John Paul (Paul) Jones
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John (Paul) Jones (1747 - 1792)

Captain John (John Paul) Jones formerly Paul
Born in Estate of Abigland, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotlandmap
Ancestors ancestors
Died at age 45 in Paris, Francemap
Profile last modified | Created 16 Feb 2015
This page has been accessed 17,400 times.
John Paul (Paul) Jones participated in the American Revolution.
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SAR insignia
John Paul (Paul) Jones is an NSSAR Patriot Ancestor.
NSSAR Ancestor #: P-226295
Rank: Naval Captain
1776 Project
Captain John Paul (Paul) Jones served with Continental Navy during the American Revolution.
Notables Project
John Paul (Paul) Jones is Notable.

John Paul Jones was a Scottish sailor and the United States' first well-known naval fighter in the American Revolution. Although he made enemies among America's political elites, his actions in British waters during the Revolution earned him an international reputation which persists to this day. As such he is sometimes referred to as the "Father of the United States Navy".[1] He later served in the Imperial Russian Navy at the invitation of Catherine The Great [2] .


John Paul was born in a cottage on the estate of Arbigland near Kirkbean, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright on the southwest coast of Scotland on July 6th, 1747 to John Paul, Sr. a gardener on William Craik's estate and Jean McDuff, his wife, who had been Mr. Craik's housekeeper.[3][1][4] The cottage is now known as The Commodore John Paul Jones Cottage. John loved the sea from an early age.[4] John began his education at the parish school near his home, but his formal education ended when he was apprenticed to his first ship.[4]

Military Service

John Paul was only 13 when he began his maritime career, as an apprentice aboard the Friendship under Captain Benson. [5][1] He was a merchant shipmaster by the age of twenty-one. At one point he was involved in killing a mutinous sailor in self-defense, at which point he fled and added "Jones" to his name in order to conceal his identity.[1] Jones was the name of the bondsman who supported him while he was managing his late brother, William's estate in Virginia.[4]

John Paul served in the military during the years of 1775–88. As an officer of the Continental Navy of the American Revolution, John Paul helped establish the traditions of courage and professionalism that the sailors of the United States Navy today proudly maintain. Having taken up residence in Virginia, he volunteered early in the War of Independence to serve in his adopted country's infant navy and raised with his own hands the Continental ensign on board the flagship of the Navy's first fleet. He took the war to the enemy's homeland with daring raids along the British coast and the famous victory of the Bonhomme Richard over HMS Serapis. After the Bonhomme Richard began taking on water and fires broke out on board, the British commander asked Jones if he had struck his flag. Jones replied, "I have not yet begun to fight!" In the end, it was the British commander who surrendered. [1]

John Paul's final rank in the US Navy was Captain, and in the Imperial Russian Navy was Rear Admiral. He participated in the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Nassau, the Battle of Block Island, the USS Providence vs HMS Mellish, the Irish/North Sea Campaign, in the Action of 24 April 1778, and the Battle of Flamborough Head. His merits included the Institution du Mérite Militaire, the Congressional Gold Medal, and the Order of St. Anne.

Jones is remembered for his indomitable will, his unwillingness to consider surrender when the slightest hope of victory still burned. Throughout his naval career Jones promoted professional standards and training. Sailors of the United States Navy can do no better than to emulate the spirit behind John Paul Jones's stirring declaration: "I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast for I intend to go in harm's way." [1]

John Paul JONES[1]
SAR Patriot #: P-226295
State of Service: MD
Qualifying Service: Naval Captain
Birth: 06 Jul 1747 Arbigland Estate / Kirkcudbrightshire / Scotland
Death: 18 Jul 1792 Paris / / France
Qualifying Service Description:
(1): Famous for "I have not yet begun to fight"
(2): Held rank of Lieutenant, Captain, & Commodore in the US Navy
(3): Commanded the sloops "Providence", "Rander", "Alfred", "Bonhomme Richard", "Alliance" and "Ariel"
Additional References:
Any encylopedia, U.S. Naval Academy (Chapel), by Eliot Morrison, Library of Congress card no. 59-5285, pg 408-409

September 23, 1779: An American Sailor Becomes A Legend

On September 23, 1779, during the American Revolution, John Paul Jones achieved one of the most celebrated naval victories in U.S. history while commanding the USS Bonhomme Richard. The battle took place off the coast of Flamborough Head, near Yorkshire, England, where Jones faced the formidable British warship HMS Serapis. This clash, later known as the Battle of Flamborough Head, showcased the resilience and audacity of the American forces as they took on the might of the British Navy.

