Project: German Roots/Members
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Project Members
Project members can take primary responsibility for a specific German family and work on merging duplicates, cleaning up profiles, adding sources, adding templates/categories, and removing incorrect information. If there isn't a particular family that interests you, you can join one of our Regional Teams or contribute to any of these tasks HERE.
[1]</ref>==List of Member Interests== This list is current as of December 2021 (in alpha order). Please add a link to your profile and your interests below. Thanks!
- John Albertini First I hope I'm not breaking any rule editing myself to the top of the list. I'm an American who has many German ancestral lines as does by wife. Some we have traced to their German origins many we have not yet figured out. Even my Albertini moved from Casale Monferrato, Italy to the Clausthal-Zellerfeld - Goslar area in the early 1800's and married a local girl (Wagener) there. But we also have these lines: Barth, Bogenschutz, Bulling, Dass, Eisfelder, Gramlich, Goebler, Goldschmidt, Hoffmann, Huber, Huels, Junge, Kaiser, Kaltmaier, Keiler, Krowerath, Maurer, Meisenzahl, Meyer, Pattermann, Pfander, Roth, Rueber, Schaeffer, Schellhaus, Scholl, Schug, Stettner, Untersteller, Wahlig, Wetjen
- Monika B. I live in the southern part of Germany and have been researching for about 30 years . I do research all over Germany and also in West Prussia.
- Andreas Bieker I am researching the name Bicker/Bieker/Biecker in particular in Hesse, also contributed to the OFB Neustadt (Hessen) and am working in general on the "catholic" villages of the former Kurmainzer enclave Amöneburg - nowadays part of the county of Marburg-Biedenkopf in Hesse. Member of HFV.
- Michael Bissell-Benefiel: My maternal grandmother was born in the village of Nieblum, on the North Friesian Island of Foehr in Schleswig-Holstein. Her mother's family goes back many generations on Foehr and the mainland, but I have had great difficulty establishing with certainty her father's forebears. His name was Herman Anton Friedrich Cordes
- Laura Pennie Bozzay i live in middle of USA in suburb of St Louis my interests are any glassmaker families particularly Walter Stenger and Burgun looking for elusive grest grandmother birth record Eva Weber-5077 Born 1834 hesse darmstadt Evangelical Lutheran . also follow Woerner and Koenig from Appenweir Reiss from Baden Gebhardt from Magdeburg and Minden Prussia finally Eufinger from Vilmar Ealdeck Nadau Hesse
- Dunja Brandes I am half german and half dutch, can read and write german, english, dutch and french and would like to help with finding connections, doing translations or researches in any other way. My own family tree (including my husbands family) is about 12000 people and can be seen on ancestry. GEDCOM was too big to get it here, will work on this time by time. My german family is located in the north, east frisia, and down to Hildesheim and Göttingen.
- Markus Brenner: I was born in Ulm, Germany. My main interests in Germany are Württemberg (Malmsheim, Obermünkheim), Bayern (Reutti/Neu-Ulm).
- I. Caruso: I'm interested in my maternal family in Canton Berne, Switzerland (Jörg from Sumiswald, Freiburghaus from Neuenegg, Wyss from Arni / Biglen) and in my greatgreatgrandmother's line, Lautensack and Rittweger from around Sachsen-Meiningen and her descendants all over Germany. In the Germany Project I'm helping to proof read the translated German help pages.
- Kelly Dazet: Help with research for Germans from Russia and Donauschwaben (Hungary)
- T Duran Both of my grandmothers have (Pennsylvania) German ancestry. Surnames include Hartzell and Schaeffer. My paternal grandfather also has German ancestry, surname Jacoby. Most of my German research (so far) has led to the Palatine Migration. My paternal grandmother suggested that her ancestors were Alsatian German Huguenots. 23andMe DNA testing indicates that I am 37.1% German. I enjoy collaborating, and welcome any help.
- Jelena Eckstädt My paternal family comes mainly from Saxony-Anhalt on my grandfather's side and from today's Lahn-Dill-Kreis in Hesse on my grandmother's side.
- Peter Horstmann (Brasche-Horstmann since marriage) I am German and come from North Rhine-Westphalia, like the majority of my ancestors. The Horstmann and Riese families are from Arnsberg in the northern Sauerland, Drexelius comes from the southern Sauerland, on the border with Hesse, and “my” Brinkmanns come from the Lüdenscheid / Warbollen area. The Knops among my ancestors come from the Eifel, especially from Aachen, as well as some others from neighboring Liège (Lüttich), today part of Belgium. With the Mürb family, I also have some ancestors in the Black Forest, around Eisental and Affental.
