Project: Czech Roots/Regions, Districts, Towns & Villages

Image:Regions Districts Commutes or towns Villages of the Czech Republic.png


Regions of the Czech Republic (Česká Republika)

  • These are Administrative Regions & are seperate from how district archives are set up

1. Central Bohemian Region (Středočeský kraj)


Central Bohemia (Czech: Středočeský kraj) is an administrative unit (Czech: kraj) of the Czech Republic, located in the central part of its historical region of Bohemia. Its administrative center is placed in the Czech capital Prague (Czech: Praha), which lies in the center of the region. The city is not, however, a part of it and creates a region of its own.

One Place Study

  • Benešov
  • Beroun
  • Kladno
  • Kolín
  • Kutná Hora
  • Mělník
  • Mladá Boleslav
  • Nymburk
  • Praha-východ (East)
  • Praha-západ (West)
  • Příbram
  • Rakovník

Central Bohemian District Flags

2. Hradec Králové Region (Královéhradecký kraj)

Hradec Králové Region (Královéhradecký kraj) is an administrative unit located in the north-eastern part of its historical region of Bohemia. It is named after its capital Hradec Králové.

Hradec Králové Region

Districts of Hradec Králové Region (Královéhradecký kraj)

  1. Hradec Králové
  2. Jičín
  3. Náchod
  4. Rychnov nad Kněžnou
  5. Trutnov

3. Karlovy Vary Region (Karlovarský kraj)

The Karlovy Vary Region or Carlsbad Region (Karlovarský kraj) is an administrative unit located in the westernmost part of its historical region of Bohemia. It is named after its capital Karlovy Vary. The region is world famous for its spas, including Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně.

One Place Study

Districts Of Karlovy Vary Region (Karlovarský kraj)

  • Cheb
  • Karlovy Vary
  • Sokolov

4. Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj)

Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj) is an administrative unit, located in the northernmost part of its historical region of Bohemia. It is named after its capital Liberec.

One Place Study

Districts of Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj)

  1. Česká Lípa
  2. Jablonec nad Nisou
  3. Liberec
  4. Semily

Liberec Flags

5. Moravian-Silesian Region (Moravskoslezský kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Moravian-Silesian Region (Moravskoslezský kraj)

  1. Bruntál
  2. Frýdek-Místek
  3. Karviná
  4. Nový Jičín
  5. Opava
  6. Ostrava

6. Olomouc Region (Olomoucký kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Olomouc Region (Olomoucký kraj)

  1. Jeseník
  2. Olomouc
  3. Přerov
  4. Prostějov
  5. Šumperk

7. Pardubice Region (Pardubický kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Pardubice Region (Pardubický kraj)

  1. Chrudim
  2. Pardubice
  3. Svitavy
  4. Ústí nad Orlicí

8. Plzeň Region (Plzeňský kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Plzeň Region (Plzeňský kraj)

  1. Domažlice
  2. Klatovy
  3. Plzeň
  4. Plzeň-jih (South)
  5. Plzeň-sever (North)
  6. Rokycany
  7. Tachov
Towns in Tachov

9. Prague (Hlavní město Praha)

One Place Study

Districts of Prague (Hlavní město Praha)

  1. Prague

10. South Bohemian Region (Jihočeský kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of South Bohemian Region (Jihočeský kraj)

  1. České Budějovice
  2. Český Krumlov
  3. Jindřichův Hradec
  4. Písek
  5. Prachatice
  6. Strakonice
  7. Tábor

11. South Moravian Region (Jihomoravský kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of South Moravian Region (Jihomoravský kraj)

  1. Blansko
  2. Břeclav
  3. Brno
  4. Brno-venkov
  5. Hodonín
  6. Vyškov
  7. Znojmo

12. Ústí nad Labem Region (Ústecký kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Ústí nad Labem Region (Ústecký kraj)

  1. Chomutov
  2. Děčín
  3. Litoměřice
  4. Louny
  5. Most
  6. Teplice
  7. Ústí nad Labem

13. Vysočina Region (Vysočina)

The Vysočina Region ("Highlands Region"), is an administrative unit located partly in the south-eastern part of the historical region of Bohemia and partly in the south-west of the historical region of Moravia. Its capital is Jihlava.

One Name Study

Districts of Vysočina Region (Vysočina)

  1. Havlíčkův Brod
  2. Jihlava
  3. Pelhřimov
  4. Třebíč
  5. Žďár nad Sázavou

14. Zlín Region (Zlínský kraj)

One Place Study

Districts of Zlín Region (Zlínský kraj)

  1. Kroměříž
  2. Uherské Hradiště
  3. Vsetín District
  4. Zlín

Flags & Crests

This page was last modified 12:12, 13 June 2019. This page has been accessed 123 times.