Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 8 Dec 2015 | 55,842 contributions | 4,433 thank-yous | 1,875 connections
Tanya J. Jacobberger formerly Peyton aka Peterson, Largent
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Sister of , [private brother (1950s - unknown)] and [private sister (1950s - unknown)]
Mother of [private daughter (1970s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile managers: Mark Abrams private message [send private message] and Tanya Jacobberger private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 10 Feb 2016
This page has been accessed 7,855 times.





Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger is a member of the Peyton Name Study Project.
Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger is a member of the Skinner Name Study Project.

Space:Skinner Name Study Space:Troxel_Surname Space:Durbin Space:Hughey_Name_Study Space:Jewish_Roots_of_Thomas_Abraham_1751_-_1818

English flag
Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger has English ancestors.
Descendant of PGM migrant Elder John Strong.

AncestryDNA 23andMe Bilslend, Skinner family photos Dick Quintos Peyton Family Photos




Tanya and Gerald L Peterson had one daughter:


  • 1953 - 1978 Hastings, NE
  • 1978 - 2001 Omaha, NE
  • 2001 - 2002 Tekamah, NE
  • 2002 - 2009 Lake Havasu City, AZ
  • 2009 - present Sun City West, AZ


  • 1972 Graduated Hastings Senior High
  • 19 Oct 1974 Graduated Joseph's College of Beauty, Hastings, Nebraska, United States[7]


  • Sewing, Hastings Canvas & Manufacturing Co, Hastings, NE [8]
  • Cosmetologist, Hastings, NE
  • Waitress, Hastings, NE and Omaha, NE
  • Long Distance Operator, Northwestern Bell, Omaha, NE [9]
  • Supervisor, Operator Services, Northwestern Bell, Omaha, NE
  • Training, Operator Services, Northwestern Bell, Omaha, NE
  • Benchmarking, Operator Services, Northwestern Bell, Omaha, NE
  • Supervisor, Wire & Cable Manufacturing, "Omaha Works" plant, AT&T - Lucent - AVAYA, Omaha, NE
  • Quality coordinator, AVAYA, Omaha, NE


  • reading, sewing, machine embroidery, quilting, painting, and misc. hobbies & crafts.


  • Received Christ . Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska
  • Baptism 25 Oct 1992, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska[10]
  • Christ Community Church, Omaha, NE
  • Westside Baptist Church, Omaha, NE
  • Herman Community Church, Herman, NE
  • Calvary Baptist Church, Lake Havasu City, AZ
  • First Baptist Church, Sun City West, AZ

Ethnic Makeup Percentage

  • British Isles 87%
  • East Europe 11%
  • Scotland 49%
  • England & Northwestern Europe 28%
  • Germanic Europe 14%
  • Ireland 9%

Family Photos

Peyton's and Wilson's Family Photos [11]


House of Burgess

Immigrant Ancestors

Revolutionary War Ancestors

  • 4th great grandfather James Peyton Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed April 26, 2017), "Record of James Peyton", Ancestor # A089989.
  • 6th great grandfather John Elson French SAR Application [12]
  • 6th great grandfather Deacon Joseph Skinner Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed April 16, 2018), "Record of Joseph Skinner Sr", Ancestor # A104849.
  • 7th great grandfather Andrew Friend Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed Dec 18, 2016), "Record of Andrew Friend", Ancestor # A042632.
  • 7th great grandfatherHenry Abraham Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed Dec 18, 2016), "Record of Henry Abrahams", Ancestor # A000285.
  • 7th great grandfather Christopher Harris Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed May 12, 2018), "Record of Christopher Harris", Ancestor # A051551.
  • 6th great grand uncle Henry Abraham Jr. Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed Dec 18, 2016), "Record of Henry Abrahams", Ancestor # A000286.
  • 7th great grand uncle Oliver Drake Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed May 18, 2018), "Record of Oliver Drake", Ancestor # A033438.

