Project: South African Roots/Sources

Categories: South African Roots Project

South African Roots Project Resources

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Anglo Boer War Kampe Cape of Good Hope 1652-1806 Voortrekkers

Important for South African profiles
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Please use the right Country Name for the period. Find it here.
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Sources and Pre 1700 Profiles

Reliable Sources

Death Records

Contains a searchable index of records. Some records are photographed and can be found on the FamilySearch servers below although they have not all yet been indexed by FamilySearch. Here you can see which collections has images or has been indexed. Currently being indexed FamilySearch Indexing
Browse only published collections on FamilySearch
National Archives of South Africa (NASA) NAAIRS Acronyms of Repositories New Naairs How To Matthew Bode's video

Maseti 01 Maseti 02 Master High Court SA from 2007

Cape 1689-1800 MOOC 7-1-1 7-1-42 7/1/1 1-77 1709 begin Cape 1923-1948 Natal Wills 1871-1913

Cape Index Cape 1692-1824 1692-1705 MOOC 8 1705-1714 1715- TANAP sinc Apr 2022

Death Notices and Probate files
Cape 1834-1950 1951 1951-1952 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1974 1974-1985 1997-2009 1950-53 1979-89 1999-2001 GSSA Project

E.Cape 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

E.Cape 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1962-1971

ZAR 1872-1896 1869-1939 Transvaal 1873-1950 1951-1952 1952-1975 Transvaal 1955-1960 1956 1957 1956-1966 1967-1975 1975

Vrystaat 1853-1950 Vrystaat 1951-2006 1951-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-2006

Natal 1843-1950 1951-1988 Zululand Death notices Zululand

Kimberley 1872-1937

Civil Death Notices
Cape 1758-1833 Death Registers South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972 1895-1962 1895-1954

Namibia Civil Deaths 1894-1954 Civil registration (deaths), South Africa and South West Africa, 1955-1966

Natal Civil deaths 1863-1923 Natal Civil deaths 1924-1953

Vrystaat Civil Deaths 1902-1954

Church Records on FamilySearch

NG Kerk Argief se Genealogiese Navorsing Opsomming
An excellent collection of links to and breakdown of South African church (and civil) records on FamilySearch can be found at My People Puzzle.
A refined version (work still in progress) of the above baptism and marriage indexes can be found at SA Quick Links
Search by Place Name on FamilySearch FamilySearch
NGK nuut NG Kerke ontstaan NG Kerke Kaart NGK Argief

Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Gereformeerde Kerk Argief. Potchefstroom Windhoek Cape Town

Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. Argief Bloemfontein Stellenbosch Natal Cape Transvaal

Church of the Province

Some Images in these collections
Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (Süd-West Afrika) KH 1910-1913

Anglican Church Archives Africa Anglican records at Wits Scroll down for links to collections

Catholic Church Cape Free State

NGK Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (Orange Free State) Cape Transvaal

Methodist Church Cape Natal Transvaal Free State

Birth and Baptisms

Baptisms Cape 1652-1800
The records of the Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) have all been indexed as far as I can tell and are spread over three searchable databases with duplication in some cases.
Drakenstein 1695-1717 1718 -1732 1732 - 1775 1775 - 1785 1809-1810

Ring registers 1845-1899
Index to surnames. First find the family member in this index. Note the town, register number and page. Next to that index link is the baptism records for the Cape link. Unfortunately Family Search did not index them by register number but by Rings up to about 1888 Thereafter alphabetically by town. With the Rings, take the year you are looking for and open the collections. At the back of the collections, usually the last or second/third last or so exposure gives a list of what was filmed in that collection. There are register numbers as well. Make a note of how many exposures were in each register. Now work back from the exposure count on the left top to find the right register where it starts. You have the page number now browse to the right page.
Note A new index of the Familysearch Collection of these Ring registers can be found under the town names at My People Puzzle
NG Kerk Ring indexs registers according to surname
Please note, although the indeks appears complete for the period, some years in some towns were not indexed.
1856-1861 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ

1860-1875 A B B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W XYZ

1875-1882 A B C D D E E F G H I J K K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W XYZ

