Project: Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria

Categories: Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project | Poland Project | European Projects | Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien | Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria | Królestwo Galicji i Lodomerii


Part of the Europe Project and Poland Project.

Welcome to the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project!
Witamy! Odwiedź link, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o Wikitree: Witamy_w_Wikitree!




  • The purpose of the The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project is to provide a place where people can collaborate with others by providing a categorization/index system of villages for Wikitree profiles.
  • We identify and correct WikiTree profiles indicating ancestry residing in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria.
  • We provide information educating members on Poland/USSR/Ukraine changing borders, and provide genealogy research resources around the internet.
  • We provide information on how members can be involved around Wikitree and provide information that may be helpful to them. See the Poland Project News Page for updates (Galicia Project updates will be be included there since they affect Poland.)

How to Join

Are you interested in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project?


Why is this region important? From 1900 through 1920, over 1,000,000 individuals emigrated from their homeland of The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Austro-Hungarian Empire to the United States alone. They also emigrated by the 100,000s to Canada, Australia, South America, France and other parts of Europe. The Kingdom was dissolved after WWI (1918) and is presently located in southeast Poland and western Ukraine. Between WWI and WWII border changes included the Second Polish Republic and the USSR.

  • Eng: Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Pol: województwo małopolskie, Ukr: Малопольське воєводство, Deu: Woiwodschaft Kleinpolen
  • Eng: Subcarpathian Voivodeship Pol: województwo podkarpackie, Ukr: Підкарпатське воєводство, Deu: Woiwodschaft Karpatenvorland
  • Eng: Silesian Voivodeship, Pol: województwo śląskie, Ukr: Сілезьке воєводство, Deu: Woiwodschaft Schlesien
  • Eng: Lviv Oblast, Pol: obwód lwowski, Ukr: Львівська область; Deu: Oblast Lwiw
  • Eng: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Pol: Obwód iwanofrankowskim, Ukr: Івано-Франківська область, Deu: Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk
  • Eng: Chernivtsi Oblast, Pol: obwód czerniowiecki, Ukr: Чернівецька область, Deu: Oblast Tscherniwzi
  • Eng: Ternopil Oblast, Pol: obwód tarnopolskim, Ukr: Тернопільська область, Deu: Oblast Ternopil

Why categorize?

  • Categories help create an index of profiles for that village. If you are interested in transcribing records, please categorize the profiles into the specific village category. Use the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria category to find your village and add categories where applicable. If you have a large quantity of profiles to categorize, please contact Skye directly as she is happy to assist you.
  • Categories help other Wikitree users find others researching in the same region. It cannot be stressed enough that the spelling of a surname varies and not picked up by the soundex in search engines. Categorizing is a way for others to find you and collaborate/connect.
  • At least 95% of the villages have already been categorized. If you have looked and cannot find your village, please do not hesitate to contact Skye as she will create a village for you.
  • Galicia categories that are situated in present-day Poland will be attached to it's respective present day Polish location. The present-day category satisfies any point in history (pre-Galicia, Galicia or post-Galicia). You will see there are 3 categories for the same location: one in English (present-day), one in Polish (present-day) and the historical Galicia category. You only need to select ONE to use on a profile, and because the categories mirror each other, your profile will appear across all three categories.

Ways to Participate

The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project was created to be a "self-regulated" project.

Add the Project Member Sticker to your profile:

Indicate your preferred language.

It is also important to indicate on your profile which language you speak. You do so by adding the following sticker if you speak English: {{Languages|en}}.

  • If you only speak a little English you would add {{Languages|en-1}}
  • The number after "en" (English) is the degree of understanding. 0 = no understanding; 1 = basic; 2 = intermediate, 3 = advanced, 4 = near-native.
  • Use this format if you speak other languages: de = Deutsch, pl = Polski, uk = Ukrainian/українська.
  • For more information and languages see: Language Template page

Poland Project:

  • If the village you are researching is part of present day Poland, please check out the Poland Project for ideas on different things you can do or teams you can join.