- Morgan (Hughes) Frazier My paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Kumle, her grandfather Phillip Kumli Sr (1839-1924) was born in Strittmatt, Görwihl, Waldshut, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland on April Fools Day 1839 to a single mother. He was only 10 when his mother died, leaving him an orphan – I believe his aunt’s family took him in but she too died in 1863. He eventually got enough money together to travel to America; landing in NY on 2/18/1864. I know of no other Kumle(i) families beyond the descendants of Phillip Sr. and the Kumle family was Roman Catholic. I am also a Winkle from Pennsylvania on my paternal line. My Great Grandmother on my maternal side's maiden name was Hasenfus (spelled numerous ways) and her mother's was Fischer. George Hausenfus (1825-1910) born January 12, 1825, in Bavaria and his soon to be wife Marion Fisher (1836-1916) traveled on the same ship the Cynosure in 1853 before they married in NY, and traveled east to Wisconsin. I have no idea where he was born beyond Bayern (Bavaria) but he was a skilled shoemaker. Some researchers have John Micheal Hausenfus of Württemberg / Wurttemberg (1797–1862) as his father but that seems unlikely since John’s family was in Ohio as early as 1820s and why would he have returned to Germany to have a child in 1823, then leave them there? Searching Familysearch for this surname Pfalz, Bayern, Deutschland has the most Hasenfus births and Wisconsin has the most Hasenfus immigrants yet I cannot make any direct connections between the families here in the US.
- Alison Gardner: I live in the USA, und ich spreche Deutch nicht. As a child, I was told that my mother's family were "Pennsylvania Dutch", and came there from Germany. My grandfather was raised speaking both German and English. Through internet research, I have been able to find out that many of my ancestors came from Switzerland, rather than Germany, traveling through Germany on their way to America. Many of these were Anabaptists, fleeing persecution in the late 1600's and early 1700's. A few of them, however, turned out to have actually been from Germany, including Johann Christian Winebrenner (or Weinbrenner) Johann Christian Winebrenner (1735-abt.1815) from Baden Wurttemberg. He was of the German Reformed church. I have had little luck tracing my family back through European history. Mostly I have not been able to trace them past the generation that crossed the Atlantic, and many not even that far. Johan Andreas Kauffman Johan Andreas Kauffman (1668-1743) was also my ancestor, as was his wife, Elizabeth Kneisley though it was someone else that traced them back across the sea. They were both from Baden Wurttemberg, also. They married in America. Jacob Ebersole Jacob Haldeman Ebersole (abt.1730-1785) was from Friedelsheim, Pfalz, Bayern. Benedict Mellinger (Moellinger) Benedict Mellinger (1715-1795) was from Ruchheim, Ludwigshafen Am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz. Someone else has traced his paternal line back several generations to Switzerland, but the maternal line remains unknown. His wife, Maria Hershey Maria (Hershey) Mellinger (1728-1785), has been pretty well-documented by others, again on her paternal side, but her mother came from France. Mathias Boger Mathias (Boger) Bogar Sr. (1716-1785) has also been pretty well documented (not by me), at least on the paternal line, and the maternal better than some. He was born in Schwaigern, Herzogtum Baden, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutschland. I would be very glad for any help in finding missing wives, children, locations, marriages, etc., etc., for any of these, as I have not yet developed the skills to do so. If anyone who lives in Germany has long lost distant relatives in the USA, I would be happy to try to help to track them down.
- Roy Gehris - My immigrant ancestors came to America (Philadelphia) in 1742. They lived in the village of Horschbach, Kreis, Kusel in the Rheinland - Pfalz. I am interested in finding other families from the same area in Germany.
- Bernard Giroud Living in France, Haute-Savoie (Upper Savoy), near Geneva. My ancestors are mainly from Switzerland, with two branches (Seeger and Schmid) from Württemberg.