War of 1812

  • 4th great grandfather Jesse L Smith 24th Regt, U. S. Inf. Vols. Cols. Anderson and Gains ;Gen. Harison's Brigäde or Division at Blount Co., TN 8 Oct 1812, dîschaged Detroit, MI Aug 1815, Battle of River Thames, Battle of 20 Mile Creek, Battle of Mackinaw. National Society United States Daughters of 1812 MBR #34767 [8]
  • 4th great grandfather Abraham Bird Pvt., Capt. Ford Ky. Mil. National Society United States Daughters of 1812 MBR #34767 [9]

Civil War Ancestors

Interesting Ancestors

Interesting Cousins

Presidential Cousins

Favorite Web Links

My Surnames

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Paternal Grandfather , Paternal Grandmother vs Maternal Grandfather , Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Abbott, Abrams , Adams , Aggar , Alman , Andersdotter , Anderson , Anderson , Anderson , Ann , Anteln , Ap Dafydd , Armstrong
Baber, Bagley , Banks , Bannister , Barker , Bascom , Bate , Bateman , Battye , Baxter , Baylie , Beauchamp , Beeche , Bennett , Benson , Bent , Berchten , Berger , Berkeley , Bertschen , Bevan , Biddle , Biddulph , Bilslend , Bincks , Bird , Bird , Bisby , Bishop , Bitsch , Bliss , Blossom , Bochmann , Bolling , Boteler , Bracy , Bradford , Bratten , Bray , Brengel , Brenzikofer , Brett , Bridges , Brinton , Broadhurste , Brockman , Brooke , Brown , Brown , Browne , Bryson , Burnley , Burrows
Capen, Carpenter , Catharina , Chamberlain , Chapin , Charde , Cheney , Cherlocke , Christen , Claiborne , Claiborne , Clarke , Clarke , Clerke , Cloter , Coadaree , Cobbledick , Cockney , Cogan , Coleman , Coles , Collins , Collins , Conger , Constable , Cornelis , Cox , Cox , Crider , Crow , Cullick , Cummings , Curtz
Dabney (Daubney) , Dabney , Dawson , De Marneil , Dean , Deane , Deming , Devers , Dickinson , Dixon , Dorothy , Dorser , Dorton , Doward , Dowe , Drake , Dues , Durand , Dyer
Eastburn, Eaton , Eaton , Eden , Edwards , Eichenlaub , Eliot , Elliott , Ellis , Elmes , Elsdon , Erpe , Evans
Fenwick, Filley , Fitz Randolph , Fletcher , Foote , Ford , Forster , Forster , Foster , Foster , Foster , Fowle , Fredericks , Freeman , French , French , Friend , Frost , Frye
Gaines (Games, Llewelyn, ap Hywel, Hywel, Einion, Rhys, ap Trahaearn, Ap Gwgon, Bleddyn, Ap Maenyrch, Dryffin, Ap Cudd) , Ganzert , Gardiner , Gastwick , Gates , Getlande , Gibbons , Gibbs , Gibson , Glenn , Goudy , Granger , Grazehook , Green , Greene , Greenslade , Greenslip , Grizzell , Groseclose , Grun , Grysell , Gulbrand , Gungsel
Hadfield, Hahn , Haines , Hall , Hamby , Hampton , Hannah , Hannum , Hanson , Hardings , Harmon , Harris , Harris , Harris , Harrison , Hart , Harward , Hayes , Hendricksdotter , Hess , Hill , Hochgenug , Holmes , Hoppler , Howes , Hudson , Hughey , Hugi , Hulings , Hulins , Hyckes , Hyde
Ingersoll (Ingersol) , Isham , Isham , Ita , Ivery
Jacki (Jakki) , Jackson , Jans , Jarvis , Jeeves , Jeffrey , Jennings , Jewell , Johnston , Jones , Jones , Jordan , Josselyn
Keet, Keller , Keller , Kelly , Kemis , Kemp , King , Kingsley , Kintzel , Kip , Knopp , Krauss , Kreick
Lane (Lone) , Leigh , Leissin , Lewis , Lide , Lloyd , Lockyear , Logsdon , Lord , Loring , Love , Loveland , Lubberts , Lucas
Madern (Mattern) , Madox , Marsead , Marsh , Martin , Mason , Mason , Maxwell , McCandless , McClelland , McKinney , Meeres , Mensen , Mensen , Michel , Miller , Minor , Mitchell , Montgomery , Moore , Morton , Moses , Musson
Neave, Neepe , Nott , Noyes , Nussbaum
Olcott, Oliver , Opdyck , Ott , Overstreet , Overton , Owen
Paine, Parke , Parr , Parsons , Pauwels , Peacock , Peake , Pease , Penny , Perry , Perry , Persefield , Petrie , Peyton , Phillips , Pieters , Poindexter , Porter , Potticary , Pratt , Pugh , Pugh , Purchase
Randolph, Rayner , Rayner , Reese , Reither , Renfro , Rentfroe , Richards , Richards , Riddlesdale , Ripley , Robertson , Rogers , Rose , Rose , Rowland , Rowland , Rowland , Royall , Roysden , Ryland
Saenger (Seeger, Saegar) , Salmon , Salmon , Samuell , Savage , Scothorn , Scott , Shane , Sheppard , Silvers , Skinner , Smedley , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smyth , Snawsell , Snook , Somerset , Southery , Spencer , Spencer , Spencer , Stacy , Staley , Stanhope , Stanton , Stewart , Stiles , Street , Strong , Strother , Swepstone
Tauss, Taylor , Thomas , Thompson , Thornton , Thresher , Tildsley , Tomlinson , Toppan , Trauthager , Treathone , Tremain , Trentham , Trotter , Troxel , Trusyen , Tueschen , Turner , Turpin
Underwood (De Underwood)
Waddy, Wade , Wade , Waggoner , Wagoner , Walker , Walker , Walker , Walker , Walsele , Ward , Warren , Waterhouse , Waters , Weller , Wells , Wentworth , Westered , Whiting , Whitney , Wiggin , Wilcocks , Willett , Williams , Willis , Wilson , Wilson , Wilson , Winn , Withers , Wolfensberger , Wood , Wood , Woodside , Woodward , Woodward , Wren , Wright , Wykes


