Phillip Pepperrell
Honor Code SignatorySigned 17 Oct 2019 | 2,836 contributions | 41 thank-yous | 407 connections
P > Pepperrell > Phillip Pepperrell
Categories: Isleworth, Middlesex (London) | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | Veterans, Pepperrell Name Study | Middlesex, Pepperrell Name Study
We recently left a message on your profile to check in with the Profile Improvement Project (PIP). We received the thanks for the message. Would you like to continue with the Project? If so, please respond to let us know. We would also like to hear from you with any ideas or suggestions.
If we don’t hear from you within 14 days we will remove you from the Project, but we will welcome you back at any time.
Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project
I'm currently working on a spreadsheet of all my watchlist profiles with the goal of identifying those profiles fitting the criteria Not started, Needs work, Improved, Research and Living. The Need work relates to profiles that exist but are ropey and Improved will flag those that have been through a PIP.
I would like to stay in the project, having joined the Discord and Google group, but my priority is to get my watchlist up to PIP standard ( I'm trying to use the profile of Robin's father and the profile of Alfred Whitehead (Whitehead-4425) by Aidan Bizony as examples).
Best regards, Phillip
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing another check-in. Please review the following and let us know if you are content with your current Team or would like to change to one of the others.
The Project operates in a team structure. The participant PIP Teams are -- The Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and three Biography Teams. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.
You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team, working on profiles from your watchlist and other profiles that interest you. The other two Biography Teams work on Abandoned and Popular profiles from provided lists.
If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup. We use the WikiTree Discord server #profile-improvement channel for our project. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.
Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing its first annual check-in with our project members. Please review the following and let us know if you are content where we have placed you or would like to be more involved.
We are in the process of transitioning to a team structure. There will be three participant PIP Teams to start -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team. You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team Level 1, working on profiles from your own watchlist and whatever else you find. Biography Teams Levels 2 and 3 will work on designated profiles for notables (Level 3) and everyday people (Level 2). Please let us know if you would like to help with another Team.
We would also like to invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. (When you request to join our GoogleGroup, please be sure to include your Wiki ID). Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements. You will find more information on the GoogleGroup.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project and WikiTree. The Project’s mission is to:
We know you’re working on profiles *smile* We would like to hear about successes you’ve had toward the Project’s goals. We would also appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or privately via private message to either of us.
Debi Hoag and Robin Shaules Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!
Because pre-1700 ancestors are shared by many descendants, coordinating with others is essential. You can learn more about joining the community in How To #3 and in the Project FAQ.
Based on your tag comments, the England Project may fit your research focus. If not, use the Pre-1700 Projects list to review other possibilities. Read the goals and tasks of the projects and join those which are a good fit.
Have questions? Ask in the comments section of my profile.
Deb ~ Pre-1700 Greeter
Check out the New Member How-to pages for some quick tips on working with both the Wiki pages and our other members. There is some great information in those pages.
If you have questions about how WikiTree works, let me know and I will find answers. Just click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.
Debi ~ WikiGreeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.
Thank you for your message. In regards to one name Studies we have a number of them on wikitree see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:One_Name_Studies
I have a couple on ONS myself and participate in two others.
You are currently a guest member so there are limitations on your access to the site if you decide to volunteer to grow the tree and collaborate then you can participate in the ONS Project.
To volunteer just click on the word Volunteer under the guest badge and follow the instruction there. Remember this is free no subs to pay we work together. Glad you like Leanne video's we have more on the site.
Hope this helps
Regards Janet
This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree. To contact me, click the link to my name above, then send a private message or post a comment on my profile page.
Janet ~ WikiTree Greeter
P.S. If links do not work in an email from WikiTree, try them from the comment section on your profile page.