Kathie (Parks) Forbes
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Kathie (Parks) Forbes

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 29 Apr 2015 | 25,016 contributions | 3,667 thank-yous | 2,711 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same genealogical or historical interests. Here is my family tree.
Kathie Forbes formerly Parks
Born 1940s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of [private sister (1940s - unknown)]
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Kathie Forbes private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 28 Apr 2015
This page has been accessed 18,047 times.


Kathie is Cherokee.

A third-generation Washingtonian, I grew up in northern Virginia. My great-grandfather, Lewis Cass White a Civil War veteran, moved to Washington after the war to work for what was then called the Pension Bureau (now Veterans' Affairs). He married Susannah Yount, a Pennsylvania German. My grandmother, Sadie White and mother, Florence Evans were both born in Washington, D.C. Her father William Evans grew up on a farm in western New York, the grandson of recent Welsh immigrants and descendant of English immigrants who arrived about 1640. My father, Joe Parks [1] was from Oklahoma, the son of James A T Parks a Cherokee Methodist minister and Florence Youngblood a woman from Mississippi who went to Oklahoma to teach Indians in 1913. I graduated from the University of New Hampshire married Kerry Forbes [2] and ended up living in New Hampshire and working at the University of New Hampshire for almost 50 years. I have three children and six grandchildren. After retirement I returned to northern Virginia. I am a citizen of Cherokee Nation and have been studying Cherokee history and working with Cherokee genealogy for over 35 years.

Most of my European ancestors immigrated to America in the 1600's and early 1700's from the British Isles, mostly Scotland/Northern Ireland and Wales. My genealogical goal is to trace each line back to the immigrant ancestor.


  1. Paternal relationship confirmed by Gedmatch match of 3586.9cm between kits T248947 (Joe) and A340796 (Kathie) at a genetic distance of 1.
  2. "Virginia, Marriage Certificates, 1936-1988," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QK96-8LDB : 20 August 2018), Kerry Duncan Forbes and Kathryn Parks, 01 Feb 1969; from "Virginia, Marriage Records, 1700-1850," database and images, Ancestry (http://www.ancestry.com : 2012); citing , Falls Church, Virginia, United States, certificate 69008248, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond

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DNA Connections
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Comments: 94

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Hi, Kathie, this profile might belong in the First Peoples Project. I would certainly recommend review of the information presented.


and her husband https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Mouet-11

Thanks, Cindy

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Hello I think we have distant relations through my mother's father's side my gedmatch is: MS7865905 my mother's is: JH3445091

I do think there may be some merit to the native connection because I have matched a few other members from different family lines through gedmatch at 4-5th my native lineage does travel a bit. Please feel free to check it out and compare.

posted by Ruthy McGuffey
Thank you for merging my Jonathan Jacob Ellington grandfather.

I see you and are 11th cousins..

posted by Ann (Feken) Mitchell
Hello 18th cousin 💕

Our matches on GED match...

Comparing Kit A340796 (*Joesdaughter) [Migration - F2 - A] and Kit TA7057982 (Polly Ramos) [Select a Company or Source]

Hard Breaks Checked for cM (2.0) if GAP is greater than 500000 Basis Pairs. Segment threshold size will be adjusted dynamically with an average of 208 SNPs. About 2/3 will occur between 191 and 225. Mismatch-bunching Limit will be adjusted to 60 percent of the segment threshold size for any given segment.

Chr B37 Start Pos'n B37 End Pos'n Centimorgans (cM) SNPs Segment threshold Bunch limit SNP Density Ratio 1 752,721 3,108,496 7.6 291 207 124 0.23

4 8,512,889 11,232,758 3 335 180 108 0.2

4 25,056,765 27,256,570 5.2 374 186 111 0.26

4 70,462,803 74,039,463 3.1 373 220 132 0.21

6 44,600,814 46,942,896 3.4 311 210 126 0.22

7 141,943,262 144,874,336 3.3 282 213 128 0.22

9 16,217,587 18,267,185 3.8 461 220 132 0.31

12 109,232,153 113,411,806 3.2 362 237 142 0.24

17 32,306,732 34,977,393 4.4 452 239 143 0.32

22 36,658,534 37,571,498 4.5 244 207 124 0.32

Largest segment = 7.6 cM

Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 41.6cM

10 shared segments found for this comparison.

