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Godfrey William Pitcher Robertson (1927 - 2011)

Godfrey William Pitcher Robertson
Born in Norwood, South Australia, Australiamap
Ancestors ancestors
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of [private wife (1930s - unknown)]
Father of [private son (1950s - unknown)], [private daughter (1950s - unknown)] and [private daughter (1960s - unknown)]
Died at age 83 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australiamap [uncertain]
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Profile last modified | Created 2 Dec 2021
This page has been accessed 105 times.


Godfrey was born on the 1st March 1927 in Hackney, South Australia. He was the son of William Robertson and Florence Pitcher. [1] [2]

Godfrey was educated at St Peters College and the Adelaide University undertaking a science degree. Edith Herriot was responsible for introducing him to Betty Kidd, a work mate. They later married and had three children, Stuart, Kristen and Katrina. [3]

He worked in the Defence Science and Technology Group in Salisbury and ended heading up one of the five divisions, the Weapons Systems Research Laboratory. [4] [5]

He passed away in 2011 in Adelaide, South Australia. [6]


  1. Unsourced family tree handed down to Mark Dodd.
  2. accessed on 13 Feb 2024 Surname: ROBERTSON Given Names: William Godfrey Pitcher Gender: M Father: William James ROBERTSON Birth Residence: (members only) District: Norwood Book/Page: 188A/475 Notes: Not Recorded Birth Year: 1927
  3. Family history collated by niece Anne Hausler
  4. accessed on 02 Dec 2021 pg 108, 111
  5. accessed on 13 Feb 2024
  6. Personal correspondence betweenMark Dodd with Godfrey's family.

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