Project: Louisiana Families

Categories: Louisiana | Pre-1700 Projects | Louisiana Projects | Louisiana Families Project | Louisiana Categories Project

Welcome to the Louisiana Families Project!
Pelican Flag in outline of Louisiana

This project is part of the United States History Project and Project:Louisiana


Louisiana Families Project


The mission of the Louisiana Families project is to develop profiles and family groups for those who lived in Louisiana prior to about 1812. We encourage everyone on WikiTree to find and connect with their cousins in Louisiana, and by reviewing the profiles learn a little about Louisiana history.

How to Join Louisiana Families

Are you interested in the Louisiana Families Project?louisiana_families.gif

Goals-Louisiana Families

In addition to the goals of its parent project, Project: Louisiana, the Louisiana Families Project goals are:
  1. All unsourced Louisiana profiles identified with Category Louisiana, Unsourced Profiles (add either {{Unsourced|Louisiana}} template or [[Category:Louisiana, Unsourced Profiles]])
  2. All earliest known heads of families identified with Category: Louisiana First Families (see category page for qualifications)
  3. All Louisiana profiles categorized by location (see Category: Louisiana for a list of parish categories and city/town subcategories)
  4. Other categories added as appropriate, including Cemeteries, Civil War units (Confederate or Union), and Veteran stickers.
  5. All duplicates merged into lowest number with final LNAB (can ask Arborists Project for help)
  6. Biographies cleaned up and written in narrative style, using the WikiTree Style Guide (can work with Profile Improvement Project for help)
  7. Profiles attached to the main WikiTree family tree (can ask the Connectors Project for help)

Project Protection

There are three different levels of project protection in the Louisiana Project.
Louisiana Profiles
Any profile that has connections to Louisiana, whether by birth or residence, is of interest to the Louisiana project. We strive to encourage improvement of all profiles related to our state! This does not mean that we actively manage every profile, but it does mean that we care about them all and try to provide the resources and tools necessary to that end.
Project-Managed Profiles
A project-managed profile is one that has the Project account entered as one of the Project Managers. All project-managed profiles must also have the Project Box included at the top of the profile. Having the project as a manager provides a higher level of watchfulness to a profile by allowing all members of the project to receive notices of comments and activity on the profile. It does not mean that the project should be the only Project Manager, or the only member of the Trusted List. Anyone who is interested in the profile is welcome to become a member of the Trusted List, whether or not they are a member of the project.
Project-Protected Profiles (PPP)
A Project-Protected Profile (PPP) must be managed by a project and have the project account as a manager. In addition to the above, a profile designated as PPP has the added protection of locking the Last Name at Birth (LNAB) and restricting changes to parent links. A change to either of these items will not be approved without quality sources proving that the change is valid. Only a Leader can allow those two types of changes to a PPP.
Please note that project management should not stop anyone from making relatively insignificant changes, such as typo corrections, addition of appropriate categories, minor data doctor edits, etc. The project does not require "permission" to add reliable sources to a profile, or to improve a biography based on reliable sources. What is necessary, however, is to communicate with the project when wanting to make broad or significant changes, such as changes to relationships, addition of previously unrecorded spouses or children, or addition of new parents. This communication can be in the form of a comment posted on the profile, a G2G linked to the profile, or a private message to the project account or a project leader.
A final word about project-managed profiles. We acknowledge that many of our managed profiles are in rough shape and in need of some TLC. If you run across one of them that you can help with, please feel free to help! All it takes is a little communication, which is after all what WikiTree is all about!
The project account for the Louisiana Families project is WikiTree-26. See Templates (below) for more information on project boxes and stickers.