  1. 1.0 1.1 Peyton-Peterson Wedding License 6 May 1974, Hastings, Nebraska[1]
  2. Birth Certificate, personal copy held in the files of Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger
  3. Peyton-Largent Wedding Announcement “Hastings Daily Tribune” Hastings, Nebraska dated 17 Jun 1972 [2]
  4. Peterson-Jacobberger Marriage License 2 Nov 1983 , Las Vegas, Nevada[3]
  5. Name: Robert Paul Jacobberger, Spouse: Tanya Jane Peterson, Marriage Date: 2 Nov 1983, Marriage County: Clark, Officiant Type: Religious celebrant, Recorded Date: 9 Nov 1983, Recorded County: Clark, Book: 696, Page: B470057, Instrument number: 255429
  6. Birth Certificate, personal copy held in the files of Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger
  7. Joseph's College of Beauty Certificate - Tanya Largent 19 Oct 1974, Hastings, Adams, Nebraska United States[4]
  8. Space:Hastings_Canvas_And_Manufacturing_Company
  9. Operator Services[5]
  10. Tanya Jacobberger Baptism 25 Oct 1992, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States[6]
  11. [Peyton's and Wilson's Family Photos https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:Peyton_and_Wilson_Family_Photos&public=1]
  12. "U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Application", 1889-1970 Ancestry.com 2011 Louisville, Kentucky National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls [7]
  • Paternal and maternal relationships are confirmed by a GEDmatch test match between Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger GEDmatch T102377 and her brother Peyton GEDmatch T312658. Their most-recent common ancestors are their parents Dick Quintos Peyton (1929-2004) and Joan Merlene (Bilslend) Peyton (1932-2015). Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 1.2, based on sharing 2763.2cM across 64 half-match segments. 74.682 Pct SNPs are full identical

23andMe on 9/20/2023

British & Irish 68.2%
United Kingdom: Highly Likely Match
Republic of Ireland: Likely Match
German 30.4%
Broadly Northwestern European 0.3%
Nigerian 0.1%
Sudanese 0.1%

Ancestry on 9/20/2023

Scotland 51%
England & Northwestern Europe 34%
Germanic Europe 8%
Ireland 5%
Sweden & Denmark 2%

Living DNA 9/24/2023 Great Britain and Ireland 100%

Northumbria 18%
Cumbria 13.6%
East Anglia 11.3%
Northwest England 9.6%
Northern Ireland and Southwest Scotland 8.8%
South Central England 7.8%
Southeast England 6.3%
Ireland 5.2%
Northwest Scotland 4.2%
Cornwall 4.1%
Aberdeenshire 3.8%
South Yorkshire 3.5%
North Wales 1.9%
Devon 1.8%

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Tanya's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • nicknames
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (11)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Tanya Jacobberger's full information you must be on Tanya's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test HVR1 and HVR2, haplogroup H6a1b3a, FTDNA kit #B115304
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Tanya:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger: 23andMe, GEDmatch M316523 [compare] [compare x] + AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A209274 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member dryheat42 + Autosomal DNA Test, GEDmatch A209274 [compare] [compare x], yourDNAportal TAN815f110c + Living DNA
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 46