Ukraine Project:

  • At present a Ukraine Project does not exist, only Project:Ukrainian_Roots Project. This is a dormant project with little activity and would need a special person to step in and help organize it. It does not yet have a formal categorization system.
  • If you have ancestors or extended family who were affected by "Operation Vistula" in Poland, please see the Poland Project for a team you can join.
  • Once a Ukraine Project becomes available, the Galicia Project will interconnect village category locations in Ukraine the same way they do in with the Poland Project. Until then, please feel free to use the Galicia village categories for your ancestors outside of 1772-1918.

Unsourced Profiles

  • Copy/Paste for unsourced profiles in either present day {{Unsourced|Poland}} or {{Unsourced|Ukraine}}. (Please do not use Austria.)

Find profiles that need to be categorized:

  • You can help by searching a certain village or region of your interest.
  • Use the "Find" function link at the top right of your page and use the "search function." Scroll toward the bottom of that page and look for "Search for Any Text", indicate "All Wikitree Pages" and use the search box for village name, district name, etc. Use Pre and Post 1918 district names (example: Lisko and Lesko) as there are many Wikitree Profiles with the incorrect location name. It is recommended that you use the Chrome Browser and Wikitree+ Extension for searches that will yield larger results.
  • Another for accurate search feature is by using the Wikitree+ Chrome Extension. Make sure you are using the Chrome browser, and then add the extenion. Open a new page here: Scroll down to "Search" and enter any keywords. There is also a feature to "batch categorize" categories on the Wikitree+ page via the "Wikitree Browser Extension (Preview)". You will need to add this extension to Chrome. The link to batch categorize will be seen at the very bottom right of your search. See for more information.
    • A full sweep has been conducted to categorize profiles found on the Polish side of Galicia. This does not include profiles added after the sweep was finished Dec 2023, nor does it include villages situated in present day Ukraine.
  • There are MANY Wikitree profiles that belong in a village category for Galicia. However the most difficult to find, are those who have transliteration of Cyrillic in their profiles, and often they indicate present day location of Ukraine.

Correct birth/marriage/death location fields:

  • The Project is happy with any indication in the location fields which = Galicia, Austria (not to be confused with Galicia, Spain). We realize there are many people from different regions of the world who call it something different.
  • There are many profiles within Wikitree whose birth/marriage/death fields do not reflect the correct timeframe. They typically will indicate what the village was called after 1918 (and there are many variations for just one village!) For example (and this is the correct wording for this example):
    • 1569-1772: Cieplice, powiat lwowski, województwa ruski, prowincja małopolska, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)
    • 1772-1804: Cieplice, Bezirk Jaroslau, Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien, (optional to add -->) Habsburgermonarchie, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Habsburg Monarchy, Holy Roman Empire)
    • 1804-1867: Cieplice, Bezirk Jaroslau, Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien, (optional to add -->) Kaiserthum Oesterreich (Austrian Empire)
    • 1867-1918: Cieplice, Bezirk Jaroslau, Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien, (optional to add -->) Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie (Austro-Hungarian Empire)
    • 1918 - 1939: Cieplice, powiat jarosławski, województwa lwowskie , II Rzeczpospolita Polska (Second Polish Republic)
    • 1939 - 1945: Cieplice, Bezirk Lwów, Distrikt Galizien, Polen, Großdeutsches Reich (Nazi Occupation)
    • 1945 - 1975: Cieplice, powiat rzeszowski, województwa rzeszówskie, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa (Polish People's Republic, Communist)
    • 1975 - 1991: Cieplice, powiat jarosławski, województwa przemyślskie, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa (Polish People's Republic, Communist)
    • 1991 - Pres: Cieplice, powiat przeworski, województwa podkarpackie, Rzeczpospolita Polska (Republic of Poland, Change in political structure to a Parlimentary Democracy.)

Adding the Project Sticker

Sticker used for Galicia profiles. Anyone is welcome to place this on any Wikitree profiles from Galicia. (born in, lived in, etc) {{Galicia Sticker}}

For many stickers relating to Galicia in general, please see: Space:Kingdom_of_Galicia_and_Lodomeria#Adding_Stickers_to_Profiles or Space:Poland_Stickers

Other Important Links

This page was last modified 22:50, 21 August 2024. This page has been accessed 3,844 times.