Carrie (Press) Irlbeck
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Carrie (Press) Irlbeck

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 14 Sep 2021 | 13,051 contributions | 337 thank-yous | 2,152 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
My paternal family lines are Shutt, Blair, Marriott and Snyder. I discovered, in June 2021, who my birth father is after researching for several years the surnames listed. I'm fairly certain that these families have no idea I exist. **UPDATE May 2024** I have met with my father's sister and her daughters. They are very exited and welcomed me into their family. My cousins tell me that I have a strong resemblance to my Grandmother Evelyn.

My maternal family lines are Christopherson, Christianson, Donelson and Svensson/Swanson. I was born and raised a lifelong Iowan. Both maternal and paternal lines have been in Iowa for many years. I'm looking forward to any communication from close and distant cousins from either side of the family.

Carrie M. Irlbeck formerly Press aka Peterson
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1940s - unknown)]
Sister of [private brother (1970s - unknown)] [half]
Mother of [private son (1990s - unknown)], [private daughter (1990s - unknown)] and [private son (1990s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Carrie Irlbeck private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 13 Sep 2021
This page has been accessed 974 times.


Carrie (Press) Irlbeck is an Iowan.

I was born and raised in Central Iowa. I currently reside on a farm in western Iowa. I have always had an interest in family and the connection I share with many Aunts, Uncles and cousins. My maternal Grandmother kept in touch with many family members and I remember her hosting many of them when they would return to Iowa. She kept track of birthdays and anniversaries for everyone in the family, whether they were near or far.

I like to work on my family genealogy just about every day. Recently, I learned who my birth father is and sadly, he has already passed. I am working on his family and learning about my paternal family. My paternal surnames are Shutt, Blair, Marriott, and Snyder. The Blair family is from Northern Ireland and Scotland. My great-grandmother Hessie was born in Glasgow, Scotland and her parents in Northern Ireland. The discovery of these facts has given me a better understanding to my ethnicity, I'm about 20% Scottish. My maternal family is from Sweden and Norway and other countries. I'm 25% Swedish and 25% Norweigan.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Carrie Press at registration.
  • "United States Public Records, 1970-2009", database, FamilySearch ( : 17 January 2020), Carnrie Irlbeck, 2001. Please note, this record says I have an Alias name. I DO NOT go by an Alias name.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Carrie's formal name
  • full middle name (M.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (3)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Carrie: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 3

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Hi Carrie, I am finding so many connections through my Mom's side and my Dad's side. I have discovered so many came to the US and settled in the same areas in the south and this is how all the connections. Some are very surprising! Thank you
I saw that we are connected through my Mother's Father, Bert Chelf. Are you connected to Havner's also? Horace Havner is my Great Great Uncle.
Hi Laraine,

It's very nice to "meet" you!

I looked at our connections and see that we are 20 degrees through my Maternal Grandmother's family. Connection is through your Chelf to my Griffith/Donelson family line. There are a couple of marriages in this line to establish the connection.

I also looked at our connection through a common ancestor and we are 46 degrees through my Paternal Grandmother's family. Connection is through your Chelf family to my O'Neal/Snyder/Marriott family.

Finally, I looked at your GG uncle Horace and we are connected 21 degrees through the Havner family to my Shutt family line. There a marriages in this line as well to make the connection.

I hope this helps answer your relation question. We have multiple ways we are connected.


posted by Carrie (Press) Irlbeck

Acadian heritage connections: Carrie is 22 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 22 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 22 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 23 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 21 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 22 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 20 degrees from Anne Murray, 24 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 20 degrees from Marie Travers and 23 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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