411942 SNPs used for this comparison.

posted by Polly Watkins
Some informal comparisons on GEDmatch using whole genome sequencing results have indicated that any reported segment of less than or equal to 20cM will be a false-positive up to 63% of the time. None of of the displayed segments are 8cM or greater.

Also of note is that the pre-Genesis GEDmatch used a reasonable minimum SNP threshold of 700. All reported segments fall well below that.

There may be a genetic association between the two kits, but a match will be inconclusive without examining and comparing the raw DNA data.

posted by Edison Williams
Hi Kathie,

Your work caught my eye, thank you for sharing all the information.

Our Gedmatch (mine A298211) show about 15cM over 5cM or if you lower to 3cM shows up to 39.6cM largest section 6.1cM. I used Wiki’s relationship kinder and. We share Richard York as 15th (mine) and your 16th great grandfather.

Could our DNA match simply be Richard or from a closer match? Ancestry’s relationship chart shows: step 4th great-granddaughter of 2nd cousin 7x removed.

Would be interesting in your perspective, thank you in advance.

Steve Parks

posted by Stephen E Parks
Hi Kathie

I just discovered that I have a GEDmatch with your father. 7cm on the 1st Chromosome. You are not a match however. Maybe you have a clue as to what gggg-grandparent we may share. Any clues?

posted by E. Stagner
That's such a tiny match that if there is actually a relationship it would be farther back. Looking at your tree I don't see any connection points. There is only one set of my father's third great-grandparents I haven't identified and they were in Louisana and Mississippi in the early 1800's.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
I knew it was a long shot. My mother has family from Louisiana and my dad has some from Mississippi. Thanks for answering though.
posted by E. Stagner
I just found another Bluejacket, this time a chief with an incredible story in his bio. He just has one source, and he needs a sticker.


posted by Jennifer Fulk
edited by Jennifer Fulk
Hi Kathie, I'm not sure who to reach out to, but I came across a family whose mom had "Shawnee Indian blood. Her tribe was adopted into the Cherokee nation."

I feel this family would be great for those more experienced in this subject.

Her profile (a lot of family needs to be added, and photos of them are on Family Search):


posted by Jennifer Fulk
edited by Jennifer Fulk
I've connected Sally to her family, already here on Wikitree.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
edited by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
Osiyo Kathie, just receive an email update on a new wiki member. Deeply appreciate your work on here, if you or anyone has access to census 1910 1920 of Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri I'm looking for Tsalagi that moved there after Dawes ancestor name Minnie GLADNEY nee MCMAHAN also buried in KC, Mo next to husband, most recent census showed a child she lost. female and not on census afterwards. Ancestry only let me see briefly n then blocked it. Can add image / screenshot as a source to her wiki page. Just want to make sure child is remembered as her daughter Betty's first child James whom died before 2 yr old. Wado.
posted by T.C. Justine Baker
I am always sent genealogical information that doesn't always apply to me, but I find it quite interesting, & look for the project it may apply towards; for Native Americans - https://explore.informationvine.com/50-never-before-seen-photos-of-native-americans-that-will-change-history-as-we-know-it-copy/3?utm_template=infinite&utm_source=push
posted by Debra (Downs) Allison
Kathie, hi again. I just wanted to let you know that the digital image of the land grant you sent to me was exactly what I needed to prove that my ancestor was transported from England to the Colony of Virginia by William Whittington. With this now proven, if I can discover where Whittington's transport came from then I just may be able to prove or disprove an uncited pedigree that was published more than 60 years ago.

If I can ever return the favor, please don't hesitate to ask.


posted by Roy Pope Jr.

If You Check Out John Henderson Sizemore (1743 - 1803) D.N.A. Test Connections, You Will Find Sam Campbell ( 0.39 % [ Me ] ) & Annalee Campbell / Conn ( 0.39 [ My Sister ] ) Listed, So We Should Be Listed On Edward Sizemore (abt. 1725 - abt. 1780) , Father Of John Henderson Sizemore { Edward Sizemore } D.N.A. Test Match Also !