- Beth (Brown) Golden: My maternal great grandfather was Lewis (Ludwig) WALTER, born 1859 Cumberland, Maryland. His father Albert WALTHER married Christina BECKER 1857 in Frederick, Maryland. Albert died or disappeared as Christina married John Pfeiffer (b. 1836 Darmstadt) in January 1860 Cumberland, Maryland. All 3 families were Reformed Evangelical Lutheran. The Becker family came from Hesse - Geissen - Staufenberg and Lollar nearby. The origin of the Walther family has been difficult to trace but Auntie said it was either Dusselfdorf and/or Hesse - Darmstadt. Great Uncle David Walter emphatically said that our Walter family was NOT associated with the ones in Pennsylvania. I've just renewed my research into the Walt(h)er family. I find them as well as Becker and GISELER [GEIßlER], family are ancestors of Christina] as early as 1790 in Frederick Town, MD. Early days, but hopeful I can finally tell my Walther family story. In addition to all of Christina's ancestors, I have numerous other direct ancestors from Germany, including Deadwyler, Kohlman [Coleman], Kunkel, Turney [Dorni, Turni, etc.], Maust and Spengler. Brown-18795 02:59, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
- Russ Gunther Working on researching family history in our family's origin German villages, primarily in Eastern Bayern and Hessen.
- Danny Gutknecht: My special interest is in the German counties of Saxony and Thuringia for this covers most of my ancestry. But I can also help with questions concerning the rest of Germany if need be. Anyways I'm a local and may have access to sources one would need. So don't hesitate to ask.
- Kylie Haese I am interested in Germans who emigrated to Australia in the early 1800's. The old German places I have the most interest in are Prussia, Pommern, Bremen, and Saxony. Surnames I am researching include Haese, (I started the Haese one name study) , Janhke, Hueppauff, Bosenberg, Creydt, Luhrmann and Albers. I enjoy working on orphaned profiles, especially researching and adding sources.
- Lisette Halasz Hello, I come from Baden-Württemberg and mostly have German roots. My main line is the surname Laux, which can be found in the towns of Obernhof/Nassau, Singhofen/Nassau, Metz/Alsace-Lorraine, Hayingen/Alsace-Lorraine and Heidenheim. I have not yet fully explored the branch lines of the Laux surname, but it is a goal of mine to locate as many Laux members as I can. I'm also looking for the surnames (I only picked up a few of them...) : - Dick (Saarbrücken; Mackenbach; ) - Fuhr (Holzhausen a.d.Haide; ) - Georg (Malstatt-Burbach; Niederlinxweiler; Birkenfeld; ) - Haas (Buhlenberg; ) - Lauer (Ottweiler; ) - Lotz (Obernhof; ) - Maurer(Mackenbach; ) - Metzler (Mackenbach; )- Reichel (Chemnitz) - Reitz (Gießen; ) - Rinn (Gießen; ) - Stein (Wiebelskirchen; Wellesweiler; ) - Zimmer(Oberlinxweiler; ) - Zimmermann(Oberlinxweiler; ). As of April 15, 2022, I have not yet entered all the people in my family tree, as I am trying to double-check all the sources! But the main places are currently "Obernhof, Mackenbach, Gießen". I have the local family book of Oberlinxweiler and am happy to look up and search for data.
- Laurie (Snook) Hughes UE Interested in Brunhoeber (Lower Saxony) and Kiichler (Sohland an der Spree) and name variations. These would be my great grandparents on my paternal grandmother's side. Both immigrated at different times.
- J. Jäschke - I have ancestors from Nothern Germany and also from Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxe and from the Eastern regions which are now Poland, like East and West Prussia or Poznan. I'm interested in finding perhaps some new connections to other WikiTreers.
- Mary Ann Brandt Jensen - I am 15/16 German and 1/16 Irish/English/Scottish. I have roots in several areas of Germany but the line I'm working most intensely on is the Metz family from the village of Hayna near Herxheim southwest of Speyer and Mannheim. I wound up working up a rough community tree to try to figure out which George Metz fits where in our line and figured out I'm probably descended from all 7 of the families from Hayna that survived the 30 years war. So I started a one place study centered on the village of Hayna.
- Friedemann Kiedaisch: I am German and live for over twenty years in Ulm in Baden-Württemberg on the border with Bavaria. Almost all of my ancestors come from the Duchy of Württemberg, which is in the center of what is now Baden-Württemberg. Accordingly, this area is my special interest. Since my name is relatively rare, I am interested in all occurrences of the name "Kiedaisch" (also in other countries) and I am the coordinator of the Kiedaisch Name Study.
- Tom Kouts: My 6th GGrandfather migrated from the Baden area to Pennsylvania. He is Kautz-250. Have found that George's family are not from Baden. They are from Hesse Hanau, Frankfurt Au Main, Germany. I do not have much in the line of sources and would appreciate any help with them.