John Paul Jones, born in Scotland in 1747, immigrated to America and quickly became a key figure in the fledgling United States Navy. His early career was marked by daring naval raids and successes, earning him a reputation as a fearless and skilled commander. By the time of the battle, he had already become a legendary figure, but his actions during this particular engagement elevated him to almost mythical status in American history.

Jones’ ship, the USS Bonhomme Richard, was a former French merchant vessel that had been refitted for combat. Despite being slower and less well-armed than the British warships it encountered, Jones and his crew were determined to strike a blow against the British Navy, which at the time was the most powerful maritime force in the world. On that fateful September evening, Jones, along with a small squadron of American and French vessels, encountered a British convoy escorted by HMS Serapis and the Countess of Scarborough.

The battle began with a ferocious exchange of cannon fire. The Bonhomme Richard took heavy damage early on, and its condition seemed dire as the more maneuverable and better-armed Serapis unleashed a relentless barrage. At one point, a British officer, seeing the extent of the damage to Jones’ ship, called out to him, asking if he was ready to surrender. Jones famously responded, “I have not yet begun to fight!” His refusal to give up would become a symbol of the American spirit of determination and perseverance during the Revolutionary War.

As the battle raged on, Jones made the bold decision to lash his crippled ship to the Serapis, engaging in close-quarters combat. With his crew using muskets, grenades, and even pikes, the Americans slowly gained the upper hand. Despite the Bonhomme Richard being on the verge of sinking, Jones and his men fought on fiercely, eventually boarding the Serapis and overcoming the British crew. After several hours of intense fighting, the British captain, Richard Pearson, was forced to surrender.

The victory at Flamborough Head was not just a testament to Jones’ skill as a naval commander, but also to his unyielding determination. Though his ship, the Bonhomme Richard, was so badly damaged that it sank shortly after the battle, Jones’ triumph over the Serapis was a significant morale booster for the American cause. It showed that even against the world’s most powerful navy, American forces could win decisive victories through sheer grit and bravery.

John Paul Jones’ success in the Battle of Flamborough Head became a defining moment in naval history and solidified his place as one of the greatest naval commanders of the Revolutionary War. His legendary refusal to surrender and his bold tactics symbolized the broader American struggle for independence, highlighting the resilience of a nation fighting for its freedom against overwhelming odds. This victory remains one of the most iconic episodes of the American Revolution and a proud chapter in the history of the U.S. Navy.[2]


John Paul Jones died July 18, 1792 of interstitial nephritis and was found lying face-down on his bed in his third-floor Paris apartment, No. 19 Rue de Tournon. A small procession of servants, friends and loyal family walked his body the four miles (6.4 km) for burial. Having no wife or children, he left his entire estate to his sisters and their children.[4] He was buried in Paris at the Saint Louis Cemetery, which belonged to the French royal family. [6]

Burial and Exhumation

There is quite an extensive story on his burial and re-interment on Wikipedia.[5] His body was located in 1905, mummified and placed in a lead coffin. On approaching the American coastline, seven U.S. Navy battleships joined the procession escorting Jones's body back to America. On April 24, 1906, Jones's coffin was installed in Bancroft Hall at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, following a ceremony in Dahlgren Hall, presided over by President Theodore Roosevelt who gave a speech paying tribute to John Paul Jones and holding him up as an example to the officers of the Navy. On January 26, 1913, the Captain's remains were finally re-interred in a magnificent bronze and marble sarcophagus at the United States Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. FindAGrave features a photo of his memorial with what appears to be a casket, in a roped off section of the Chapel. [7]


Places that bear his name:

Ships that bear his name:


