Project: Notables/Connection Combat
Categories: Global Family Reunion | Notables | Notables Project
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Connection Combat is a monthly game run by the Notables Project. Two profiles of notable people are announced on G2G and when a connection is made to the global tree (by connection to the previous month's winner via the Connection Finder), that profile wins!
The winning researcher gets a Connection Combat Winner badge to show off their awesome competitive genealogy skills.
The winning profile is featured as one of our special celebrities in the Connection Finder, along with Kevin Bacon and AJ Jacobs, so members can have a chance to see how they're connected. They're also featured in our social networks and in a blog post.
To Participate
Be sure to follow the G2G tag "connection_combat" to get updates. A new round of combat will start on the 15th of each month.
1. The first person to connect one of these profiles to the previous month's winner is the winning researcher, and that profile is the Connection Combat winner.
2. Once the winning profile is announced, we go to BONUS ROUND! In the bonus round, researchers have the chance to try to connect the other profile. They have 72 hours, and if the connection to the previous month's winner is closer than that of the winning profile, the person who made the connection is also considered a winning researcher.
3. Please cite your sources! Connections will be checked from the point of the contest profile to the person they connected to in the global tree. The connection point through to the previous month's winner will be checked for glaring errors, omissions, and mythologies. If the connection is deemed invalid between the previous month's winner and the connecting point, the researcher will still be named the winner (and the profiles in the dubious connection will be asked about in G2G). If the connection is invalid between the contest profile and the connection point due to lack of sources, and no sources are provided after the researcher is asked to add them, we will go directly to Bonus Round and the other contest profile becomes the winning profile when it becomes connected (pending sources).
(A note on sources: Abby Glann said it best when she posted in the G+ community, "I know that sometimes you look at other family tree sites to help track down where a connection might be, and that is okay as a directive but we really really don't want to use those sites as sources. We set ourselves to a higher standard. So when you find those links please find actual sources to support them. It makes such a difference, and makes it easier for others to come in and continue your research.")
Hall of Fame
This page was last modified 17:49, 18 June 2019. This page has been accessed 15,196 times.