- Lianne Lavoie - I'm a descendant of Johann Ulson, who was one of the German settlers who founded Markham, Ontario, known as the Berczy Settlers. I lead the Markham Berczy Settlers Project.
- Pilla Leitner My maternal great-grandparents, Johann B. Eichhorn and Elisabeth Liebl immigrated together on the Rhein in 1888, from Bremen to Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He was born in Eslarn, in Bavaria, Oberpfalz district, Neustadt an der Waldnaab. I have scanned a book listing all the people who lived at all the addresses in Eslarn up until the 1980s: Häusergeschichte der Marktgemeinde Eslarn v. Dr. Josef Hanauer. If anyone has relatives from this area east of Nurnberg, I will gladly look in th]]: Help with research for Germans from Russia and Donauschwaben (Hungary)
- Dieter Lewerenz I am German and live in Lower Saxony since 1985, I was born in Schleswig-Holstein, just like my wife. My wife's ancestors are mainly from Schleswig-Holstein. My paternal ancestors are from Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, my maternal ancestors are from Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Thuringia and Hesse. Some branches probably also go to Saxony and the former German eastern territories. I am able to decipher and translate old German scripts; I also write the old Sütterlin script fluently. The names I am researching can be viewed directly in my biography, where I have listed the 20 most common names in my children's family tree.
- Allison Mackler: I have several Germanic linages that I am researching. My maternal grandmother's parents were Volga German, with my grandmother being the first child born in the United States after they emigrated. On my mother's paternal side, I have ancestors that were orginal Germanna colonists. On my father's side, both of my great grandmothers were German.
- Rolf Maxa I was born in Stuttgart and my family and I emigrated to the United States in 1955. I'm able to read a little German, I have trouble with old German. My wife and children now live in New York, USA. My maternal side of the family is mainly from Gussenstadt, Württemberg. This family line is well outlined in a Ortsfamiliebuck from Gussenstadt, starting with my grandfather Heinrich Barchet. My paternal side of the family is my biggest brick wall. They are from a small hamlet call, Hütten, Schwäbisch Hall, Württemberg. There are several members of this family which I can not find sources for. My grandmother Frida Rosa Steiner was married to a Albert Maxa Maxa-14. He was my fathers step father.
- Dana (Krieger) Meyer - I am interested in the following surnames from my father's family: Krieger, Lachman, Metz, Degenhardt, Witt, Modenbaugh, VonderBruggan, Kesten. They immigrated to the Western PA area from the Baden-Wurttemberg and Hesse areas in Germany/ Prussia in the 1800s. I can’t find much before that. Also found Krieger name may have been spelled Cregger or Von Kruger instead of as Krieger but I don't have confirmation on this except for a baptismal certificate from my grandfather. I would love to collaborate with anyone working on this family tree as well. My mother's German family surnames are as follows: Grom (Krom, Kranz), Luft, Dashchner, Schlereth, Meyerl, Kneidel, Oberst, Schafer, Müller (Mueller, Muller), Heilmann, Kilian (Killian), Hock, Berberich, Lauer, Ripperger, Schreck, Seitz, Stapf, Walther (Walter), Weißmann, Feil, Baur, Herold, Geiger, Seebach. The following families immigrated to Western PA from Germany in the 1800's: Grom/Krom/Kranz, Mueller, Luft, Meyerl, and Schlereth. I've been able to trace back my mom's German family roots on my gram's side pretty far, some into the 1600's.
- Kevin Miller: I have my male line Muller / Mueller (from Rhineland), Dorschner / Brandner (from Falkenau, Bohemia), and Lemke / Froemming (from Prussia). I would like to contribute in any way I can! My interests are with Johann Müller bapt 26 July 1841, Auw Bitburg, Rheinland, Prussia, Anna Kneiszel from Bohemia, Joseph and Theresia Dorschner from Falkenau, Bohemia, and Frederick and Ulrike Lemke from Brandenburg, Germany.
- Dallace Moore I am interested in finding more information about my maternal 2x greatgrandfather. He came over from Bavaria Germany as a young boy with his parents, Michael and Elizabeth. He was the youngest and the only one of the children that came with them. I can not find any information about his parents or siblings. He married and had 14 children one of his daughters being my great grandmother. They were Roman Catholic. Then there is my maternal 3x greatgrandfather, he came over from Wittenberg, Germany, I don't have any information about his parents or siblings. I did find his wives and the children.