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Thank you Tanya for bringing the corrections and mergers to my attention. Please look at them. Something went wrong with the Jemima merger. Maybe you could check it out. I think both Jemima's are still there. I did make changes to Jemima.
posted by Larry Payton
I think we might be related along your Dosser line. I am doing DNA research if you are interested.
posted by Lance Martin
We are not a match on Ancestry, ThruLines®, Ancestry® shows I potentially have149 DNA matches through Eva Hahn. 150 DNA matches through Andrew Dorser. Is there something I can provide with that to help you?
Thank you very much for the explanation of categorization.
posted by Jane Embleton
Hi Tanya -thank you for being a member of the Jewish Roots Project! I wanted to let you know about some new things we have going on.

- You can see new tabs at the top of our home page, where you can select topics to view or work on. You can also use our new maintenance categories - feel free to add them to your own family, or any other Jewish Roots profile, or work on the maintenance yourself, such as adding new records to profiles with only a couple sources.

-I'm sending an invitation to join GoogleGroups, which we are re-starting this week. We'll probably do most group chat there, but the most important things will be posted on G2G, which you will be notified about if you follow the jewish_roots tag. -You can also join Wikitree's discord server, where we have a Jewish Roots chat channel.

-If you have ideas or suggestions for the project, feel free to reply here or send me a message.

Thank you! -Elaine, co-leader for Jewish Roots Project

Greetings from the 1776 Project . . .

We're doing our semi-annual check-in to ask whether you have made contributions to the project in the last six months?

Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the 1776 Project that you respond to this check-in. Please post your response as a reply to this message on your page, for convenience of record keeping.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Betty -- 1776 Project Leader

posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman
Sorry, I have not been able to spend the time on this project.
Thank you for the response, Tanya. We understand that every member's available time changes from year to year. If you would like to rejoin the project, please follow the directions at the project page.

Best Regards,


posted by Betty (Skelton) Norman

I am checking in on behalf of the 1776 Project to announce the new project membership requirements and to verify that you are still interested in being a member of the project. All project members are being asked to join one of the project teams and also to make at least one project contribution every 6 months. We are also asking all project members to join the project's Google Group for project communications.

If you are interested in remaining with the Project, please reply to this comment or send me a message, request to join the Google Group, and let us know what team you would like to participate on.

We really appreciate your contributions on WikiTree, and thank you for all your hard work. If you have any questions, please ask. We would also love to hear any feedback you may have for the project.

If we don't hear back from you we will assume that you no longer wish to participate in the project and if so, you could rejoin at any time as is convenient for you.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

SJ - 1776 Project Leader

posted by SJ Baty
edited by SJ Baty
Thanks for the FB group info! I was able to add category to my father and GP, but not the one for me and siblings.

R. Wilbur

posted by [Living Wilbur]

I am a Skinner on both sides of my family. I have a huge tree in Ancestry that has most of the “Skinner Kinsmen” descendants of Thomas Skinner (New England) and from other Skinner resources. I am currently entering my Ancestry family into WikiTree – whew! Just a heads-up, I made a correction to Joshua Felix Skinner I and II, mix-up father/son. Thanks.

posted by [Living Wilbur]
Hi All,

I wanted to share an ancestor with all of you whom you may not have learned about yet. He contacted me on Ancestry where we both has accounts. Here's the note in which he introduced himself. I think you'll find it intriguing: "Rita , I see we are close kin. We are linked on the Abrams and Van Winkle side. Did you know Hiram Abrams was also married to Mary Purcell .Some things i have not put in my tree yet. Still getting over the shock of becoming an Abrams. The story is Hiram got around. Don't know for sure if he ever married Malinda Jackson 1821 or not but they had kids . Hiram Clay Jackson was one my GGrandpa . He took his mother name maybe because they be not married. Found Malinda one time 1870 census Clover Bottom Ky I need your Email so i can share my tree with you. So your Franklin would be a half brother to my Hiram Clay. Thanks Carson Gedmatch # A310563"

posted by Rita Abrams
Yes, Carson and I are also a match on Ancestry. Lots of cousins there. Tanya
wonderful wikitreer
Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger is a Wonderful WikiTreer.
Hi again, Tanya. I don't know why your shifting the profiles I created our of the One Place Study I created to the Virginia County Page. I know they are both concerned with Pittsylvania County, Virginia, but there are a lot more profiles I have moved to the One Place Study|Pittsylvania page
posted by David Hughey Ph.D.
Hi! I answered on the space page, but how is Peyton-1058 b 1802 Rev. War?
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Can you please tell me what is the source of the "Bennett Family Biography" uploaded 10 Jul 2017 by Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger?