Sam Campbell

posted by Sam Campbell
I always smile when I see something related to you. Thank you for being so diligent
posted by Christine Zentner
Hi partner. I was moved by your recent comment on Nancy Ward's profile to read each profile down from her to you. I really like the profiles you've written, and now I have a much fuller picture of that branch of your tree. Way overdue for me to do this, but I enjoyed learning more about your family.
posted by Jillaine Smith
Feeling ongoing appreciation for all you do here, Kathie. Thank you SO much!!!
posted by Jillaine Smith
Kathie, do I correctly understand that the NA project believes that Mohawk is the appropriate last name for Mohawk-5? There is still one more pending merge for her, with CANIACHKOO-3. It was last proposed (by me) 27 days ago, after a previous proposal had been rejected by the profile manager of the CANIACHKOO profile. I could adopt the CANIACHKOO profile and complete the merge, but I do not want to do that sort of thing if the profile manager who objected previously has not yet come to terms with the situation.

If this woman existed, there is no good reason to think her first name was Lysette or Lysbet. There is a record suggesting that Lysbet was the first name of the wife of the New Netherland settler that some of his descendants believe was married to a Mohawk woman.

There is also a pending merge for the father of this woman, approved by one party with default approval from the other: Mohawk-11 and Mohawk-6 . Does that merge look good to you?

posted by Ellen Smith
I doubt that this woman actually existed, but getting all of her profiles merged into one makes sense, and Mohawk is as likely a tribe as any other. Caniachkoo was probably a Mohawk, and she is supposedly his daughter. She should end up as Unknown Mohawk with a bio explaining that she was created as the wife of van Woggelum, but is unsourced, probably mythical, and detached from everyone. I don't see any reason not to just wait for the other merge to default and then clean up the final profile. Yes, I think Mohawk-11 and Mohawk-5 are meant to be the same man. Mohawk-7 should also have a first name of Unknown. There are no records of a wife and if she existed she wouldn't have had her husband's name.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
I completed the merges and revised the profile of the supposed daughter a bit -- mostly to document details that result from identifying her as the wife of Pieter van Woggelum. I will change the project account assignments once I lookup the codes for the NA project.
posted by Ellen Smith
Caniachkoo also needs to be PPP- Native American Project. His profile is also a mess with inappropriate/copyrighted images attached. I will see what actual facts I can find.
posted by Kathie (Parks) Forbes
Thanks! I will add Caniachkoo to the NA project.

Regarding images, recently I have encountered several images in WikiTree that are not the person who they were claimed to be. (Most of these seem to have been imported from Ancestry family trees or findagrave.) I have found tineye.com to be very helpful for identifying images that are copyright-protected or are not the person named.

FYI: The early historical documents related to New Netherland name a goodly number of individual Native Americans who interacted with Europeans. This is one of the reasons why some profiles like these were included in the New Netherland Settlers project. I am not very conversant with the historical sources (a rich source of genealogical material that deserves to be mined), but periodically I run across an historical account that names individuals who had engaged in negotiations with Europeans. Also, the Dutch church records include baptisms and marriages of indigenous people, some of whom are named in the records (others are simply called pros). And I am rather sure that some children born to European men and Native wives were absorbed into the white community -- the case I am most familiar with is Van_Slyck-29.

posted by Ellen Smith
Fair use

In the case of fair use, the copyrighted picture can only be used for educational, personal or research purposes, or if it’s beneficial to the public. However, determining what can fall under this category is not necessarily easy for an everyday image user as there are a number of factors that go into consideration under the framework of the U.S. Copyright Act.

posted by [Living Johnson]
Public domain

When an image belongs to the public domain, it means that it is not subject to copyright. Common cases are when the owner of the work passed away or abandoned all rights to the work. However, crediting the picture might still be needed based on what the requirements are, for example in the case of the Getty Search Gateway project.

posted by [Living Johnson]
From your friends at the Appreciation Team:

Congrats on the Super Star Badge!

posted by SJ Baty
Congratulations Kathie
wonderful wikitreer
Kathie (Parks) Forbes is a Wonderful WikiTreer.

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Categories: Cherokee Team | New England Historic Genealogical Society | Cherokee