Alice Rivers was the daughter of Sir John Rivers, Lord Mayor of the City of London.
She married first, Richard Ingpen, the son of Francis Ingpen.[1]
She had a following child by Richard Ingpen:
She married second, Matthew Carew.[2]
She had the following children by Matthew Carew:
She was mentioned in her husband, Matthew Carew's will in 1618.[4]
Lady Dame Alice Carew was buried in the parish of North and Middle Littleton on 7 December 1638.[5]
In the name of God Amen The tenth day of December in the thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the truth etc Annoq Dm. 1637 I Alice Carew of Middle Littleton in the Countie of Worcester widdowe (late wife of Sr. Mathew Carew Knt Dcor of the lawes and one of the Ms of the high Court of Chancery deceased being now aged and subiect to sicknes and infirmity of body but of good and perfect memory thankes be to the Almightie God Doe make constitute and ordaine my last will and testament in manner and forme following first acknowledging my election exeution redemption sanctificacon and institication I doe most willingly bequeath comitt and render my soule aneated substance invisible incorporall immortall and resemblinge the image of her creator unto the most holy and sacred hands of God the maker thereof of God the redeemer and saviour thereof and of God the holye [illegible] the comforter thereof one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in unitie To whome be al honor power and glory now and for ever Amen I doe confesse and professe in all humility that I do verie confidently beleeve that the promise of Gods grace int he mercie and merritts of Christ belongeth unto mee And that I shalbe saved by the onely death and passion of that Jesus Christ who hath thereby satisfied his ffathers wrath and iust indignation for my most grevious sinns and offences my body beinge subiect to death an coruption I commend as earth to eath whereof it was made to be interred where it shall please my executor assuredly beleevinge that the same shall rise againe not corruptible vile and weake as now it is but mortal stronge and perfect in all things like the glorious bodie of my Redemer Christ Jesus and united to my soule everlastingely to be saved wth God grannt for his mercyes sake And as touching those temporall thinges were with it hath pleased the Lord to bless mee thereby accordinge to the advice of the holye [illegible] the betten to settle the same in order before my departure hence I do hereby dispose Give devise will and bequeath them in manner and forme following first I give an bequeath unto Martha Carew second daugther of my sonne Sr Mathew Carew knight the sume of fiftie pounds to be payed unto her at her age of one and twenty yeares or with in six monethes next after her daie of mariage which of them shall first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Christian Carew third daughter of my said sonne Sr. Mathew Carew the sume of one hundred and fiftie pounds to be paid unto her at her age of one and twenty yeares or with in six monethes next after the daie of her marriage which of them shall first happen And if either the said Martha or Christian shall happen to dye befoe their said severall ages or marriages then my will and meaninge is that the portion or sume of money hereby given unto her that shall be dye shalbe and remaine unto the survivor of them And if both the said Martha and Christian shall happen to dye before their said severall ages or marriages then my will and meaninge is that the said porcons soe and aforesaid to them given shalbe and remaine to the rest of the Children of my said sonne Sr Mathew that shalbe then liveinge (Elizabeth the now wife of David Williams Esquire who is all readie provided for excepted) to be equally devided amongst them at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Carew the fowerth Daughter of my said sonne Sr. Mathew the sume of one hundred poundes to be paid unto her when she shall accomplish the age of sixteene years or with in six monethes next after her daie of marriage which of them shall first happen And if the said Alice shalll happen to dye before she shall accomplish her said age of sixteene yeares or be married then my will and meaninge is that the said portion soe to her given shalbe and remaine to the residue of the Children of my said sonne Sr. Mathew Carew (except before excepted) equally to be devided amongst them at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto John Carew Mathew Carew and Henry Carew sonnes of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew the sume of one hundred poundes a peice to be paid unto them at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares And if the said John Mathew and Henry or any of them shall happen to dye before they shall accomplish their said severall ages of one and twenty yeares then my will And meaninge is That the sayd porcon of him or them soe dyeing shalbe and remaine to the rest of the Children of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew (except before excepted) to be equally devided amongst them at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto Gorge Carew Thomas Carew and James Carew three other sonnes of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew the summe of one hundred markes a peice to be paid unto them like wise at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares And if the said Gorge Thomas