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Francoise Madeleine Pitre (1769 - abt. 1785)

Francoise Madeleine [uncertain] Pitre
Born in Mordreux, Cotes du Nord, Francemap
Ancestors ancestors
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Died about at about age 15 in Louisianamap
Profile last modified | Created 15 Aug 2009
This page has been accessed 395 times.
The Acadian flag.
Francoise Madeleine Pitre is an Acadian.
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Pelican Flag cut to outline of Louisiana
Francoise Madeleine Pitre lived in Louisiana.
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Jean Pitre is on the Wall of Names at the Acadian Memorial in St. Martinville, Louisiana Plaque 11 Right, La Ville D'Archangel arrivee le 3 Decembre 1785. Also on the plaque with him is Felicite Daigle, his wife; and six Pitre children: Charlotte Marie, Pierre, Jacques, Francoise, Felicite, & Marguerite. [1]

Francoise-Madeleine Pitre, son (or daughter?) of Acadians Jean Baptiste Pitre and Felicite Daigre, was born May 7, 1769 at Mordreux, baptized the same day (Pleudihen, C.-du-N.), sponsors: Francois Bourg and Madeleine Landry. There is some confusion as to whether this child was a son or daughter. Francois Madeleine emigrated to Louisiana with his family arriving December 3, 1785 at the port of New Orleans. [2][3]


  1. Title: The Wall of Names at the Acadian Memorial; Author: Wall of Names Committee; Jane G. Bulliard, Chair; second edition, 2015; Bodemuller The Printer, USA; Personal copy in possession of Jacqueline Girouard; p. 43
  2. Albert J. Robichaux, THE ACADIAN EXILES IN ST. MALO; 1758-1785; pt 1, vol. II, Eunice, LA, Hebert Publications, 1981; p. 668, family #777; own copy. Francoise[sic]-Madeleine PITRE, child of Jean-Baptiste & Felicite DAIGLE, born 7 May 1769 at Mordreux, baptized same day at Pleudihen, Cotes-du-Nord, France. Sponsors: Francois BOURG & Madeleine LANDRY. [Was the child male or female?] The family lived at Pleudihen until 1772. On 12 Aug 1785 the parents and six children [including Francois] left France on the ship "La Ville D'Archangel," arriving in LA on 3 Dec 1785.
  3. Title: Acadian Families in Exile, 1785 & Exiled Acadians, an Index; Author: Donald J. Hébert; Publication: Rayne, LA: Hébert Publications, 1995. Source published by Karen Theriot Reader,; pp. 96-97
    Text: Francois PITRE, age 17, son of Jean & his wife Félicité DAIGLE, traveling to LA with them and five siblings as the 32nd family (of 8 persons) aboard "La Ville d'Archangel."
  • [1]Passenger List for La Ville d'Archange

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