Project: One Place Studies

Categories: One Place Studies Project | Volunteers Needed




A One Place Study (OPS) is a study of the genealogy and history of a specific place.

"An OPS researches the residents of a particular place by gathering a full range of historical records, memorabilia, and stories that mention those individuals, and analyze them to gain insights into the social and economic workings of that place...and would generally have as its aims to identify local families and analyze issues like occupational structure, life expectancy, and geographical mobility." [Society for One-Place Studies]


Our mission is to support and guide those who choose to do these studies. To promote connections of families and their ultimate connection to our global tree.


Our goal is to work towards our vision for the future, where every place, however small, joins with its neighbors and finally, place by place, creates a country. Whereas each OPS will be primarily under the Country Project, we will correlate each OPS and, in the future, create a genealogical map of the world.

How to Join

Are you interested in the One Place Studies Project?one_place_studies.gif

Family Activity Feed for WikiTree-121

Getting Started

First Steps

  1. Check the alphabetical list of One Place Studies to make sure somebody else isn't already studying your Place. If they are, send them a message asking how you can contribute. If you see a study for a large area (County, Parish, Landkreis, etc) don't hesitate to ask to start a smaller study within that area, it can be linked back to the larger study and vice-versa.
  2. If nobody is studying your Place, send us a message with the details for the place you would like to study.
    • If your One Place Study is in the United States: Please review your proposed study location carefully, as it may not actually be a One Place Study; it may be the sort of informational page covered by the United States Project. These types of pages can be linked into the relevant State One Place Study Page as they have been carefully worked on to provide a treasury of information and research aids. If this is the type of page you are making please ask for it to be nested.
  3. Sign up
  4. Once your One Place Study is nested your badge will be awarded.

*If you have an older study that doesn't have the project as a co-profile manager, please add it to the trusted list:

Starting Your Research

The research involved in a one-place study will vary according to the records available in that place. Here are some records you will probably want to research for your study:

  • Vital records (eg. birth, marriage, and death records)
  • Parish/church records (eg. baptism, marriage, and burial records)
  • Censuses
  • Land records
  • Cemeteries (If you live near your place of interest, you may want to photograph the local cemeteries! Check out the Global Cemeteries Project to get involved.)
  • School yearbooks
  • To find out if there are profiles in WikiTree that may be in your One Place Study, use the Search link located at the bottom of every page.

Categorizing Your Profiles

  1. Add the OPS Sticker to profiles of anyone where the location was part of that person’s life, Utilizing the sticker code from your study page will add your study category to the profile.[1]
  2. If a location category exists for the location, add this category as well, using the category picker or copy the location category from the study page.[2]


  1. Not all profile managers will agree to having the sticker added, the study category can still be added as an alternative.
  2. Not all studies will have location categories as they are too small, i.e. buildings, streets, neighborhoods, etc

Useful Resources

  • Choosing a Place (pdf)
  • Kirsty Gray of The Society of One-Place Study has a couple of YouTube videos on beginning an OPS:

Sample One Place Studies

Here are some examples so you can take a look at what has been done:

Buildings and Institutions

Category:Building and Institution, Place Studies
These studies cover houses, schools, churches, asylums, etc.



Public Transit Points

This could include railway and bus stations, ship or ferry port buildings, airport terminals, etc.


In November 2021, Cemeteries were added as a type of study to the project!
In July 2022, Cemeteries project became an OPS sub-project.

If you are interested in studying a cemetery, join the Cemeterist Project and see Cemetery Pages for more information on setting up a page for it.

If you are interested in doing a page about a monument or memorial, the Cemeterist Project (see Cemetery Pages) would be the place for this, and there is a category structure for them here: Monuments and Memorials

Example cemetery pages:


Category:Locality, Place Studies
These are studies smaller than communities, but larger than one building, an area like a street or neighborhood.


Groups or Rows of buildings


Category:Community, Place Studies
These studies are areas larger than localities.


Towns for a time period

Oversize Areas

Prior to June 2022, there were studies as large as a County, Landkreis, etc. For these, we recommend having the county, be a main page, that allows for smaller studies to be created/worked. Here is an example of what that would look like:

Howardian Hills
This OPS showcases a directory of Heritage Landmarks within a specific area of the English landscape. Each landmark entry includes a brief description, heritage status, historical era, current street view, and additional information links. For 'More Information,' the sources may include links to the attraction's official website or more in-depth Free-Space pages on WikiTree. In some cases, there might be links to another One-Place-Study. This illustrates how a 'cluster' of points of interest can be encompassed within a single One-Place-Study.

What's Happening

Tour of Studies
Play the Tour of Studies.
Jul 2022
Jan 2023
Jul 2023
Archive videos
One Place Studies Map

This page was last modified 19:05, 5 September 2024. This page has been accessed 41,563 times.