For access to Tim Prince's full information you must be on Tim's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Tim Prince:
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 700 markers, haplogroup R-BY105172, FTDNA kit #B617103, MitoYDNA ID T18567[compare] +
Y-Chromosome Test 24 markers, haplogroup R1b-Z346
Tim Prince:
Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test, haplogroup H2a2a1e, FTDNA kit #B617103, MitoYDNA ID T18568[compare]
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Tim:
100.00% 100.00%
Tim Prince:
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch TV9165492[compare][compare x], yourDNAportal TIM7b677a40, Ancestry member prince_tim
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch TV9165492[compare][compare x], FTDNA kit #B617103
Thanks so much for all you do for WikiTree all year long, Tim. Congrats on your Golden Owl!
Tim Prince reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2024 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
Hi Tim, I hope 2024 has been a good year for you :) Here is the link to the newest G2G question: US Civil War December 2024/January 2025 Newletter. You'll find several links there. Also, just for fun, you might like to share a family tradition or favorite recipe with the group :)
You have been adding sources to Laurel Gene Thompson's profile. I'm curious as to why you have been working on this because I don't know who you are and Laurel Gene Thompson was/is my father. Also, there are some minor errors on the sources, which you recorded the way the sources were written, but the correct information is that he was from Little Sauk, Todd, Minnesota (not Little, Todd, Minnesota shown on his military record). Additionally he died at a Veterans nursing home in Fergus Falls, Ottertail County, Minnesota (not in Stearns County). Not sure how you want to handle those corrections. If we're going for accuracy then perhaps corrections should be made. Sources are difficult to change after the fact, but as evidence in these two instances the accuracy of them are incorrect. I should know because I live in Little Sauk and was with my father when he passed.
Thanks for the note. Of course there's no problem with you making corrections in your profile, explaining in Research Notes if you care to do so. I guess I may have been trying to resolve notices issued about unsourced profiles which the bots somehow think are related to my family members. These discrepancies seem small compared to what I've been seeing recently, for example so many profiles (including Mayflower applications) switching Eau Claire back and forth between MN and WI. I don't know whether my increase in notices regarding MN profiles has to do with my niece's recent marriage, or more DNA connections.
I sent you a check-in message a week ago about the Military and War Project to ask you about your continued involvement but have no yet heard back from you. Do you still want to be in the project?
If I don’t hear from you by the same time next week I’ll assume that you’ve moved on to other things but you’re most welcome to re-join the project at any time.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Mary, Project Coordinator, Military and War Project
This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Do you want to remain working with this project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Hi Tim, the US Civil War Project is conducting a Check-in for 2024 to see if your still interested/active in the Project.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project
I've continued to make a small number of contributions connected with civil war, but it's not a problem for me if I'm not continued in the project. Some of it's somewhat tangential, for example, this week I'm exploring whether I can get a supplemental Mayflower application involving people who moved around and lost records in the war. I noticed that Gen. M C Meigs' D/C is posted behind the FHC firewall and wonder whether there is an acceptable way to cite it. It has his birthplace (Augusta GA) scrawled in like an afterthought. Most people cite paywall sites for his obit, although it is posted on libraryofcongress (rather poor copy of copy of.....). I've been given grief over findagrave copying those professional photos from national cemeteries without attribution. What are we supposed to do about it?
I don't know whether the project has any expectations of use, for example use of stickers.
Hi Tim, I'm going to mark you as active in the Project. As to Find-a-Grave photos, you should ask permission from the person who took the picture if you can use it on Wiki. Then when a picture is uploaded you need to include credit and that you were given permission to use it. The project has been given permission to use the memorial stone photos from Andersonville National Cemetery by the creator of the pictures, so that is cited on each picture.
Paywall sites, you can cite the source, mention that it is a paywall site. If your able to get a free source of the same thing (even if the quality isn't great) you can also list that in the sources.
No worries, Tim. I will take care of it. I'm thinking it may be worth adding a profile for Clement's first wife, even though almost nothing is known about her.
She is Brickwalled Still..
Could You show What You added to Her Bio????..
Anything that can Prove She is Decended from Joseph Ford and Freelove Beals..Married to Isaac Edson..would Help..
Someone Added a Source Citing a Mayflower Application 69360..
That May Hold the Key.
I rejected your merge request of Mary Cotton and Hannah Cotton with notes. The will of John Cotton in 1714 mentions his daughters Mary and Hannah. I created a profile for Mary's husband, Moses Paul.