- Rob Neff: Neff side is German-from-Russia (Volga and Black Sea), mother's side is Ungerecht from Meiningen/Erfurt region of Thuringia (see Ungerecht Name Study). Also Hoerauf from Edingen/Heidelberg.
- Samuel Nett - My entire family is German. I know a lot of people from my Paternal Grandfather's side of the family, and would like to continue researching there. That side of the family lives in the eastern Eifel region and around the Rhine in Rhineland-Palatinate. My paternal grandmother's family is also from the Eifel. My maternal grandmother's family comes from Berlin originally, but during and after WWII was spread throughout Germany. My maternal grandfather's family is originally from Oberglogau (Głogówek) in Upper Silesia. The main names I am looking at are 'Nett' for my paternal grandfather, 'Schneider' for my paternal grandmother, 'Romainczyk' for my maternal Grandfather, and my maternal grandmother's family has too many names to specify one.
- Larry Payton: I speak, read, and write German and presently live in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
- Kathryn Nass Penner: my area of interest would be German speaking Mennonites of Prussia/Russian Empire. I am a first generation Canadian as both parents were DIsplaced Persons fleeing the war from Tiegenhagen & Alexandrokov. I was raised with very little knowledge of my german/Mennonite culture as we lived on the opposite side of the country. My paternal grandfather (Nass) was non-Mennonite, but was from a German village/colony in Russian empire. They lived and worked near the Mennonite colonies and married my wealthy grandmother, who died young. The paternal side is my brick wall as I get confused about where we are talking about "Prussia" or Germany. In the end, my paternal grandfather lived and died in East Germany and my father was raised by his maternal side, thus fleeing to Canada. I spend a lot of time photographing stones for cemetery project and have an interest in any Menno name.
- Larry Ridgley My wife's family is from the Ulm, Baden-Wurttemberg area and we are tracing her relatives in that area. Names: Erdle, Stegmann
- Lynden Raber Castle Rodriguez: Surnames I will be searching for are Raber (Reber, Raeber, etc.), Yoder, Hilpert, Egli, Frey, Bachman, and Adam. I will add other surnames as they come to the fore. Truthfully, I do not know much about my German heritage; which is unfortunate. Another block to research is that there are few, if any, databases online. However, I do not regard language barriers as a problem, as I believe there are many fine language apps, and translation features online.
- Lisa Roller: I am working on Lugenbeel ancestors going back pre-1700s
- Christa Rautenbach (born Meyer) I am South African. My German link is Gerrit Heinrich Meyer (SV/Prog 2) born on 16 January 1665 in Buchholz, Cologne, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. He immigrated to the Cape (South Africa) before 1692, where he also died in 1716. In circa 1693 he married Suzanne Costeux (SM/Prog) born in Marcq, Pas-de-Calais, Marcq-en-Barœul, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France on 18 December 1675 in the Cape. She also died in South Africa in 1714. So my paternal family line runs through Esaias Engelbert Engelbert Meyer, a2b3, their son.
- Lee "LJ" Russell Maternal Grandfather's Line is Cypher. Possibly from Rhenish Hesse region. Maternal Grandmother's Line is Fickley from the Alsace and Pardonner from Hesse. Both sides left a large family foot print, the bulk of whom lived in Western Pennsylvania predominately in Butler, Allegheny and Lawrence counties. The Cypher Line was involved in the creation of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. At this time I am completing family tree of those ancestors born in the United States and associated family lines by marriage. Will tackle my European lineage after this endeavor is complete as this requires a higher degree of research and time.
- Stephen Sanders - I have ancestors from Gottschee (Laase), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Tessin, Behren-Lübchin, Jördenstorf, Moltzahn), the Palatinate, North Rhine (Rheinbach), German Bohemia (Klattau), Bavaria (Hammelburg), and Württemberg (Vellberg). Surnames I am researching are Schusterschitz, Klobutscher, Stritzel, Schober, Diedrich, Klafehn, Cline, Pung, Keigel, Kröckel, Messer, and Sperr.
- Don Sangster: My Maternal second great grandfather, Christoph(er) Briese (managed by Mark Jacobs) was born, married and died in Prussia, probably West Prussia. He did not emigrate with his wife and children to Canada. His wife Elisabeth Loÿse Briese formerly Blümke allegedly was born and married in Prussia and then emigrated to Canada. Am looking for help with finding and translating any first source documents for these families in Prussia.
