Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Laura (Pennie) Bozzay

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 30 Nov 2016 | 13,794 contributions | 1,686 thank-yous | 707 connections
Laura J. Bozzay formerly Pennie
Ancestors ancestors
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Laura Bozzay private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 3 Jan 2017
This page has been accessed 10,642 times.


Laura has participated in 52 out of 52 weeks during the 2018 52 Ancestors Challenge.
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay has French origins.
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay is a member of the Germany Project.
Scottish flag
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay has Scottish Ancestors.
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay Is a member of the Scottish Clans Protocol Team
Secret Santa Challenge
Laura gifted some WikiTree kindness during the 2019 Secret Santa!

"To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists: ...". see bottom of profile please!

I have been doing genealogy for over 2 decades. I am a board owner of several boards on I am co-moderator of the Moselle list for Yahoo Groups, I am the owner of a number of surname groups including Stenger-Stanger, Eufinger, Bozzay, and hold the office of Honorary Causes for genverre an international organization dedicated to the preservation of knowledge about glass and crystal makers and their craft. I routinely help others with their genealogy and am happy to assist where I can.

On the Weekend Chat for Jan 5-7, 2018 Natalie Trott posted some questions to jazz up your profile in a fun way. So I "played" the game and these are my answers:

Measurements: I work with pounds, ounces and grams

Weight: how spices must be sold in the US not by volume

Turn-ons: My granddaughters' and grandson's smiles, my husbands hugs and kisses, family get-togethers

Turn-offs: pop culture stuff, politics

Favorite activities: playing board or card games, genealogy, reading, cooking, when it is warm enough being outside

Favorite misheard song lyric AKA mondegreen: I can't think of any...most lyrics I am hearing these days are children's songs...grandmother stuff

Favorite song lyric: People, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world tied with What the world needs now is Love sweet Love

Guilty pleasures: Dark Chocolate

Ambitions: Getting all of my gedcom folks into WikiTree... am doing them all manually... too many fixes I would need to make to mesh with WikiTree guidelines

Favorite concert: Actually I love Classical Guitar like Andre Segovia but he is dead now so I have to settle for recordings

Favorite books':Preston and Child Agent Pendergast Series and just about anything by Charles DeLint

Favorite movies: Walk Don't Run, Philadelphia Story with Grant, Hepburn and Stewart, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings series and Harry Potter series.

Favorite TV show: NCIS the original

Favorite SIrius XM Station: I dumped that service. I listen to ipod in car.

Favorite relative: Jean Georges dit Chambre Walter who wrote a chronicle of our glass making family that went back to the 1500s. He wrote this in the 1700s.

Favorite job ever: Babysitting for my granddaughter who is now in preschool but I get to watch my grandson now! ... in a commercial world I loved being at Maritz for 22 years. And I loved co-owning a spice company which we sold in 2108.

Worst job ever: I never had a bad job. I only had one marginal boss and he did not last long.

Sports played: Fast pitch softball, power volley ball, basketball, field hockey, archery, swimming

Pets: Alaskan Malamutes for over 20 years. As a child parakeet and turtle and fish.

Foods I crave: Chocolate of course, but I had a great great grandfather who owned a candy factory so I can claim a genetic link

People I admire: My husband he is a self made man. Worked and put himself through college and a masters degree.

Bucket list: Visit all of the places my ancestors lived... which covers a lot of the world!

Favorite song to sing: Bingo and watch my grandchildren clap.

In the morning: Turn on the computer and get emails while drinking a combo of OJ and Cranberry Juice.

In the evening: Genealogy while watching TV and doing dishes / laundry etc. I live on about 4 hours sleep so I am up most nights to at least midnight if not 1 or 2 am.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay at registration.

I have extensive primary source materials some that go back centuries. These are mainly focused to glass and crystal makers from Eastern France. I own several genealogical books for cities in Eastern France. I have written several articles for genealogical magazines that have been published in several different publications. I own a large library that takes up multiple rooms in my house and took a 14 foot truck to move over 24 years ago. I am an avid researcher who is comfortable using many different tools. I have had my autosomal DNA tested by FTDNA and recently by Ancestry. Below I explain how my DNA is confirmed for both maternal and paternal branches.