Tim Prince reached the Golden Achievement milestone by sourcing at least one profile in every month of the 2022 Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.
We appreciate your consistent work in improving WikiTree through the Sourcerers Project in 2022!
Hannah Edson married Cotton Tower.
They are Buried in Crawford County Indiana..
One half Miles away are the Next 4 Generations to Me..
9. Hannah Edson Tower
10.Samuel A. Tower
11.Margaret Tower Glosson.
12.Brittie Glosson Conrad
13.Katherine Conrad Hasenstab
Then me...
Hannah And Cotton had 9 Children
65 Grandchildren
Our Grandmother Brittie had 19 Grandchildren ..
My Wikitree Relationship.. Featured Mayflower Decendants ....
4 aAncestors..
65 Cousins..
I got to Look at the Two Sarah Ford's..
Married to Phillip Hodges and Isaac Edson..
There is a Comparison of A Merge for Them..
At the Bottom of their Profiles
DNA and All..
P Hodges.Phillip..
Cleve Wilis..Myself
And Others..
You Are related to Them..Us..
One of the pms says they aren’t the same person but continuing to research.. they cleaned up some unrelated children. There is a past accepted Mayflower descent but I have no idea where that stands.
Looks like We are Matched Cousin's
Also DNA matched to All on your other that are
listed on Your .
DNA matches.
We Are Ford ..Edson
& Mayflower..James Chilton..
Francis Cooke.which is.
.now being put on Hold.
This Sarah Ford thing..Giving Indiana
Mayflower Historian..Doubts.
Good to hear from you.
I'm here in Franklin TN for the Mayflower meeting. I'm accepted as Brewster (Lee-Taylor VA line) and have sent in my check to NH for Eaton supplemental (Cushman line), as I had been asking over 2 years for TN to do a supplemental. I'm not a Chilton descendant, but several DNA cousins are. The Cooke award in my family was a mistake, but it's still up on the official database on AmericanAncestors. I descend 3 ways from Experience Mitchell. The valid Cooke line joins with the Eaton line for which I'm applying. The Bradford awards in my family look to be consistent with DNA, but the proof no longer meets Society standards. My other Bradford line involves several births in jurisdictions without records, the last great uncle born in CT is "proven."
The biggest DNA segment I share with my mother is shared also with other Elizabeth Mitchell descendants. I'll look at your match if your ID is posted, when I'm back in a place with occasional internet. Some of my neighbors were promised internet hookup next month, but it will be longer for me no doubt. My house is only 8 years old, not long enough to get past political opposition to internet, and no houses have been built around me on my street. The governor candidate who had internet on his platform lost, but the party in control has been losing its grip on internet installation anyway.
Are you related? As you can see from the bloated amount of raw data posted on her profile, I could use some help getting this rather extensive branch entered into WT ... Any chance you'd be interested?
This is Chris from the Italy Project. As part of the annual project check-in, can you fill in the project survey? This will let us know that you are still interested in the project and which teams you'd like to participate in.
Greetings from the Military and War Project. We are doing the six month check-in with members.. Have you been active in the last six months? Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project
I haven't done as much on this subject as expected, several DAR-grs tags added to unsourced profiles, and assisting others with profiles of those who were exiled from TN in 1839 and 1861 and served for Union from other states or territories. So it's no matter whether my membership continues.
Thanks Tim for replying to the check in. We appreciate your work. Your description sounds like some activity to me. I marked you active. Have a good 6 months.
Acadian heritage connections:
Tim is
20 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 20 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 20 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 20 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 19 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 21 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 19 degrees from Anne Murray, 20 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 18 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 19 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 16 degrees from Marie Travers and 20 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
May you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Tim, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your contributions to the project.
If I don’t hear from you by the same time next week I’ll assume that you’ve moved on to other things but you’re most welcome to re-join the project at any time.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Mary, Project Coordinator, Military and War Project
This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Do you want to remain working with this project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project
I've continued to make a small number of contributions connected with civil war, but it's not a problem for me if I'm not continued in the project. Some of it's somewhat tangential, for example, this week I'm exploring whether I can get a supplemental Mayflower application involving people who moved around and lost records in the war. I noticed that Gen. M C Meigs' D/C is posted behind the FHC firewall and wonder whether there is an acceptable way to cite it. It has his birthplace (Augusta GA) scrawled in like an afterthought. Most people cite paywall sites for his obit, although it is posted on libraryofcongress (rather poor copy of copy of.....). I've been given grief over findagrave copying those professional photos from national cemeteries without attribution. What are we supposed to do about it? I don't know whether the project has any expectations of use, for example use of stickers. Tim
Paywall sites, you can cite the source, mention that it is a paywall site. If your able to get a free source of the same thing (even if the quality isn't great) you can also list that in the sources.