1882-1888 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T T U U V V W XYZ

1888-1895(98) A B C D E F G H I J K L L M N O P-Q R S T U V W XYZ

NGK Indeks Cape 1845-1899 1899-1917

Grahamstown 1827-1930
Grahamstown Methodist 1876-1930

Baptisms Transvaal
Rustenburg - Gereformeerd 1859-1910

Baptisms Namibia
1942 Ned Geref. Kerk1956-1961 [1961-1964] 1964-1968 1968-1972 1972-1976 1976-1980


Marriages Cape
Index 1696-1899 Civil records 1794-1834 1900-1930 1818-1882 1931-1955 Genza Index

Marriages Transvaal

Marriages Namibia
Namibia Marriages Cape Town Civil Marriages 1854-1962 Cape Civil Marriages


Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Y Z
1795-1801 1795-1798 1802-1807 1806 1806 1806 1806-1819 1806-1819 Transcription 1806-1828 1818-1822 1819-1821 1821-1822 1822-1828 1820-1838 1839-1843 1859 1862

Southhampton and Liverpool Naturalization and citizenship 1865-1911

Graaff Reinet Passe


Personalia of the Germans at the Cape

British immigrants to South Africa

Passenger Lists

Hamburg-South Africa eGSSA SA Passenger Lists SA Genealogy


1796-1801 1814-1816 1819 1820 1821 1822 1822-1823 1823 1824 1824-1825 1825 1825 - 1839

Permits to leave 1839- Registers 1806-1844 Departing ships register Permissions leave 1828-

Other Information

Prizepapers British mail seizures. Anrie Hoogendoorn Indeks Newspapers Unindexed Freebies

Facebook page South African Genealogy E-Family Front Nasionaal Artikels

The African court calendar - De Africaansche staats almanak. Staatskoerante Staatskoerante Rhodesie Sabinet Namibia Staatskoerant 1990-2019 opengazettes

The Record, Cape pre 1809

Records of the Cape Colony 1793-1831 Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9 Vol 10 Vol 11 Vol 12 Vol 13 Vol 14 Vol 15 Vol 16 Vol 17
Vol 18 Vol 19 Vol 20 Vol 21 Vol 22 Vol 23 Vol 24 Vol 25 Vol 26 Vol 27 Vol 28 Vol 29 Vol 30 Vol 31 Vol 32 Vol 33 Vol 34 Vol 35 Vol 36 Contents 1-35


Nusantara Indonesie Bataavse rekords

Plekname/Place names South Africa, South West Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland
Annals of the Cape provincial Museums Plekname Vol12 Historiese Plekname Vol 10

Plase Plase2 UCT Kaarte Duitse plekname Duitse plekname 2 Belgiese plekname Ou Plekname in VOC tyd gebruik Soldaat Uniforms

The Genealogical Society of South Africa - oversight, research instructions, tips, links
The Genealogical Society of South Africa
eGSSA Online Library Books and Gravestones in South Africa
eGSSA Begrafnisbriewe / Funeral Programs Gravestones on FamilySearch
South African Records Transcribed Citing instructions here
List of verbatim copies All Volumes Maiores
Namibia Research

1820 Settlers

The 1820 Settler Correspondence
1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration
Records of the Cape Colony
Settler Returns
Settler Data Tables
Retired Soldiers who settled at the Cape 1818-1826

Facebook page 1820 Settlers South Africa Ship by ship

Natal Setlers FreeCen Scotlandspeople

British Concentration Camps of the South African War 1900-1902

All British Concentration Camps and People search Timeline Anglo-Boer War Museum Camp Death Notices Registers BCCD
Diyatalawa kamp Oath of Allegiance 1902-1903


Timeline Nog 'n puik webblad verlore!