Individual Task List

There are many ways that you can help the Louisiana Families Project to meet its goals and improve our Louisiana profiles, just by working on your own Watchlist! Review the list of tasks below for ideas on how you can help make your part of the tree stronger and healthier.
  • Location Categories - add a location category for each place where the individual lived, using the Category Picker on the profile edit page. Use the lowest level category available -- city or town name if appropriate, or parish name otherwise. For cities that have no category, use the parish category. (If you think a city category is needed, check with our Project Coordinator.)
  • Cemetery Categories - add a category for the cemetery where the individual was buried. If a category doesn't exist, you can create one using the Categorization Project's guidelines, or ask our Project Coordinator to do it for you!
  • Military Categories - add a category related to any military units the individual may have belonged to. The Military and War Project can provide guidance on these.
  • Reliable Sources - add sources for your Unsourced or under-sourced profiles. Try to find a primary or quality secondary source for each vital record (birth, marriage, death) or other life events (census, military service, etc.)
  • Review your Suggestions report and clean up suggestions and errors identified by WikiTree on profiles you manage. The Data Doctors Project has videos that can explain how to work on the different types of suggestions. (Get your Suggestions report by selecting "Suggestions" from the "My WikiTree" menu.)
If you have an interest in helping the Louisiana Project across the state, please see the Project:Louisiana page for ways to lead or participate in Teams that focus on an area of interest to you.


Project Boxes

The Project Box identifies a project-managed profile so that visitors can find out how to collaborate on the profile and related profiles.
Project boxes work hand-in-hand with the project account. A project box is required to be displayed on any profile that the project account manages, and vice versa - if the project account manages a profile, the project box must be displayed. For the Louisiana Families project, the project account is WikiTree-26.
The Project Box for the Louisiana Families project is the Louisiana Family template. To use it on a profile, just put the following text on the profile, above the biography:
{{Louisiana Family}}
This will display the project box and add the Louisiana Families Category to the profile.
Pelican Flag cut to outline of Louisiana
... ... ... lived in Louisiana.
Join: Louisiana Families Project
Discuss: louisiana

Any project-managed profile should include appropriate categories above the Project Box template. Location categories by parish and town can be found on the Louisiana category page. See the Louisiana Categories Project for information about special categories relevant to Louisiana.

The project template is for use only on profiles that are managed by the project. It is not for every single person from Louisiana. Please do not add the project template to a profile without approval from a project leader.


A sticker is appropriate when you wish to recognize something special about the person. A sticker aligns to the right on a wide screen and will stack above the text on a mobile device. Place stickers above or within the text that the sticker complements, but below the biography headline. A maximum of five stickers is allowed for any profile other than members' personal profiles. Here are a few typical stickers that might apply to Louisiana profiles:

Louisiana Sticker - recognition that a person lived in Louisiana, without project management.

Louisiana Families Project Logo
... ... ... lived in Louisiana.
To add the Louisiana Sticker template, place the following anywhere in the text below the Biography headline:
{{Louisiana Sticker}}

Migrating Ancestor Sticker

The Migrating Ancestor Template can be used on the profiles of people who migrated to Louisiana from another U.S. state or country. For example, to add the sticker to someone who migrated from France to Louisiana, copy/paste the following text onto the profile (above the text it is enhancing):
Flag of France
... ... ... migrated from France to Louisiana.
Flag of Louisiana
{{Migrating Ancestor
| origin = France
| origin-flag = Flags.png
| destination = Louisiana
| destination-flag = Louisiana_Families_Project_Images-1.png
Note: Whether or not you use the sticker, you should add Category: Louisiana, New France, Immigrants from France to these immigrants' profiles.
For Category: Louisiana, Immigrants from England (or others), you'll need to change the "origin =" and also the "origin-flag =" - for example,
| origin = England
| origin-flag = Flags-3.jpg
To find the file name for a specific Flag image, check out

Nonmigrating Ancestor Sticker

For someone who lived only in Louisiana, you can use the Nonmigrating Ancestor template:
Flag of Louisiana
Native of Louisiana
{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|ToolTip=Flag of Louisiana
|addinfo=Native of Louisiana
This template is fairly flexible in allowing additional information (not a lot, or it looks weird). This example adds a second line.
Flag of Louisiana
Native of Louisiana
born 1924, Jefferson Parish
{{Nonmigrating Ancestor
|ToolTip=Flag of Louisiana
|addinfo=Native of Louisiana<br>born 1924, Jefferson Parish

