Project: Dutch Roots/Members

Categories: Netherlands Project


This is the list of the Project Members who have received the project badge. You can track all activity by the members in the badge feed. See the main Project page above for how to join the Project.

To categorize yourself as a Project Member, you can also put [[Category: Netherlands Project]] at the top of your own profile bio.

Beside your name below, please include information about yourself, what you're working on, and where your interests lie. This is both for your own reference and to aid collaboration amongst the project participants. Please also note if you'll be unavailable or inactive. Thanks!

  1. Kristina Adams
  2. Marcel Adriani—I research my own ancestors, the ancestors of my wife (Netty Adriani-Beljaars) and the descendants of Derck Ariaens. Lots of Dutch ascendants for the project :-).
  3. Rob Arzoni. — I research my naming Italian ancestors Arzoni (or Arcioni), who have brought me deep into the Middle Ages. My goal is to map all my ancestors, including the female branches. Those are mostly Dutch.
  4. Margreet Beers Hi to all. I am Margreet, I live in Noord-Holland and I have been researching my family for almost 34 years know. At the age of 18 I started digitalizing all the date that my father had written down in Aldfaer (a free Dutch Genealogy program). As soon as I found my first connection between family members I was hooked. I started gathering all kind of information and soon discovered my family had several different sources of origin. Our family name Beers pops up at several places in the Netherlands, but all with a different background meaning. I have around 7.200 people in my own family database (connected) and I have a lot off information about the other Beers branches to. The only thing that bothers me is that I don't have everything written down on sources and I still don't have a connection between 2 branches from which I know for sure there should be one. I am a fulltime working mother (Business Analyst at a large Steel Company) with 2 boys, who both left the house at the beginning of this year. So I decided to get some hobbies ;-) . I started with investigating how to get all my data online and stumbled on to Wikitree. It's not an easy program to start with, because of all the options. But I'm getting there and I love it now. I like to participate with connecting us all, but I also want to help people to discover their own family. Feel free to drop me an email if you need help and I can be off assistance.
  5. Alta Bekker
  6. Joop van Belzen—Hoi, sinds Juli 2015 ben ik bij Wikitree en momenteel Project coördinator van het Nederlands Portaal. Ik hou me bezig het opzetten van Nederlandstalige hulppagina's en het inzichtelijk maken en houden van de "Nederlandse Categorieën".

    Hi, Member of WikiTree since July 2015 and project coördinator Nederlands Portaal, writing help pages in the Dutch language.
    I also manage the Dutch related categories.
  7. Johan Boonstra — Hi all, I'm the newcomer here at WikiTree. My father used to do research on our ancestors. Recently I received his notes and I have decided to put his quest on the internet for all interested parties. At this time I try to make myself useful within the project by translating the English text on the Project:Dutch_Roots/Naming_Convention page. Later on I will assist in the research on Dutch ancestors.
  8. Ben Brink
  9. Alexandra Carter—I'm a relatively new WikiTreer in the USA. I'm researching the family of my Opa André Birkhoff, who was born and raised in Rotterdam. Collaborating with the Dutch Roots community has pointed me to previously unexplored sources, and in turn I've discovered many generations of Dutch ancestors, plus unexpected ties to France and Germany. Currently, I'm working on creating and sourcing profiles for my direct ancestors. So far, I've been unable to make any links to the big tree through my Dutch ancestors. Once I've created profiles for all known ancestors, my next project will be finding a connection.
  10. Shelly Cloud
  11. Carolina Dagevos Millin— My father was born in Dutch East Indies and my mother in The Netherlands. From both sides the family tree goes back to around 1500. I lived in The Netherlands, South Africa, Italy and now in Spain. I am working on the family trees Dagevos, Spruit, Coert, Lapré, Ykema, Epema, Ohnimus and Spruit (from my ancestors), Millin, Seager, Dicks, Urquhart (from my spouse ancestors) and many more. Ohnimus and Spruit are quite challenging because I haven't found my great grandmother and father Ohnimus nor details about my great grandmother Moestianah Spruit.
  12. Sarah Dammers— My father was born in Rotterdam after WWII and his whole family emigrated to Australia in the 50's. I never thought anything about my family history until my Oma passed away and my uncle spoke about her life including surviving both wars, losing her first husband and more than one child and then emigrating to a country where she barely spoke the language. After that I needed to know everything about everyone - which resulted in a family tree with the most random relations! I've started again on my tree and focusing on tracing the Dammers name as far as I can while also trying to find any living relatives around the world.
