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George Rivers (1554 - 1629)

Sir George "Knight" Rivers
Born in Chafford Place, Ashurst, Kent, Englandmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Husband of — married 1570 in Englandmap
Descendants descendants
Died at age 75 in Englandmap
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Profile last modified | Created 17 Jan 2018
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Sir George Rivers was the son of Sr. John Rivers (1500-1584) and Elizabeth Barnes (1510-1554).[1]

Sir George Rivers and Frances Bowyer had the following children:

  1. Sir John Rivers of Chafford, Knight, and Baronet, eldest son and heir (1579 - 1676)[1][2]
  2. George Rivers, of Hadlow, in Kent, married and had issue.[2]
  3. William Rivers of London, Grocer (1576-1634), married Elizabeth Cobbet, daughter of Thomas Cobbet of London, Clerk.[1][2]
  4. Alice Rivers married Sir George Courthrope, Knight of Wyleigh-in-Ticehurst, co. Sussex; and died in May 1622.[2]
  5. Elizabeth Rivers married Nicholas Roe.[1][2]

According to the Visitation of London in 1633-1634, the pedigree is a signed pedigree by son William Rivers who knew who his mother was.[1] Sir George Rivers married Francis Bowyer, daughter and coheiress of William Bowyer in Com. Sussex.[1]

Sir George Rivers was awarded a grant in 1606 found in the Collection: England - Index to Bills of Privy Signet (Signed Bills), 1584-1596 & 1603-1624; Writs of Privy Seal, 1600-1603.

Will of Sir George Rivers, of Chafford, Kent.
Signed 3 December 1627
Proved 5 June 1630.
PROB 11/157/619