Descendant Sticker

If you never lived in Louisiana but your ancestors did, you could use the Descendant Template to add a sticker to your personal profile that links to your ancestor. Following is some coding for the Descendant sticker that has been tailored for the Louisiana project.
Louisiana Families Project logo
For example, replace the WikiTree-ID placeholder text with your "Louisiana First Family" ancestor in the following to tailor the displayed sticker for your use:
|image=US_State_Flag_Images-21.png|imagetext=Flag of Louisiana
|id=[[WikiTree-ID|Ancestor's Name]], [[:Category:Louisiana_First_Families|Louisiana pioneer]]
Louisiana Families Project logo
Descendant of Louis Marie Chauvin.
If you want to link to your ancestor, but not a category, that's fine too:
|image=Louisiana_Families_Project_Images-2.png|imagetext=Louisiana Families Project logo
|id=[[WikiTree-ID|Ancestor's Name]]

Name Field Guidelines

Based on WikiTree's guiding principle, "THEIR custom, not ours."

French and Acadian Names:

Prenoms instead of "first" and "middle" names - Louisiana's early culture, while influenced by Germanic and Spanish settlers, was French. All names before the surname were the prenom, and belong in the "proper first name at birth" data field. Many girls were named Marie X or Ann X, boys Joseph X or Jean X, and that was their full given name. With the name "Marie Louise LeBlanc," for example, Louise is NOT a middle name-- middle names do not exist in French culture, whether now or in the past. When the middle name field is left blank, it should be marked as "no middle name."
Hyphenated Names - Early French prenoms were NOT hyphenated, despite some writers' editorial flourish, and should not be hyphenated in the name data fields of early Louisiana profiles.
Middle Name Data Base Question or Suggestion - please note that if entering a prenom results in a Data Base Middle Name question or suggestion, the correct response to the question is to "save anyway," and for the suggestion, mark the status of it as "False Suggestion."
Married names - Excepting some American settlers who married other American settlers in Louisiana, Louisiana women did NOT take the husband's last name at marriage until the mid- to late-1800s. "Marie Louise LeBlanc," for example, would legally remain Marie Louise LeBlanc upon marriage with Jean Baptiste Hebert. She might be addressed as "Madame Hebert," but on legal documents she remained Marie Louise LeBlanc. For WikiTree data field purposes, her "last name at birth" is LeBlanc; her "current last name" is LeBlanc; and her "other last names" would include any and all married names, as well as variant spellings of her LNAB.
Dit names - both the Quebecois Project's guidelines and information posted by the Acadians Project say that "dit" names do NOT go in the LNAB field. "Dit" (or "dite" for women) essentially means "called;" therefore, any dit names belong in the "other last names" or "nickname" data fields, depending on the individual case. If other family members use the same dit name, for example, it would be an "other last name." If the dit name is unique to the individual, it could be added to the "nickname" data field. In either case, "dit" or "dite" is NOT part of the surname and should not be added to that data field. In cases where a man's children are recorded with the dit name as their surname at birth, the dit name can be listed as the father's "Current Last Name."
Standardized spellings - Those Acadian families who were deported from Acadie beginning in 1755, and subsequently immigrated to Louisiana beginning around 1764, will use the naming convention established by the Acadians Project on their Acadian Standard Names page. The family surname should remain with that spelling for at least 1 or 2 generations, when census workers and parish priests began adopting a different spelling, often more consistent with modern versions. Some WikiTree genealogists will be able to find documents that prove how the family spelled its name, but that is rare. Most people could neither read nor write, and spelling did not matter to them.
Articles de, des, and du - The Louisiana Project follows guidelines posted by Project:Quebecois, which call for "the particules de, des or du" to be included in the Last Name at Birth (LNAB) data field when appropriate -- see this section of the Quebecois Project page for details. In general, these should only be included when a birth or baptism record provides evidence of it.
Suffixes - French, German, and Spanish residents of Louisiana, much like American and English residents, often named a son after his father. French, German, and Spanish father and son namesakes never used the Sr. or Jr. designations to distinguish the two. On some documents, a French speaking father was referred to as "pere" and his son as "fils," but these words were not suffixed to their names. Likewise, do not add Roman numerals to a name unless the numeral is included on their birth record. Their dates of birth are enough to distinguish them.