  13. Mary Diamante—My GGGrandfather, Henry King, was actually Theodorus Odijk from Vlaardingen. As a young man he signed on to a merchant ship, and was apparently involved in a mutiny over lack of food and brutal conditions. Before he was able to be incarcerated in England, he escaped as a stowaway. He adopted the name of an immigrant who died during the passage, and lived as Henry King in New York, where he met and married a young widow, Ellen Blain Conwell, from Killybegs, Donegal, Ireland. His family back in Vlaardingen was aware of his situation, and Henry and Ellen his share of the family business, converted to cash so they would have a good start. One of Henry's sisters also left an inheritance to his children. I have a fairly good amount of information about the Odijk family as well as some of their associated lines, but would like to expand it with more concrete sources.
  14. Christopher Douglas---I am interested in documenting the Terwilliger line, but also in other lines such as the Ostrander and the Roosa lines. My earliest Dutch ancestry traces back to the New Nederland setters such as Arien Alderts Roosa Sr (1645 - 1725).
  15. William "Bill" Dunkley--- Canadian for umpteen generations. Strong Irish Roots leading to United Empire Loyalist family. My wife was born in Zuiwolde, Groningen, and I decided to learn to read Dutch to explore her family tree. I now have over 200 on Wiki and another 400+ waiting to enter. I also have a Dutch connection as my gr grandmother was Julia Isabel Clute from the NNS. I have her family on Wiki back to the Netherlands in the 1700's and Germany in the 1600's. I am looking to fill out these profiles and add in the Scholtens, de Vries, Renkema and Denkema, and a dozen others I have just touched on.
  16. Joan Dubbelboer
  17. Tami Eisenga
  18. Jaki J. Erdoes
  19. Genevieve Espinosa
  20. Mariska de Feiter
  21. William Fox jr.
  22. Pierre Goolaerts — I was born and live in the Netherlands. My mothers ancestors are all Dutch, but the ancestors of my father are from Belgium, the province of Antwerp. I already found ancestors in a straight line on my fathers side till 1711 but the surname is changed to Leijsen I still have to put in the sources of many profiles in my tree.
  23. Janne Gorman — Currently researching ancestors (mostly Banckers and Kranckheyts) in the Sleepy Hollow and Manhattan area, in anticipation of visiting there next month. My ancestors interact greatly with the family members in the New Netherland Settlers project. I tend to add bibliographical information and link together families with existing profiles of the pre-1700 and early 1700's era.
  24. Ingrid van Garderen — vooral bezig met het aanvullen van bronnen voor profielen die ik als voorouders herken. Omgeving Utrecht, Hardenberg en Arnemuiden
  25. Connie Graves Several of my ancestors were in New Netherland and that brought about my interest in their Dutch origins and learning more about Dutch history. Dutch Roots offers me that opportunity. Names I am interested in are Newkirk, Hendricks, and Brouwer.
  26. Martyn Grifhorst
  27. Ivonne H.
  28. Michelle Hartley
  29. Richard Hayes
  30. Melle v.d. Heide — Started to use Wikitree abt. 2019. I believe wikitree's one world tree goals is the only way to finish all unsourced fragmentation in information and family trees that came to be since the internet. My interests are the pedigree of my children, with specialists: Roman Catholic Frisian families, [ the Seerden family] (Weert, Limburg), the [ Van der Heide family] (my own), both of which I maintain a separate website.
  31. Richard Hollenbeck — My New Netherland family names, each with their dozens of variant spellings, include (but are certainly not limited to) Hollenbeck, Van Wormer, Decker, Van Hoesen, Quick, Van Vechten, Vreeland, Wessels, Van Vloten, VanThumputten, and Van Hoes. My main interest lies in attempting to become aware of naming conventions in my own profiles, as well as in learning the overall history and culture of New Netherland. Ik begrijp niet Nederlands, maar ik ben bereid om te leren. Thanks to "Google Translate." I want to become acquainted with other students of New Netherland history and maybe even meet some cousins along the way.
