Project: Global Family Reunion/Unconnected Trees K-L
- Kalish Family tree ......Baltimore and Iowa, USA (No open profiles)
- Kaye family tree ......Yorkshire, England (Open profiles Kaye, Senior)
- Kennedy family tree ......Ireland; Maryland and New York, USA (No open profiles)
- Kinder family tree ......No locations, would assume Scandinavia and probably USA (Open profiles for Selland and Een)
- Kinnaman family tree ......Iowa and Nebraska, USA (No open profiles)
- Kirk/Davidson family tree ......Glasgow, Scotland and Ontarion, Canada (No open profiles)
- Klinger family tree ......Germany (Open profiles for Klinger and Freital)
- Knapik family tree ......Poland (No open profiles)
- Koch-1032 family tree ......Anders Bengsston b 1778 Sverige is open
- Koch-1068 family tree ......Northumberland, London and Cornwall, England; Sweden; New Jersey, Connecticut and Illinois, USA (Open profiles for Guthrie, Bruce, Watts & others)
- Kraysler family tree ......Poland mainly, and New York, USA (Open profiles for Silberschatz)
- Kuhnke family tree ......Germany; Romania; Oregon, USA (No open profiles)
- Langfeld family tree.....Moldova, Ukraine, and Missouri
- Larson family tree.....Sweden, New York, New Jersey
- Lazare family tree......No locations found
- Leek family tree.....New Jersey, New York
- Ligeti family tree......Hungary
- Lindevaldsen family tree.....Norway
- Linehan family tree.....Iowa, USA
- Ljunggren family tree......Sweden
- Lloyd family tree.....London, Middlesex, and Norfolk, England
- Lock family tree.....Chicago, USA
- Logan family tree.....USA, Ireland, and Canada
- Loveday family tree.....Oxfordshire, England
- Lynch family tree.....New York, USA
This page was last modified 22:37, 18 June 2019. This page has been accessed 574 times.