American Name Questions - The Southern Colonies Project has a very detailed explanation of how to handle American names in WikiTree's data fields.



NOTE: this list isn't updated often. To see the complete list, go here

  • Morris Simon - Paternal line descends from Guillaume Simon and Jeanne Roy as well as many German-Acadian Coast families and most Acadian lineages based in the "River Parishes."
  • Michelle Saucier Ladner- My Saucier family was one of the original families in Louisiana having come with D'Iberville in 1699. Here are a just few names I have worked on; Orillion, Roth, Dugas, Landry, Melancon, Dubuisson, Wiese, Grimshaw, Withan, Menge, Hingle, Castanedo, Fernandez, and Delherbe.
  • Keith Hunter - I am researching the ancestors, descendants and families of John Milliken Parker former governor of Louisiana. The late governor's grandfather, John Milliken, was supposedly from Logan County, KY. according to the Rev. G.T. Ridlon's substantial work in 1907. Hopefully there is some definitive proof and citations somewhere backing up that research to Logan County. As an aside, I may do some research to the Crochet family who are/were friends from New Orleans.
  • John Beeson -Researching Monzingo, Bradley families in Louisiana.
  • Jacqueline Girouard -Currently, I co-lead the Louisiana Project and the Acadia Project. I was born in a DeRidder, Louisiana hospital but we were rice farming on land south of Lake Charles. Dad's people settled in the Attakapas area and Mom's along Bayou Lafourche. Almost everyday I check the list of merges I've proposed to see if any can be merged, I check the family activity feed to see what changes have been made to our Louisiana profiles; I check on any G2G questions that relate to our project; I answer any emails or questions. Then I either work on the +3,000 profiles I manage based upon the change date, updating the profiles as needed, or, I pick an ancestor and look for suggested edits that appear to be errors. These last two efforts often lead me to spend hours of work sourcing or researching to resolve issues. I participate in Data Base Error challenges and look for duplicates to be merged.
  • Adrienne Tomkins I'm researching the Lafargue and King families of Avoyelles Parish. Currently working on my BCG certification, I'm dedicated to accuracy and detail in my profiles (none of which are ever going to be "complete," and many of which aren't even CLOSE right now). Also a member of the Magna Carta, Southern Colonies, Scottish Clans projects.
  • Amy Bumgardner McAndrews I am originally from South Louisiana although most of my family was from North Louisiana. I am currently working on surnames; Harris, Baker, Bumgardner, Kendrick, Kitterlin, Patton, and Glover. All are primarily from North Louisiana; Claiborne, Bossier, and Caddo parishes. I am also working on the Cemeteries Project and creating categories. I would like to work on some Louisiana musicians and chefs.
  • Sally Stovall I have family members from and still in Louisiana I would like to add. When I have completed them, I will work on Unsourced Families.
  • Liz Shifflett I am a descendant of Louis Chauvin, the head of one of the Chauvin families that settled Louisiana. His daughter was baptized February 27, 1773 at St Francis, Point Coupee. My gr-gr-grandfather Watkins was a Methodist minister in New Orleans (1837-46), and my Dad lived in Darnell, Louisiana around 1925-30, where his father "was working as a bookkeeper for the Chicago Mill and Lumber Co. [H]e was a deputy sheriff, as far as I know the only one in Darnell; the Sheriff was at the Parish seat, Oak Grove." (quoting my Dad)
  • Jillaine Smith One of my brick walls is a Louisiana family-- my great-great-grandmother, Henrietta Lowrie Albert was born in 1866 to Edwin Lowrie (b 1845) and Laura or Henrietta Grosch (b abt 1845). I have a theory about Edwin, but can't find a thing about Laura-Henrietta Grosch. I have been unable to tie her to the other Grosch families of New Orleans.
  • Earl Grant-Lawrence - I'm researching Minor, Long, Charles, Madison, Francois surnames from my family and anyone from St. Bernard Parish, especially those with connections to a town named Fazendeville. My family has history in the parish back to about 1824. Slaves, Italians, islenos, Hatians and Dominicans somehow came together in the largely Spanish- speaking parish and I've wanted to know how. I joined the group to research my family ties, but also to research St. Bernard Parish from its founding.