  32. Jessica Jonkers
  33. Matthew Jonkman
  34. Mike Kanssen
  35. Ludwig Kraayenbrink — Started to use WikiTree in 2012 after researching various genealogy sites. Decided to use WikiTree to build my family history as I do like the idea of having one person profile in the data base rather than having multiple records. My incentive was to build my family tree as accurate as possible, to share the information, and to collaborate with others where I can. Before I knew I created 1000’s of persons in my watchlist and very much appreciate the feedback I get from other people from all over the world. Although my interest is mainly in the Kraaijenbrink (Krajenbrink, Kraayenbrink etc.) names, I started to create other family trees as I expanded my research in the female lineage. Happy to assist anyone where I can especially those families coming from the Achterhoek area in Gelderland. I am hoping that one day we can have a reliable data base of persons born in that area of the Netherlands.
  36. Steve VanderLeest — I was born in the USA, but my mother was born in the Netherlands, and my ancestors are Dutch on my father's side a bit further back, on that side my great-grandfather was born in the Netherlands. I started working on my family tree when I was 8 years old as part of a school project, with help from my grandmother. I am excited to be able to collaborate with others with similar interests.
  37. Andrew LeRoy I will be extremely busy over the coming months and unfortunately won't have time to contribute. 15 march 2016.
  38. Michael Maranda— I am working on the Tryon family - which came to America (specifically Connecticut) via England. William Tryon settled in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Histories indicate several Tryon families came to England around 1563 leaving Holland. My own branch of the Tryon line has not yet been connected to other branches, but in my effort to connect them I have researched Tryon's across America.
  39. Albertus de Friest Macnamara — i am interested in the genealogy of families who emigrated from the Netherlands and Flanders to Nieuw Amsterdam, and much later, to Michigan.
  40. Kent M. Miller
  41. Stella Mills
  42. Steven Mix — I am the Project Coordinator for the related New Netherland Settlers Project, which has many thousands of descendants from Dutch Roots ancestors. I have multiple early Long Island ancestors, particularly the early settlers of Kings (Brooklyn, Flatbush, Flatlands) and Queens (Jamaica, Flushing), and then following those lines later as they migrated into New Jersey. These are mostly Dutch / Flemish / French ancestors, and it is difficult to determine which ones are strictly Dutch. On that other project I list my many surnames of interest, but I won't do so here, because of the confusion just mentioned. I have an extensive desktop database which I compiled decades ago, and that I use to check against the WikiTree Long Island lines, to complete the missing interconnecions.
  43. B.w.j Mollier
  44. Sanne van Zijl-Oldenborg —Sanne from Utrecht. Used to be a datamanager. Since I had my burn-out I am a mail deliverer and use genealogy to satisfy my need for playing with data. Got a large portion of my tree together in a home-made excel database which i am now slowly implementing into WikiTree. Alongside I joined the Dutch_Roots project since my roots are quite Dutch :)
  45. Erik Oosterwal — I'm tracing the Frisian roots of both my grandfathers Hillebrand Oosterwal and Sjoerd (George) Tilstra. I was born in Holland and raised in the USA from about 3 years old. Luckily, my parents insisted that we always speak Dutch at home so I was able to learn the language, as well as can be expected, and am willing to help with translation where needed. Other Dutch names of interest include: Baas, Boeringe, Bosch, Burg, van Diest, Dijkstra, Drukker, Elles, Feenstra, Feima, Gemsers, Haske, Hazelhoff, Kooistra, van der Linde, Obbes, Polak, Politiek, Tilma, Tilsma, Walgers, de Vries, and van der Wei (van der Weij, van der Wey.)
  46. Matt van der Peet— I started out on Wikitree because I met my namesake at a sporting event in Christchurch, New Zealand. This came as rather a surprise because as you can imagine my name is quite uncommon for this part of the world. Both my Oma and the other Matthew van der Peet's father (Tony) were Wikitree tree users. They hadn't linked our families, but with a small amount of work we found our common ancestor Krijn van der Peet (b. Noordwijk in 1787). Anyway, I'm now researching my Dutch ancestors and attempting to tidy up all the Gedcom imports that my other relatives have contributed to Wikitree over the last couple of years. I'm still relatively new here, but I'm hoping that adding my ancestors to this project will help limit duplication and aid in general tidying.
    My present line of research is into a branch of the family that migrated from Limburg to Drenthe to settle as a part of the Maatschappij van Weldadigheid / Society of Humanitarianism. My major challenges include interpreting messy cursive script in a language I don't speak, and finding new and innovative ways to spell seemingly simple surnames (for example no fewer that 15 spellings so far for the surname 'Arsi').