FTDNA matches and Gedcom Match with D. R-V who wrote me: " I know that I uploaded my line on FTDNA ...I am related to the Cheyne's, Henderson's, Kerr's and the lateral lines. When you mentioned Catherine Kerr is she the one b. 1869 in Lonmay who married Charles Pennie? They came to Canada? She would have been a 2nd cousin to my Grandmother." This Catherine Kerr is my great grandmother. D. R-V and I match at 2nd-cousin to 4th cousin prediction . Our longest block match is 29 and we have 61 shared cm. We match on chromosomes 2 and 12. This match proves DNA from Catherine Kerr to me through my Father. We both match 8 others at FTDNA and more on

FTDNA matches and Gedcom Match with MB through our Sanders to Euffinger to Hempen to my mother prove my Mother's DNA and all relations from Heinrich Sanders and his family down to me. We share 11 chromosome segments on 3 (2 different segments), 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 19, and X. 23 longest segment and 55 cm. Her Grandmother was my Great Grandmother's sister. She and I match 6 others on FTDNA.

Just updating 5 closest matches to both D. R-V and me, now out of 40. Because I have not gotten permission to post their names I have used initials: NAME MATCHNAME CHROMOSOME START LOCATION END LOCATION CENTIMORGANS MATCHING SNPS Laura Bozzay D. R-V 2 65833144 104798574 28.89 7579 Laura Bozzay JTA 4 156350398 175137263 19.66 3900 Laura Bozzay LO 2 66555574 77509668 13.35 1764 Laura Bozzay ME 2 66555574 78713382 14.55 3300 Laura Bozzay PN 2 69196653 83888874 15.24 3700

Additionally, Laura matches with Kathleen Renziehausen (51 cm shared with 11 longest block), her sister, and her son plus others on both FTDNA and Gedmatch. We share Koenig ancestry my Theresia is her Ignaatz sister. See and her brother So this proves the Koenig down to Laura. Sanders came from Laura's Grandfather's Father's Mother's side and Koenig came from her Grandmother's Mother's Father's Side. So both her maternal grandparents have been proven via DNA.

"To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists: Admin team, my husband, Ron Bozzay Bozzay-2, Members of the following projects: France, Germany, Scotland, Integrators, Pre-1500, Sourcerers Challenge, and anyone who can demonstrate a link to one of the profiles I managed. My intent is make this available to WikiTree members forever."

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Laura's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • nicknames
  • e-mail address
  • birth location
  • images (15)
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Laura Bozzay's full information you must be on Laura's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Laura:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Laura (Pennie) Bozzay: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch KW7747823 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member glass600 + Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T129400 [compare] [compare x], FTDNA kit #465015 + Autosomal DNA Test, GEDmatch GU2396830 [compare] [compare x]
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 117

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Hi fellow Wikitreer

I did receive your kind email about “Past lives” I do think their is so much more to our lives and genealogy can play its part in helping us determine maybe more about this phenomenon.

Kind regards Andrew

posted by Andrew Simpier
Hi Laura, the US Civil War Project is conducting a Check-in for 2024 to see if your still interested/active in the Project.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Yes count me as in. See. Gebhardt-285
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
edited by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Thank you Laura for remaining in the project, a very nice job of Gottfried's profile. A lot of history there for your family.
posted by Pam Kreutzer

Thank you for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the 2023 Source-a-Thon! Dorothy will be starting a chat page on G2G when we get a little closer to the Thon. Our team page is here: It has, among other info, the thon's video chat schedule, and a link to the Southern Super Sweepers discord channel.

See you then!


Co-Captain, Southern Super Sweepers

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
On the recent Wikitree, it states that you have answered a question about Josephine. Where is this located? I cannot find it.

Sandy Morrey

posted by Sandy Morrey
Hi Laura,

It is once again time for our annual Scotland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:

•If you would like to continue as a project member •If you are happy with your current teams or would you like to join a different team •How much time per month (on average) you spend working on Scottish profiles •Anything you’d like the Scotland Project to do more of in the future

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you are no longer able to participate in the Scotland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.

On behalf of the Scotland Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve Scottish profiles!

Sheena - Scotland Project Membership Coordinator

yes I still work on Scottish profiles. I am happy doing what I do.
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi Laura,

Thanks for your reply and we're delighted that you're staying with the project.