  • Barry Folse I am from St. Charles Parish, but now live in Texas. I'm most interested in my father's side, where I'm researching the families of the original German Coast settlers (Matherne, Schexnayder, Oubre, Haydel, and Foltz).
  • Shasta Gaither I am from St. John the Baptist Parish. My mother's family is from St. John/St. James and Ascension Parishes. My father's side is from Avoyelles Parish. I am researching many aspects of my family tree. One of the lines I am researching is the Mollere line, while in Ascension Parish, where a Mollere married a lady from the Canary Islands. Trying to prove a Spanish line where you are completely clueless is a challenge!
  • Mike Arledge My Louisiana branches are mainly from Ouachita, Winn and Caldwell Parishes. Last names include McHenry, Butler and Banks (Austin C. Banks specifically). My Arledges didn't get to Louisiana until 1910-ish. My grandmothers side, McHenry, Butler and Banks, have been in La. since the early mid-1800s. Austin C. Banks, my fourth great-grandfather, was in the 28th Regiment, Louisiana Infantry (Gray's) during the Civil War. After the war, he was one of the first judges in Winn Parish.
  • Allan Thomas I will be concentrating on the pioneers of Spanish West Florida and the Florida Parishes of Louisiana. I've collaborated on two projects that represent this area, one Southern Colonies, Spanish West Florida and War of 1812 Louisiana Another page I'm aware of that needs some TLC and would be an asset to this project is U.S. Southern Colonies French
  • Jerry Baraboo The surnames I'm "currently" researching from French-Spanish Louisiane-Luisiana (upper-lower-east) circa 1699 to the present are Baraboo, Barbeau, Baribeau, Rochon, Boisdore, Working on adding correct categories. Working on the Barbeau, Boisdore, Lastrapes, Rochon and Spanish Louisiana 1812 War veterans. I am continuing to update first Louisianne families for all French surnames. I am adding unsourced Louisiana families to research sources for. Baraboo-1 21:24, 22 August 2019 (UTC)
  • Stephanie Logan Falls Resident of Texas. Early surname interests (south LA territory): D'Auterieve, Mayronne, DeMonberault, Bunel, St Laurent, LeBlanc. Later surname interests (Bossier, Red River, Claiborne, Caddo, Bienville Parishes): Logan, Vance, James, Goodwin, Norris, Davis, Carr, Bailey, Turner, Warren, and McCoy.
  • Carolyn Martin Researching my grandfather's family. His father moved to Louisiana in 1886, married and had 14 kids, so I am sure I have tons of Stewart cousins. Grandpa was born there in 1900.
  • Josh Varnado I research the Varnado line in Louisiana and all over the US. My family has huge history in Washington Parish as one of the first families there.
  • Charles Vickers Aimee Richard, my grandmother, (b: 29 Mar 1903, d: 13 Jan 1971), the daughter of Cleus (sp) Richard and Zoe Blanchard, is the starting point to my journey in finding the remainder of my elusive ancestors. I am willing to learn, to share what I find, and to help along the way.
  • Michelle Breaux My ancestors were brought to Maryland during The Great Expulsion by way of a ship called The Dolphin. Then made their way to French-settled areas in Louisiana along the Mississippi River.
  • Martha Leger I have lots of family in Louisiana, including Beaugh, Richard, Savoie, Peck. Some came from Canada and Germany, among other places. I would like to fill in the blanks & welcome info from other members. I will do anything I can to help. Just let me know what you want me to do. Thanks to all of you for all the help you have given me. Martha
  • Kristine Cerniglia I was born and raised in New Orleans, La. Ancestor was Vincent Alexandre also known as Vincent Alexandre dit Chenet. There seems to be conflicting information for my ancestors either because of the same name being used in several generations or the way the Alexandre and Chenet surname was used interchangeably as well as changed. Most of the first Louisiana family members seem to all live around each other, so if anyone has anything or needs anything from me let me know. Happy to help. I am not currently in Louisiana but my family is still down there and I will be heading down for many of the holidays and can look up any sources first hand, just message me.