  47. Fern Peters
  48. Carrie Quackenbush
  49. Arlene Renkema
  50. W Robertson — My grandmother was descended from Dutch immigrants to Iowa. My primary focus is 19th century Dutch immigrants to Iowa, and more generally to the US. I am also interested in the last name Jongewaard (bit by bit I am trying to add profiles for anyone I find with the last name and hope to eventually connect them all), Someday maybe I will learn how to research pre-1800 and expand the trees for other family names, including Meereboer from Noord-Holland, van Stoutenburg and Klomp from Utrecht, van der Meer and van den Bos from Zuid-Holland, and Versteegh and Tromp from Gelderland.
  51. Rae Santema — Trying to connect Frysland names and trees to the rest of the country and find more connections from the Updikes that came over to New Netherlands pre-1700.
  52. Peter Scheffer — I joined WikiTree with a Gedcom-import of my family-tree in 2013, and I am not very active here
  53. Astrid Schellenberger— I'm innocent! Blame Jan Terink for you having me.. ;) Hi! I'm 55 years old, born in Germany, Dutch mum, German dad, came to the Netherlands as i was 2 years old, I'm married, mum of two, and a (working) speechtherapist. I m trying to get my German ancestors that lived around Schwerin, Vorpommern-Mecklenburg, former East-Germany. I made it to my great-granddad so far. :/ Hard....... in mean time building on my Dutch ancestors what is much easier. Getting close to -1700 there now. Coming across my ancestors with an inactive profilemanager.......... and those are ancestors of my hub too. We have lot of genealogy books from our little town Aalsmeer (near Amsterdam) on most commen lastnames here. So I think I can be a help. I m a new leaf on the fat (Wiki)tree, so asking for help and patience, love to help. Trying to get all, and already got this is worth all my freetime. Love the puzzles. So I prolly need to change my profile soon and add a divorce as the ironing won t be done anymore (joking). Help! :D TY for having me.
  54. Roelof Scholtens - My first goal is to update my family tree and fill the information in correctly. I try as far as possible find family profiles.
  55. Leslie Shapiro
  56. Bertram Sluys — My first goal is to update my family tree and fill the information in correctly - the Dutch sides as well as the Colonial American side. So far I have almost completed my father's father's side in Noord-Holland with a few excursions into Gelderland and Noord-Brabant. I just have my sides from Overijssel, Friesland and Groningen to go! I am also willing to help other people research and put their family trees onto WikiTree correctly.
  57. Weldon Smith—What a great Project, so helpful to those of with New Netherlands ancestors and no facility with the Dutch language (my German doesn't help much here). I research ancestors from the Hudson and Mohawk river valleys of New York in 1600s-1700s (Brouwer, van Eps, Drinckvelt, Toll, Borsboom, Douw, Damen, Rinckhout, Jeurians, van Voorhout), and from Somerset/Gloucester counties of New Jersey in 1700s-1800s (van Nieuwkirk, TenEyck, van Meter, Kunst, Roosa, Slecht, Focken, Bosch). My efforts will mainly be focused on keeping these ancestors well researched and documented. But I promise to dabble a little in the records in Netherlands to see what you all are doing. Thanks for all your efforts to keep the tree tops of these ancestral branches accurately documented at Wikitree.
  58. Dan Sparkman - I traced my ancestry back to early Nieuw_Nederland colony without any real idea before that I even had Dutch ancestors. Now I find that I have plenty! I am working on van Bremens, Terpennings, van Schuyvens, and whoever else shows up in my tree. I speak and read enough German to be able to sort of follow Dutch names and texts, but I wouldn't dare say that they are all the same! I also speak a bit of French.
  59. Enoch Stuivenberg - My name is Enoch Stuivenberg and I live in the beautiful countryside village, Siegerswoude, Friesland, I work as a Cook and I am a teacher and I give cooking classes to apprentice cooks. i am member of WikkiTree since 2016, My hobbies are genealogy, and breeding of Swiss White Shepherd dogs and we have two males and tree females and we regularly have a litter of puppies. I have since 10 years working on genealogy research on my ancestors surnames I'm researching are de Graaf, Stuivenberg, van Stuivenberg, van Stuijvenberg, van Stuijvenbergh, Steen, Mannes, Walsma, van der Veur, Pool, Bekkema, Baron , Wiarda (van), Ozinga Osinga.
  60. Drew Teague
  61. Jan Terink — I beat Johan at the newcomers race... A hit on WikiTree while doing research for a friend took me here. Accidents happen... Currently I'm setting up a page with links to Dutch archives.
  62. Lennart van Haaften — Native Dutch, mostly interested in the areas where my ancestors are from: Zeeland, Land van Heusen en Altena.