Thank you, Patricia Bailey

posted by Patricia Bailey
thnx Tanaya for adding this info
posted by Dennis Holman
Tanya, many thanks for adding sources to Betsy Logsdon and Solomon Kessinger and all your work on the Logsdon family. However, there are no direct web links to Hardin County documents. One must search using the web site. Just FYI... Bill
posted by Bill Vincent Ph.D.
Hi: Levi Skinner is my 5th cousin 5

time removed. His profile is ready for adoption if you are interested. Skinner-1631..

posted by Marie Chantigny
Hi! I noticed you're adding the DAR source template above = Biography = ... is this something new for the 1776 Project? The same DAR source is already in the Sources list for the profiles I looked at, and last I heard, that's where it should be (guidelines suggest only Categories, Project Boxes, & Research Note Boxes above = Biography =).

I changed the profiles I manage, and one of Steve's, but thought I'd better see if this was something special before changing others - e.g., Peyton-206 & Peyton-13.

Thanks! Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett

May thanks for all your contributions to the Logsdon Family tree!

Lee Logsdon-495


Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.

Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As we always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.

Thank you for being a Wikitreer,

Guy Constantineau - Wikitree leader

Rejected matches ›

Australian Connections: Tanya is 19 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 25 degrees from Russell Crowe, 22 degrees from Howard Florey, 26 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 33 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 23 degrees from Barry Humphries, 22 degrees from Bert Jacka, 24 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 26 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 20 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 22 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 16 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

P  >  Peyton  |  J  >  Jacobberger  >  Tanya (Peyton) Jacobberger

Categories: National Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century | National Society United States Daughters of 1812 | Daughters of the American Revolution | Peyton-1030 | Peyton Project | Peyton DNA | Hughey, Allen, 1783 - 1835 AncestryDNA Circle | Waggoner, Sarah Marie, 1786 - 1857 AncestryDNA Circle | Overstreet, Thomas, 1789 - 1854 AncestryDNA Circle | Tremain, Mary Polly, 1791 - 1860 AncestryDNA Circle | McKinney, Mary Polly, 1792 - 1864 AncestryDNA Circle | Smith, Jesse L, 1793 - 1875 AncestryDNA Circle | Crider, Catherine Rebecca, 1794 - 1859 AncestryDNA Circle | Skinner, Jesse Strong, 1794 - 1828 AncestryDNA Circle | Crider, Henry Bennett, 1795 - 1849 AncestryDNA Circle | Abrams, Juriah Elizabeth, abt. 1799 - aft. 1881 AncestryDNA Circle | Brooke, James, 1799 - 1846 AncestryDNA Circle | Silvers, Sarah, 1801 - 1872 AncestryDNA Circle | Peyton, Peter Sr, 1802 - 1871 AncestryDNA Circle | Dorser, Eve, 1804 - 1886 AncestryDNA Circle | Underwood, William, 1804 - 1885 AncestryDNA Circle | Eden, Lois, abt. 1805 - 1875 AncestryDNA Circle | Abrams, Friend, abt. 1808 - 1882 AncestryDNA Circle | Logsdon, Lucinda, abt. 1811 - 1911 AncestryDNA Circle | Abrams, Joseph W Jr abt. 1812 - 1876 AncestryDNA Circle | Hughey, John Robert, 1812 - 1891 AncestryDNA Circle | Crider, Mary Ann, 1817 - 1894 AncestryDNA Circle | Overstreet, Richard Hardin, abt. 1817 - abt. 1867 AncestryDNA Circle | Smith, William James, 1832 - 1908 AncestryDNA Circle | Ray, William, 1832 - 1868 AncestryDNA Circle | Brooke, Nancy Elen, 1838 - 1865 AncestryDNA Circle | Abrams, Nancy Jane, 1839 - 1882 AncestryDNA Circle | Peyton, Peter Jr, 1843 - 1929 AncestryDNA Circle | Overstreet, Lucy Ann, 1846 - 1928 AncestryDNA Circle | Descendants of Thomas Skinner, Skinner Name Study