890, to Hovby No 9[10], where he has found work as a farm hand. The following year Per moves to Hovby No 17[11] and in 1892 to Hovby No 18,[12][13] in 1993 back to Hovby No 9[14] and in 1894 to Hovby No 2 The following year back to the cottage at Hovby No 12 and his parents[15]. These years he has worked as a servant[16].
In 1918 Per is a carpenter's apprentice and the family has moved to Åsum No 25[22][23], the following year they move to Vä No 47[24], Per is now a qualified carpenter. Hilding has left home. In 1920 they are at Vä 33-35[25], Ragnar, who has lived with his parents for a while, moves away again in 1921. The rest of the family moves to Vä No 5[26] in the same year, Per is a carpenter and they live in their own house. Hilding comes home to his parents in 1925 and moves again in 1932. Siri Frideborg moves to Kristianstad in 1933, she lives with her parents between 1941 and 1942, when she marries and moves back to Kristianstad[27][28]. Per dies in October 1958[29]. Johanna continues to live in the house in Vä until her death in November 1971.
↑ Norra Åsums kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/LLA/13285/C I/8 (1865-1891), bildid: 00121583_00061, sida 58: Dopvittne: Dräng Anders Olsson N-o 9 Åsumtorp och pigan Elna Olsd-r i Wä och Drg Magnus Andersson N-o 5 Åsumtorp.
Övrigt: Fadern 25 år. Ännu ej gifta. Fadren tjenstehjon (å N-o 2 Åsumtorp) (Fadren Nils Rasmusson har gifvit sitt bifall till Hanna Nilsd-r äktenskap med Olu Olsson, på grund hvaraf hon blifvit intagen såsom hans äkta hustru den 29 Mars 1875) [Prästens parentes]
↑ Sveriges befolkning 1950 (ArkivDigital) AID: r1.p2213060: Förnamn
Norra Åsum, Kristianstads län
Gift man 1898-12-03
f Bränneriarb
Vä, Kristianstads län
Vä 5:15
Vä 5, Vä
Tidigare mantalsskrivning 1946: Vä, Kristianstads län, Vä 5:15
↑ Sveriges Dodbok 7: Olsson, Per
Vä 5:15
Död 3/10 1958.
Kyrkobokförd i Vä, Vä kn (Kristianstads län, Skåne).
Född 1/3 1875 i Norra Åsum (Kristianstads län, Skåne).
Gift man (3/12 1898).
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