  63. Rob Waaijenberg
  64. Philip van der Walt
  65. Ted Vandevis - I am a son of both Dutch parents who immigrated to Canada in 1952. My wife's family is also Dutch. I speak and read Dutch although not without difficulty. I am the profile manager for over 5000 profiles, most of which have Dutch roots. I intend to clean them up using present Wikitree and Dutch Roots profile standards.
  66. AL Wellman — colonial American Dutch ancestors lived on Long Island. My historical focus is the 16th and 17th century Atlantic coast and Islands from Long Island to Newfoundland including early contacts with Native American First Nations and Basque, Breton, Dutch, English, Flemish, French, Italian, Norman, Portuguese, and Spanish explorers, fishermen, traders, and settlers. Few individuals of this time and place have profiles, but understanding the cultural interactions of this period helps me interpret genetic and lifestyle clues of subsequent generations.
  67. Bea Wijma — Hi I'm the Project Leader/Coordinator for the Dutch Roots Project. I love the Wikitree idea of building this one huge worldwide family tree in collaboration with people from all over the world, love the projects and especially working on the Pre-1700 profiles, sometimes discouraging maybe, but for me every time I find (against all odds) something new for a profile (person) or a family even the smallest bit of info, it feels really great and is the most rewarding, just like a brickwall breaktrough ! In my opinion everyone (every profile) deserves the same care and attention, so if they were rich and famous ,poor or regular people, everyone should have a nice profile, a monument honoring their lives...
  68. Leslie Yaw— Passively working on my wife's family's tree - Jake and Gertie (Americanized) Kramer who immigrated to the USA in 1913 from Holland. Jake's parents were Beirend Kramer (1857-1891) and Geertruida Mein (1858-1915). (His step-father was Christian Meijer)
  69. Jorris Hoste — Living in The Netherlands and having Dutch roots
  70. Andrew Van Duyn — Working on my family tree in Zuid-Holland and Friesland for ancestors who immigrated to the United States in the 1880s and 1920s.
  71. Andrew Wever — Working on my family tree. Poring over microfilm every night. I may be able to help translate French-language records from the French period aka "Franse tijd in Nederland" (1795–1813).
  72. David Klynkramer - I am first generation Canadian, father emigrated to Canada (was a hidden child during war, lost most of his family) met my English mother and we have grown up in parts of Ontario with no extended family to share family history with. I am working on both trees, finding the Dutch a bit more difficult to decipher as I explore them. My wife (Wevers) was born in Utrecht. My family names are primarily Klijnkramer, van der Bijl and in time will be Wevers .
  73. Brandon Morrow - I am new to wikitree and am interested in finding out more about my ancestors by the surname of van de Woestyne and would like to contribute what I do know so far.
  74. Charlie Panek - My mother's side is all Dutch (well, 99% anyway). My grandparents emigrated to the US from Amsterdam in the early 1900's. Struijs and Spaanderman were their last names. Since we know the first person who took the name Spaanderman in the early 1600's, I've been working on getting everyone with that surname into WikiTree.
  75. Koen van Hoof - I am Dutch and (most of) my ancestors are also Dutch, from Noord-Brabant. I am working on my family tree, including siblings of my ancestors.
  76. Henk Elemans - I am researching my own ancestors (Elemans, Coenen, van Heesch and Megens), most of which are from the area now encompassed by the municipalities Oss and Landerd.
  77. E. Buikema - Researching the Buikema family
  78. Heather Ford - Looking for documentation to support DNA evidence for ancestors in Groningen, specifically in Warffum and surrounding area. May also have more distant ancestors who emigrated to New Amsterdam bef. 1690, but can't yet confirm.
  79. Coen Dijkgraaf - Researching my ancestors, as well as any Dijkgraaf, Rolffs, Smouter & Meeuwis.
  80. Denise Hendrikx - Researching my ancestors, as well as Moerenhout, meisenier names, Van denbergh and alternative spellings, Van den Sande and Van de Sande, Gillard, Lebaigue, Caremans, Coppée.
  81. Charles Hensgens - Researching my ancestors, as wel as Wijnen, Reul and Türck. In the Dutch - German border region of Limburg.
  82. Sieger Witvoet - Researching my ancestors, who for the most part originate from Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe (i.e. Witvoet, Visser, Bergsma, Alma, Nicolai, Bijma, Bekkema and Spinder)

This page was last modified 14:57, 9 January 2022. This page has been accessed 1,949 times.