Here is the link to the hints about stickers/categories, and the templates of stickers that can be used on a profile, there isn't any specific rule you have to use stickers.
Tim, thanks for your work to improve our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
I am wondering if you could provide a source for this. The History and Genealogy of the Weaver Family (Page 75) shows William to have been born about 1671. But second wife Rachel is supposed to have married Clement Weaver III after May 6, 1678.
About...Ford-10406. She is Brickwalled Still.. Could You show What You added to Her Bio????..
Anything that can Prove She is Decended from Joseph Ford and Freelove Beals..Married to Isaac Edson..would Help.. Someone Added a Source Citing a Mayflower Application 69360.. That May Hold the Key.
Thanks .... Mike Hasenstab
Tim, thanks for your efforts in sourcing this month.
Tim, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your work to improve the tree.
We appreciate your consistent work in improving WikiTree through the Sourcerers Project in 2022!
Thanks for all your work this month and in 2022 for the Sourcerers Project! Happy New Year!!!
Hannah Edson married Cotton Tower. They are Buried in Crawford County Indiana.. One half Miles away are the Next 4 Generations to Me.. 9. Hannah Edson Tower 10.Samuel A. Tower 11.Margaret Tower Glosson. 12.Brittie Glosson Conrad 13.Katherine Conrad Hasenstab Then me...
Hannah And Cotton had 9 Children 65 Grandchildren
Our Grandmother Brittie had 19 Grandchildren .. Also. My Wikitree Relationship.. Featured Mayflower Decendants .... Shows 4 aAncestors.. 65 Cousins..
edited by Lawrence Hasenstab
I got to Look at the Two Sarah Ford's.. Married to Phillip Hodges and Isaac Edson.. There is a Comparison of A Merge for Them.. At the Bottom of their Profiles DNA and All.. P Hodges.Phillip.. Cleve Wilis..Myself And Others.. You Are related to Them..Us..
Is there a Merge in Progress???
Mike Hasenstab
edited by Lawrence Hasenstab
edited by Lawrence Hasenstab
South of Nashville.. Been through there Many Times.. Our Path from Knoxville to Mississippi Gaming Resorts. Fitzgerald's..Many Years Ago..
Looks like We are Matched Cousin's Also DNA matched to All on your other that are listed on Your . DNA matches.
We Are Ford ..Edson & Mayflower..James Chilton.. Francis Cooke.which is. .now being put on Hold. This Sarah Ford thing..Giving Indiana Mayflower Historian..Doubts.
Mike Hasenstab-19..
edited by Lawrence Hasenstab
Good to hear from you. I'm here in Franklin TN for the Mayflower meeting. I'm accepted as Brewster (Lee-Taylor VA line) and have sent in my check to NH for Eaton supplemental (Cushman line), as I had been asking over 2 years for TN to do a supplemental. I'm not a Chilton descendant, but several DNA cousins are. The Cooke award in my family was a mistake, but it's still up on the official database on AmericanAncestors. I descend 3 ways from Experience Mitchell. The valid Cooke line joins with the Eaton line for which I'm applying. The Bradford awards in my family look to be consistent with DNA, but the proof no longer meets Society standards. My other Bradford line involves several births in jurisdictions without records, the last great uncle born in CT is "proven." The biggest DNA segment I share with my mother is shared also with other Elizabeth Mitchell descendants. I'll look at your match if your ID is posted, when I'm back in a place with occasional internet. Some of my neighbors were promised internet hookup next month, but it will be longer for me no doubt. My house is only 8 years old, not long enough to get past political opposition to internet, and no houses have been built around me on my street. The governor candidate who had internet on his platform lost, but the party in control has been losing its grip on internet installation anyway. Tim
Are you related? As you can see from the bloated amount of raw data posted on her profile, I could use some help getting this rather extensive branch entered into WT ... Any chance you'd be interested?
Hi Tim. Thanks for your efforts in improving our shared tree.
Tim, thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
This is Chris from the Italy Project. As part of the annual project check-in, can you fill in the project survey? This will let us know that you are still interested in the project and which teams you'd like to participate in.
Thanks and have a great day!
Thanks for your efforts to improve our shared tree.
Thanks for your contributions to the monthly Sourcerers Challenge. We appreciate your work!
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project