  • Donna Storz I'm currently focusing primarily on Natchitoches Parish as I've recently added several new source books. I'll work on sourcing, connecting, etc.
  • Karen Kay My father's family all come from Louisiana. Jena area, East Felicana Parish, Vernon Parish, Natchitoches Parish and Sabine Parish. Kays, Roberts, and further back, Cobbs, who I think migrated from SC area around early 1800s. I still have quite a few distant cousins living there, as well as a few great aunts and uncles. Glad to join you!
  • Roz (Drusch) Allen My Louisiana roots run deep as both of my parents were from Gramercy, St. James Parish. My mother's maternal grandparents were Waguespack & Simon and her paternal grand parents were Haas & Bouy. The Haas side immigrated from Germany in the 19th century. My father's side is a bit more sketchy with more ancestors in the New Orleans/Gretna area and most immigrated in the 19th century. I am primarily interested in the German Coast and the "river parishes." I appreciate any help you can offer!
  • Jason Tilley I am looking for details into the ancestors of Delbuart Wills and Lillian Mae Rićhard. I also am a descendant of Clovina Reist and Clarinda Richardson, who have links to the Mizell family.
  • Kirsten Rose My paternal grandfather's family were Jewish settlers in New Orleans. Surnames include Rose, Sacerdote, and Hirsch.
  • Heather St. Marie My family has roots in Louisiana for a very long time. I have some work provided to me by a family historian tracing that side of the family to two Hebert brothers leaving France for Nova Scotia. Eventually one of the widows landed in New Orleans and settled in Lafourche Parish, where my family's been ever since. I'm most interested in the St. Marie side because I have no information there.
  • Crispin Reedy I am interested in Yates and Richardson families in Washington, St. Tammany, and Tangipahoa parishes. I have a lot of family in the area. I'm especially interested in John Mousley and his brother William Henry. I also have a lot of Richardson family.
  • Misty Rish Musco- Entering families of Giroir, Albarado, Cavaliere/Cavallero/Caballero, Serrin, Musco, Rish, Boatner, among others. This is my husband's family, my paternal family and my step-mom's family.
  • Adam Hollier- I am of the Hollier decendants of Louisiana. Luc Claude Hollier b. 02 Sept. 1735 d.11 Aug. 1808 at Opelousas, St. Landry Parish.
  • Lynn Wiggers - I grew up on Boeuf Prairie, Franklin Parish, and have been working for several months now to trace the families of the original pioneers, mostly Scotch-Irish, who settled there 1804-1830: Buies, Bowdens, Bowies, McDonald, Moore, Grayson, Dailey, and Corbitt, among others. I also have some deep roots in East Feliciana Parish that I have spent a lot of time researching: Thompson, Taylor, Courtney, and Lea to name a few. And then I have some really deep roots, apparently, in Natchitoches, going back to the original fort there, Vascocu, that I've yet to sink my teeth into. Always something to do in genealogy.  :-)
  • Bethany Figueroa - I am looking for more information on our great-grandmother Azely Whitney (now Soto) and her sister Amely and their parents William Henry Whitney & Mary. Mary is listed as Tibodo on Azely's death certificate. I'm assuming it's actually Thibodeau. Henry is showing to be born in Houma, LA and Mary and Azely show born in Louisiana - Iberia area.
  • Christopher Dawson - Most of my immediate family originates from SE Texas, and in tracing my maternal grandmother's lineage, I've found that she's descended from the DuChamp family that founded the city of St. Martinville. Also, my adopted father grew up in Lafayette, and while his roots have been interesting to trace back, they appear to be mostly from Missouri.
  • Lisa Brooke - I'm researching the Honeycutt and Feazel families of Union Parish.