- Karolin Schomberg I am German myself and research mainly in the area around Burgsteinfurt, Lienen, Lengerich, Ladbergen, Tecklenburg and the North Sea island of Borkum. My family belongs to one of the oldest families in the former Tecklenburg district. First verifiable mention in a farm delivery list from 1468 under the name Schouwenborch. But there are other possible mentions before this time. I'm trying to find a connection to this mention. My husband is a native of Borkum and we have access to the archives. Especially on the Akkermann, Bakker, Aggen, Juist, Teerling, Wybrands and Visser families. I also have distant relatives in the USA, some of whom emigrated between 1700 and 1880. Especially in the Edwardsville and St. Louis area.
- Jennifer Massey Schwartz - researching Schwartz and Nesselbush/Baisch who immigrated to New York > St. Louis, MO area in 1850's; said to originate from Lauf and Wollup but I'm working on confirming it. Also researching Mayberry ancestry from Wurttemberg-immigrated to U.S. (VA) in 1700's. Hoping this project can help with sorting out place names and their geographical changes.
- Michael Seufert - my german half of the family is seeded mostly in Höpfingen, BW and around Michelstadt, HE.
- Ann Sherwin I am retired from a 35-year career as an ATA-certified German>>English translator specializing in genealogy and German script. I manage 750 Wiki profiles to date, mostly German, started from research I had done in the 1980s but have found many more connections at Archion. Am currently focused on Protestant families from Baden and Württemberg but eagerly awaiting the appearance of more Catholic records online.
- Bertram Sluys: Mostly Dutch / Frisian ancestors with some from Colonial America as well. Several Dutch ancestors have German heritage, mostly from Grafschaft Bentheim and Ost Friesland, both in Niedersachsen. I am particularly interested in finding more Ost Frisian records online and in helping others find family in Grafschaft Bentheim.
- Cheryl Smith: Ancestors in Oldenburg, Bavaria, Alsace-Lorraine, and my great-grandmother, whom I had the privilege of personally knowing, was a German from Russia, born near Odessa, Ukraine
- Keith Mann Spencer - I am currently researching all my German Ancestors who make me 66% Western European. This is a goal of mine, to research, study German History, learn the German language, and document all of my findings. I am currently researching My Ancestors, with these surnames. Maurer's from Koblenz Stadt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Prussia, Germany to Vanderbilt, Otsego County Michigan. Immigration in 1851. Quickel's from Brandau, Starkenburg, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on 19 October 1736. More surnames, Britsch, Beilstein, Ross, Enders, Hubner, Schmid, Buhlers, Stumpf, Ruhl, Veit, Frickin, Schaeffer/Schaffer, Bellinger, Klock, Windecker, Walrath, Krauss, Nelles, Fuchs/Fox, Kuhn, Neitzert, Mattheus, Stroh, Deckmann, Heuser, Dorn, Bundtin, Silbernagel, Bender, Stuertzenecker, Sprecher/Spraker, Demuth, Schmitz, Mueller, Ecker, Rickert, Haus, Fisher, Grauel, and Seibel.
- Oliver Stegen I am German, and so have been all of my known ancestors (a couple of lines go back to the 1400s). On my father’s side, family originates from the Lüneburg Heath area in Lower Saxony, names of Stegen, Ostermann, Bergmann, Harms, Sander, Detje, Flügge, Constien, Meyer, Schlieckau, Schmedt, Timme, Töbing etc.; on my mother’s side, family originates from Saxon states in what is now mainly Thuringia and Sachsen-Anhalt, names of Graul, Neumann, Schlegel, Schreiber, Wandsleben, Hohlstein, Francke, Hagedorn, Henning, Mietzschke, Renneberg, Rosenstengel, Sachse etc.
- Susan Stopford A descendant of vine dressers and their families who migrated from Lorch, Eltville and Schwabbach to the Colony of New South Wales (Australia) as bounty immigrants in the mid-19th Century. Family names are Mohr, Becker, Schipp, Kühn, Schoeneck/Schönek and Grabert.
- Gudula Suskin: My ancestors include families Schmidt, Störzer, Löffler, Lienau, Linau, Nobbe, Braunberg, Cordes, Riege, Vogel, Fraude, Kittel, Haese (mostly in northern Germany). My husband’s ancestors include immigrant families Kinard/Keinat, Koch, Letsche, Gugel, Koon/Kuhn, Shealy/Schule, Epting, Setzler, Counts/Kuntz, Eichelberger (mostly from Baden-Württemberg to South Carolina). I am interested in improving profiles, and I can translate German-English.
