Project: Global Cemeteries/September 2016 Tombstone Photo Challenge


The Challenge

Photograph as many tombstones as you can during the month of September 2016!

The idea behind this challenge is that in a lot of places it is difficult or impossible to photograph tombstones during the winter. For a lot of the northern hemisphere, September is the last good month for actually getting out to the cemeteries. So by taking as many pictures as we can in September, we'll give ourselves plenty to do in the long winter months, transcribing the photos and creating WikiTree profiles for them.

The Winners

For those of us who love a little friendly competition, here are the categories you can win in:

  • Overall Winner (most tombstones photographed overall)
  • The Completionist (most cemeteries completely photographed*)

What will you win, you ask? Fame, glory, and bragging rights, of course! Also, there will be a badge for the winners.

The country that photographs the most tombstones will also be recognised.

* Note: For the Completionist award, it's OK if a cemetery was started before September. It just needs to be finished in September! This is to motivate us to finish all those cemeteries we're in the middle of.


This table will be updated throughout the month with the top 3 participants for total tombstones photographed.

Rank Name # of Tombstones
2nd Check back once the challenge has started!

The Rules

  1. All rules of the Global Cemeteries Project apply. No copying of pictures from other websites. No damaging tombstones (eg. by attempting to clean them, doing rubbings, etc.).
  2. Only photographs taken between (inclusive) September 1 and September 30, 2016, count towards the challenge.
  3. Please be honest! We're not requiring photos taken for this challenge to be uploaded to WikiTree during September, because we want you to be able to spend all your time out there taking pictures! So we're relying on all of you being honest about how many pictures you take for the challenge. It is also appreciated if you can get the photos uploaded to WikiTree profiles or cemetery free-space pages in the near future so that people can start benefiting from the work you've done.
  4. The number that counts is the number of tombstones photographed, not the number of photographs. So if you take two pictures of every tombstone to get different angles, those two photos count as one.
  5. Each tombstone counts as one tombstone, regardless of the number of people listed on the tombstone.
  6. Be respectful of mourners! Give a very wide berth to funerals, and to people visiting graves.
  7. Updates must be posted at least weekly.


You can join at any time, even after the challenge has started. However, you can only count contributions made after you've signed up (out of fairness to the other competitors), so it's best to sign up early!

Please add a subsection here with your name and a link to your profile. Once you've started taking pictures for the challenge, you can list the cemeteries you've worked on (please include links to the free-space pages), along with the number of pictures you took at each cemetery. The list of people in the lead will be updated periodically throughout the month, based on what you enter below.

Lianne Lavoie

Participating in: Manitoba, Canada

Cemeteries Visited:

  • List cemeteries here.
Total cemeteries visited: 0
Total tombstones: 0
Total cemeteries completely photographed: 0

Debi Moseley Matlack

Participating in: Florida

Cemeteries Visited:

  • Peoria Cemetery, Clay County, Florida
Total cemeteries visited: 1
Total tombstones: 231
Total cemeteries completely photographed: 0

Sandy Craig

Participating in: West Virginia and Georgia

Cemeteries Visited:

  • Weston Masonic Cemetery, WV (323) 1/8 Photographed
  • Isaac Hamrick Cemetery, WV (14) Completely Photographed
  • Pt Mtn Cemetery, WV (102)
  • Linger Cemetery, WV (1) Completely Photographed (dozens of unmarked stones)
  • Bagley Cemetery, GA (30) Completely Photographed
  • Phillips Cemetery, GA (19) Completely Photographed
  • Union Hill Cemetery, GA (210) 1/4 Photographed
  • Morris Cemetery, GA (48), 75% Photographed

Total cemeteries visited: 8
Total tombstones: 747
Total cemeteries completely photographed: 5

Liz Parker

Participating in: South Carolina

Cemeteries Visited:

  • Unknown Cemetery, not sure of correct name. Researching for more info!
Total cemeteries visited: 1
Total tombstones: 39
Total cemeteries completely photographed: 1

Phillip Jares

Participating in: Minnesota

Cemeteries Visited:

  • Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota
Total cemeteries visited: 2
Total tombstones: 1703
Total cemeteries completely photographed: 0

This page was last modified 15:31, 27 September 2016. This page has been accessed 233 times.