Dorslandtrekkers:Angola Huwelike Angola Huwelike Indeks Angola Huwelike Angola: Nederduits Hervormde Kerk Chicuma Humpata Index Humpata Trek huwelikke


Oorsig About Alle Rolle Dorpindeks

Beaufort West J9 1822 J11, 1824 J14, 1829

Caledon J-60 1813 J-61-1814

Cape Transcripts 1657-1713 Transcripts Den Haag Records: Vrijluijden 1673 1679 Vrijboek 1681 J-41 1807

Clanwilliam J-30-1824 J-31-1825 J-34-1829 J-35-1831 J-36-1832

Cradock J-73 1814 J74 1815 J75 1816 J76 1817 J77 1817 J78 1817 J79 1817 J80 1817 J81 1817 J-82-1818 J-84 1819 J-86 1822 J-88 1824

Graaff-Reinet 1788 J-113-J114-J115 1796-1798 J-117-J120 1799-1801 J-122 1802-1804 J-123-Swellendam, 1803 J-124 1805 J-127 1806 J-129-J-130-J-131-J-132 1807-1809 J-133-J-134-J-135-J-136J-137 1810-1811 J-138-J-139-J-140 1812-1813 J-142-J43 1814-1815 J-144-J148 1814-1816 J-157 1821 J-159 1822 J-168-J-169 1829-1830 J-172-J-173-J-174-J-175-J-176-J-177 1832-1837 J-180-J-181 1840

Tulbagh J377, 1810 J379-J380, 1812-1813 J386-J388, 1817-1819 J390, 1818-1820

Swellendam J341-J346, 1822-1824 J349-J350, 1825

Stellenbosch J192, 1737 J232, 1805 J237-J239, 1808-1809 J241, 1809-1811 J245, 1812 J269, 1823 J272-J274, 1824 J276-J277, 1825 J282, 1826 J285, 1827 J293, 1830 J295, 1835 J297-J298, 1832 J300, 1833 J303, 1835

Tulbagh J377, 1810 J379-J380, 1812-1813 J386-J388, 1817-1819 J390, 1818-1820

Worcester J-443-J-444-Worcester, 1818-1830

Slave Register during abolition period 1816-1838

Private slave owners had to register their slaves from about 1816. This was done per District, organized in 'Ledgers', ordered by first letter of the surname, with numbered 'Folios' per slave owner. Each 'Ledger' starts with a catalog listing names of owners and the number of the corresponding 'Folio'.

In 1826 a general index was made, listing private slave owners from the whole Cape Colony, with their District, and the Folio number.

There is also very interesting detailed information, in French, about the continued importation of slaves from Mauritius, using the 'domestic slave' loophole, where people went to Mauritius, acquired a few slaves, and then travelled with these new 'domestic slaves' back to the Cape. This was then not considered to be 'overseas trade', which was forbidden. Registration administration in Mauritius was in French, and in the French tradition.

A first way to give value to this trove of information is probably to add a section "Slave Owner" to the bio of slave owners, to list the slaves on this registry. One can usually give an estimate of the date of birth for slaves, as their 'enregisterment' date is always given, usually with an estimate of their age. When slaves were born from slave mothers, their birth date is usually recorded. Usually the mother is listed, but nothing is given about the father. It is recorded when slaves are sold or just transferred to other people, usually with the new District, Ledger and Folio number.

Familysearch has a search page for this slave registry, but it often cannot find what is there. It would be worthwhile to make an index pointing into the relevant Ledgers, etc on the familysearch system.

Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope

List of verbatim copies All Volumes 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Journals Vol 01 vd Stel 1699-1732 v Riebeeck Vol 05 1651-12--1653-12 Vol 06 1656-01--1658-12 Vol 07 1659-01--1662-05 Vol 14 1662--1670 Vol 15 1671--1674 1676
Leters Received Vol 02 1695-1708 Vol 08 1649-1662 I Vol 09 1649-1662 II
Letters Despatched Vol 03 1696-1708 Vol 11 1652-1662 I Vol 12 1652-1662 II Vol 13 1652-1662 III
Defence of WA vd Stel Vol 04 Rebellie van 1815 Slachtersnek
Resoluties Vol 10 1652-1662
Requesten (Memorials) Vol 16 1715--1806 A-E Vol 17 1715--1806 F-O Diary of Adam Tas

This page was last modified 14:45, 19 September 2024. This page has been accessed 43,501 times.