- Martin Swain My wife and I live in Lübeck, in the north of Germany near the Baltic coast. Whilst my side of the family is from the British Isles my wife’s family all come from around Germany - the JUNG family from Brandenburg and Berlin, the PAPPÉE branch from near Brunswick (Braunschweig) although they originated from Saarbrucken on the Franco-Germany boarder. Another line, the SCHAUB's came from Hesse near Marburg. Whilst entering the profiles from the newly uploaded GEDCOM file I hope to identify more source citations than I currently have, and possibly link up with other branches along the way.
- Terri Swift I am researching my maternal grandfather's side of my family. They were from Hessen-Darmstadt and ended up in Louisville, Kentucky and Elyria, Ohio. Some of the names I am researching from my Mother's side are Heuser, Seipp, Adami and Mathes. I am also researching the names Barb and Spitler on my Mother's side. They came to North America before the US Revolutionary War. On my father's side there are Proughs who were not Proughs before they came to the States. I believe their name was Broch and that was changed to Prough. This is my Paternal Great Grandmother's maiden name. Warstler is another name attached to the Clawson/Prough families that I am researching. I enjoy thoroughly researching a profile and leaving it better than I found it.
- Traci Thiessen Most of my German ancestors immigrated to America in the 1800's. Most of my branches are in Schleswig-Holstein and I'm looking to find the towns/parishes where they resided ... not an easy task. My S-H branches are: Thiessen, Kloppenburg, Junge, and Menge. An even bigger task is finding my husband's family (Mosblech) as I don't even know which region to begin my research. Husband's family also: Kettenbach, Schulte, Monse, Lipke, Kalt, Diebling, Feldman, Hils ... and more, who are also German immigrants to America.
- Michael Thomas Almost everyone (two paternal lines and a maternal line) comes from Bayern (Bavaria) or Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) around Kaiserslautern, including a Huguenot link. My maternal ancestors lived near my paternal ancestors. I also have dozens of ancestors connected to the Holy Roman Empire I've been studying.
- Steve Thomas Descendant of families that migrated from Lower Silesia, Prussia to South Australia in the mid-19th Century. Family names are Heinrich, Pfeiffer, Naeschke, Semmler, Qualmann, Schaefer and Haensel. My interest is in connecting the Australian Wikitree profiles that have German ancestry.
- B. Thompson I am researching the people of Schlossberg (near Bopfingen) in Wuerttemberg. Schlossberg was settled beginning in about 1719 by Jenische people and by executioners and excoriators (Adbeckers, Wasenmeisters, etc.). Hitler's regime used data gleaned from Catholic registers in Flochberg to justify the forced sterilization (Zwangssterilisation) of non-Jew/non-Gypsy, etc. Germans they labeled as "Asociale Aryans." Probably at least two hundred from Schlossberg were sterilized against their will in the 1930s. Also am building lists of Executioners ( and Excoriators ( and their descendants in the dioceses of Augsburg, Freiburg, München and Freising, and Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
- Jim Walter: Paternal Grandfather: Born in what was then Schwetz, West Prussia /now Swiecie, Poland/ on October 06, 1870 (Yes, I was the youngest in my family and I am pretty old!). How he emigrated from there to St. Louis, MO is puzzle No. 1! In April, 1890, he was gainfully employed in St. Louis as a machinist! He was 19 years old! And he was then known (not as Bruno Wiedner, his birth name) as Charles Walter. He married and fathered a son (my Dad) on July 30, 1893. Paternal Grandmother: Born, I believe, in Berlin, Germany. She emigrated with her parents and 2 sisters about 1880. She is one of my family "black sheep" deserting her husband and 2 sons for another man about 1902/3. On the positive side, she died in 1961 as a noted St. Louis artist. I am lucky to have, I believe, one of her paintings. She was a prolific painter but, even in her older age, some sort of a character. She is supposedly descendant from a Tirolian Alps, Austria family of wood carvers and artists. Maternal Grandfather: Born in the U.S. of 'German' parentage (seems to be - Alsace-Lorraine in both cases). Maternal Grandmother: (seems half/half "non-German") The one on whom I have the most history. One family line takes me to the Hardesty's in Ohio through Maryland and back to the U.K. A second family line, however is so far the most fruitful, has her descendant from the Hildebrand family, one of whom came to the U.S. (pre-U.S.) from Germany and settled in Pennsylvania. An intermediate ancestor, with his wife and family, travelled down the Ohio River and settled just South of St. Louis, with a Spanish land grant, in 1774. He has billing as the "first American Settler West of the Mississippi."