All the best Sheena

Dear Laura,

since I didn’t see any reaction from your side about the check-in message from May, I assume you don’t want to remain a project member. If I don’t hear from you within the next 14 days, I will then remove your Germany Project badge. If you do not wish for that to happen, please reply to the check-in message below or send me a direct message.

If this message finds you too late, feel free to re-request the badge by replying to our G2G join post.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
Dear Germany Project member,

it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.

If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.

In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.

Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
It's time for the One Place Studies Project Check-In!

We've put together a survey for you to fill out to check in with you, it will only take a moment as there are only a few questions. Filling out the survey lets us know you are still interested in coordinating your study and provides an opportunity for you to share any suggestions you may have for the project.

If you have decided to step away from your study, please reply to this comment to that effect.

posted by Azure Robinson
Firstly Laura , what a fantastic TREE you have researched. My Family Tree for "Weber" ended when my grand parents had two daughters, Grace and Kathleen. It started way back in the 1500's as OEDINK in the Netherlands. My ancestor moved to the Weber farm and for convenience, took the name. We have no ancestors from Germany, Russia or USA. With your extensive research, I might have gone further.

Richard Burt ( son of Grace Weber )

posted by Richard Burt
Thank you for replying to the Great War Project July 2022 check in (subproject of the Military and War Project), Laura. I have marked you as active.

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson

It is time for a July 2022 check in for the Great War Project. I am sending this message on the behalf of the leader of the Military and War Project. Have you been active in the Great War project in the last six months?

Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE or post reply. I look forward to hearing from you..


Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
I have several profiles who served in WwI and or Ii
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
I haven't heard back from you about our Scotland Project check-in this year. I hope you are well and look forward to hearing from you soon.
posted by Amy (Crawford) Gilpin
Hi, here's a link to a US Civil War Project Challenge you might be interested in:
posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Laura, it's been a couple of weeks since asking if you wished to remain in the US Civil War Between the States Project. I'd appreciate you letting me know by the end of February if you desire to remain in the Project. If I haven't heard from you by then, I'll assume you no longer wish to participate. I hope to hear from you soon, thank you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader

posted by Pam Kreutzer

Thank you for again contributing to the Sourcerers Challenge in January! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.

Nan, WT Appreciation Team

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Hi Laura, I just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done to improve the US Civil War Between the States Project. I'm doing a check-in with all project members and wanted to verify that you're still interested in being a member of the project. Also, any suggestions for the Project would be welcome. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi Laura!

It's time for our annual Scotland Project check-in!

This year we are hoping to learn what our membership would like to accomplish over the next 12 months. In case you aren't aware, this year is WikiTree's "Year of Connections" and the Project's leadership would like to contribute to this in as many ways as possible.

We would appreciate it if you would share your thoughts and ideas with us on how we can accomplish this goal. We would also appreciate it if you would provide some feedback on our existing goals, including:

  • If you have not yet signed up to help on one of the project's teams, which team(s) would you be interested in joining?
  • How often should we provide a Project Newsletter?
  • Have you participated in the Tartan Trail? If not, is this something you'd be interested in doing?
  • Do you have a question(s) that we could add to a Frequently Asked Questions page?
  • Any suggestions or ideas you have on ways to improve the Scotland Project in general

We continue to communicate with our Project members via Google Group (official) and Discord (unofficial), as well as G2G. You may also reach out to any of the Project leaders via WikiTree's internal messaging system at any time.

Thank you for all you do to help the Scotland Project become a knowledge hub for Scottish genealogical research! We wish you all the best in 2022!

Sincerely, Amy Gilpin on behalf of the Scotland Project Leaders

posted by Amy (Crawford) Gilpin
Sorry been offline a lot. Internet connection issues
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
edited by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Yes staying in project. No to tartan trail. Use regions to find connections among members. I am doing ok but not online much.
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay

Thank you for contributing to the December 2021 Sourcerers Challenge! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.

Nan, WT Appreciation Team

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak

Thank you for contributing to the November Sourcerers Challenge! As you know, every source added to an unsourced profile improves our One Tree. Thank you for taking time from your own family history to help others.

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Blue Skies Milestone
Laura reached the Blue Skies milestone by sourcing 50 profiles in the ??MONTH YEAR?? Sourcerers' Challenge
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag

It’s time for a Project check-in!