  • Britni Boudreaux Aucoin - Currently residing in Lafayette, LA and am in love with all things Cajun! I am researching the following families: Paternal Grandfather - Boudreaux, Paternal Grandmother - Broussard, Maternal Grandmother - Boudreaux, Maternal Grandfather - Thibodeaux, Spouse's Paternal Grandfather - Aucoin, Paternal Grandmother - Bailey, Maternal Grandfather - Toups, Maternal Grandmother - Metrejean. All of our grandparents were born in either Iberia, St. Mary, or Terrebonne Parishes. Grandparents and other family members on both sides have done research in the past and will be sending me the info. I want to get as much of it online as possible to share with future Cajuns!
  • Patricia Boudra - Born in New Orleans and raised in New Orleans and Slidell. My maternal line immigrated to New Orleans from Germany (Buchelberg, Hinterweidenthal, Dahn) in the 1850s and 1860s. Surnames Ripp, Fis(c)her, Puster.
  • Joyce Rivette - I was born and raised in Metairie, and descend from 19th-century Swedish, German, and Irish immigrants, based around Orleans, St. Helena, and Tangipahoa parishes. This includes the following family surnames: Bjorkgren, Steidtmann, Fulda, Murray, Sharkey, and Wells. My husband's family is half Acadian/Cajun (Rivette, Lanclos, Lagrange, et al), centered around St. Landry parish; and half English/German (Coles, Gergenson, Holden), coming to mix in with the Louisiana Cajun culture in the 19th century. I'm currently working on a project to help clear up inconsistencies on WikiTree for the south Louisiana RITTER family, and to document their relationships and origins.
  • J Hand -
  • Mary Ann Brandt Jensen - Born and raised in East Baton Rouge Parish, married and moved to Livingston, but have very strong roots in Saint Tammany Parish and to a lesser extent in Washington and Tangipahoa parishes and earlier in Orleans Parish. My research is based primarily in the families of the Waldheim, Bush, Talisheek, Covington, Madisonville areas of St. Tammany Parish, especially the Dutsch, Schech, and Metz families and related families married into them (which means just about everybody prior to about 1925). To a lesser extent, I am working on other Louisiana profiles, primarily Acadian, who are related to my husband's French-Canadian ancestors. I tend to work on improvements to these French-Canadian Louisianians as I can. Will help people locate records in the Catholic registers of what is now the Quebec area of Canada, and to a lesser extent, can help some with locating records in the Catholic registers of France being posted by the departmental archives in France. Can also help some with the early French naming patterns and customs.
  • Chris Hampson - I do actually have a connection to Louisiana, I was hired out of the Royal Australian Air Force to be a consultant at Avondale Shipyards, up-river from New Orleans; a most interesting introduction to the United States! My reason for joining this project is a good friend who was born and raised in Eunice; she has Acadian, Quebecois, Welsh, Canary Islands, French and American heritage. So interestingly different to my normal areas of research ;)
  • Shae Simpson - I’m fairly new to the genealogy scene but sincerely loving it. I was born in Metairie, LA but grew up in Bay St. Louis, MS. I tried making a home in South Carolina, Oklahoma and even Texas for a bit, but I always came back. I currently live in Biloxi. I am a first- generation Mississippian but my family is deeply rooted in Louisiana. Hans Caspar Dubs and Marie Kittelere are my paternal seventh Great-Grandparents. At this time, I’m working on my paternal side. I often take the long way ‘round and end up working on profiles that are very far removed from my direct line but I figure that these people were family to someone and they deserve a profile that is nicely formatted and sourced. I try my best to stay focused but do come across more than a few profiles that I was in the middle of working and got sidetracked. If anyone comes across one that I haven’t touched in a bit, please holler at me - literally or figuratively - and I will get back to it. I manage the Toups Name Study and its two subcategories, Toups - Baudoin Marriages and Toups Clan. The first is dedicated to recording the many marriages between the Toups and Baudoin families. The second is dedicated to all of the people who are included in the Neil Toups book, The Toups Clan and how it All Began: A Detailed Four Hundred Year Genealogy of the Toups (Dubs) Family.

This page was last modified 15:58, 11 February 2025. This page has been accessed 34,423 times.