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Johan August Petersson (1850)

Johan August Petersson
Born in Edshult, Jönköpings län, Sverigemap
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Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Johan was born in 1850. He is the son of Peter Samuelsson and Stina Magnidotter.

Born 07 AUG 1850. Edshult, Jönköpings län, Sverige. Note: Gummarp. [1]

Emigration: 1869 N. Amerika. [2]


  1. Source: Kyrkoarkiv - Riksarkivet, Sverige - Edshults kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SEVALA/00068/C/2 (1764-1861), bildid: C0075110_00189, sida 361:
  2. Source: Kyrkoarkiv - Riksarkivet, Sverige - Edshults kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SEVALA/00068/A I/8 (1861-1870), bildid: C0021268_00127, sida 115:

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Categories: Jönköping County, Emigrants