Scotland Project Leaders check in with you at least once a year to see how you are doing. With the changes happening around the world, we understand that life is hectic right now.

What are you planning to work on for the Scotland Project this year? Are you happy with the team(s) you part of, or would you like to make some changes?

This time round, we’re also looking for feedback on the use of Google Group and Discord. Do you use one or both of these? If you don’t use either of them, what is the best way to ensure you receive Project communications? If you would like to join us on Google Group or Discord, let us know in your response.

posted by Amy (Crawford) Gilpin
I Because of consulting I do for US govt not allowed to use discord. So no will not use it.
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi I'm looking for a little help and I thought you might be a good person to ask. I am so not good at the sources and citations and getting them on the profiles properly. I struggle with the code bits can I ask you to have a look at a profile Palmer-5420 I just added 2 sources think its the last 2 in the list I wondered if you could tell me if I have done it correctly or give me some tips on how to source properly I find it quite awkward finding the correct pages to look at on the site. I like freereg I found that they have a button for creating citations and you can choose wikitree and it writes the citation code for you so all I need to do is copy and paste so wish all websites were so helpful haha. Anyway any help you can offer would be most appreciated.
posted by Suzy Cairns
Hi Suzy. Many sites have a section that says something like "to cite this page" and you copy and paste that in. Family Search example: on the right you see a drop down arrow next to the words Document Information. Select the dropdown arrow and you will see a section called citing this record. That is what you would copy and paste in for the source. I can't tell you how to do this for all sources but look at where you are and look for something like that. When you do the inline reference you would paste the citation in between the brackets. That will then display the full citation with the numbers. Does that help?
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi, Laura

The Ambassadors project has been reorganizing and is looking for those who have a membership at a genealogical society, to help in spreading the word about WikiTree.

We're working on ways to improve how WikiTree connects and interacts with genealogical and local history societies. This is the kind of thing we want to do:

  • Liaise with societies: set up your local society with a free-space page and some WikiTree materials as part of a package.
  • Use social media to promote what societies are offering on WikiTree.
  • Encourage bloggers to blog about societies and the resources available to them on WikiTree.

Are you interested in participating in some way? Do you have some ideas to share?

Azure Rae ~ co-Leader of Ambassadors Project

posted by Azure Robinson
Hi Laura,

Thank you for the time to post the Red Sticker for the 100 Sources!

posted by Carol Baldwin PhD RN
You are most welcome! We love our participants and want to honor the work you do!

Go Sourcerers!

posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay

Hi Laura,

If you're not going to be engaged elsewhere, as a member of the Scotland Project, we'd love to have you join the Twisted Thistles in the upcoming Connect-a-thon the weekend of July 17 - July 20. If you'd like to join us and help to develop our ever-expanding Scottish tree, please register on the G2G post here and be sure to mention you'd like to be on the Twisted Thistles team for Scotland.

We also have our team Chat page posted here.

Hope to see you there!
Bobbie & Sarah
Twisted Thistles Co-captains
posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall
Thanks for all dear Laura!

Over the years we did a lot as a great team and also thanks to you I mafe a lot of progress in my family reseach (sorry, OUR family as we are cousin... ;o)))

posted by Luc Stenger
My dear friend,

Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared (over 200!) made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU, especially ME!

Pip Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

PS: Still doing what I promised, me and the rest of the Sunday group, if you catch my drift.

posted by Pip Sheppard
Right back at you! And wow your fingers must have been flying! I struggled to get the number done I did get done. Thanks for all the prayers and support for my son. He sounds good but his strength is not there yet.
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
I would not have noticed the WW until much later. Thank you my friend for alerting me to this wonderful surprise.
Hi Laura

I have volunteered to help with the Clans and with a Robertson Grandparent, it is of interest to me and I have been added to the clan page list which does not show on the this clan page.