Scipio and Cato Jones are identified as "former slaves of Captain Jones" from Virgina. They were both on the crew of Capt. Jones' ship the "Ranger" which sailed from the Piscataqua River in Kittery, Maine on Nov 1, 1777. [8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 History Editors, "John Paul Jones.", 29 Jun 2019. Web.
  2. Wikipedia contributors. "Catherine the Great." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 Jun. 2019. Web. 29 Jun. 2019. Wikipedia:Catherine the Great
  3. Revolutionary War Archives: Jones Cottage
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Paull, Elisabeth Maxwell, Paull-Irwin: A family sketch. Privately published, 1915. Pg 16.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Wikipedia contributors. "John Paul Jones." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 29 Jun. 2019. Web. 29 Jun. 2019. Wikipedia:John Paul Jones
  6. Parouse
  7. Find A Grave: Memorial #554 page for John Paul Jones (6 Jul 1747–18 Jul 1792), citing United States Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA; accessed 20 March 2023; Maintained by Find a Grave.
  8. A record of the services of the commissioned officers and enlisted men of Kittery and Eliot, Maine, who served their country on land and sea in the American Revolution, from 1775 to 1783 Remick, Oliver P.; Publisher Boston : A. Mudge & Son, 1901 Page 213

See also:

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Comments: 18

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Hi Rachal,

Please note that information generated from family trees like and are not considered reliable sources for use in the 1776 Project. See for more information.

Even so, these frequently contain useful sources. If you find such information that is not already on a profile, please use the direct link to this information.

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posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
1776 Project adding project management (PMP) and project protection (PPP) as co-manager—historical figure.

Please review 1776 Project-Managed Profiles for more information.

The Wikipedia article on John Paul Jones explains the adoption of the Jones surname. Following links to Willie Jones ( ) we find that he was a bondsman who had helped the brother of John Paul. And needing to adopt a new surname while fleeing authorities, he took his name. Discovered while seeking to confirm a story in family lore regarding members of the Texas Jones family, claiming a connection to Willie Jones. Research is needed to create a profile for this notable!
posted by Gerry Bingham
edited by Gerry Bingham
Hey Gerry, thanks for this information! The link in the above comment has an extra ")" at the end and does not point to the right web page.
posted by Aaron Henderson
Fixed! Thanks for pointing it out - the parens was supposed to be there, but, the comments widget was attaching it to the link until I added a space!
posted by Gerry Bingham
Jones was involved in the slave trade as an apprentice, but had such a distaste for it, he left the to pursue other work.
posted by Abby (Brown) Glann
The USS John Paul Jones(1991) is a destroyer as was the 1954 USS John Paul Jones. Both are warships though not battleships.

In the 18th and 19th century 13 was a reasonable age for a child to be apprenticed/start work - becoming a ships master so young was an achievement. In answer to Norma's question Jones was a British subject when he began to fight for the revolutionaries, (A renegade Scot, as my father called him) America only became a country on 4th July 1776.

posted by Dave Waters
Was the Captain Benson that he was apprentice to the one that was part of the slave trade? The other question is - was he still British when he started to attack and kill his countrymen or had he become an American citizen by then?
Nice profile.
posted by Paula (Hawkins) Reinke
Hi there, profile managers!

We'll be featuring John Paul Jones in July as our example profile of the week. Feel free to make some updates between now and then. Otherwise, I'll be doing some tinkering closer to the feature date (Jul3).

Thanks! Abby

posted by Abby (Brown) Glann Grave of the older brother of John Paul (Jones).
posted by Don Giddens
Added info on birth place, burial and exhumation
Jones-45707 and Paul-2245 appear to represent the same person because: These are the same very famous Revolutionary war hero. Correct last name at birth is Paul from several very well documented sources. He adopted the name Jones after emigrating to America.
posted by Gordon Simpkinson
Hi Gene, Thanks for your great work on John Paul Jones. I removed the American Revoluntion Category as this is an organizing Category and not one we put individuals in. But then I did add the 1776 Veteran's Template and the American Founding Fathers Category so this puts him back in the subcategories of the American Revolution.
posted by Michael Stills
Paul-2079 and Jones-526 appear to represent the same person because: I don't know about the wife, with Wheeler as a bond it could be, same name, time frame, same child. Jones-526 is project protected, be very careful, I would prefer to merge, would like your ok. Gene Adkins

Acadian heritage connections: John Paul is 20 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 21 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 20 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 22 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 21 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 23 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 19 degrees from Anne Murray, 23 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 19 degrees from Marie Travers and 22 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.