and James or any of them shall happen to dye before they shall attaine to their said severall ages of one and twenty yeares Then my will and meaninge is that the said porcon of him or them that shall soe dye shalbe and remaine to the residue of the Children of my sonne Sr Mathew Carew which shalbe then liveinge (except before excepted) to be equally devided amongst them at their several ages of one and twenty years Item I give and bequeath unto William Carew one other of the sonnes of the said Sr Mathew Carew my sonne the like sume of one hundred markes to be paid unto him at his age of one and twenty yeares And if the said William Carew shall happen to dye before shall accomplish his said age of one and twenty yeares Then my will and meaninge is That the said porcon soe to him given shalbe and remaine unto the said Alice Carew fowerth Daughter of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew to be paid unto her at her age of sixteene yeares or with in sixe monethes next after the day of her marriage which of them shall first happen And if the said Alice Carew shall happen to dye before she shall accomplish her said age of sixteene yeares or be married Then my will and meaninge is that the said sume of one hundred markes last mentioned shall likewise be and remaine to the residue of the Children of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew which shalbe then liveinge except before excepted equally to be devided amongst them at their said severall ages of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto my welbeloved Daughter in lawe the Lady ffrancis Carew wife of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew the sume of thenn poundes to be bestowed for her by my executor uppon a ringe which I desire her to weare for my sake Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Williams eldest Daughter of the said David Williams esquire and Elizabeth his wife eldest Daughter of my said son Sr Mathew Carew one bason and ewre of silver two silver tanckards two porrtingers of silver one cawdell Cupp with a spoone and a sliver ladle and one sugar boxe of silver to be delivered unto her at her age of sixteene years or at the day of her marriage which of them shall first happen And if the said Alice Williams shall happen to dye before she shall attaine unto her said age of sixteen years or be married Then my Will and meaninge is that all the said plaite bequeathed unto her as aforesaid shall remaine and be delivered unto the said Alice Carew fowerth daughter of my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew at such tyme as the legacy of one hundred poundes hereby before bequeathed unto her is appointed to be paid as aforesaid And in the meane tyme until the said plate by and according to this my last will and Testament is to be delivered my will and meaninge is that my said sonne Sr Mathew Carew and the said Dame ffrancis his wife shall have the use thereof Item I give and bequeath unto Jone Smith the sume of forty shillings to be paid unto her within sixe monethes next after my decease Item my will and meaning is that Jeremy Wright and his now wife shall hould and enioyed the dwellinge house wherein they now live scituate in or neere Lincolnes Inne ffeilds in the County of Midd for and duringe their naturall lives and the naturall life of the longest liver of them All the rest of my goods Chattles leases money plate househould stuffe and ymplements of househould whatsoever not herein before bequeathed (the legacies aforesaid hereby by me given and debits and funerall expences beinge first payd and discharged) I doe give and bequeath unto said sonne Sr Mathew Carew who I doe make and ordaine the sole executor of this my Last will and Testament desiring him to performe the ame in all points accordinge to my true intent and meaninge And soe hereby revokinge and adinilling all former wills and Testaments by me heretofore made Doe publishe and declare this to be my last will and the Testament contayninge five sheets of paper In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale Alice Carew Sealed and published the sixe and twenty Day of January Anno Dm 1637 In the present of Da: Williams Tho: Cresheld Tho: Broadway
Probatum fuit Testamentum supscriptum apud London coram mro Willimo Sames Legum Doctor ae Surrogato ventis viri Dm Henrin Marten mte legumilta Doctoris Curie Prerogative Cant maigi Custodis sive Comissarii litime constitue Nono die Mensis Martii Anno Dm mxta cur sum et computaconem Ealie Anglicane Millemio Sextenmo tricesimo octavo Juramento Dm Mathes Carew mite filii Dce Defuncta et exris in humoi testamento nominat Cui comissa fuit administraco oni et singulor bono air et Cr ed die Def De bene et fideliter administrand eadem Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. Ex.r.[6]
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers: Alice is 23 degrees from Prince Nelson, 19 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 17 degrees from Garth Brooks, 29 degrees from Chubby Checker, 23 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 19 degrees from Dusty Hill, 29 degrees from Whitney Houston, 20 degrees from Mick Jagger, 22 degrees from Paul McCartney, 20 degrees from Tom Petty, 20 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 21 degrees from Shania Twain on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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