Without a leader could you please advise how we sort what to do and coordinate etc.

posted by Ron Haggart
Hi Ron, I just sent you a private message. Hopefully together we can do something about this. I have a Robertson Great Grandmother.
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Hi Ron, sorry I have been in and out of WT on just very sort durations. My son eventually had life saving emergency surgery once they determined the actual extent of what the chemo had done to him. He is home and sounds better than he has in months but has no strength yet. Last I heard David Urquhart was handling this. And I think Mark was going to have a chart with the Lord Lyon who he knows. So I think the will handle this. I am not active in any of the established clans but have surname ties to several of them. Something I will explore when I have the time. Right now my focus is really on my family and things I can do quickly without necessarily having to work with others as I never know what my schedule will be. When things are more stable I fully intend to come back to a lot of these things and hopefully a lot of the issues will have been worked out by then. Did not mean to just disappear but the severity of the issues we were dealing with necessitated me dropping everything and focusing on my family. I am just now catching up on messages on my profile!
posted by Laura (Pennie) Bozzay
Congratulations Laura !!!!
wonderful wikitreer
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay is a Wonderful WikiTreer.
Hello Laura,

Your official transition check in letter has arrived, haha. Just let me know which clans teams you are interested in and I'll get you on the table. -Sarah

My name is Sarah and I’m the Project Coordinator for the Scotland Project. As you may have heard, we have merged the Scottish Clans project into the Scotland Project. I am contacting you today to find out if you are interested in continuing with us under this new format. If you would like to go forward on the Scottish Clans Team, please reply and let me know which clans you have been working on or would like to work on. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Sarah Mason, Scotland PC

posted by Sarah Mason
Incredibly great work during the 2020 Scan-a-thon! Our Tree has been enhanced by your efforts to preserve photos and documents, Laura.

The Appreciate Team THANKS YOU!

Pippin Sheppard Appreciation Team Member

posted by Pip Sheppard
That red hot effort badge is the most awesome badge ever. I'll cherish it! Thanks for making me smile :)
posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Laura, thank you for the little owls. They are cute. And I'm laughing at myself because I find a cute gif of an owl actually motivates me!  :)
posted by Kathryn Morse
wonderful wikitreer
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay is a Wonderful WikiTreer.
Hi Laura,

Thanks for responding so quickly!


posted by Kyla H
Hi Laura,

As part of a revitalization effort for the France Project, we are checking-in with members to see if they are planning to remain active in the project and where their interests lie.

If you are planning to remain active, please click here to submit a short Member Interest Form to help us organize and coordinate collaboration.

If you have other obligations at the moment and would like to be removed from the project at this time, you will always be welcome to rejoin if you find yourself with more time and interest later.

We thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots.

Please respond by commenting on my profile or sending a private message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks Kyla

posted by Kyla H
Congratulations Laura !
wonderful wikitreer
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay is a Wonderful WikiTreer.
Laura, You may add anything to Jesse and Rosmonds profiles that you have documentation for such as the census for Rufus. Good Work


posted by [Living Halford]
Sorry, I selected Sourcerer 's Challenge by mistake immediately after the Source-A-Thon, and possibly the day before it started, because I got my days confused. - Auriette
Hi Laura, A note of appreciation for your hard work and awesome contributions to the Fall "Source A Ton" this past weekend. In all you worked on at least 171 profiles and became #4 for our team. With all you have going on, you still took time out to help us obtain 10th place. Thank you so much for all you do representing the Super Sweepers and your other projects here on WikiTree. Keep up the outstanding job!!

Dorothy B. Co- Captain. Southern Super Sweepers!!

posted by Dorothy Barry
Congratulations Laura.
wonderful wikitreer
Laura (Pennie) Bozzay is a Wonderful WikiTreer.
Hi.... thank you for responding to my G2G post. I can't access the map you sent. Help?
posted by Steve Archuleta
Hi Laura! I just wanted to add my "Thanks" and gratitude for helping us with the Connect A Thon and your helpful hints and advice. Thank you for your time and contributions to the Super Sweepers even though you had to stretch it between WikiTree and your own family. I appreciate all the notes, your encouragement and sticking with us through it all. THANK YOU!!
posted by Dorothy Barry

This week's featured connections are New York architects: Laura is 23 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 30 degrees from David Childs, 32 degrees from Frank Gehry, 22 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 25 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 37 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 24 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 33 degrees from I. M. Pei, 24 degrees from John Roebling, 24 degrees from Stanford White, 23 degrees from Frank Wright and 26 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

P  >  Pennie  |  B  >  Bozzay  >  Laura (Pennie) Bozzay

Categories: German Roots Project Members