This is the last will and testament made by me Sir George Rivers of Chafford in the countie of Kent knight the third daie of December Anno Domini one thousand sixe hundred twentie seaven and in the third yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord king Charles of England Scotland ffrannce and Ireland defender of the faith by and with the sufferance ance grace of allmightie god Amen I sir Georg Rivers, Consideringe the slipperie estate and fragilitie of this transitorie life, and partlie procured to the remembrance of the same by the grace of god through weaknes and infirmitie of my bodie daily increasing and age weeping on, whereof I feele divers tokens and some passions of [illegible] of witt with forgetfulnes more then in times past, whereof I most humblie thank my maker for such his gentle callinge of mee (I trust) to repentance whereby I hope through the faith I have in his promise of mercie through Jesus Christ his sonnes meritts and not by my owne deservinge to rest with him in glory, And therefore of thinges which he hath lent me in this world I make this my testament and declare this my last will as followeth ffirst I bequeath my soule too lord and saviour Jesus Christ hopinge and assured belevinge the full and free forgivenes of all my sinnes only by and through his pretions death and passion and my earthlie bodie to be buried in decent and seenicly manner according to the discretion of my deerelie beloved lady and wife whom in regard of her faithfull love toward mee together with my dutifull sonne George Rivers I make and ordaine the sole executors of this my last will and testament desivinge them to be carefull to see this my last will truly performed, And for their better assistance therein I make and ordaine my trusty and faithfull friends Sr Eubulus Thelwall knight one of the masters of the high court of the Channcery Richard Amherst of Lewes in the countie of Sussex Serjeant at the lawe and Edward Rivers of London my kinde and lovinge brother to be the overseers of this my last will, desivinge them to extend their and councell and good advice unto my said executors for the better accomplishment and execution of this my last will and testament, And I will and devise unto them as pledges of my love [illegible] followeth viz: To the said Sr Eubulus Thelwell tenn pounds, To the said [Sr crossed out] Richard Amherst twenty pounds, and To the said Edward Rivers tenn pounds, And unto my sonne in lawe George Courthope esquier tenn pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto the children of Willyam Rivers my sonne the some of tenn pounds, And unto the said Willyam Rivers the some of tenn pounds of currant englishe money to be paid unto the within one yeare next after my decease by tenn pounds a yeare the said then pounds to be paid to their father And wheras I the said Sr George Rivers an executor of the last will and testament of the last right honourable Richard Earle of Dorsett deceased I doe further add unto my will and declare to parcell of my last will, That for, touching and concerninge my debts or somes of money givinge unto the said Earle that Richard Amherst Serjeant of the law and Edward Luisey esquier my dear friends shalbe my executor And I doe ratifie my confirme unto them the grant by me formerly made unto them of the goodes and chattells debtts and creditts of the said Earle Dated the third daie of Maye one thousand sixe hundred twenty fower, And doe grannt and devise that they shall have all the same debts and somes of money goods and chattells for and towards the payment of the debtts of the said Richard Earle of Dorsett Item I doe further will devise declare and charge the mannor of Chafford and all such other lands and tenements as I have power to charge by vertue of an agreement by indenture tripertite bearing date the twentith day of March in the fower and thirtieth yeare of the raigne of our late soveraigne lady queene Elizabeth with payment of the some of eight hundred pounds with said Indenture mencioned and that the said eight hundred pounds shalbe levied and taken by the said George Rivers my sonne being one of my said exectuors out of the said mannors land and tenements Ad that hee the said George Rivers his executors and assignes shall take the rents and profitts thereof untill thy have levied and raised the said some out of the said mannors lands and tenements to and for the pfermentand advancement of the said George Rivers And yet [illegible] I doe devise that if Sr John Rivers Baronett my unkind sonne or his heires doe paie the said eigth hundred pounds within one moneth next after my decease or give unto the said George Rivers his heires executors or assignes good securities to paie the saide eight hundred pounds unto him [his executors inserted above] or assignes at the end of twelve months next after my decease And also that if my unkind sonne Sr John Ryvers Baronett doe within the said moneth make good and ratifie two leases which I have made the one to mes Wymiard of a farme called Parkhanns place in Hadlowe, and the other made to John Iden gent deceased, and late come to the hands of Thomas Barton of Hadlowe late deceased, and such other leases as I have made of lands in and about Hadlowe and Chafford, That then fower hundred pounds of the said eight pounds shall goe to his the said Sr John Rivers my unkinde sonne his daughters, to be paid to them with in five yeares [to be paid to them crossed out] after other according to their ages afer my decease; But if he shall interrupt my executors or goe about to make anie part of this my will void. Then my meaninge is this legacies given to his daughters to be utterly void, and it to remayne to my executors for the further performance of this my will; And my farther will is that whereas I have a third part in the Ma: of Wolton in the countie of South yf in my life time it be not sold, that my executor with my good friendes Sr Eub: Thelwall, and mr Seriant Amherst doe make sale thereof for and towards the payment of my debtts and discharge of legacies, And I further give and bequeath to my lovinge wife for the use of my godson George Bury after her decease my quilt bason and ewer with such plate as I have sett downe under my hand in her Inventarie, I give to my goddaughter Rowe a silver tankerd, and to my daughter Rivers the wife of James Rivers two silver planie candlesticks And to the pishe of Penshurst three pounds and to Alherst fortie shillinges for the poore of both parishes, And to my servants one quarters wayes to be paid within one yeare after my decease. I revoke all other wills In witnes whereof I the said Sr George Rivers hand to everie sheete hereto set my hand and to the last my seale, and published this to be my last will revokinge all former wills the daie and yeares above written in the presence of Geo. Rivers xxxj Januarij 1629: published and allowed as his last will, and these lynes putt out before the publicaion hereof, and this will allowed with the interlineacons and subscripion and addicon under his owne hand in the prsence of Thomas Ravenscroft Edward Rivers ffr Poulton Richard Isted :/[3]

Sir George Rivers' executors can be identified according to The Herald and Genealogist in the fourth volume on page 133, and it says, “Wife and son George Rivers to be executors (latter proved the will, with power reserved to the former Dame Judith Rivers.”[3] It implies that Dame Judith Rivers apparently was George Rivers' third wife after the death of the second wife, Francis Bowyers, so Dame Judith Rivers was his last wife.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Howard, Joseph Jackson. The Visitation of London, Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635, Made by Sr. Henry St. George, Kt. Richmond Herald, and Deputy and Marshall to Sr. Richard St. George, Kt., Clarencieux King of Armes. Vol. II. London: The Harleian Society, 1883, p. 201. Print.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Burke, John, and Bernard Burke. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. London: Harrison, 1858, p. 848. Print.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Nichols, John Gough. The Herald and Genealogist, Vol. IV. London: J. G. Nichols and R. C. Nichols, 1867, p. 133.
See also:
  • England, Extracted Parish and Court Records, 1399-1795 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2017.

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'George Rivers, knight' was buried at St John the Baptist Penshurst on 12th February 1629/30.
posted by Anonymous Baker

Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: George is 23 degrees from Prince Nelson, 18 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 18 degrees from Garth Brooks, 29 degrees from Chubby Checker, 23 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 19 degrees from Dusty Hill, 28 degrees from Whitney Houston, 19 degrees from Mick Jagger, 21 degrees from Paul McCartney, 19 degrees from Tom Petty, 20 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 20 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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