- Andreas (Basso) West Despite my English sounding surname (I was adopted at the age of 8, my original surname is Basso which is of Italian heritage through my paternal line) I'm about 86% German (12.5% is Italian and there is some late generations that lead to Belgium and Bohemia). The surname West is actually from Lutherstadt Eisleben in Thuringia as much as I could research it. My German surnames are too many to list here, the main locations are the Rhine area (where I'm born), Palatine, Hesse and one lead going to Wurttemberg.
- Theo Winter: South African descendant of missionaries from the Berlin Mission Society, starting in 1839 with my GGGrandfather, August Winter, who came to Bethanie, dist. Edenburg, to assist another Berlin Missionary, Wuras. In 1845 he established the Pniel mission in the Northern Cape, but he and his family moved back to Luckau (in Lusatia) in 1851 where his wife, Rosina Schüttge, came from. His work was continued in South Africa by my GGrandfather, J.A. Winter, a fascinating man who regularly clashed with the Mission Society back in Germany. To complicate things further, he married Anna Wangemann, daughter of the Mission Director, Hermann Theodor Wangemann. I'm interested in all of these surnames and hope to build out my family's earlier German roots.
- Lothar Wolf I am German and I live in Rhineland-Palatinate / Germany. My maternal ancestors came from Savoy and settled after the Thirty Years' War in Bolanden / Donnersbergkreis in the Palatinate. There I search the names Klag, Usner, Wild and Thiel. My paternal ancestors ended in 1883 in Dresden / Saxony, the documents were burned in 1945. There I search for the names Wolf, Kirsche, Legrat, Neubert and Feske. But I suspect more ancestors in Bohemia. Other ancestors came from Bergstrasse / Hesse. The names Diehm, Kumpf and Weihs. From my home region on the Rhine, I search the names Sösser, König, Zech, Schmitt, Gerst, Fritz, Gothar and Johannes. I can read the old German script and offer to translate German texts.
- Michael Zerbst I am australian with German paternal roots via the Zerbst name, im aware of a town called Zerbst in east Germany, my ancestor Daniel Traugott Zerbst (1806-1862) migrated here from Posen, Prussia with his wife and several children in 1847 via the ship Gellert Anna Maria Elisabeth (Hirschfeld) Zerbst (1813-1908) , who was born in Zlotkowo, Posen, Prussia. I'd be grateful for any assistance in identifying siblings/parents and beyond of my ancestors, i have some scant info on their parents.
- Lori Beckett Zukerman: My maternal grandparents were Donauschwaben from Kathreinfeld, Banat, Hungary. Family also traces back to Sartcha, also in the Banat and possible Alsace-Lorraine. Surnames I'm interested in are Birong, Hettrich, Kindl and Weiss.
- Christa Rautenbach (born Meyer) I am South African. My German link is Gerrit Heinrich Meyer (SV/Prog 2) born on 16 January 1665 in Buchholz, Cologne, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. He immigrated to the Cape (South Africa) before 1692, where he also died in 1716. In circa 1693 he married Suzanne Costeux (SM/Prog) born in Marcq, Pas-de-Calais, Marcq-en-Barœul, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France on 18 December 1675 in the Cape. She also died in South Africa in 1714. So my paternal family line runs through Esaias Engelbert Engelbert Meyer, a2b3, their son.
- Wiebke May I live in Germany and I am currently interested in the area of Osterode in east prussia, my maternal ancestors were from there.
- Hubert Neber Hi guys, I am over sixty, married, three kids and live in Bavarian, Germany. I am interested on additional persons of my ancestor families 'Diekmann', 'Stockfleth' and 'Neber' in the north of Germany (Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg). If someone find a connection, please contact me directly. Maybe I can deliver some more details. Sorry, but I spent time for new studies only in the winter time. In the other time I am available, but not for 100%.
- Jennifer Wiesner My family on my mother's side are from Bavaria, where I grew up for part of my life. My family on my father's side are from the United States, although more likely from Europe. I am currently trying to unravel the family stories I have been told about the Weinkam surname. I love stories! I'm interested in sourcing and categorising, and if I wasn't always so slow I could help via G2G. Feel free to contact me if you need help!
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